I can use TFSCONFIG IDENTITIES to see all users in TFS, however, that pulls up accounts that are years old and no longer have an AD account tied to it. I want to limit search to only people that have an AD account. Is this possible? I did find blog below, but before I try that I wanted to see if there was a powershell script or TFS command that would provide what I needed. thanks.
There is no such TFS command line could handle this situation. Afraid you have to go through the collection database level in TFS to obtain related info.
You could use Last_Access_Time, a sample script as below:
SELECT IdentityName,
FROM tbl_Command WHERE CommandId IN
(SELECT Max(CommandId) FROM tbl_Command WHERE Application NOT LIKE 'Team Foundation JobAgent' Group By IdentityName ) ORDER BY Last_Access_Time DESC
Note, before you run the SQL script, you could double check if there are something changed, if there are some columns not available any more, since the blog is out of date.
Another way is archiving the contents of the tbl_command in the TFS databases. In the TFS databases tbl_command captures connection information. This table by default only stores 14 days of information. You could take a look at this similar question: Find out the users that has logged-in to TFS in last 6 months
You could setup another database and have a job to copy information for longer term use. Details please refer this sample.
After reading this and couple related threads I found the following worked great for me (on TFS2015U3):
USE [Tfs_YourTeamProjectCollectionNameHere] -- Optional if you already have Query connected to your TPC.
SELECT IdentityName AS [User], Max(StartTime) AS [LastConnect] FROM tbl_Command with (nolock) GROUP BY IdentityName ORDER BY [LastConnect] DESC
Last Login for each user - per www.databaseforum.info/30/1174675.aspx (likely scraped from some other original source)
and legit reference "What's My Server Doing?" https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jefflu/2005/08/11/team-foundation-whats-my-server-doing/
Cheers and enjoy! -Zephan
Try this utility/command:
tfssecurity /imx all: https://yourtfsserver.company.com
That should print out everything. If anything just look at the help for this tool. It tells you how to do exactly what you're asking for.
It would be in %INSTALL_DRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE
Hello I'm running Obi 11g and I'm creating a dashboard for managers and I'm having difficulty finding a way to create a report for the dashboard that shows only the employees directly reporting to the manager running the dashboard / report.
I've done a little research and I'm guessing this is going to be done by session variables? but i'm not sure how. If there was a way I can pull the executing user's username I could just say employee.username = session.username and then run the query accordingly but is there a way to this?
Any help would be appreciated greatly. Thanks.
This is Oracle. It offers a function named USER that returns ... well, current user. So, your query might utilize it as
where employee.username = user
Since this may be an Oracle product but not and Oracle database query, you will need sth more OBI-specific:
I found what I was looking for
SELECT fnd_global.user_name FROM DUAL
This posts the username instead of the schema.
I'm wanting to be able to input any given report server url and display a list of reports available on that server.
I found this question, and it's useful if I compile the project with a reference to a specific sql server (How do I get a list of the reports available on a reporting services instance). But (unless I'm just completely missing something which is possible) it doesn't show me how to do what I've stated above.
You could query the ReportServer database of your reporting server.
FROM dbo.Catalog
WHERE Type = 2
Should give you a list of all of the reports.
You can go to Web Service URL (note: not Report Manager URL). So if your main managing URL is http://server/Reports and Web Service URL is http://server/ReportServer - open the second one. It will give you raw listing of available items.
Note that this will include reports, datasources, folders etc.
Same as answer above,
with a use clause added at top
(in case this helps anyone ..) :
Use ReportServer;
FROM dbo.Catalog
WHERE Type = 2
Order by Name
I noted that select * above contains a field called Content which might be an issue for an export of result to excel .. So I tried a lesser list of columns :
Use ReportServer;
FROM dbo.Catalog
WHERE Type = 2
Order by Name
The first answer above didn't seem to work for me ..
i.e. http://server/ReportServer
(replacing server with my reporting server name ..)
I get message "The webpage cannot be found" ..
Maybe this answer is version or security settings specific ?
Is there a way to do this if an unsaved tab gets accidentally closed?
I was able to recover a query I was working on after accidentally closing the tab. If you actually ran the query, it should be in SQL Server's query cache. Query the query cache and order the results by creation date. More info on the SQL Server query cache:
Modify a query like this one (found at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee343986(v=SQL.100).aspx)
SELECT cp.objtype AS PlanType,
OBJECT_NAME(st.objectid,st.dbid) AS ObjectName,
cp.refcounts AS ReferenceCounts,
cp.usecounts AS UseCounts,
st.text AS SQLBatch,
qp.query_plan AS QueryPlan
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS st;
to get your desired result. The "st.text" column will have the query that was run on the database server.
I also found at MSDN website that it is not possible to recover these files, but I would give a try to this (it worked for me):
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Backup Files\Solution1 and choose files for date when machine restarted or crash happened. SQLBlog.com
Take a look in the folder C:\Users\”[your username goes here]“\AppData\Local\Temp\ (this wasn't work for me because my .sql files had 0KB and .tmp files had something, but I couldn't find the way to 'extract' code from these .tmp files). Suppose that sometimes can be helpful, depending on reason of system reboot/crash. ayesamson.com
I'm not sure that there is, but using TimeSnapper can be a help to show what was previously in the window.
I don't believe so. I checked on the msdn website and there's a thread about this and the answer is no.
Navigate to My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio Express\Backup Files\Solution1 you will find the Recovered backlogs.This is the only solution.
1.Take a look in the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERIDHERE\AppData\Local\temp, then sort files by date modified and pick the last .sql that has a size greater than 0 bytes. That worked for me.
Unfortunately SSMS currently does not have the Undo Closed Tab feature. I have created the following Connect Item so Microsoft will hopefully add this in a future version: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/Feedback/Details/1044403
I have made an update statement in a table in SQL 2008 which updated the table with some wrong data.
I didn't have a backup for the DB.
It's some important dates which got updated.
Is there anyway where i can recover the old data from the table.
Basically no unless you want to use a commercial log reader and try go through it with a fine tooth comb. No backup of the database can be an 'update resume, leave town' scenario - harsh but it just should not happen.
Andrew basically has called it. I just want to add a few ideas you can consider if you are desperate:
Are there any reports or printouts lying around? Perhaps you can reconstruct the data from there.
Was this data entered via a web application? If so, there is a remote chance you can find the original data in the web server logs, depending upon how the app was constructed, etc.
Does this app interface (pass data to) any other applications? They may have a buffered copy of data...
Can the data be derived from any other existing data? Is there an audit log table, or another date in your schema based on this one, from which you can reconstruct the original date?
Some commenters are mentioning that is is a good idea to test your update/delete statements before running them. For this to become habit, it helps if you have an easy method. I usually create my DELETE statements like this:
--delete --select *
from [User]
where UserID=27
To run the select in order to test your query, highlight everything from select onwards. To then run the delete if you are satisfied with the filter criteria, highlight everything from delete onwards. The two dashes in front of delete are so that if the query accidentally gets run, it will just crash due to invalid syntax.
You can use a similar construct for UPDATE statements, although it is not quite as clean.
SQL server keeps log for every transation.So you can recover your modified data from the log as well without backup.
Select [PAGE ID],[Slot ID],[AllocUnitId],[Transaction ID]
,[RowLog Contents 0], [RowLog Contents 1],[RowLog Contents 3],[RowLog Contents 4]
,[Log Record]
FROM sys.fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
AllocUnitId IN
(Select [Allocation_unit_id] from sys.allocation_units allocunits
INNER JOIN sys.partitions partitions ON (allocunits.type IN (1, 3)
AND partitions.hobt_id = allocunits.container_id) OR (allocunits.type = 2
AND partitions.partition_id = allocunits.container_id)
Where object_id=object_ID('' + 'dbo.student' + ''))
Here is the artcile, that explains step by step, how to do it.
Thanks for all the responses.
The problem was actually accidentally ---i missed to select the where condition in the update statement.---Rest !.
It was a quick 5 minutes task --Like just changing the date to test for one customer data--so we didn't think of taking a backup.
Yes of course you are true ..This is a lesson.
Now onwards i will be careful to write "my update statements in a transaction." or "test my update statements"
Thanks once again--for spending your time to give some insight rather ignoring the question since the only answer is "NO".
Always take a backup before major UPDATE statements, even if it's not used, there's the peace of mind
Especially with Red Gate's Object Level Restore, one can restore individual table/row now given a backup file
Good luck, I'd suggest finding an old copy elsewhere (DEV/QA) etc...
Isn't it possible to do a rollback on an UPDATE statement?
Late one but hopefully useful…
If database is in full recovery mode then all transactions are logged in transaction log and can be retrieved. Problem is that this is not natively supported because this is not the main purpose of the transaction log.
Options are:
Commercial tools such as Apex Log (more expensive, more options) or Quest Toad (less expensive, less options for this purpose main focus is on SQL Server management)
Trying to do this yourself, like user1059637 pointed out. Problem with this approach is that it can’t read transaction log backups and is more tedious.
It comes down to how much your data is worth to you in terms of time and $.
I was wondering if it is possible to not attach Excel sheet if it is empty, and maybe write a different comment in the email if empty.
When I go to report delivery options, there's no such configuration.
Edit: I'm running SQL Server Reporting Services 2005.
Some possible workarounds as mentioned below:
MSDN: Reporting Services Extensions
NoRows and NoRowsMessage properties
I should look into these things.
I believe the answer is no, at least not out of the box. It shouldn't be difficult to write your own delivery extension given the printing delivery extension sample included in RS.
Yeah, I don't think that is possible. You could use the "NoRows" property of your table to display a message when no data is returned, but that wouldn't prevent the report from being attached. But at least when they opened the excel file it could print out your custom message instead of an empty document.
Found this somewhere else...
I have a clean solution to this problem, the only down side is that a system administrator must create and maintain the schedule. Try these steps:
Create a subscription for the report with all the required recipients.
Set the subscription to run weekly on yesterday's day (ie if today is Tuesday, select Monday) with the schedule starting on today's date and stopping on today's date. Essentially, this schedule will never run.
Open the newly created job in SQL Management Studio, go to the steps and copy the line of SQL (it will look something like this: EXEC ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent #EventType='TimedSubscription', #EventData='1c2d9808-aa22-4597-6191-f152d7503fff')
Create your own job in SQL with the actual schedule and use something like:
IF EXISTS(SELECT your test criteria...)
EXEC ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent #EventType=... etc.
I have had success with using a Data-Driven Subscription and a table containing my subscribers, with the data-driven subscription query looking like this:
In the delivery settings, the recipient is the data column containing my email addresses.
If the inner query returns no rows, then no emails will be sent.
For your purposes, you can take advantage of the "Include Report" and "Comment" delivery settings.
I imagine that a data-driven subscription query like this will work for you:
SELECT 'person1#domain.com; person2#domain.com' AS RECIPIENTS,
CASE WHEN EXISTS (REPORT_QUERY) THEN 'The report is attached' ELSE 'There was no data in this report' END AS COMMENT
Then use those columns in the appropriate fields when configuring the delivery settings for the subscription.