Tunnel NETCONF for dynamic host over SSH tunnel - ssh

I have a requirement to tunnel NETCONF (typically TCP-22) connections over a jumphost, but for a dynamic host.
I understand I can do remote SSH tunneling for defined hosts, e.g.:
ssh -R 2201:jumphost:22 rtr1
ssh -R 2202:jumphost:22 rtr2
But I'd like to be able to connect to a dynamic host, by tunneling over a jumphost, something like:
ssh -R 2201:jumphost:22 *
And then to be able to make a NETCONF connection such as:
connect rtrN port 2201
Is this doable via SSH tunneling? I don't want to use dynamic SSH tunnels, as I'd have to specify a proxy port whenever I make the connection, which I can't really do when I make the connection.

I've actually figured out how to do this in case anyone is interested:
In SSH config file:
Host *.*
ProxyCommand ssh user#jump nc %h %p
Then anything you SSH to, will forward over the jump connection, then nc to the host.


Use ssh over port forwarded connection

My organisation makes us connect to our AWS environments using a "bastion" host so my openssl .ssh config file looks a bit like this:
Host bastion.*.c1.some.com
User bastionuser
ProxyCommand none
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ForwardAgent yes
Host *.c1.some.com 12.345.* 456.12.1.*
User awsuser
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ForwardAgent yes
ProxyCommand ~/.ssh/proxy_command.sh %h %p
I want to use an ssh client built into the CLion IDE to connect to my AWS environment but it does not support this kind of configuration.
Can I setup a port forward using openssl and then establish an ssh connection over that tunnel from within CLion?
I was able to setup a port forward using PuTTY and afterwards I was able to establish a second ssh connection over the port forward using Intellij. For some reason I couldn't establish the second ssh connection over the OpenSSH port forward, perhaps because the Git Bash environment is sandboxed or something?
Presumably this will also work with any other SSH client that doesn't support tunneling out of the box.

Avoid port-forwarding

I have a dd-wrt router where I setup a ssh port-forwarding rule to redirect each WAN request towards a host in the private LAN that at the moment is unavailable. Is it possible to avoid the firewall redirection with a ssh parameter and connect directly to the router via ssh ? Note: At the moment I haven't direct access to the router.
One effective solution is to setup a single SSH port forward to one host on the network, and then use SSH forwarding via that host to the others.
This can be added easily to the client ssh config:
host AnyNameYouLike
Hostname remoteHostnameOrIp
Proxycommand ssh -q proxyuser#proxyhostname.remotely.accessible nc -q0 %h %p
User remoteHostnameOrIpUser
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/remoteHostnameOrIp_id_rsa
You can omit the IdentityFile line if you prefer alternative authentication. If you set up an entry for proxyuser#proxyhostname.remotely.accessible too you can have completely passwordless and transparent proxying.
Further, you can use wildcards, and have ssh automatically ssh via the proxy for any matching host, eg:
host 10.10.10.*
proxycommand ssh -q proxyuser#proxyhostname.remotely.accessible nc -q0 %h %p

ssh through proxy via dynamic port forwarding

I am trying to use dynamic port forwarding to ssh to various servers in my university from home.
I used local port forwarding successfully:
ssh -L 10001:server1:22 my_user#proxy_server
ssh -p
but I am using 12 servers, and I'd like to create only one tunnel (dynamic).
Is it possible to configure ssh to use a SOCKS proxy?
You can add the '-L' option several times to have more then one forwarding through one ssh connection.
ssh -L 10001:server_1:22 -L10002:server_2:22 -L ... my_user#proxy_server

How to bypass firewall for RSYNC with SSH tunneling and corkscrew Proxy

I'm trying to use rsync to connect to an Rsync server. However, our company firewall blocks the 873 port used by rsync.
Using the following proxy configuration with corkscrew in the ~/.ssh/config file, I can bypass the firewall and connect to remote servers with SSH:
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/corkscrew our-http-proxy.domain.name 8080 %h %p
Thus, with the above configuration, I use ssh the following way, which lets me connect to a remote machine with no problem:
ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 username#remote.machine.name -p 443
My question is, can I use rsync to utilize such ssh tunnel, and connect to the Rsync server?
I so far tried a few ways to have rsync utilize the same ssh proxy configuration. One of them is as follows, which always results in ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host:
rsync -CaLvz -e "ssh -L 873:remote.rsync-server.name:443" remote.rsync-server.name::remote-source-directory /local/target/directory/
Any ideas?

Is it possible to do multiple port forwarding with one ssh connection?

I can now forward one port 8080 to the remote port 80 by ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 user#host.com, Is it possible to do multiple port forwarding with one ssh connection?
Yes, use -L option for each port to be forwarded.
ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 -L 7070:localhost:70 user#host.com
That is called dynamic port forwarding and if both the SSH server and SSH client support this, you configure your clients to use the SSH client as a SOCKS proxy and the SSH does the rest. In this case one "SSH connection" (in fact SSH connection carries multiple independent channels "inside") is used to connect to multiple destinations.