IntelliJ Recompiling classes it could get from target/ - intellij-idea

I have a multi-module project that uses maven. Is there a way I can point IntelliJ to maven target/ folder so when I start Debug it won't rebuild the project from scratch and re-upload a whole project via JRebel all over again.
Basically, use target/ as a build folder. Changing compile output path didn't work as I expected it to not compile classes that were compiled by mvn already.

The IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations can specify which actions happen before launching the application.
By default for say web applications, this would display
Build x artifact
You may remove both entries if you are happy with building via maven before launching the application.
Regarding the JRebel side of it - it should certainly not be updating the classes on the second compile assuming nothing changed. The classes have their hashes checked before a reload. This is assuming maven and IntelliJ are using the default javac compiler. If either is configured to use ecj compiler, it's best to let JRebel only see classes built with the same compiler.


JRebel less useful in IntelliJ than Eclipse?

I just set up JRebel to use with my Spring web app in IntelliJ, and was very surprised to learn that I have to manually rebuild the project/recompile every time I want my changes to be reflected. Doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of JRebel? Is there something I'm missing here? With Eclipse it was nearly instant, make changes anywhere, save, instantly reflected in running app. With IntelliJ the process seems very clunky. Am I missing something here?
Running with JRebel in IntelliJ involves starting your application using Run > Run with JRebel and when you change your application code you have to build the project in order for IntelliJ to compile classes and update your application.
You can do this by running SHIFT + F9 or Build > Build Project
From the JRebel docs:
JRebel relies upon your IDE to do the compiling. JRebel reloads your compiled .class files and not your .java files. When you change code, JRebel pushes the changed classes and resources to the server without redeploying.
Regardless of what IDE you use, JRebel still needs the IDE to compile the classes before it can update the running application. IntelliJ is no different to Eclipse in this regard. Perhaps Eclipse was just auto building the project without you being aware of it. You can also instruct IntelliJ to auto build from Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Build project automatically.
Here's a screenshot showing that configuration setting:

Will intellij idea "mvn install" automatically when make the project?

I'd like to know what will Intellij IDEA do with my Maven project when I click "build the project"?
How will Intellij build the project with Maven?
Intellij IDEA will not automatically do a make install when you do a Build Project. In order to do that, proceed as follows:
Under Maven Projects tab (usually on the right hand side), select the goals you want Intellij to run after a Build -> Make Project and then right click and select the trigger (for instance in the above snapshot, the trigger was chosen as 'Execute After Make'. You can choose whatever you wish).
After doing this a Build -> Make Project will run a mvn clean install as well.
IntelliJ's build system refers to the Maven ecosystem for some hints, but at the end of the day it is a separate build system.
In IntellIJ, you have a Project, with many Modules. These are both IntelliJ concepts.
An IntelliJ Module has a responsibility to understand what are its dependencies and libraries. This can be done purely with IntelliJ semantic, or IntelliJ can allow some other build system to declare the dependencies and libraries. That is to say: the IntelliJ Module can be based on a Maven pom.xml or Gradle's build.gradle.
When you click "Make" on an IntelliJ Java Module: IntelliJ will check which libraries your Module asks for, and also resolve the dependencies of your Module to work out which libraries its dependent Modules ask for.
Once the libraries are known: IntelliJ will invoke Javac or the Eclipse Compiler (whichever you've configured as your Java compiler) with all those libraries on the classpath. And it will output a jar, not a Maven artefact.
IntelliJ Make will not run a mvn compile or similar (unless you configure it to explicitly, as per #Ashutosh Jindal's answer.
Why would IntelliJ use its own, separate build system, when you've provided an authoritative definition for how you'd like to build your project? I can imagine various reasons:
Maven generally just outputs an artefact (sources and binary jars, and a pom.xml), whereas IntelliJ needs additional semantic and indexes to provide all its IDE intelligence. It makes sense to perform the indexing process alongside the compile, since: if you do the compile incrementally, you can understand incrementally which indexes are dirtied also.
The IDE benefits from being involved in the compilation process. For example: IntelliJ can do "continue on error" builds using the Eclipse compiler. Additionally, the Eclipse compiler can be used to compile only those files which have changed (IDEs watch you as you code, so they know very well which files are dirtied). I have heard that Maven does incremental compile, but I don't know how its performance compares.
In order to support a variety of build systems (Ant, Maven, Gradle): the easiest engineering choice for IntelliJ is to rely on the minimum possible amount of domain-specific semantic, and use that to inform one IntelliJ-specific build system. This allows them to re-use a large amount of code, and have few domain-specific differences.

Make project using Maven

I'm working on a multi-project (multi-module) Maven project that uses a non-standard DSL compiler. It uses a Maven plugin that runs during Maven's compile phase, for just one project in the set.
I tried importing my code as a "Maven" project in IntelliJ IDEA, but IntelliJ doesn't seem to recognize that I have a custom compiler for my project; the compile fails.
What I want is to tell IntelliJ, "You can use your normal Java compiler to Make most projects, but for this one project, you should invoke Maven and let it do its thing."
Is that possible?

Binary output and testing for Eclipse plugins

I am developing an Eclipse plugin and I use maven to coordinate my source structure. In order to compile the plugin I use the tycho extension for maven. However, I was wondering how to execute unitests.
I want to use the surefire plugin for testing as I additionally use a sonar server for source code quality management. Unitests are applyed if I use eclipse-test-plugin as package target. However, I want to make use of the default surefire plugin for applying unitests.
Now I figured out that the src/test/java that contains my unittest packages is read and compiled correctly but written into the wrong output folder. I need to have the tests in target/test-classes. However they are compiled to target/classes.
As I am new to Eclipse plugin development and maven I could not find out how to write the tests to the correct output folder. I've already tried adding and and changing the of the eclipse-plugin project. It works also fine for other projects that aren't plugin projects and do not make use of tycho.
Any help appreciated.
Unlike standard maven projects, the convention for eclipse plugins/OSGi bundles is to have tests reside in separate projects. This is because there is no such thing as a maven dependency scope "test" in OSGi.
Thus keeping your tests inside the same project as your code under test would force you to mix up test code/dependencies an productive code/dependencies.
As you mentioned, Tycho provides a separate maven packaging type "eclipse-test-plugin" which you should use for dedicated test plugins/fragments. See
There is no support in Tycho for plain unit tests residing in the same project.

Maven dependancy on another non-repository project?

I have 2 completely separate projects where one depends on the other. I've very recently mavenized the main project but can mavenise the dependency if absolutely necessary.
Originally these were Netbeans projects, with the main project having several modules. What I liked is that I could declare the dependency as a dependent project. This allowed me to use the most recent code as it changes a lot (the project is in its infancy). NetBeans would put the dependent project on the classpath when running, and build a jar in the /dist directory when doing a clean and build.
Now that the main project is in maven, I can't do this anymore. The only alternative I've found was to manually copy it into the project repository, but that removes a lot of automation and ease of use. Every time I wanted to test a change I would have to rebuild the dependency, move it to the buried project repository folder, rename it appropiatly, switch back to NetBeans, then run. This is vs clicking run and everything being done automatically.
Maybe I'm just lazy, but is there an easy way to do this?
I have 2 completely separate projects where one depends on the other. I've very recently mavenized the main project but can mavenize the dependency if absolutely necessary.
Mavenizing the dependent project would help a lot. Like Eclipse or IntelliJ, NetBeans supports something Eclipse calls Workspace dependency resolution: if a project A depends on a project B and you open both of them in your IDE, A can be configured to depend on B sources instead of B jar (and any change would become immediately visible).
mavenizing the depedency project is the best option.
Alternatively you might get away with using a system scope dependency which points to the dependency project's dist/ folder jar artifact.