from where i can get username and password for SSH login? - ssh

My client asked me to do a ssh login. But i haven't done any ssh login before. So can you please suggest me how to do ssh login. I am using putty on windows.
now putty asks username and password.what should i enter there.cpanel login details? from where i can get these information ?

The Login is the "username#ipaddress" of the remote computer.It prompts for password automatically when you connect. This username and password are system wide basically.For more specific details about enabling ssh in cPanel and connecting refer here.


how can I enter Telegram desctop without local password?

I forgot my local password in desctop and I do not want to log out my account so how can I enter my account without local password

Getting "Password denied" when trying to login with ldap

When I try to login to with LDAP (LDAP server uses OpenLDAP), I am getting a password denied on my client-server.
I tried like: ssh myldapusername#ipclientserver, then it asks for a password. Entering the correct password gives "Password Denied".
Ping and traceroute to the LDAP server show no issues.
I could not find a solution. Any idea why this could be?
Thanks in advance.
My client-server uses Debian 8.11.

http Authentication required for accessing http://localhost:8080

I am trying to use hortonworks sandbox.
the login page of ambari is on link http://localhost:8080.
when i try to access this from my browser it asks for username and password.
It dosent accept my credentials and autentication failes. I am never directed on login page of ambari.
asking for credentials while accessing localhost
Default Username & Password is :raj_ops
You can check it at

Reset OpenStack admin password

I have installed openstack on my VM. I changed my admin password but I do not know it(I have generated via keepass, but forget to save it :( )
Now I want to change it.
stack#smaug:~/devstack$ openstack user password set --password somepassword admin
Could not recognize Fernet token (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-8ba5e9a3-f8df-4ef1-91ab-24e6da33ff8f)
Could you help me How to use Fernet token and How Can I change admin password?
Solved, Update:
source /opt/stack/devstack/openrc admin admin
openstack user set --password-prompt admin
Now I am able to login \o/

keycloak initial login does not work with admin username and password

I cannot login to keycloak in the initial setup. I managed to run the server via / -b= command and when accessing it via http://x.x.x.x:8080 the login page doesn't allow me to login with admin/admin username and password. any hint is highly apreciated.
In order to create the initial administrator user you need to use (.bat) script located in keycloak/bin with all other scripts. Run it before starting/restarting the server, so Keycloak could pick up the user:
$ ./ -u admin -p password.
$ ./ --help will show you all the available options.
According to the latest keycloak documentation (today) there are two procedures for creating the first administrator credentials:
Creating the account on the local host
If your server is accessible from localhost, perform these steps.
In a web browser, go to the http://localhost:8080 URL.
Supply a username and password that you can recall in the Welcome page
Creating the account remotely
If you cannot access the server from a localhost address, or just want to start Keycloak from the command line, use the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN and KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables to create an initial admin account.
For example:
export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=<username>
bin/kc.[sh|bat] start
If you are someone who have setup KeyCloak in Kubernetes then we can port-forward and access the localhost:8080/auth that is how I did the initial admin user setup.
kubectl port-forward svc/keycloak-http -n <namespace> 8080:80