Entity Framework Database First approach in Azure - sql

I have a bunch of SQL scripts that create my database. I'd like to use the Database First approach with EF and Azure. I figured out that there are certain fields that my tables need to include:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Company
-- Azure properties
[Deleted] BIT NOT NULL
I also figured out that I need certain constraints on these fields:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Company ADD CONSTRAINT DF_Company_Deleted DEFAULT 0 FOR Deleted
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_Company_CreatedAt ON dbo.Company([CreatedAt] ASC)
CREATE TRIGGER [TR_Company_InsertUpdateDelete] ON dbo.Company
UPDATE dbo.Company
FROM INSERTED WHERE inserted.[Id] = dbo.Company.[Id]
I'm wondering if there is any documentation for that. I'm not sure if I included all fields and constraints. Also, I'm not sure if creating tables using a SQL script like the above one is a good approach for EF with Azure.
Any advice?
Maybe it would be clearer to explain my question step-by-step:
I have a bunch of SQL scripts that create database structure.
I'd like to make the database structure usable by Azure. For example, Azure has Offline Data Sync feature that I know requires certain fields in the tables.
Through trial and error, I have found that Azure uses certain fields (Version, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, and Deleted) and triggers to provide its features (such as Offline Data Sync).
I modified my SQL scripts to include this "Azure-specific" fields and triggers.
The problem is the "trial and error" part. It's just wrong to apply such an approach in production code that potentially will be used by many users. I'd like to find out what exactly Azure needs in the database. When the database is created using Code First all the "plumbing" is created by Azure. With the Database First approach, I have to create this plumbing. I'm wondering if I did not miss anything.


Can't create graph tables with sqlproj

After getting really fed up with using hierarchyids to manage my node tree, I decided to take a stab at using SQL Server 2017's graph functionality to ease my troubles.
I have a little bit of confusion, though. Currently, all of my SQL scripts are stored and organized in a SQL database project. When I create a node table and publish it to my Azure SQL Database, it only creates a standard table.
However, I can paste the exact same query into SSMS and it creates the graph table just fine. I've included the query below. Am I missing anything obvious?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GraphSite]
[SiteName] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
[SiteTimeZone] NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT N'America/New_York',
CONSTRAINT [FK_GraphSite_SiteType] FOREIGN KEY ([SiteTypeId]) REFERENCES [SiteType]([SiteTypeId]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_GraphSite_SiteStatus] FOREIGN KEY ([SiteStatusId]) REFERENCES [SiteStatus]([SiteStatusId]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_GraphSite_SiteTheme] FOREIGN KEY ([SiteThemeId]) REFERENCES [SiteTheme]([SiteThemeId])
EDIT: I installed SQL Server 2017 locally and it leaves "AS NODE;" in fine. So SSDT seems to have an issue building graph tables to Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12. Which is weird, considering Azure SQL databases fully support graph tables. Any thoughts?
Could you try downloading the latest version of SSDT from here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/download-sql-server-data-tools-ssdt
This should fix the problem for you.

SQL Server 2008: Can't create two foreign keys for for the same parent table

I have two tables in SQL Server, one named Users and the other named Connections and connections is simply a connection between user and another user so my tables are like:
UserPassword NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Connections(
_UID1 int not null,
_UID2 int not null,
_ConDate datetime null DEFAULT GETDATE(),
But every time I run the query it throws error:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Connectio__UID2__69B1A35C' on table 'Connections' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
I tried searching in google and i found an answer that says I should do a trigger, but I don't know what is that. I hope I can find some answers and thanks a lot.
The problem with the table structure you're trying to define is:
Suppose you have a record in Users with ID 1, and a record in Connections with _UID1 = 1, and _UID2 = 1 too. Logically, in this case, that makes little sense, but the database does not know what Users means, nor what Connections means.
Now, you delete that user. Because of the ON DELETE CASCADE for _UID1, that Connections record should be deleted too. Because of the ON DELETE CASCADE for _UID2, that Connections record should be deleted again. This is a technical limitation in SQL Server, it just cannot handle multiple operations on the same row, and does not know how it should make sure the row is only deleted once in that case.
To prevent this problem, the ON DELETE CASCADE is simply not allowed in such a case where multiple updates of the same row could result.
I tried searching in google and i found an answer that says I should do a trigger, but I don't know what is that.
A trigger is a custom action, that can contain arbitrary SQL commands, that would automatically run after (or even "when") you make any modifications in a table. I could explain in more detail, but unlike what you found, I don't think you should do that.
Instead, if you want to delete user 1, I would recommend writing it as two separate DELETE statements:
DELETE Connections WHERE _UID1 = 1 OR _UID2 = 1;

How to set a primary key using SQL

I have this table 'Cars', attributes:
MODEL nvarchar(20)
STYLE nvarchar(20)
ENGINE nvarchar(5)
CAPACITY smallint
MAX_SPEED smallint
PRICE smallmoney
MARKET nvarchar(20)
COMPETITOR nvarchar(20)
I would like to set 'PRICE' as the primary key via a SQL sStatement, so I've tried:
But I just get the error
The ALTER TABLE SQL construct or statement is not supported.
in Visual Studio 2010.
As has been said above, price is a bad primary key. But ... the correct syntax to do what you are trying to do is:
Visual studio is not a database client. If you want to run any query at all, you have to use a client that allows you to do so. The details depend on the database engine you are using.
If you want to do this with Visual Studio, you have to send that command, as a query, the same way you would send a select query. Once again, the details depend on your database engine.
Something else that depends on the database engine is the syntax of the command itself. Some will allow what you tried. Other will make you use the constraint keyword.
Finally, as mentioned in the comments, price is a poor choice for the primary key. Better choices would be a uuid, an autoincrementing integer, or, the VIN.

What is the effect (or purpose) of a foreign key column referencing itself?

During a database migration, I've run across a database table constraint of the form:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[myTable]
ADD CONSTRAINT [someName] FOREIGN KEY ([id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[myTable] ([id])
Why would one do this? This was originally done on a Sybase database, and we are converting to SQL Server 2008 R2.
UPDATE: Yes, the foreign key constraint is a field referencing the same table AND SAME FIELD.
I ran this query on the source Sybase database and found 42 of these crazy keys defined, so it doesn't seem like a typo.
SELECT sr.constrid as [Constraint ID],
so.name as [Table],
sc.name as [Column]
FROM sysreferences sr
INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON (so.id = sr.tableid)
INNER JOIN syscolumns sc ON (sc.id = sr.tableid AND sc.colid = sr.fokey1)
WHERE sr.tableid = sr.reftabid
AND sr.fokey1 = sr.refkey1
AND sr.fokey2 = 0
AND sr.refkey2 = 0
I believe that hierarchies are the standard examples you'll find in books whenever you use foreign keys for the same table, such as:
create table Employees (
EmployeeID int identity primary key,
EmployeeName varchar(50),
ManagerID int
Foreign key (managerID) references Employees(EmployeeID)
What you posted looks like a wrong application of this hierarchy relation in the same table. I'm not entirely sure why you'd ever wanna do that.
Hope this helped =)
Surprise! This totally works:
create table crazy (
ID int primary key references crazy (ID) -- This runs
insert into crazy select 1; -- So does this
select * from crazy; -- Returns 1
truncate table crazy; -- Works just fine
I can only think that this would have been a mistake (Typo? Dragging a column onto itself in a diagram?) or used to fool another system (ORM?) into some particular behavior. I will be very curious to see if someone comes up with a legit reason.
UPDATE: As cleverly suggested by #8kb, this could have been an attempt to prevent truncation, but we can see from my example that even truncation works just fine.
I guess it's a bug in database model.
It's really weird. I can't imagine what usefull purpose is this construction.
The only way how to insert data is without checking reference integrity. It means with explicitly disabled references or with some kind of bulk insert and so on.
The effect of a foreign key column referencing itself seems to be nothing. It is still an outstanding question as to why a database engine would let you do such a useless thing.
However, I believe the reason someone would build a foreign key like this is laziness / carelessness. I found out that in SQL Server Management Studio, if you build a foreign key using the GUI (instead of writing it out in T-SQL), the initial behavior of SSMS is to create foreign key exactly like in this question:
Expand any table of a database in the Object Explorer pane. We will call this table TableA.
Rt-click on Keys under the TableA node and select New Foreign Key... This will open the Modify table pane and the Foreign Key Relationships dialog.
Changing nothing, simply click the Close button on the Foreign Key Relationships dialog. "Oops, I didn't mean to try to add a foreign key."
Closing the dialog still generated a foreign key with the name FK_TableA_TableA and picked the primary key column as both the base and reference column.
With the Modify table pane still open (which it still is after closing the Foreign Key Relationships dialog), close it. It has changes (the new foreign key you just made). Save these changes.
A new foreign key now exists in the database for TableA, with the primary key column referencing itself.

SQL version control methodology

There are several questions on SO about version control for SQL and lots of resources on the web, but I can't find something that quite covers what I'm trying to do.
First off, I'm talking about a methodology here. I'm familiar with the various source control applications out there and I'm familiar with tools like Red Gate's SQL Compare, etc. and I know how to write an application to check things in and out of my source control system automatically. If there is a tool which would be particularly helpful in providing a whole new methodology or which have a useful and uncommon functionality then great, but for the tasks mentioned above I'm already set.
The requirements that I'm trying to meet are:
The database schema and look-up table data are versioned
DML scripts for data fixes to larger tables are versioned
A server can be promoted from version N to version N + X where X may not always be 1
Code isn't duplicated within the version control system - for example, if I add a column to a table I don't want to have to make sure that the change is in both a create script and an alter script
The system needs to support multiple clients who are at various versions for the application (trying to get them all up to within 1 or 2 releases, but not there yet)
Some organizations keep incremental change scripts in their version control and to get from version N to N + 3 you would have to run scripts for N->N+1 then N+1->N+2 then N+2->N+3. Some of these scripts can be repetitive (for example, a column is added but then later it is altered to change the data type). We're trying to avoid that repetitiveness since some of the client DBs can be very large, so these changes might take longer than necessary.
Some organizations will simply keep a full database build script at each version level then use a tool like SQL Compare to bring a database up to one of those versions. The problem here is that intermixing DML scripts can be a problem. Imagine a scenario where I add a column, use a DML script to fill said column, then in a later version that column name is changed.
Perhaps there is some hybrid solution? Maybe I'm just asking for too much? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated though.
If the moderators think that this would be more appropriate as a community wiki, please let me know.
I struggled with this for several years before recently adopting a strategy that seems to work pretty well. Key points I live by:
The database doesn't need to be independently versioned from the app
All database update scripts should be idempotent
As a result, I no longer create any kind of version tables. I simply add changes to a numbered sequence of .sql files that can be applied at any given time without corrupting the database. If it makes things easier, I'll write a simple installer screen for the app to allow administrators to run these scripts whenever they like.
Of course, this method does impose a few requirements on the database design:
All schema changes are done through script - no GUI work.
Extra care must be taken to ensure all keys, constraints, etc.. are named so they can be referenced by a later update script, if necessary.
All update scripts should check for existing conditions.
Examples from a recent project:
if object_id(N'dbo.Registrations') is null
create table dbo.Registrations
[Id] uniqueidentifier not null,
[SourceA] nvarchar(50) null,
[SourceB] nvarchar(50) null,
[Title] nvarchar(50) not null,
[Occupation] nvarchar(50) not null,
[EmailAddress] nvarchar(100) not null,
[FirstName] nvarchar(50) not null,
[LastName] nvarchar(50) not null,
[ClinicName] nvarchar(200) not null,
[ClinicAddress] nvarchar(50) not null,
[ClinicCity] nvarchar(50) not null,
[ClinicState] nchar(2) not null,
[ClinicPostal] nvarchar(10) not null,
[ClinicPhoneNumber] nvarchar(10) not null,
[ClinicPhoneExtension] nvarchar(10) not null,
[ClinicFaxNumber] nvarchar(10) not null,
[NumberOfVets] int not null,
[IpAddress] nvarchar(20) not null,
[MailOptIn] bit not null,
[EmailOptIn] bit not null,
[Created] datetime not null,
[Modified] datetime not null,
[Deleted] datetime null
if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.table_constraints where constraint_name = 'pk_registrations')
alter table dbo.Registrations add
constraint pk_registrations primary key nonclustered (Id);
if not exists (select 1 from sysindexes where [name] = 'ix_registrations_created')
create clustered index ix_registrations_created
on dbo.Registrations(Created);
if not exists (select 1 from sysindexes where [name] = 'ix_registrations_email')
create index ix_registrations_email
on dbo.Registrations(EmailAddress);
if not exists (select 1 from sysindexes where [name] = 'ix_registrations_email')
create index ix_registrations_name_and_clinic
on dbo.Registrations (FirstName,
The original schema allowed null for these columns, but we don't want
that, so update existing nulls and change the columns to disallow
null values
update dbo.Registrations set SourceA = '' where SourceA is null;
update dbo.Registrations set SourceB = '' where SourceB is null;
alter table dbo.Registrations alter column SourceA nvarchar(50) not null;
alter table dbo.Registrations alter column SourceB nvarchar(50) not null;
The client wanted to modify the signup form to include a fax opt-in
if not exists
select 1
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema = 'dbo'
and table_name = 'Registrations'
and column_name = 'FaxOptIn'
alter table dbo.Registrations
add FaxOptIn bit null
constraint df_registrations_faxoptin default 0;
003.sql, 004.sql, etc...
At any given time I can run the entire series of scripts against the database in any state and know that things will be immediately brought up to speed with the current version of the app. Because everything is scripted, it's much easier to build a simple installer to do this, and it's adding the schema changes to source control is no problem at all.
You've got quite a rigorous set of requirements, I'm not sure whether you'll find something that puts checks in all the boxes, especially the multiple concurrent schemas and the intelligent version control.
The most promising tool that I've read about that kind of fits is Liquibase.
Here are some additional links:
Yes, you're asking for a lot, but they're all really pertinent points! Here at Red Gate we're moving towards a complete database development solution with our SQL Source Control SSMS extension and we're facing similar challenges.
For the upcoming release we're fully supporting schema changes, and supporting static data indirectly via our SQL Data Compare tool. All changes are saved as creation scripts, although when you're updating or deploying to a database, the tool will ensure that the changes are applied appropriately as an ALTER or CREATE.
The most challenging requirement that doesn't yet have a simple solution is version management and deployment, which you describe very clearly. If you make complex changes to the schema and data, it may be inevitable that a handcrafted migration script is constructed to get between two adjacent versions, as not all of the 'intent' is always saved alongside a newer version. Column renames are a prime example. The solution could be for a system to be devised that saves the intent, or if this is too complex, allows the user to supply a custom script to perform the complex change. Some sort of version management framework would manage these and "magically" construct deployment scripts from two arbitrary versions.
for this kind of issue use Visual studio team system 2008 for version controlling of your sql database.
In tsf there are no. of feature avialbe like
version controlling
about database version control : http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2006/12/is-your-database-under-version-control.html
for more detail check : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms364062(VS.80).aspx
We are using SQL Examiner for keeping database schema under version control. I've tried the VS2010 also, but in my opinion VS approach is too complex for small and mid-size projects. With SQL Examiner I mostly work with SSMS and use SQL Examiner to check-in updates to SVN (TFS and SourceSafe is supported also, but I never tried it).
Here is description of SQL Examiner's approach: How to get your database under version control
Try DBSourceTools. (http://dbsourcetools.codeplex.com)
Its open source, and specifically designed to script an entire database - tables, views, procs to disk, and then re-create that database through a deployment target.
You can script all data, or just specify which tables to script data for.
Additionally, you can zip up the results for distribution.
We use it for source control of databases, and to test update patches for new releases.
In the back-end it's built around SMO, and thus supports SQL 2000, 2005 and 2008.
DBDiff is integrated, to allow for schema comparisons.
Have fun,
- Nathan.