Modify Project Explorer in Eclipse RCP - Package/Project Presentation - eclipse-plugin

I have a Eclipse RCP project I'm working on which uses the Project Explorer as default Navigator. For this Project Explorer I want to set the Project and also the Package Presentation hirarchical as the default value. Is there any Method or Extension Point so set these values for start up?

I found a solution by settin the preferences for the providing plugins:
IEclipsePreferences workbenchPrefs = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode("org.eclipse.ui.workbench");
workbench.putBoolean("org.eclipse.ui.commands/state/org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.nested.changeProjectPresentation/org.eclipse.ui.commands.radioState", true);
IEclipsePreferences jdtPrefs = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode("org.eclipse.jdt.ui");
jdtPrefs.putInt("org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.navigator.layout", 1);
With this set both, the package and the project presentation, changed to hirarchical on startup.


How to create an empty JavaFX project in IntelliJ

Every time I create a new JavaFX project in IntelliJ it loads a simple HelloWorld project in it. How can I make it empty instead (without the need to delete those .java files every time)? Also how can I choose to create the project without a building system (as you can see in the picture, I'm always forced to create the project with Maven or Gradle)
When creating the new project, choose "Java" instead of "JavaFX".
A JavaFX application is just a Java application, so if you don't want the additional things which IntelliJ is doing when you choose to create a JavaFX project (e.g. supplying example code and associating with a build system like Maven or Gradle), you can just choose a basic Java application project from the wizard and it won't do those other things.
See the section in documentation titled "JavaFX and IntelliJ IDEA" for other steps you need to take:
Set the project JDK
File -> Project Structure -> Project
Create a JavaFX library in Idea
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries
Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.
Add VM options for the module path
Run -> Edit Configurations...
--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-15.0.1/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
For windows use quotes around the path and \ rather than /.
Run the project
Run -> Run...
You might also need to take the actions identified in the accepted answer to:
How to convert a normal java project in intellij into a JavaFx project
But that answer was written a while back and setting the resource copy configuration to include JavaFX fxml and css files might not be needed anymore.
Now, you might think that is annoying amount of things to do, and I might agree with you.

SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default

I created a new Play Framework project using the activator, activator new my-project-name and then I selected the play-java template and the project is created with no errors.
Then I import the project into my IDE, IntelliJ, as a SBT project. When the project is imported a popup is shown saying: SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default.
On IntelliJ project's panel it doesn't show all (mostly the files with the code) files. Just a handful of them.
The build.sbt file looks like full of compilation error (pretty much all the lines are red underlined).
Here's the build.sbt file
name := """my-project-name"""
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava)
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// Play provides two styles of routers, one expects its actions to be injected, the
// other, legacy style, accesses its actions statically.
routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator
fork in run := true
I can compile and run the code with activator ui with no errors. So, why isn't IntelliJ fully importing the project and it shows me SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default message?
I googled around and couldn't find any hint related to this so I'm kinda lost here.
EDIT: -------------------------------------
I closed the project on IntelliJ and deleted the project folder. Closed IntelliJ and using activator I created again the same project. Using activator ui I compiled the project. Then I fired up IntelliJ and was prompted to either open a project, create a new one or import a project.
Selected import a project and did the normal "import a project steps" and IntelliJ imported the project with no hassle. But if I try to import the project while with an open project on IntelliJ I get the same problem that lead me to make this question. Maybe this is a bug on IntelliJ?
EDIT 2 ------------------------------------------
The solution to these two problems (the "SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default" and the files not showing on IntelliJ) can be fixed with user3384225 and DarkShadow answers.
Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Play2
Under 'Compiler' enable 'Use Play 2 compiler for this project'
I Stumbled upon this problem myself when configuring play framework for IntelliJ IDEA IDE (version: 2017.3). I overcame this problem by following the steps below.
Navigate to:
File --> Settings --> Languages and Frameworks --> Play2 --> Compiler tab
and inside the compiler tab:
put a tick to the Use Play2 compiler for this project
Hope this helped.
Similar answer to user3384225's answer was posted here:
They say:
Settings -> Langauges & Frameworks -> Play2 -> Compiler -> User Play 2 compiler for this project
I am also a newbie and was facing the same problem till yesterday. Probably you are trying to open the project through File->open.
Try the steps below:-
File->New->Project from existing source->select the build.sbt from the project you created using the activator->Import project from external model and select SBT from the options->OK.
It will take some time to import files and to create the settings required for intellij idea project.
I am using intellij idea 14.1.5. It worked for me hope it will for you also.
For current projects, you can fix this by using File->Invalidate Caches/Restart..
Most probably you have solved you problem, but just to help others
What you just have to do is -> check the option "Use Play 2 compiler for this project" given under Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Play2 -> Compiler
Close the project and then import the project as sbt project.
Intellij will automatically dump and index the project dependancies.
Stumbled upon the same problem today. Solved by wiping the ~/.IntelliJIdea14 directory. Unfortunately any other things I've tried didn't help.
Just use: File->New->Project from existing source->select the build.sbt from the project you created using the activator->ok.
and it's done.

Save preferences for an entire workspace in Eclipse plugin

Using this snippet, a property can be easily stored for a project:
((IResource) getElement()).setPersistentProperty(new QualifiedName("", "MY_PROPERTY"), "MY_VALUE");
But how can I store preferences that can be accessed in every project in the workspace?

What is the command line option to pass into the activator framework to generate an intellij project?

I'd like to generate the intellij project files from a typesafe activator project via a script - is there a command line interface or command i can use for this purpose?
(i wasn't able to find directions for one online, or in the usual help locations)
Please note that since IntelliJ IDEA version 13 it is no longer necessary to generate files for IntelliJ IDEA. sbt support is now build in, you can open/import the project by opening your build.sbt with IntelliJ IDEA:
Remember that Activator is just an sbt wrapper with optional UI mode. So what you want is sbt-idea:
The Activator UI will auto-add this plugin and then (on the Code tab) it has an "open in" menu item to generate the intellij project.
If you want to script it, there are two steps:
add the plugin (either drop an idea.sbt in project/ directory or put it globally in ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins)
run activator gen-idea

How to open and edit multiple projects in the same window?

I build in maven multiple projects (let's name them A,B,C). Project A uses .jar of project B which uses .jar of project C.
I am modifying the code of all A/B/C projects, (A is MVC app, B are business services and C is some shared layer).
The thing is, in Eclipse/NetBeans I can see all of them at once and it's comfortable to modify them. In IDEA though, I have to open 3 instances (or n instances) of IntelliJ IDEA.
Am I missing something? Is there better approach when using IntelliJ? This is the biggest downside of IntelliJ for me atm.
I think this has improved with recent versions of IntelliJ. In my current version (12.0.2), you can add any number of separate Maven projects to the same "workspace".
The simplest way I've found to do this is to click the little + icon in the "Maven Projects" window (View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects) and then select the additional pom file you want to import.
Step 1: open "Maven Projects"
Step 2: select the project you want to import:
Having all the related projects in the same root directory
can be helpful.
1) First you create a new Empty project
2) Then you select the root directory of all your projects.
This will create a empty project, with a .idea directory that will simply remember the module organisation we are about to do in the next step
3) Then, in the next window, you import the different projects as modules
4) In the next window, to import each project, simply double click on the build.gradle, or pom.xml
The project will be imported as a new module.
5) Done, you now have all your projects as modules, opened on the same IntelliJ project
Yes, your intuition was good. You shouldn't use three instances of intellij. You can open one Project and add other 'parts' of application as Modules. Add them via project browser, default hotkey is alt+1
In IntelliJ 14.1.2, I did it like following:
Select File->Project Structure->Modules.
Select + and Import Module and select the directory of your project(or directory where pom exists) and click OK.
Follow through the next flow of screens and after you click Finish, you should see the project alongside your existing one.
None of the solutions worked for me, since I am not working on Maven projects. There is a simpler solution. Go to:
File->Project Structure->Modules.
Instead of adding module, simply click the third option (copy). Browse your local directory and select the project you would like to add. Module name will resolve automatically. That's it.
Update: When you want to reopen to project with multiple sub-projects, in order to avoid re-doing steps as described above, just go to
File->Open Recent->'Your Big Project'.
Since macOS Big Sur and IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 you can use "open projects in tabs on macOS Big Sur" feature. To use it, you have to enable this feature in your system settings:
System Preferences -> General -> Prefer tabs [always] when opening documents
After this step, when you will try to open second project in IntelliJ, choose New Window (yes, New Window, not This Window).
It should result with opening new project in same window, but in the new card:
To expand #Neo answer:
after choosing your directory. select import module from external model and choose your model (maven in this case).
Then check keep project files option from next dialog. It will keep all files in original directory.
Your final project structure would be something like this.
Now you can add your module as dependency to other module's pom.xml and if you change the source code of your dependencies, Intellij takes care of updating your project (there is no need to run mvn build manually for dependencies)
new empty project
File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources
For who uses Gradle can also avail the same:
Go to:
1. View --> Tool Windows --> Gradle
2. Click on the + button and add your build.gradle file
Open preference -> appearance & behaviour -> System settings -> select (open project in new window) then apply.
Then you could open and edit multiple projects.
You can use Armory plugin which makes switching between projects comfortable. The default shortcut for Project List is Alt + A.
By default currently opened projects are displayed at the top of this list (with bold style).
Use the button for the add maven projects and go inside the folder of the project. Then, select the pom.xml file and add them in the IntelliJ.
Press "F4" on windows which will open up "Project Structure" and then click "+" icon or "Alt + Insert" to select a new project to be imported; then click OK button...
To Intellij IDEA 2019.2, F4 + click on module, click to + for add any project from your HDD, above this menu yo can edit the IDE with you create the project and more options, very easy
For people not using maven to build and wanting to add a new project (I am using intellij 14.1.3):
Right click the top level folder in the project view, select new ->
Name the module the same name as the project to be added
From the top menu select File->New->Project. Enter the same name as
the new module, same folder locations as well.
Open the Project, and wait for intellij to create the project
Close this new project, and open the original project the module was
added to in step 2
Depending on your builder, additional steps will be needed to add it to the build process.
For SBT, and in the top level project I modified the Build.scala file to aggregate the new project, and added the project in the SBT projects window. More info on SBT multiproject builds:
"IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.1 (Community Edition)" you have to navigate
To Add Exiting Module to same window navigate "File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources" then it will allow you to select pom.xml and then click "Create" button next window then project will be added to your current workspace.
Note :: Who ever switches from Eclipse to Intellij this is the first problem
Assuming they are under the same folder, click File-Open File or Project-<parent folder>.
you can use import module option which will open it just like eclipse in the same navigator.
For IntelliJ Idea 2021.3.3 users, The below solution didn't work for me, although I was selecting my project main folder, I've gotten only the main and test folders imported!
Peoject Structure => Modules => Import module
The solution is:
view => tool Windows => Maven => click the + icon => add the project POM.xml file
I am new to maven and did not understand how I could work with local maven project added through Viktor Nordling's answer and still have a proper dependency in pom.xml file. The answer is simple: intellij first looks at your locally added module and if it doesn't find one it goes to get the project remotely. You can check this by looking at "external libraries" under your project browser when you add or remove maven module.
Hope this helps anyone.
As of release 2019.2, this is as easy as File->Attach Project.
After importing project into IntelliJ, Go to pom.xml of each module -> right click -> Click on Add as Moven Project. It will add the module as Moven project, do this for all the modules in the Project. Refer this