We have a trasmission electron microscope equipped with a cathode luminescence (CL) spectrometer, Gatan Vulcan TEM-CL system. I would like to acquire many CL spectra sequentially while changing the spectral wavelength range step by step, by using Gatan DigitalMicrograph scripting. Are there scripting commands for a CL spectrum acquisition and controlling the wavelength range? In EELS and EDS cases, there are "EELSAcquireSpectrum()" and "EDSSAcquireSpectrum()", respectively. Is there similar command for CL? Especially, the control command for wavelength range is a important one for our objectives.
It will be approciated if you could share some wisdom. Thank you very much in advance.
The F1 online help does not seem to contain a documentation in the current version, but on hardware-installtion you likely have received addtional (printed) documentation. I have found the following script commands in the printed manual for the MonoCL4 System (see below).
There is a specific disclaimer in that section which states that Gatan does not provide any support or guarantees with the commands.
page 93 (Section 12.4)
I am writing an optimization code for a finite-difference radiation solver model. I started to use "src_indices" for connecting parameters rather promoting all the variables. But when I changed the connection, optimization does not calculate derivatives, gives "no impact to objective" error, and successfully terminates optimization after first iteration. Could not find any clue for finding the error in the logs (Bug may be in a completely different reason).
Is there any suggestion where I can start?
I uploaded the code to GitHub https://github.com/TufanAkba/opt_question
The first thing that comes to mind when you mention "design variables have no impact on objective" is that there may be a missing connection. Since this behavior only started after you changed the connection style, I think this is even more likely.
There are a couple of tools you can use to diagnose this. The first is the n2 viewer, which you can launch by typing the following at your command prompt:
openmdao n2 receiver_opt.py
This will launch a browser window that contains a graphical model viewer which is described in detail here. You can use this to explore the structure of your model. To find unconnected inputs in your model, look for any input blocks that are colored orange. These are technically connected to a hidden IndepVarComp called _auto_ivc, and will include design variables, which are set by the optimizer. You will want to look for any that should be connected to other component outputs.
OpenMDAO also has a connection viewer that just shows connections.
openmdao view_connections receiver_opt.py
You can use this tool to just focus on the connections. It is described here. If you choose to use this, just filter to see any connection to _auto_ivc in the source output string to see the unconnected inputs.
If you reach this point, and are satisfied that all the connections are correct, then there are a couple of other possibilities:
Are all of your src_indices correct? Maybe some of them are an empty set, or maybe some create a "degenerate" case. For example, if you have a set of cascading components that each multiply an incoming vector by a diagonal matrix, and if your indices are [0] in one connection, and [4] in another connection, then you've effectively severed the entire model. None of our visualization tools can pick that up, and you will need to inspect the indices manually.
It could also be a derivative problem, though what you describe sounds like connections. In that case, I recommend using check_partials to look for any missing or incorrect derivatives.
Are you computing any derivatives using complex step? It is possible that you are losing the complex part of the calculation through a complex-unsafe operation. Checking your derivatives against 'fd' can help to find these.
Is there any command that can do the thing similar as the centerZLP function in EFTEM mode??
Or perhaps, setting energy loss as zero also workable?
From GMS 3.2 onward there should be a GIF tuning command that represents that functionality. It is not part of the officially documented script API though.
Number GT_CenterZLP()
I've been trying to use DM script to automate acquisition with K2. The rationale behind this would be to utilize the fast response of the detector for experiments such as scanning diffraction. However, when using functions for CCDs such as CM_AcquireImage() or CCDBinningAcquire(), each frame gives a 2.1sec overhead, which is ridiculously slower than normal CCDs. (In principle, each frame should be on the order of millisecond)
I was wondering if there's specific commands for controlling K2? I'd appreciate any feedback/advices. Thanks in advance.
Yes, the supported script interface does only give access to the single-frame acquisition mode and not to the continouse readout modes. (GMS 3.3.0)
Please contact your Gatan representative if there are solutions for you.
From a high-level point of view, what is required to target a new device with Yosys? I'd like to target a Xilinx XC9572XL. I have one these development boards: XC9572XL-CPLD-development-board-v1b. The architecture of this CPLD is fairly well covered in the Xilinx documentation here.
I think I need to do the following:
Work out how to get Yosys to synthesise a design to a Sum-of-Product and D-type Flip Flop based netlist.
Output that netlist as a BLIF format from Yosys.
Create a 'fitter' (analogous to arachne-pnr for the ICE40 FPGA) for the XC9572XL
Output a JEDEC file with the appropriate fuses that need to be set to implement the design in the previous step.
Flash the design to the CPLD using xc3sprog.
It looks possible. The hard bit is building a 'fitter' tool. This tool needs to understand the CPLD's resources and then needs some clever algorithms to fit the design and output the required fuses in a JEDEC format. One import missing piece is the mapping between the 'fuses' in the physical CPLD and the fuses in the JEDEC file. This would have to be reverse engineered. I note that a JEDEC file from Xilinx WebPACK ISE contains 46656 fuses. Each of those map back to some configurable node in the CPLD.
I'd like to know what others think about this approach. What types of issues am I likely to encounter?
What legal aspects do I need to consider if I was to undertake this? Should I write to Xilinx first and seek permission from them should I decide I want to reverse engineer a JEDEC file produced by their tool?
The XC9572XL is an obsolete part...
Work out how to get Yosys to synthesise a design to a Sum-of-Product and D-type Flip Flop based netlist.
Output that netlist as a BLIF format from Yosys.
You can do two-level synthesis with ABC from a logic-level BLIF file. For example:
$ yosys -p synth -o test.blif tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v
$ yosys-abc
abc> read_blif test.blif
abc> collapse
abc> write_pla test.pla
Now you can aim for writing a program that converts a .pla file (plus auxiliary information that might be generated by a yosys plugin you'd need to write) to a JEDEC file.
What legal aspects do I need to consider if I was to undertake this?
When you reverse engineer it by analyzing the software provided by the chip vendor: In this case it really depends on the country you are living in. For example, in europe you can reverse-engineer, even disassemble, software in certain situations, even when the software EULA prohibits it. I explain this in a bit more depth here.
I think reverse engineering the silicon itself (instead of analyzing the software) is less problematic in places like north america.
Have you considered targeting the CoolRunner-II family? I did some fairly extensive RE on it (https://recon.cx/2015/slides/recon2015-18-andrew-zonenberg-From-Silicon-to-Compiler.pdf) and understand the majority of the bitstream format. Porting Yosys to it is high on my priority list once I figure out the last of the clock network structure.
These devices are more recent and lower power, plus the internal architecture is cleaner and easier to target (nice regular AND/OR array vs having some pterms dedicated to certain OR terms).
In either case please contact me to discuss further, I'd love to collaborate.
EDIT: Clifford is right, reversing silicon is explicitly legal in the US (17 USC 906) while software is more of a gray area. ISE is also such a giant monster that nobody with their head screwed on right would want to reverse engineer it; the chip is a lot easier to follow.
Although the XC9500XL series is an older 350nm family (less metal layers, larger features, easier to see detail under a microscope) it also uses a lot of nasty analog tricks with floating gate EEPROM/flash cells directly in the logic and sense amplifiers on the output. CoolRunner-II is 180nm with 4 or 5 metal layers depending on density, and the main logic array is entirely digital and a lot easier to reverse engineer.
I would like to optimize a design by having an optimizer make changes to a CAD file, which is then analyzed in FEM, and the results fed back into the optimizer to make changes on the design based on the FEM, until the solution converges to an optimum (mass, stiffness, else).
This is what I envision:
create a blueprint of the part in a CAD software (e.g. CATIA).
run an optimizer code (e.g. fmincon) from within a programming language (e.g. Python). The parameters of the optimizer are parameters of the CAD model (angles, lengths, thicknesses, etc.).
the optimizer evaluates a certain design (parameter set). The programming language calls the CAD software and modifies the design accordingly.
the programming language extracts some information (e.g. mass).
then the programming language extracts a STEP file and passes it a FEA solver (e.g. Abaqus) where a predefined analysis is performed.
the programming language reads the results (e.g. max van Mises stress).
the results from CAD and FEM (e.g. mass and stress) are fed to the optimizer, which changes the design accordingly.
until it converges.
I know this exists from within a closed architecture (e.g. isight), but I want to use an open architecture where the optimizer is called from within an open programming language (ideally Python).
So finally, here are my questions:
Can it be done, as I described it or else?
References, tutorials please?
Which softwares do you recommend, for programming, CAD and FEM?
Yes, it can be done. What you're describing is a small parametric structural sizing multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) environment. Before you even begin coding up the tools or environment, I suggest doing some preliminary work on a few areas
Carefully formulate the minimization problem (minimize f(x), where x is a vector containing ... variables, subject to ... constraints, etc.)
Survey and identify individual tools of interest
How would each tool work? Input variables? Output variables?
Outline in a Design Structure Matrix (a.k.a. N^2 diagram) how the tools will feed information (variables) to each other
What optimizer is best suited to your problem (MDF?)
Identify suitable convergence tolerance(s)
Once the above steps are taken, I would then start to think MDO implementation details. Python, while not the fastest language, would be an ideal environment because there are many tools that were built in Python to solve MDO problems like the one you have and the low development time. I suggest going with the following packages
OpenMDAO (http://openmdao.org/): a modern MDO platform written by NASA Glenn Research Center. The tutorials do a good job of getting you started. Note that each "discipline" in the Sellar problem, the 2nd problem in the tutorial, would include a call to your tool(s) instead of a closed-form equation. As long as you follow OpenMDAO's class framework, it does not care what each discipline is and treats it as a black-box; it doesn't care what goes on in-between an input and an output.
Scipy and numpy: two scientific and numerical optimization packages
I don't know what software you have access to, but here are a few tool-related tips to help you in your tool survey and identification:
Abaqus has a Python API (http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/software/abaqus_docs/docs/v6.12/pdf_books/SCRIPT_USER.pdf)
If you need to use a program that does not have an API, you can automate the GUI using Python's win32com or Pywinauto (GUI automation) package
For FEM/FEA, I used both MSC PATRAN and MSC NASTRAN on previous projects since they have command-line interfaces (read: easy to interface with via Python)
HyperSizer also has a Python API
Install Pythonxy (https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/) and use the Spyder Python IDE (included)
CATIA can be automated using win32com (quick Google search on how to do it: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/347243-automate-catia-v5-with-python-and-pywin32/)
Note: to give you some sort of development time-frame, what you're asking will probably take at least two weeks to develop.
I hope this helps.