Selecting only sheets matching name - vba

I'm working on a macro which will run through the files in the folder and then copy sheets from all excel files to the workbook from which the macro was run.
This part works as charm, what I want to do is to select and copy sheets that match exact name.
For Each wksCurSheet In wbkSrcBook.Sheets
'I reckon I should add some if statement in here
countSheets = countSheets + 1
wksCurSheet.Copy after:=wbkCurBook.Sheets(wbkCurBook.Sheets.Count)
Honestly, I have no idea how to write that statement, examples I found were quite confusing and when I try something by myself, I get weird errors.
If (wksCurSheet.Name == "AO-SC") Then
If (wksCurSheet.Name as String == "AO-SC") Then
If (wksCurSheet.("AO-SC")) Then
What's the correct way?

This is the way to get the specific worksheet through loop:
For Each wksCurSheet In wbkSrcBook.Worksheets
If wksCurSheet.Name = "AO-SC" Then
'Do something
End If
This is how to use it with two worksheets:
If wksCurSheet.Name = "AO-SC" Or wksCurSheet.Name = "SomethingElse" Then
And if the worksheets, you are interestd in are saved in an array, you can use a custom function valueInArray, checking whether the worksheet's name is part of the predefined array:
Public Function valueInArray(myValue As Variant, myArray As Variant) As Boolean
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
If CStr(myValue) = CStr(myArray(cnt)) Then
valueInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
Next cnt
End Function
This is how to use it:
predefinedArrayWithNames = Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2","Sheet3")
If valueInArray(wksCurSheet.Name, predefinedArrayWithNames) Then


VBA how to use a dictionary

I am getting issues in using a dictionary in VBA. I want to add values from a sheet to a dictionary. If I use simple lists, there is no error in the code. Like this.
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Dim cities(500)
Dim accounts(500)
For i = 2 To 500
cities(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 2).Value
accounts(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 3).Value
Next i
placeName = StrConv(Place, vbProperCase)
Account = placeName
End Function
This code does not give an issue but if I add the code for the dictionary, there is some issue.
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Dim cities(500)
Dim accounts(500)
Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
For i = 2 To 500
cities(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 2).Value
accounts(i) = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, 3).Value
dict(cities(i)) = accounts(i)
Next i
placeName = StrConv(Place, vbProperCase)
Account = placeName
dict = Nothing
End Function
Can someone point out the error. I am new to vba so I dont know much about it.
The folowing UDF loads a dictionary object with places as keys (unique) and associated accounts as items. After the dictionary has been loaded, it looks up the Place parameter passed into the function and returns the account if found.
Option Explicit
Function Account(Place As String) As String
Static d As Long, dict As Object
If dict Is Nothing Then
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.comparemode = vbTextCompare
End If
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
For d = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
dict.Item(.Cells(d, "B").Value2) = .Cells(d, "C").Value2
Next d
End With
If dict.exists(Place) Then
Account = dict.Item(Place)
Account = "not found"
End If
End Function
Note that beyond other corrections, the code to instantiate the dictionary object is CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") not CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary).
One possible area of concern, brought to mind by one of your comments, lies in the use of "Sheet1" and "Sheet2". In Excel VBA, there are two different ways to refer to a worksheet. The is the Name of the worksheet, which is what the user sees on the tabs in Excel, and the user can change at will. Thtese default to names like "Sheet1", "Sheet2", etc.
There is also the "Codename" for each worksheet. In the Visual Basic Editor, the project explorer window will list all the worksheets under "Microsoft Excel Objects". There you'll see the Codename for each worksheet, with the Name of the worksheet in parentheses.
When you use Worksheets("Sheet1"), the "Sheet1" refers to the Name, not the Codename. It's possible to end up with a worksheet with the Name "Sheet1" and the codename "Sheet2".
As far as your functions are concerned, I note that in both cases you declare local variables -- the arrays 'cities' and 'accounts' in the first, and those two plus the dictionary 'dict' in the second. You have code to fill those local variables, but then do nothing with them. The return value of the function is not dependent on any of those local variables.
Once the function code completes, those local variables lose their values. VBA returns the memory it used to store those variables to its pool of available memory, to be reused for other purposes.
Try commenting-out the entire loop, and you'll see that the value return from the function is unchanged.
I'm not certain what you intend to accomplish in these functions. It would be helpful for you to explain that.

Determine if a VBComponent regards a workbook or a worksheet

The following code allows me to go through the workbook and worksheets that have macros:
For Each VBCmp In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
Msgbox VBCmp.Name
Msgbox VBcmp.Type
Next VBCmp
As this page shows, for a workbook and a sheet, their type are both 100, ie, vbext_ct_Document. But I still want to distinguish them: I want to know which VBCmp is about a workbook, which one is about a worksheet.
Note that VBCmp.Name can be changed, they are not necessarily always ThisWorkbook or Sheet1, so it is not a reliable information for what I am after.
Does anyone know if there exists a property about that?
Worksheet objects and Workbook objects both have a CodeName property which will match the VBCmp.Name property, so you can compare the two for a match.
Sub Tester()
Dim vbcmp
For Each vbcmp In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
Debug.Print vbcmp.Name, vbcmp.Type, _
IIf(vbcmp.Name = ActiveWorkbook.CodeName, "Workbook", "")
Next vbcmp
End Sub
This is the Function I'm using to deal with exported code (VBComponent's method) where I add a preffix to the name of the resulting file. I'm working on an application that will rewrite, among other statements, API Declares, from 32 to 64 bits. I'm planning to abandon XL 32 bits definitely. After exportation I know from where did the codes came from, so I'll rewrite them and put back on the Workbook.
Function fnGetDocumentTypePreffix(ByRef oVBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent) As String
Dim strWB_Date1904 As String
Dim strWS_EnableCalculation As String
Dim strChrt_PlotBy As String
Dim strFRM_Cycle As String
On Error Resume Next
strWB_Date1904 = oVBComp.Properties("Date1904")
strWS_EnableCalculation = oVBComp.Properties("EnableCalculation")
strChrt_PlotBy = oVBComp.Properties("PlotBy")
strFRM_Cycle = oVBComp.Properties("Cycle")
If strWB_Date1904 <> "" Then
fnGetDocumentTypePreffix = "WB_"
ElseIf strWS_EnableCalculation <> "" Then
fnGetDocumentTypePreffix = "WS_"
ElseIf strChrt_PlotBy <> "" Then
fnGetDocumentTypePreffix = "CH_"
ElseIf strFRM_Cycle <> "" Then
fnGetDocumentTypePreffix = "FR_"
Stop 'This isn't expected to happen...
End If
End Function

User Defined Function to VLookup into Closed Workbook

I'm attempting to create a User Defined Function to vlookup into a closed workbook on my machine. The below function works while testing it in VBA, but I get the #VALUE error in Excel when attempting to use the function. Any ideas on this? I believe I may be able to use the VBA Evaluate function to help, but so far have had no luck.
Function CUSIP_Deal_Map(CUSIP As String, DataField As String) As Variant
Dim colIndex As Integer ' for vlookup
Dim invalidDataField As Boolean
invalidDataField = False
' Switch statement, to transform from a "DataField" into a column number to be used in VLookUp
Select Case DataField
Case "Deal"
colIndex = 2
Case "Class"
colIndex = 5
Case "DealNum"
colIndex = 6
Case "Vintage"
colIndex = 11
Case "Pool"
colIndex = 12
Case "Index"
colIndex = 13
Case Else
invalidDataField = True
End Select
'Dim wbk As Workbook
Set wbk = Workbooks.Open("C:\CUSIP_Map.xlsx") 'hard code location
Dim VLU_data As Variant
VLU_data = wbk.Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CUSIP, Worksheets("CUSIP_Map").Range("A:M"), colIndex, False) 'vlookup data from "database"
Call wbk.Close(False) 'close connection
' Return data
If invalidDataField Then
CUSIP_Deal_Map = "Invalid DataField"
CUSIP_Deal_Map = VLU_data
End If
End Function
The intended use in Excel would be to utilize a formula like =CUSIP_Deal_Map("123ABC","Deal")
I can test this in VBA, using this code, which returns the value I'm expecting:
Sub test()
MsgBox CUSIP_Deal_Map("123ABC", "Deal")
End Sub
Still, this doesn't work within Excel itself. I found a "pull" UDF online which seems to do something similar, but have been unsuccessful modifying it for my purposes.
That is because a UDF() call from within a Sub can open a file, but the same UDF() called from a worksheet cell cannot.
insure the UDF is in a standard module.
at the very top of the module include Public wbk as Workbook
create a workbook Open event macro in your workbook code area to open the secondary workbook and initialize wbk
OK, with the limitation already brokered by Gary's Student, you may want to rethink the idea of a UDF altogether. With those values from the Select Case statement in the first row of the closed CUSIP_Map worksheet, either of these standard worksheet formulas will do.
=VLOOKUP(A1, 'C:\[CUSIP_Map.xlsx]CUSIP_Map'!$A:$M, MATCH("Vintage", 'C:\[CUSIP_Map.xlsx]CUSIP_Map'!$1:$1, 0), FALSE)
=VLOOKUP(A1, 'C:\[CUSIP_Map.xlsx]CUSIP_Map'!$A:$M, LOOKUP("Class", {"Class","Deal","DealNum","Index","Pool","Vintage"}, {5,2,6,13,12,11}), FALSE)
A1 would be value to look up in the CUSIP_Map's column A. Instead of a VBA select case, the column to return is determined by either a MATCH function of the first row column headers or a hard-coded LOOKUP function of text and column numbers. Note that the LOOKUP has its values in ascending order and that it may not have as much error control as the MATCH as it will attempt partial matches. An IFERROR function as a wrapper can return "Invalid DataField" on MATCH errors.

How can I pick values from an Excel workbook and return them by function on active workbook

My goal is to implement some of functions where I give them parameters of power, frequency and speed of an electric motor, and look in another workbook (in which I have motor data) and return the size, shaft diameter and other motor details.
As I have not mastered much VBA I tried to implement a function that simply goes to a cell in another workbook and returns the value:
Function Test() As String
Dim name As String
With Workbooks.Open("D:\ExcelTest\WbSource.xlsm").Sheets("Sheet1")
name = .Cells(2, 3)
End With
Test= name
End Function
The problem is that it gives me a #VALUE! error, but each variable used is defined as a string and the cells has general format (if I change cells format to text it gives me the same message).
Try as I might, I could not get to work in a function, even if the function calls a sub. You could open the catalogue file in the workbook open event, and close it again in the before close event.
In the VProject Explorer, right click on "ThisWorkBook," and "View code".
In the pick list at the top, select Workbook, and the sub Workbook_open() procedure should be created. If not, select "Open" in the right pick list. Put in the following:
Application.Workbooks.Open ("D:\ExcelTest\WbSource.xlsm")
ThisWorkbook.Activate 'restores the "focus" to your worksheet
Then click the right pick list and select "beforeClose" and put in
On Error Resume Next 'this keeps it from crashing if the catalogue is closed first
As long as the worksheet opens the wbsource file first, the function will work.
Here is an approach with scheduling UDF execution in queue, and processing outside UDF that allows to get rid of UDF limitations. So the value from the closed workbook got via ExecuteExcel4Macro() by a link.
Put the following code into one of the VBAProject Modules:
Public Queue, QueueingAllowed, UDFRetValue
Function UDF(ParamArray Args())
If IsEmpty(Queue) Then
Set Queue = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
UDFRetValue = ""
QueueingAllowed = True
End If
If QueueingAllowed Then Queue.Add Application.Caller, (Args)
UDF = UDFRetValue
End Function
Function Process(Args)
If UBound(Args) <> 4 Then
Process = "Wrong args number"
' Args(0) - path to the workbook
' Args(1) - filename
' Args(2) - sheetname
' Args(3) - row
' Args(4) - column
On Error Resume Next
Process = ExecuteExcel4Macro("'" & Args(0) & "[" & Args(1) & "]" & Args(2) & "'!R" & Args(3) & "C" & Args(4))
End If
End Function
Put the following code into ThisWorkbook section of VBAProject Excel Objects:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim Item, TempFormula
If Not IsEmpty(Queue) Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
QueueingAllowed = False
For Each Item In Queue
TempFormula = Item.FormulaR1C1
UDFRetValue = Process(Queue(Item))
Item.FormulaR1C1 = TempFormula
Queue.Remove Item
Application.EnableEvents = True
UDFRetValue = ""
QueueingAllowed = True
End If
End Sub
After that you can get the values from closed workbook via worksheet formula using UDF:
Anyway you can add Workbooks.Open() or any other stuff into Function Process(Args) to make it to work the way you want. The code above is just an example.
I've answered the similar questions here and here, so that descriptions might be helpful.
I suggest:
open WbSource.xlsm either manually or via VBA outside the UDF.
pass the parameters to the UDF
have the UDF search down the columns of the newly opened workbook to find the correct record
have the UDF pass the row number back to the worksheet
in the worksheet, use Match()/Index() formulas to retrieve other data.

Add multiple sheets, name them, and copy paste dynamic range into new sheets

I'm new to excel and I'm trying to add multiple sheets, name each one. The macro is only adding one sheet at a time, example I will click "run" and it will create the "Price Adjustment" table but no others. When I click "run" again it will create the following table only, and so on.
Sub NewSheets()
With Sheets.Add()
.Name = "CustomerTable"
.Name = "EmployeeTable"
.Name = "OrdersTable"
.Name = "ProductTable"
.Name = "PriceAdjustment"
End With
End Sub
The quickest improvement of the code is to move Add() method inside With...End With statement like this:
Sub NewSheets()
With Sheets
.Add().Name = "CustomerTable"
.Add().Name = "EmployeeTable"
.Add().Name = "OrdersTable"
.Add().Name = "ProductTable"
.Add().Name = "PriceAdjustment"
End With
End Sub
Another way to go about this is to put the new sheet names into an array and then loop through the array to create all five of your tables at once.
Couple of things to note about the code:
The array shArray for the sheet names is declared as a Variant so that we can populate the array with the Array function without having to loop through the array to assign each element.
In setting up the For loop, I use the LBound and UBound functions to calculate the index numbers for the first and last elements of the array. That way, it's not necessary to keep track of the number of array elements if the number changes.
Option Explicit 'Turn on compiler option requiring
'that all variables be declared
Sub NewSheets()
Dim shArray() As Variant 'Declare the sheet Name array and a
Dim i As Long 'counter variable
shArray = Array("CustomerTable", _
"EmployeeTable", _
"OrdersTable", _
"ProductTable", _
"PriceAdjustment") 'Populate the array
For i = LBound(shArray) To UBound(shArray) 'Loop through the elements
Sheets.Add().Name = shArray(i)
Next i
End Sub
This is because you are calling the Add() method once. Try this:
Sub AddNewWorksheet(name as String)
With Worksheets.Add()
.Name = name
End With
End Sub
Then you can add worksheets just like this: