ExtJS4 and place some elements inside panel - extjs4

Can't set panel properties to place properly some elements on the panel.
I don't want to use "height" property but I can't find
a proper way how to do it. On the second tabpanel side
(I mean this one with gridpamel and toolbar) I have to
set all the area for grid but without this toolbar. So
toolbar should be the constant on this panel and grid
should fill the rest of space. I tried to set
"layout: 'fit'" for panel but this remove tabpanel. When
I set the same layout for gridpanel, this gridpanel display
e.g.two lines and toolbar right under it.
| Window |
| |
|---------\----------\ TabPAnel |
| 1 | 2 | |
| |
| |
| gridpanel |
| |
| |
| |
| toolbar |
| |
| dockeditems: toolbar |
| |
... 5
toolbar (dockeditems)
Can't find how to do it, could you help?

use flex and remove the height property if assigned in the grid panel
And remove the height property from the toolbar
or use the container and place the grid panel in one contaier and toolbar and docked items in the other container


How do I achieve the translucent effect of navigation bars and tool bars for nested views in iOS 7?

If I use a standard UIViewController or UITableViewController, navigation bars and tool bars appear translucent on top of the content. However, if I use my own custom view hierarchy, I no longer see the effect. In the following screenshot, you can see that the table view does not appear underneath the sticky toolbar.
The UIToolbar's is initialized like so:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.translucent = YES;
self.barTintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:0.1f];
// irrelevant code here
return self;
The actual loadView of the UIViewController is quite long, so I'll just show a diagram of the layout:
| _______________________ | <-- UIView (self.view)
| | | |
| | UITableView | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |_______________________| |
| _______________________ |
| | UIToolbar | |
| |_______________________| |
I made sure to set the edges for the extended layout in viewDidLoad:
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll;
The documentation for edgesForExtendedLayout is a one liner, so I'm stuck on what other interrelated things need to be put into place to get the tool bar to be translucent.
Your tableView should extend and fill the entire view. Then you can set a contentInset which is the height of the navigation bar on the top as well as the toolbar on the bottom. That way you can see the content flow right through. Heres a snippet of code on how to do that. Make sure that the tableView is right at the bottom of the view hierarchy and that the navigation bar and toolbar are on top of it.
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(NavBarHeight, 0, ToolBarHeight+distance_Of_ToolBar_FromThe_Bottom_of_view, 0);

How to make a box with title and controls?

Using Twitter Bootstrap 3 how can I create a box (DIV) that has a title, and below the title a row for icons or text, and below that an area for text?
For example:
| My Title |
| Print | Edit |
| This is the |
| body of my |
| DIV box. |
This can be done several ways. Here are a few options:
First, is a modal. That doesn't seen to be your goal necessarily though:
Modals: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
Next is a list group, which seems closer:
List Groups: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#list-group
The closest one to what it seems like you want is a panel:
Panels: http://getbootstrap.com/components/#panels

MS Access draw table on the report

How is it possible to draw a table on MS Access Report without RecordSource?
I need very simple table with black borders, that should be flexible depending on the passed text
| Header1 | Header 2 | Notes |
| Text1 | Text 2 | Notes |
| | | text |
There is "Arrange" tab, which contains some table elements, but it's disable.
How to resolve that?
Thanks a lot
Put textbox control on the Report, then right mouse click on the control, choose Layout->Tabular, in that case you will have a table/grid flexible and Enabled "Arrange" tab. Also you can set up borders of the cells.

Attach a UIView to a UIViewController programmatically?

What is the best way of having a block of screen run by it's own view controller, whilst the rest of the app runs as normal, switching between views etc.
So the block of screen would be a permanent fixture (tho could be hidden), while the user can switch between tab, push new views etc?
Is there a way to programmatically attach a view to a view controller to do this, or is there some other method?
| |
| nav bar or tool bar |
| |
| |
|view to be attached to view controller | < this block stays even when in other views
| |
| |
| |
| main bit of the view |
| changes according to tab |
| |
| |
| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | < tab bar
| | | | | |
Instead of attaching to view controller, create the view in appDelegate or a singleton instance of the view and whenever a new view is pushed/switched, this view is moved to the front by writing
[self.view addSubview:_yourStaticView];
in the view did load methods of each view controller class. A single UIView controller has a stack, so it cannot render multiple views at the same time, it's either one or the other. Whenever you want to remove this view, write:
[_yourStaticView removeFromSuperview];
You can change the contents of this view just as you would with a UIView!

Programmatically add textview and label to nstableView using Cocoa

I have a NSTableView with multiple rows and just 1 column.
I want to display table in following format:
| Label - 1 |
| |
| textxtview contents-1 |
| height 20 |
| Label - 1 |
| |
| textxtview contents-1 |
| height 40 |
The height of text view should be fixed and its scrollable
Label & text view text color should be different.
How do I programmatically add labels and textview and set the frames?
You maybe should take a look at NSCollectionView. That's easier to use as you can design the cell view in Interface Builder.