Windows image fails to pull with error "failed to register layer" - azure-container-instances

I have image stored in AzureCI and I it fails to launch with following errors. I would assume since second entry is backing off of pulling image that image actually successfully downloaded but there is no additional information available about second error. Image is based of microsoft/dotnet-framework which is in turn based off windowsservercore image
"count": 58,
"firstTimestamp": "2018-01-23T04:06:59+00:00",
"lastTimestamp": "2018-01-23T12:37:39+00:00",
"message": "pulling image \"\"",
"name": "Pulling",
"type": "Normal"
"count": 331,
"firstTimestamp": "2018-01-23T04:07:15+00:00",
"lastTimestamp": "2018-01-23T12:29:53+00:00",
"message": "Back-off pulling image \"\"",
"name": "BackOff",
"type": "Normal"
"count": 1,
"firstTimestamp": "2018-01-23T11:52:33+00:00",
"lastTimestamp": "2018-01-23T11:52:33+00:00",
"message": "Failed to pull image \"\": failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: failed in Win32: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) \nhcsshim::ImportLayer failed in Win32: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)",
"name": "Failed",
"type": "Warning"
}, this continues 10 more times

Edit 2: Turns out it was due to a base of unsupported Windows 1709.
Edit: Thanks for the clarification, made an assumption it was 1709 there. Let me look into it!
Unfortunately Windows 1709 images are not supported right now on Azure Container Instances. This will be fixed in the April time frame. In the mean time please use Windows images based on other versions as a work around - apologies for that! We're working on it!


Why every time I try to enter my publisher name my npm says I need to view user permissions on it?

The present reason I'm asking this question is that my npm CLI server in the Command Prompt doesn't let me register my theme to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. I did as the VS Code website's tutorial on how to publish an extension read. However, when I typed my Personal Access Token in the cmd as it was shown to me, this is what I get:
>vsce login 'my publisher name'
#Error: Access Denied: 'Username' needs the following permission(s) on
#the resource /publisher name to perform this action: View user permissions
#on a resource
I tried several times, and even gave it full access to all accessible organizations in my Azure DevOps. And for your information, my computer runs on Windows 8.1.
This is the package.json file I tried to register:
"name": "blacklady-code-workspace",
"displayName": "Black Lady Theme",
"description": "Modeled after the Black Lady from Sailor Moon R.",
"version": "0.0.1",
"publisher": "ayaimarion",
"repository": {
"url": ""
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.30.0"
"categories": [
"contributes": {
"themes": [
"label": "Black Lady",
"uiTheme": "vs-dark",
"path": "./themes/Black Lady-color-theme.json"
If there's something I did do wrong, let me know.
My Azure DevOps organization:
I had the same issue. I had not yet created the publisher in the Marketplace.
Once I created the new publisher, the vsce login command succeeded.

Elasticsearch snapshot restore throwing "repository missing" exception

"error": "RemoteTransportException[[Francis Underwood][inet[/xx.xx.xx.xx:9300]][cluster/snapshot/get]]; nested: RepositoryMissingException[[xxxxxxxxx] missing]; ",
"status": 404
I am also unable to create new snapshot repository for snapshots on s3
PUT _snapshot/bkp_xxxxx_master
"type": "s3",
settings": {
"region": "us-xxxx-x",
"bucket": "elasticsearch-backups",
"access_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"secret_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Response I receive for this PUT is below:
"error": "RemoteTransportException[[Francis Underwood][inet[/xx.xx.xx.xx:9300]][cluster/repository/put]]; nested: RepositoryException[[bkp_xxxxxxx_master] failed to create repository]; nested:'AbstractMethodError[;)Lorg/elasticsearch/common/blobstore/ImmutableBlobContainer;]; ",
"status": 500
Thanks in advance!
I know this is an old issue but I had been able to replicate this over multiple ElasticSearch versions and it turns out that the reason was conflict between JVM versions and elasticsearch-aws-cloud plugin versions.
As long as you have consistent versions across the cluster (in my case it was Joda version in elasticsearch-aws-cloud was not compatible with the latest JVM version I had installed on the newer nodes.

Taking screenshots with Selenium Builder

Using Selenium Builder, I've created the following json file:
"type": "script",
"seleniumVersion": "2",
"formatVersion": 2,
"steps": [
"type": "get",
"url": ""
"type": "saveScreenshot",
"file": foo.png"
"data": {
"configs": {},
"source": "none"
"inputs": [],
"timeoutSeconds": 60
I tried running it on Windows 7 and two different Ubuntu machines. Instead of the filepath "foo.png" I had also inserted "E:\foo.png" / "/home/swege/foo.png". However, I always get the "exception":
Could not take screenshot of current page - [object Object]
At least I would like to be able to read the "error object", but every system just puts out that the error is a JavaScript object. Any idea how to fix the issue or read the full error message?
Try following :
Above can help you to get exact code that how you can take screenshots using selenium.
So I pulled down and looked at the source for Selenium Builder 2 and found two files that I think show the origin of the error, command_processor.js and driver_component.js.
I can't make out why the error is occurring - maybe someone here can build on this?
Try using a full file path, not just foo.png. On Mac, these worked for me: ~/foo.png and ~/Downloads/screenshots/foo.png.
It's also important that the folder exists and is writable by the account running the web browser.

Testing in-app purchases in Kindle Fire application

I am not able to test in app purchases even with Amazon Appstore SDK Tester.
public void onPurchaseResponse(final PurchaseResponse purchaseResponse)
purchaseResponse always has "INVALID_SKU" even if I have amazon.sdktester.json file with fake JSON.
file content:
"test" : {
"itemType": "CONSUMABLE",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "More Clicks!",
"description": "Click your button ten more times!",
"smallIconUrl": ""
"" : {
"itemType": "CONSUMABLE",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "More Clicks!",
"description": "Click your button ten more times!",
"smallIconUrl": ""
"" : {
"itemType": "ENTITLED",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "Blue Button",
"description": "Button Clicker - Now in Blue!",
"smallIconUrl": ""
Even sample application does not work.
Do you have any suggestions how to test application? It seems that Amazon SDK Tester does not intercept requests.
Here's how I got the In App purchases to work on Kindle Fire (after several hrs of struggle...)
adb install AmazonSDKTester.apk (Install SDKTester on Kindle Fire)
Create a file amazon.sdktester.json in the SDCARD directory (The connected KF shows up as SDCARD in Finder on ur Mac)
Contents of amazon.sdktester.json - {
"com.yourcompany.yourpkgname.200_coins" : {
"itemType": "CONSUMABLE",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "200 COINS",
"description": "2 COINS",
"smallIconUrl": ""
Press the power button on KF & press "Disconnect" button - Now KF is no longer a mounted drive on ur Mac.
Run the AmazonSDKTester app on KF.
Run your app from Eclipse. Make sure the package name in the JSON matches the In App Item SKU on Amazon's website & in the PurchasingManager.initiatePurchaseRequest("com.yourcompany.yourpkgname.200_coins");
Now you should see the In App interstitials showing up.
Still doesn't work - Force Close both your app & AmazonSDKTester on KF; Hard Reset KF ; Restart Eclipse & Restart from Step 1
Don't forget the outer enclosing {} braces in your json.
It took me 3 hours until I figured that out...
It looks like magic but hard reset resolved all my problems.
Make sure to hit the disconnect button after you connect the usb cable to your pc, otherewise the SDK tester will not be able to read the JSON file you moved over since the device is mounted at that point. Found this out the hard way.
I have faced with the issue that the same as your, the key is: in your java code, your item id must equal to your SKU in json file, in this case, it must be: or
Here is the example json file for SampleIAPConsumablesApp and SampleIAPEntitlementsApp sample project provied by Amazon:
"" : {
"itemType": "CONSUMABLE",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "More Clicks!",
"description": "Click your button ten more times!",
"smallIconUrl": "http://some/image.jpg"
"" : {
"itemType": "ENTITLED",
"price": 0.99,
"title": "Blue Button",
"description": "Button Clicker - Now in Blue!",
"smallIconUrl": "http://some/image.jpg"

Xbmc Database Path

I am working with XBMC. I have installed XBMC in my system(Windows 7, 32 bit). Xbmc is working fine in my system. I have developed an application in order to control the Xbmc remotely from Ipad. In order to retrieve the music files or video files from Xbmc, I am unable to. By searching the forums of xbmc, I found that we can write an sql query to get them out. But, the thing is I am unable to make out where the database is located in my system. Someone help me out where I can find it.
The database itself
By default the location of the database is that described on the wiki page XBMC databases
but the actual location can be changed by the user, or a different database technology can be used entirely.
The settings that would affect this are located in advancedsettings.xml.
But in general it is advised by the XBMC developers to never access the database directly.
In order to help with interacting with the database XBMC has supported the JSONRPC queries, the one downside of these is that XBMC needs to be running at the time to respond to these queries. The major advantage is that it XBMC will find the database for you and expose access to it with a common interface.
JSONRPC support was first added to XBMC in "Darhma" (v10), became really useful in "Eden" (v11) and will support almost everything possible in "Frodo" (v12). Information about the use of JSONRPC can be found in the wiki.
An example
In this example I'm assuming that you are targeting "Eden", the current stable release of XBMC. Also I have formatted the following with new lines, these are not required and are not present in the response from XBMC.
If you were to use JSONRPC the request you would need to send would look something like:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies",
"params": {
"properties": [
"limits": {
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"id": 1
Note: If you wanted different information about each movie you could use other properties listed here.
*Note: You probably want to omit the "limits" part to get all movies.*
The response to this would be something like:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"limits": {
"end": 2,
"start": 0,
"total": 47
"movies": [
"label": "Label for movie",
"movieid": 1,
"title": "Title of movie",
"year": 2012
"label": "Label for another movie",
"movieid": 2,
"title": "Title of another movie",
"year": 2010
"label": "Label for a third movie",
"movieid": 3,
"title": "Title of a third movie",
"year": 2012
What to do now?
You have a choice at this point, you can either:
Add "file" to the list of properties, this will return the "file" property, the location of the video file.
Use JSONRPC to tell xbmc to play a movie.
Using this method is best when you don't want to play the file locally (on the iPad) but instead on XBMC.
Playing a movie on XBMC via JSONRPC
This is quite simple, use the "movieid" you received earlier in the following request:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "Player.Open",
"params": {
"item": {
"movieid": 2
"id": 1
Lastly I would note that there are equivalent commands for TV episodes as shown for movies.