DirectShow cannot detect PS3eye - camera

I'm trying to use a PS3eye camera on Windows 10 with DirectShow sdk.
I've installed the driver and tested in AMCap that the PS3eye is working.
When in VS 2015, I defined a CCameraDS class with a function called CameraCount(), but when I call this function it always returns me 1 which represents the EasyCamera of my laptop. Am I missing something?
int CCameraDS::CameraCount()
int count = 0;
// enumerate all video capture devices
ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum = 0;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum);
IEnumMoniker *pEm = 0;
hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEm, 0);
if (hr != NOERROR)
return count;
ULONG cFetched;
IMoniker *pM;
while(hr = pEm->Next(1, &pM, &cFetched), hr==S_OK)
pCreateDevEnum = NULL;
pEm = NULL;
return count;
To verify, I have another method called CameraName(),
int CCameraDS::CameraName(int nCamID, char* sName, int nBufferSize)
int count = 0;
// enumerate all video capture devices
ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum = 0;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum);
IEnumMoniker *pEm = 0;
hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEm, 0);
if (hr != NOERROR) return 0;
ULONG cFetched;
IMoniker *pM;
while(hr = pEm->Next(1, &pM, &cFetched), hr==S_OK)
if (count == nCamID)
IPropertyBag *pBag=0;
hr = pM->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pBag);
var.vt = VT_BSTR;
hr = pBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, NULL);
if(hr == NOERROR)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,var.bstrVal,-1,sName, nBufferSize ,"",NULL);
pCreateDevEnum = NULL;
pEm = NULL;
return 1;
When I input 0, I have EasyCamera returned, but input 1 with nothing output. Where is the problem?

Problem solved.
In fact, the PS3eye driver as well as AMCap software are both compiled under x86 environment, since I used x64 environment, the driver wasn't working I think.
I didn't expect this to be the solution but it does solve the problem.


Getting ICLRRuntimeInfo instance is null C++

I'm getting ICLRRuntimeInfo instance is null C++
DWORD pid = 2076;
HANDLE hProcess;
ICLRMetaHost *pMetaHost = NULL;
IEnumUnknown *ppEnumerator = NULL;
ICLRRuntimeInfo *CLRRuntimeInfo = NULL;
ULONG pFetched = 0;
DWORD versionLength;
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
if (hProcess == NULL) {
printf("process unable to open");
return 0;
hr = CLRCreateInstance(CLSID_CLRMetaHost, IID_ICLRMetaHost,*)&pMetaHost);
pMetaHost->EnumerateLoadedRuntimes(hProcess, &ppEnumerator);
if (ppEnumerator == 0) {
return 0;
hr = ppEnumerator->Next(1, (IUnknown **)&CLRRuntimeInfo, &pFetched);
if (hr == S_FALSE) {
return 0;
When I tried with EnumerateInstalledRuntimes, got all installed Runtimes
pMetaHost->EnumerateInstalledRuntimes( &ppEnumerator)
Windows error i got :failed with error 18 (There are no more files)
In Project properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Dirctories-> $(NETFXKitsDir)Lib\um\x86
But I'm building solution with x64. Now changed to x86. working fine.

how can i get all process name in os x programmatically? not just app processes

I want to get a snapshot of the process info in the os x system.
The 'NSProcessInfo' can only get info of the calling process.
The ps cmd can be one solution, but i'd like a c or objective-c program.
Here's an example using using libproc.h to iterate over all the processes on the system and determine how many of them belong to the effective user of the process. You can easily modify this for your needs.
- (NSUInteger)maxSystemProcs
int32_t maxproc;
size_t len = sizeof(maxproc);
sysctlbyname("kern.maxproc", &maxproc, &len, NULL, 0);
return (NSUInteger)maxproc;
- (NSUInteger)runningUserProcs
NSUInteger maxSystemProcs = self.maxSystemProcs;
pid_t * const pids = calloc(maxSystemProcs, sizeof(pid_t));
NSAssert(pids, #"Memory allocation failure.");
const int pidcount = proc_listallpids(pids, (int)(maxSystemProcs * sizeof(pid_t)));
NSUInteger userPids = 0;
uid_t uid = geteuid();
for (int *pidp = pids; *pidp; pidp++) {
struct proc_bsdshortinfo bsdshortinfo;
int writtenSize;
writtenSize = proc_pidinfo(*pidp, PROC_PIDT_SHORTBSDINFO, 0, &bsdshortinfo, sizeof(bsdshortinfo));
if (writtenSize != (int)sizeof(bsdshortinfo)) {
if (bsdshortinfo.pbsi_uid == uid) {
return (NSUInteger)userPids;

How to get usb mass storage size using libusb library?

I am finding out usb mass storage related information using libusb library.
But don't know how to get usb mass storage size?
My tryout is:
void printdev(libusb_device *dev);
int main()
libusb_device **devs;
libusb_context *ctx = NULL; //a libusb session
int r;
ssize_t cnt; //holding number of devices in list
r = libusb_init(&ctx); //initialize a library session
if(r < 0)
cout<<"Init Error "<<r<<endl; //there was an error
return 1;
libusb_set_debug(ctx, 3); //set verbosity level to 3, as suggested in the documentation
cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); //get the list of devices
if(cnt < 0)
cout<<"Get Device Error"<<endl; //there was an error
cout<<cnt<<" Devices in list."<<endl; //print total number of usb devices
int i;
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); //free the list, unref the devices in it
libusb_exit(ctx); //close the session
return 0;
void printdev(libusb_device *dev)
libusb_device_descriptor desc;
libusb_config_descriptor *conDesc;
char szBuffer[256] = {0};
unsigned char strDesc[256];
libusb_device_handle *devHandle = NULL;
int retVal;
__int64 i64Temp;
DWORD dwProdId;
DWORD dwProdId1;
i64Temp = 13888;
dwProdId = (DWORD)i64Temp;
retVal = libusb_open (dev, &devHandle);
if (retVal != LIBUSB_SUCCESS)
int r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
if (r < 0)
cout<<"failed to get device descriptor"<<endl;
r = libusb_get_config_descriptor(dev, 0, &conDesc);
printf("Interface Class = %d\n", conDesc->interface->altsetting->bInterfaceClass);
cout<<"Number of possible configurations: "<<(int)desc.bNumConfigurations<<" ";
// cout<<"Device Class: "<<desc.bDeviceClass<<endl;
// cout<<"Device Class: "<<desc.bDeviceSubClass<<endl;
printf("Class = %d\n", desc.bDeviceClass);
cout<<"VendorID: "<<desc.idVendor<<endl;
cout<<"ProductID: "<<desc.idProduct<<endl;
dwProdId1 = (DWORD)desc.idProduct;
if (dwProdId1 == dwProdId)
printf("in if\n");
printf("in else\n");
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(devHandle, desc.iManufacturer, strDesc, 256);
printf ("Manufacturer: %s\n", strDesc);
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(devHandle, desc.iSerialNumber, strDesc, 256);
printf ("SerialNumber: %s\n", strDesc);
retVal = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(devHandle, desc.iProduct, strDesc, 256);
printf ("Product: %s\n", strDesc);

Set and get kIsStationary bit using NSURL

I'm porting some old FSRef code to use NSURL, NSFileManager and friends. Everything works except setting and getting the Finder kIsStationery bit on the file.
Is there a way to do this without falling back on deprecated FSRef methods?
So after a bit of research here is the answer for setting and getting the stationery bit:
struct FileInfoBuf
u_int32_t info_length;
u_int32_t padding[8];
u_int32_t type;
u_int32_t creator;
u_int16_t fdFlags;
u_int16_t location;
u_int32_t padding[4];
bool IsStationeryPad(const std::string& path)
attrlist attrList;
FileInfoBuf fileInfo;
attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
attrList.reserved = 0;
attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
attrList.volattr = 0;
attrList.dirattr = 0;
attrList.fileattr = 0;
attrList.forkattr = 0;
if (getattrlist(path.c_str(), &attrList, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW) == noErr)
return (CFSwapInt16BigToHost( & kIsStationery);
return false;
void SetStationeryPad(const std::string& path, bool isStationery)
OSErr err = noErr;
attrlist attrList;
FileInfoBuf fileInfo;
attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
attrList.reserved = 0;
attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
attrList.volattr = 0;
attrList.dirattr = 0;
attrList.fileattr = 0;
attrList.forkattr = 0;
err = getattrlist(path.c_str(), &attrList, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW);
if (err == noErr)
{ |= CFSwapInt16HostToBig(kIsStationery);
setattrlist(path.c_str(), &attrList, &, sizeof(, FSOPT_NOFOLLOW);
Note that there is no real error checking in this code. Also, applications probably shouldn't be setting this bit, this is really a user decision and shuld be controlled through the Finder.

how to use ICLRStrongName in .NET 4?

Related to my previous posts I'm moving to .NET 4. I've found that using the previous StrongName.h to get my assembly signing key in unmanaged code is now deprecated, and I need to use MetaHost.h and ICLRStrongName::StrongNameTokenFromAssembly.
The previous StrongNameTokenFromAssembly(..) was very straight forward, now this new one has no documentation on how to use. Does anyone have experience with this interface?
Wow... that required a lot of hacking around. Here we go!
ICLRMetaHost *pMetaHost = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CLRCreateInstance(CLSID_CLRMetaHost,
IID_ICLRMetaHost, (LPVOID*)&pMetaHost);
if(hr == S_OK)
WCHAR version[100];
DWORD size;
hr == pMetaHost->GetVersionFromFile(MyGetApplicationExecutablePath().c_str(), (LPWSTR) &version, &size);
if(hr == S_OK)
LPWSTR assemblyVer = version;
ICLRRuntimeInfo *pRuntimInfo = NULL;
hr = pMetaHost->GetRuntime(assemblyVer, IID_ICLRRuntimeInfo, (LPVOID*)&pRuntimInfo);
if (hr == S_OK)
ICLRStrongName *pStrongName = NULL;
hr = pRuntimInfo->GetInterface(CLSID_CLRStrongName, IID_ICLRStrongName, (LPVOID*)&pStrongName);
if(hr == S_OK)
pStrongName->StrongNameTokenFromAssembly(MyGetApplicationExecutablePath().c_str(), &token, &len);
DWORD verified = 0;
BOOLEAN sigVerified = pStrongName->StrongNameSignatureVerification(MyGetApplicationExecutablePath().c_str(), SN_INFLAG_FORCE_VER , &verified);
if (!verified)
//Do something nasty here if the Signature verification failed