date time stored as varchar in sql how to filter on varchar - sql

I am working on a project in which dates and times ar stored as a varchar e.g. "30-11-2017,7:30" first date in dd-mm-yyy format and then time separated with a comma. I am trying to filter on it but it is not working correctly kindly guide me how to filter data on date.
select *
from timetrack
where startDateAndTime >= '30-11-2017,7:30'
In attached image records have been shown. When I apply above query it shows no records

You can easily convert your date to SQL datatype datetime uisng parse function, for example select parse('30-11-2017,7:30' as datetime using 'it-IT').
So, in your case, you can apply this function in where clause, so you can easily apply comparison between dates:
select *
from timetrack
where parse(startDateAndTime as datetime using 'it-IT') >= '2017-11-30 07:30:00.000'
Your format is apparently italian :) But you have to specify your own date in the format convertable to datetime, as I have done in above example.
NOTE: parse is available starting with SQL Management Studio 2012.

Unless you are using ISO date format (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss or close) applying ordering (which inequalities like greater than or equal use) will not work: the date order is disconnected from the string ordering.
You'll need to parse the date and times into a real date time type and then compare to that (details of this depend on which RDBMS you are using).

If, you want to just filter out the date then you could use convert() function for SQL Server
select *
from timetrack
where startDateAndTime >= convert(date, left(#date, 10), 103)
Else convert it to datetime as follow
select *
from timetrack
where startDateAndTime >= convert(datetime, left(#date, 10)+' ' +
reverse(left(reverse(#date), charindex(',', reverse(#date))-1)), 103)

You need the date in a datetime column, Otherwise you can't filter with your current varchar format of your date.
Without changing the existing columns, this can be achieved by making a computed column and making it persisted to optimize performance.
ALTER TABLE test add CstartDateTime
as convert(datetime, substring(startDateAndTime, 7,4)+ substring(startDateAndTime, 4,2)
+ left(startDateAndTime, 2) +' '+ right(startDateAndTime, 5), 112) persisted
Note: this require all rows in the column contains a valid date with the current format

Firstly, you need to check what is the data that is entered in the 'startDateAndTime' column,then you can convert that varchar into date format
If the data in 'startDateAndTime' column has data like '30-11-2017,07:30', you would then have to convert it into date:
SELECT to_date('30-11-2017,07:30','dd-mm-yyyy,hh:mm') from dual; --check this
--Your query:
SELECT to_date(startDateAndTime ,'dd-mm-yyyy,hh:mm') from timetrack;


Convert/get varchar variable to YYYYMM

I have 4 CTE's in this table and the third one contains a DATETIME converted to VARCHAR (with format based on the requirement) as startDate in DD/MM/YYYY format. The last cte does calculations based on the data generated and one of the columns needs to store YYYYMM date based on startDate.
The problem it's getting the year and the month from this converted DATETIME, using convert() it shows this:
01/01/ --DD/MM/
These 2 show YYYYMM correctly when startDate isn't converted:
Select *, left(convert(nvarchar(6),new_ini,112),6) as IDPER from table
Select *, convert(nvarchar(6),new_ini,112) as IDPER from table
How could I get YYYYMM format having startDate converted? Or what could be a more smart approach to the requirement
If you have a string in the format DD/MM/YYYY and you want YYYYMM, then use string operations:
select right(new_ini, 4) + substring(new_ini, 4, 2)
You should be storing date values as dates or a related type, not as string. But given that you have already stored this as a string, string operations can do what you need.
My way would be slightly different
Here, I first converted it to date and then formatted to YYYYMMDD and taken 6 chars only
declare #date DATE = GETDATE();
select REPLACE(LEFT(CONVERT(DATE,#date,112),8),'-','') -- 1st approach
select FORMAT(#date,'yyyyMM') --2nd approach

SQL Server : change date format

I need to change the date format from 'yyyy-mm-dd' to ''.
I have data in my table like this '2018-08-08', I need convert it to '08.08.2018'.
I have tried:
UPDATE daily_tasks
SET date = REPLACE(date, date, CONVERT(VARCHAR(255),, 102))
But, it doesn't work.
Ideally you should be storing your dates as bona-fide date columns, not as text. That being said, the date text '2018-08-08' is in fact in an ISO format, and would still allow you to do things like sort and compare against other date literals, so it is not so bad.
But converting this text to a '08.08.2018' format is the wrong thing to do. If a anything, you might want to consider adding a new date column new_date to store this date information. Do that, and then populate it with:
UPDATE daily_tasks
SET new_date = TRY_CONVERT(datetime, date);
Store your date as DATE datatype and when you read data from database use
DECLARE #myDate DATE = '2018-08-08'
SELECT FORMAT(#myDate, 'dd.MM.yyyy')
Your syntax looks like SQL Sever, so i would do :
UPDATE daily_tasks
SET Col = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),, 103), '/', '.')
WHERE . . . ;
However, i would not recommend to do this, just use CONVERT() with SELECT statement whenever necessary :
Regardless of the database, dates are stored in an internal format. This is the correct way to store dates. Do not store dates as strings.
You can specify the format when you query:
Or, you can even add a computed column to provide this information:
alter table daily_tasks
add date_display as ( CONVERT(VARCHAR(255),, 102) ) ;
You could convert the date column to a varchar to store the date in your specified format. However I strongly recommend against this. You should leave it stored as a date.
If you want to do a SELECT to get the data out then you can convert it to your specified format like this:

Converting string 'yyyy-mm-dd' to date

I want to select from table where date column is equal to specific date which I sending as a string in format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. I need to convert that string and than to compare if I have that date in my table.
For now I am doing this:
select *
FROM table
where CONVERT(char(10), date_column,126) = convert(char(10), '2016-10-28', 126)
date_column is a date type in table and I need to get it from table in this format 'yyyy-mm-dd' and because that I use 126 format. I am just not sure with the other part where I converting string which is already in that format and do I need to convert it because I don't know is it good to use this:
CONVERT(varchar(10), date_column,126) = '2016-10-28'
You don't need to convert the column as well. In fact, you better not convert the column, because using functions on columns prevents sql server from using any indexes that might help the query plan on that column.
Also, you are converting a string to char(10) - better just convert it to date:
where date_column = convert(date, '2016-10-28', 126)
Also, if you are using a datetime data type and not date, you need to check that the datetime value is between the date you pass to the next date.
You can convert string to date as follows using the CONVERT() function by giving a specific format of the input parameter
declare #date date
set #date = CONVERT(date, '2016-10-28', 126)
select #date
You can find the possible format parameter values for SQL Convert date function here
You do not need to do that. yyyy-MM-dd is the default format.
Please note that you need to take into account the time as well, if there's a timestamp in date_column. In that case you should write something like this
... WHERE date_column >= '2016-10-28 00:00:00' AND date_column < '2016-10-29 00:00:00'
... WHERE date_column BETWEEN '2016-10-28 00:00:00' and '2016-10-29 00:00:00'
As I just learned that (other than I thought) BETWEEN actually includes the end timestamp and thus is not equivalent to the above >= ... < approach.
This should use indexes properly as well.

finding data lying between a specific date range in sql

I want to find records from my database which lie between any user input date range(say between 10/2/2008 to 26/9/2024). I tried using
convert(VARCHAR(20), EXP_DATE, 103)
but with this query i need to enter perfect date range which is available in my database, it is not giving me data lying in between any date entered.
Thanks in advance
Since it is a poolr designed schema there isnt going to be any decent/Efficient solution for this.
In sql server if you are storing Date or Date & Time data. Use the Data or DATETIME datatypes for your columns.
In your case you are trying to compare a string with passed date. and even when you tried to convert the string (Date) into date datatype you didnt do it correctly.
My suggestion would be Add new columns to your table with Date datatype and update these columns with existing date/string values.
For now you can convert the Date(string) into date datatype using the following code.
SELECT query....
FROM TableName
This solution will get you the expected results but very inefficient method. It will not make use of any indexses on your EXP_DATE Column even if you have a very buffed up index on that column.

Compare DATETIME and DATE ignoring time portion

I have two tables where column [date] is type of DATETIME2(0).
I have to compare two records only by theirs Date parts (day+month+year), discarding Time parts (hours+minutes+seconds).
How can I do that?
Use the CAST to the new DATE data type in SQL Server 2008 to compare just the date portion:
IF CAST(DateField1 AS DATE) = CAST(DateField2 AS DATE)
A small drawback in Marc's answer is that both datefields have been typecast, meaning you'll be unable to leverage any indexes.
So, if there is a need to write a query that can benefit from an index on a date field, then the following (rather convoluted) approach is necessary.
The indexed datefield (call it DF1) must be untouched by any kind of function.
So you have to compare DF1 to the full range of datetime values for the day of DF2.
That is from the date-part of DF2, to the date-part of the day after DF2.
NOTE: It is very important that the comparison is >= (equality allowed) to the date of DF2, and (strictly) < the day after DF2. Also the BETWEEN operator doesn't work because it permits equality on both sides.
PS: Another means of extracting the date only (in older versions of SQL Server) is to use a trick of how the date is represented internally.
Cast the date as a float.
Truncate the fractional part
Cast the value back to a datetime
Though I upvoted the answer marked as correct. I wanted to touch on a few things for anyone stumbling upon this.
In general, if you're filtering specifically on Date values alone. Microsoft recommends using the language neutral format of ymd or y-m-d.
Note that the form '2007-02-12' is considered language-neutral only
for the data types DATE, DATETIME2, and DATETIMEOFFSET.
To do a date comparison using the aforementioned approach is simple. Consider the following, contrived example.
--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare #filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)
CONVERT(char(8), OrderDate, 112) = #filterDate
In a perfect world, performing any manipulation to the filtered column should be avoided because this can prevent SQL Server from using indexes efficiently. That said, if the data you're storing is only ever concerned with the date and not time, consider storing as DATETIME with midnight as the time. Because:
When SQL Server converts the literal to the filtered column’s type, it
assumes midnight when a time part isn’t indicated. If you want such a
filter to return all rows from the specified date, you need to ensure
that you store all values with midnight as the time.
Thus, assuming you are only concerned with date, and store your data as such. The above query can be simplified to:
--112 is ISO format 'YYYYMMDD'
declare #filterDate char(8) = CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112)
OrderDate = #filterDate
You can try this one
CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) = CONVERT(DATE,'2017-11-16 21:57:20.000')
I test that for MS SQL 2014 by following code
select case when CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) = CONVERT(DATE,'2017-11-16 21:57:20.000') then 'ok'
else '' end
You may use DateDiff and compare by day.
DateDiff(dd,#date1,#date2) > 0
It means #date2 > #date1
For example :
select DateDiff(dd, '01/01/2021 10:20:00', '02/01/2021 10:20:00')
has the result : 1
For Compare two date like MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY .
Remember First thing column type of Field must be dateTime.
Example : columnName : payment_date dataType : DateTime .
after that you can easily compare it.
Query is :
select * from demo_date where date >= '3/1/2015' and date <= '3/31/2015'.
It very simple ......
It tested it.....