Get first day of last month in Java HSQL database - sql

How can I select first day of last month and last day of next month in HSQL database?
I tried it postgres way like follows:
SELECT date_trunc('month', current_date - INTERVAL '1 month') :: DATE AS first_day_of_last_month;
Does not work in Java HSQL database thou. :(

Use the LAST_DAY(date) function.


Amazon Athena Date Functions [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Presto: Last day of the month prior
(2 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I understand Athena uses Presto, however the function last_day_of_month(x) in the documentation doesn't seem to work in AWS Athena.
Is there a function I can use to get the last day of the previous month based on the current date (30 september 2021), last day of previous year (31 december 2021) and last day of the half year (30 June 2022) etc?
I used the below script to do this, however it would be good to know if there's a function I can use or simpler way to run the dates.
SELECT date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '1' day
SELECT date_trunc('year',(date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '1' day)) - interval '1' day
SELECT date_add('month',6, date_trunc('year',(date_trunc('month', current_date) - interval '1' day)) - interval '1' day)
First, you need to upgrade your Workgroup to use the Athena engine version 3, which already supports last_day_of_month(x) function.
Athena is based on Presto/Trino, and each version of the Athena engine is based on a different version of the open-source project. You can control the version from the Workgroups menu and even let Athena upgrade the engine automatically for you.
Second, if you want a get the last day of the previous month, the easiest way is to create the first day of the following month and substruct one day from it.
SELECT date '2012-08-01' - interval '1' day
Therefore, if you want the last day of the previous month, and as suggested in the comment, using date_trunc:
SELECT date_trunc('month', current_date ) - interval '1' day
--- half year back
SELECT date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '6' month) - interval '1' day
--- one year back
SELECT date_trunc('month', current_date - interval '1' year) - interval '1' day

SQL Presto - Week function to star on a Sunday

I'm trying to extract the week number from a date, and I want the week to be counted from Sunday to Saturday. This is what I currently have, but I can't seem to find any solution for this is SQL Presto.
SELECT WEEK(date) AS weeknum
Can this be solved?
Thank you!
One method is:
select week(date + interval '1 day') - interval '1 day'
Note: This may not work on the last day of the year.
Alternatively you can use the MySQL-like functions:
select date_format(date, '%V')
This has the week starting on Sunday.

postgresql query to return the day of the week of the first day of the month two years from today

I used postgresql to solve the quesion, query to return the day of the week of the first day of the month two years from today. I was able to solve it with the query below, but I am not sure my query is correct, I just wanna make sure
select cast(date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years') as date)
You are correctly computing the first day of the month two years later with:
date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years')
If you want the corresponding day of the week, you can use extract();
extract(dow from date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years'))
This gives you an integer value between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday)

Is there a way to add in column for Week number depending on a date column?

I was wondering if it is possible in SQL to read in a date column and based on that date create a new column and automatically have the Week number as well. For example today is 4/7/2020 , so the query would have Week 15 populated for that?
In the picture the week column would ideally be populated beside 'datestr'.
Thank you]2
In redshift, you can use date_part() with the w specifier to get the week number of a date or timestamp:
select t.*, date_part(w, datestr) week_number from mytable t
Note that weeks starts on Monday in Redshift. If you want the week to start on Sunday:
select t.*, date_part(w, datestr + interval '1' day) week_number from mytable t
You could use extract. I am not 100% sure if weeks in Redshift start from Sunday or Monday, but you can adjust the interval to test the edge cases.
select datestr, extract(week from datestr + interval '1 day') as weeknum
from your_table

EOMONTH equivalent in Postgresql

Is there a EOMONTH() equivalent in Postgresql? If not, how do I select only the last day of the month for any given month and any given year given a time stamp? For example, I have a dataset with timestamps. From those times, I want to select only 2015-01-31, 2015-02-28, ... 2016-02-29, 2016-03-31, etc. What is an efficient way to do that?
One method is:
select date_trunc('month', col) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day'