Service Fabric .net core app not .net core -

We are in the process of building an service fabric application and have run into a bit of a issue, whenever you user Visual studio to create a new service fabric app and you specify to use a .Net core app, the app/api that is create is a .Net framework app and not .Net core.
Instead of:
Does anyone know the reason for this, or is this intended behavior?

You need to use the preview tools to build and run .NET core apps.
A preview of Visual Studio 2017 Service Fabric Tools 2.0 is now
available for download, packed with new .NET Core and Container
tooling for Service Fabric application development. To start using the
2.0 preview tools, you'll need to install:
Visual Studio 2017 Preview (version 15.4.0 preview 4.0 or later)
Service Fabric Tools 2.0 Preview
More info here.


Project template for .Net Core Web Application missing in VS 2019

I instaled Visual Studio 2019 and updated Visual studio to Version 16.4.5. I have
the component "Microsoft .NET Core SDK 3.1.101 (x64) from Visual Studio" installed in my PC. But when a try to create a web application in Core 3.1, I dont get the web templates. I have only the ones shown in the picture. I would appreciate some help on how to have the templates when creating a Core project
The project templates were available when I downloaded the 3.1 SDK from link

How to run a .NET Core Web App on Apache without Core Runtime?

I developed a web application in .NET Core in VS 2017 for Windows. I published it on Linux Mint using the independent mode (Self-contained deployment). How to run it on Apache without installing .Net Core runtime?
With Console App (Self-contained deployment) it's possible with this Linux command ./DllName.
I found the problem, the error was caused by a Visual Studio bug that generated dll in the wizard but was corrupted. publishing the application via cmd works. core compilation issue with VS2017 community edition

I have installed VS 2017 Community edition with below workload on my machine (Windows-7 64 bit).
ASP.Net and Web Development.
Azure Development
.Net Desktop Development.
.NET Core cross-platform development.
I'm getting error message as 'Unable to attach to application 'dotnet.exe' (PID:2472) using 'xxxx-user' The address is not valid for this context'
while compiling the simple core application.
Tried some workarounds like repairing the VS installation, deleting bin and obj folder still facing same issue.

Publishing .Net core to Azure web services from Visual Studio for Mac is not working

Publishing .Net core to Azure web services from Visual Studio for Mac is not working.
Tried adding web.config but still publish failed.
I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise for Mac (updated on 11-May-2017).
But configuring Deployment options via Git from Azure is perfectly working.
I created new visual studio solution and add ONLY .net core projects.
Tried publishing into Azure and hooray! - its all good now.

ASP.NET Core Web Application Template does not exist on Visual Studio 15

I've installed Visual Studio 15.
When I want to add new project, the ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Core) does not exist in project templates.
I've installed .NET Core and I'm using it on VS 2015.
Tooling for .NET core is not available in VS15 yet.
Visual Studio Tools for .NET Core availability
Tooling support for .NET Core projects is not available in this
release of Visual Studio.
Support will be available in a future update of Visual Studio “15”.
It is due to the .Net Core Tool which is yet not released for VS2015. So if you want to use it then you have to go for VS2017.