How to reschedule messages with a specific time in RabbitMQ - rabbitmq

My problem:
I pull off a message from a RabbitMQ-Queue. I try to process this message and realize that it can't be processed yet. So i would like to add it back to the queue and let it return only on a specific time + 5000ms. Unfortunately that is more challenging than i thought.
What i've tried:
RabbitMQ Dead Letter Attributes -> My issue here is, even though the manual says that the default exchange is binded to every queue it doesnt forward it according to the routing criteria. I've tried to add expires = "5000" and x-dead-letter-routing-key = "queuename" also "x-dead-letter-exchange = "" as the default exchange should work. The only part which works is the expires part. The message will disappear and go into the dark. This also occurs with the dead-letter-exchange beeing including the binding on the targeted queue.
Open gaps for me:
Where i'm a bit left in the dark is if the receivers have to be dead letter queues and if i the dead letter queue is a basic queue with extended functionality. It is also not clear if those parameters (x-dead-letter..) are only for DLX Queues. I would like to do this delayed delivery persistent and purely via. the message attributes and not via. queue configurations (only if required).
I've searched on the web and checked many different dead-letter infos. Im trying to build a micro-service like architecture while using RabbitMQ as the delivery mechanism (i use processes which take their work from the queue and forward it). I would believe other people here have the same running already but i couldn't find any blogs about this.

I had to come to the conclusion that on the message level it is not possible.
I've created now for each queue which is in use a separate queue ("name.delayed") , where i can add the message with the argument "expiration" = 5000
The queue settings itself has to be a dead letter queue routing it to the queue "name"


Immediate flag in RabbitMQ

I have a clients that uses API. The API sends messeges to rabbitmq. Rabbitmq to workers.
I ought to reply to clients if somethings went wrong - message wasn't routed to a certain queue and wasn't obtained for performing at this time ( full confirmation )
A task who is started after 5-10 seconds does not make sense.
Appropriately, I must use mandatory and immediate flags.
I can't increase counts of workers, I can't run workers on another servers. It's a demand.
So, as I could find the immediate flag hadn't been supporting since rabbitmq v.3.0x
The developers of rabbitmq suggests to use TTL=0 for a queue instead but then I will not be able to check status of message.
Whether any opportunity to change that behavior? Please, share your experience how you solved problems like this.
Thank you.
I'm not sure, but after reading your original question in Russian, it might be that using both publisher and consumer confirms may be what you want. See last three paragraphs in this answer.
As you want to get message result for published message from your worker, it looks like RPC pattern is what you want. See RabbitMQ RPC tuttorial. Pick a programming language section there you most comfortable with, overall concept is the same. You may also find Direct reply-to useful.
It's not the same as immediate flag functionality, but in case all your publishers operate with immediate scenario, it might be that AMQP protocol is not the best choice for such kind of task. Immediate mean "deliver this message right now or burn in hell" and it might be a situation when you publish more than you can process. In such cases RPC + response timeout may be a good choice on application side (e.g. socket timeout). But it doesn't work well for non-idempotent RPC calls while message still be processed, so you may want to use per-queue or per-message TTL (or set queue length limit). In case message will be dead-lettered, you may get it there (in case you need that for some reason).
As to "something" can go wrong, it can go so on different levels which we for simplicity define as:
before RabbitMQ, like sending application failure and network problems;
inside RabbitMQ, say, missed destination queue, message timeout, queue length limit, some hard and unexpected internal error;
after RabbitMQ, in most cases - messages processing application error or some third-party services like data persistence or caching layer outage.
Some errors like network outage or hardware error are a bit epic and are not a subject of this q/a.
Typical scenario for guaranteed message delivery is to use publisher confirms or transactions (which are slower). After you got a confirm it mean that RabbitMQ got your message and if it has route - placed in a queue. If not it is dropped OR if mandatory flag set returned with basic.return method.
For consumers it's similar - after basic.consumer/basic.get, client ack'ed message it considered received and removed from queue.
So when you use confirms on both ends, you are protected from message loss (we'll not run into a situation that there might be some bug in RabbitMQ itself).
Bogdan, thank you for your reply.
Seems, I expressed my thought enough clearly.
Scheme may looks like this. Each component of system must do what it must do :)
The an idea is make every component more simple.
How to task is performed.
Clients goes to HTTP-API with requests and must obtain a respones like this:
Positive - it have put to queue
Negative - response with error and a reason
When I was talking about confirmation I meant that I must to know that a message is delivered ( there are no free workers - rabbitmq can remove a message ), a client must be notified.
A sent message couldn't be delivered to certain queue, a client must be notified.
How to a message is handled.
Messages is sent for performing.
Status of perfoming is written into HeartBeat
Clients obtain status from HeartBeat by itself and then decide that
it's have to do.
I'm not sure, that RPC may be useful for us i.e. RPC means that clients must to wait response from server. Tasks may works a long time. Excess bound between clients and servers, additional logic on client-side.
Limited size of queue maybe not useful too.
Possible situation when a size of queue maybe greater than counts of workers. ( problem in configuration or defined settings ).
Then an idea with 5-10 seconds doesn't make sense.
TTL doesn't usefull because of:
Setting the TTL to 0 causes messages to be expired upon reaching a
queue unless they can be delivered to a consumer immediately. Thus
this provides an alternative to basic.publish's immediate flag, which
the RabbitMQ server does not support. Unlike that flag, no
basic.returns are issued, and if a dead letter exchange is set then
messages will be dead-lettered.
direct reply-to :
The RPC server will then see a reply-to property with a generated
name. It should publish to the default exchange ("") with the routing
key set to this value (i.e. just as if it were sending to a reply
queue as usual). The message will then be sent straight to the client
Then I will not be able to route messages.
So, I'm sorry. I may flounder in terms i.e. I'm new in AMQP and rabbitmq.

RabbitMQ Work Queue Configuration Questions

I have two questions about RabbitMQ Work Queues:
As I understand it from the RabbitMQ tutorials, it seems that if I have a basic queue consumer client (just a basic "Hello, World!" consumer) and then I add a second consumer client for the same queue, then RabbitMQ will automatically dispatch the messages between those two queues in a round robin manner. Is that true (without adding in any extra configuration)?
My consumer clients are configured to only ever receive one message at a time, using (GetResponse response = channel.basicGet("my_queue", false). Since I am only ever receiving one message at a time, is it still necessary to set a prefetchCount (channel.basicQos(1)) for fair dispatch?
Answers to your questions:
However, your two questions 1 and 2 are not compatible. If you are using a consumer, it is designed to have messages pushed to it, and you don't use Basic.Get. When you use a consumer, you will need to use Basic.QoS to specify that the consumer can only "own" one unacknowledged message at a time. RabbitMQ will not push additional messages beyond the QoS limit.
Your alternative is to "pull" from the queue using Basic.Get, and you will control your own destiny as far as how many messages you run at a time.
Does this make sense?

RabbitMQ, dead letters exchanges -> Can't route message to the default exchange?

With the RabbitMQ Admin (v3), I tried to create a queue that will send dead letter messages to the default exchange, with a routing key "MyErrorRoutingKey" on which is binded an error queue.
So in the administration interface, I left the "dead letter exchange" blank.
I just wonder if it is normal to have the following message when trying to create the queue:
406 PRECONDITION_FAILED - invalid arg 'x-dead-letter-routing-key' for
queue 'MyQueue' in vhost '/': routing_key_but_no_dlx_defined
It seems possible to route dead letter messages to the default exchange because further in the documentation it is said:
It is possible to form a cycle of dead-letter queues. For instance,
this can happen when a queue dead-letters messages to the default
exchange without specifiying a dead-letter routing key. Messages in
such cycles (i.e. messages that reach the same queue twice) will be
So how I am supposed to route messages to the default exchange? Unlike the "cyclic useless dead-letter" described above, I want to be able to specify the routing key so that my messages are not lost.
Old question but no-one seems to have answered so I'll give it a shot.
I was having trouble with the exact same error using the web UI but I was able to get around it by setting the "x-dead-letter-exchange" and "x-dead-letter-routing-key" manually as custom arguments instead of using the provided fields.
Sounds to me like routing_key_but_no_dlx_defined says that you should not define a dead-letter-routing-key if you are not defining a dead-letter-exchange, which sort of makes sense too.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do with the default exchange, but that too has a name so maybe you can just set the dead-letter-exchange also...
Regarding your last quote from the docs it means that if you have setup a cycle using dead-letter-exchanged, i.e:
...RabbitMQ will drop the message as it comes back to QUEUE-A if it leaves the DEAD-LETTER-QUEUE because of a timeout.
If such a delayed retry is what you want you'll have to manually queue your message to the DEAD-LETTER-QUEUE currently, but there's a indication that RabbitMQ may let you have such cycles later on (

How to setup queue such a way all subscribers get messages - Rabbit MQ

I am reading RabbitMQ in Action book, stil in the chapter 2, but one thing authors says puzzling me. You setup a exchange and send a message, two subscribers are listening to the queue. When the first message comes in, the first subscriber gets it and the message is removed once it is acknowledged. When the next messages arrives it goes to the next listener in round robin way. I thought, if I am sending a message, I want all the subscribers to get it. Is my understanding wrong?
This is simple. If you want all subscribers to get a copy of the message, then create multiple queues with a wildcard binding.
Assuming that you have a topic exchange, and you publish all messages with a routing key like fred.interesting or fred.boring, then if each subscriber declares a queue with the binding key of fred.*, then each queue will get a copy of every message. The only issue is how to name the queues, although RabbitMQ can generate unique names for you if you wish.
If I were doing this I would have a supervisor process that starts and monitors the message consumer processes. The supervisor would assign each consumer process a queue name like fred0001, fred0002 and keep track of which names are in play. Using specified names like this makes it easier to use management tools or write management and monitoring scripts.

RabbitMQ use of immediate and mandatory bits

I am using RabbitMQ server.
For publishing messages, I set the immediate field to true and tried sending 50,000 messages. Using rabbitmqctl list_queues, I saw that the number of messages in the queue was zero.
Then, I changed the immediate flag to false and again tried sending 50,000 messages. Using rabbitmqctl list_queues, I saw that a total of 100,000 messages were in queues (till now, no consumer was present).
After that, I started a consumer and it consumed all the 100,000 messages.
Can anybody please help me in understanding about the immediate bit field and this behavior too? Also, I could not understand the concept of the mandatory bit field.
The immediate and mandatory fields are part of the AMQP specification, and are also covered in the RabbitMQ FAQ to clarify how its implementers interpreted their meaning:
This flag tells the server how to
react if a message cannot be routed to
a queue. Specifically, if mandatory is
set and after running the bindings the
message was placed on zero queues then
the message is returned to the sender
(with a basic.return). If mandatory
had not been set under the same
circumstances the server would
silently drop the message.
Or in my words, "Put this message on at least one queue. If you can't, send it back to me."
For a message published with immediate
set, if a matching queue has ready
consumers then one of them will have
the message routed to it. If the lucky
consumer crashes before ack'ing
receipt the message will be requeued
and/or delivered to other consumers on
that queue (if there's no crash the
messaged is ack'ed and it's all done
as per normal). If, however, a
matching queue has zero ready
consumers the message will not be
enqueued for subsequent redelivery on
from that queue. Only if all of the
matching queues have no ready
consumers that the message is returned
to the sender (via basic.return).
Or in my words, "If there is at least one consumer connected to my queue that can take delivery of a message right this moment, deliver this message to them immediately. If there are no consumers connected then there's no point in having my message consumed later and they'll never see it. They snooze, they lose."
Removal of "immediate" flag
What changed? We removed support for the
rarely-used "immediate" flag on AMQP's basic.publish.
Why on earth did you do that? Support for "immediate" made many parts
of the codebase more complex, particularly around mirrored queues. It
also stood in the way of our being able to deliver substantial
performance improvements in mirrored queues.
What do I need to do? If you just want to be able to publish messages
that will be dropped if they are not consumed immediately, you can
publish to a queue with a TTL of 0.
If you also need your publisher to be able to determine that this has
happened, you can also use the DLX feature to route such messages to
another queue, from which the publisher can consume them.
Just copied the announcement here for a quick reference.