react-native scrollview does now respect flex? - react-native
I'm learning flex layout for react native. This is my code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
const style = {
container: {
title: {
terms: {
termsText: {
check: {
export default class Home extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={style.container}>
<Text style={style.title}>Terms and Conditions</Text>
<ScrollView style={style.terms}>
<Text style={style.termsText}>You must comply, or die...</Text>
<Text style={style.check}>Check mark here (tap to agree to terms)</Text>
And the result is this:
This is not what I expected. I was expecting the red area to take up 80% of the vertical height because style.terms.flex == 8. If I changed the contents of my render to this:
render() {
return (
<View style={style.container}>
<Text style={style.title}>Terms and Conditions</Text>
<Text style={style.terms}>You must comply, or die...</Text>
<Text style={style.check}>Check mark here (tap to agree to terms)</Text>
I am then able to get the red area to become 80% vertical height. Why does ScrollView not respect style.terms.flex?
"Keep in mind that ScrollViews must have a bounded height in order to work, since they contain unbounded-height children into a bounded container (via a scroll interaction)." From the react native docs. What you can do is use the Dimensions API of react native and give the ScrollView 80% of device height instead.
More on ScrollView
Use Dimensions Api for ScrollView
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');
<ScrollView style={{ height: height * 0.8 }}>
<Text style={style.termsText}>You must comply, or die...</Text>
height * 0.8 get the 80 percentage of height with respect to the screen size
Issue with images styling inside a FlatList - React Native
I'm trying to design an application screen (I used React Navigation) where several images are displayed vertically inside a FlatList. Each image takes up around 90% of the screen, is centered and has some border-radius, to see the other images, the user has to scroll down. All these things I was able to do myself, the only problem is, when I scroll down the first image, there is a huge empty gap at the top before showing image 2, and when I scroll down again to see image 3, the bottom bit of image 2 is still showing in the upper part of the screen, separated by another huge gap and the bottom of image 3 is cut out of the screen. What I've been trying to do is to show exactly one full image at a time, and I don't know whether there's something wrong with the scrolling itself, or the styling I applied to the components. Here's the code: import {View, FlatList, Image, Dimensions} from 'react-native'; import {pictures} from './pictures.js'; const ImageScreen = () => { const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get('screen').height; function renderImages(pictures){ return( <View style={{ width: deviceWidth, height: deviceHeight, alignItems:'center'}}> <Image source={{uri: pictures.item.imageId}} style={{height:'90%',width:'90%', borderRadius:22 }}/> </View> );} return( <FlatList data={pictures} keyExtractor={(item)=>} renderItem={renderImages} pagingEnabled={true} /> ); }; export default SightOverview;
please find below code to display list: import * as React from 'react'; import { View, FlatList, Image, Dimensions } from 'react-native'; const App = () => { const pictures = [{ imageId: '' }] const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; const deviceHeight = Dimensions.get('screen').height; function renderImages({ item }) { console.log(item) return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, width: deviceWidth, height: deviceHeight, alignItems: 'center' }}> <Image source={{ uri: item.imageId }} style={{ width: deviceWidth * 0.8, height: deviceHeight * 0.5, borderRadius: 22 }} /> </View> ); } return ( <View style={{ flex: 1 }}> <FlatList data={pictures} keyExtractor={(item) =>} renderItem={renderImages} pagingEnabled={true} /> </View> ); }; export default App;
swiping on react-native-snap-carousel is not working as expected
I am trying to use react-native-snap-carousel but however, the swiping effect is not working as expected - it is often difficult to swipe left and right, it requires user to swipe harder to move to another picture (as illustrated in the link below). Swiping issue with React Native Snap Carousel I am not able to find any documented soluton but I found one possible prop - swipeThreshold. I try various value, but still the issue persist. Does anyone know the solution to this?
I suggest you to use react-native-image-slider. it's flexible and easy to use. I made a component named slider.js: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet, Image, } from 'react-native'; import ImageSlider from 'react-native-image-slider'; export default class Slider extends Component { render() { return ( <ImageSlider loop autoPlayWithInterval={3000} images={this.props.dataSource} customSlide={({ index, item, style, width }) => ( <View key={index} style={[style, styles.customSlide]}> <Image source={{ uri: item }} style={styles.customImage} /> </View> )} /> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ customImage: { height: 180, marginRight: 20, marginLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, marginTop: 8, }, customSlide: { backgroundColor: '#eee', }, }); you can add this to your project and use it wherever you need it like this: import Slider from '../component/slider'; export default class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { images: [ '', '', '', '', ], } render() { return ( <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#eee'}}> <Slider dataSource={this.state.images} /> </View> ); } }
How do you fit an image in react native?
// How do you set the image on the top of the screen without losing the aspect ration? [![import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, View, Image, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; export default class DisplayAnImageWithStyle extends Component { render() { return ( <View style={{flex:1}}> <Image resizeMode="contain" style={{flex:1}} source={{uri: ''}} /> </View> ); } } // Skip these lines if you are using Create React Native App. AppRegistry.registerComponent( 'DisplayAnImageWithStyle', () => DisplayAnImageWithStyle );][1]][1] // Here the liked image shows that it is not fitting well... it is not showing from the top... do you have any idea how I can set the image without any padding? [1]:
So you might wanna use resizeMode: 'cover' with a height and width. <Image resizeMode="contain" style={{ width: 200, height:220, resizeMode: 'cover'}} source={{uri: ''}} /> Here's an example Let me know if this works for you.
React-Native: How to add full screen Lottie animation
I am using linear gradient from lottie, the code is working fine with ios but in android its not fitting to full screen, there is some kind of padding between gradient and the view. On ios its working fine...i tried many ways, buy including padding to 0 and even margin to -20, but nothing worked...any solution? import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, StyleSheet, View, Platform, Dimensions } from 'react-native'; import SignInScreen from './src/screens/auth/SignInScreen'; import Animation from 'lottie-react-native'; import anim from './assets/gradient_animated_background.json'; const height = Dimensions.get('window').height + 20; const width = Dimensions.get('window').width + 20; export default class App extends Component { componentDidMount() {; } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Animation ref={animation => { this.animation = animation; }} style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', height: '100%', width: '100%' }} loop={true} source={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? anim : 'gradient_animated_background.json'} /> </View> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor: 'blue', flex: 1, }, welcome: { fontSize: 20, textAlign: 'center', margin: 10, color: '#ffffff' } }); The animation, and when ever i keep changing the width and forcefully tries to maintain the aspect radio...(not sure though) {"v":"4.6.10","fr":15,"ip":0,"op":155,"w":1080,"h":1920,"nm":"background","ddd":0,"assets":[],"layers":[{"ddd":0,"ind":1,"ty":4,"nm":"Shape Layer 1","ks":{"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"p":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0,0]},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100,100]}},"ao":0,"shapes":[{"ty":"gr","it":[{"ty":"rc","d":1,"s":{"a":0,"k":[1160,880]},"p":{"a":0,"k":[0,0]},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"nm":"Rectangle Path 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Shape - Rect"},{"ty":"st","c":{"a":0,"k":[0.9960784,0.7843137,0.145098,1]},"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"w":{"a":0,"k":6},"lc":1,"lj":1,"ml":4,"nm":"Stroke 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke"},{"ty":"gf","o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":1,"g":{"p":3,"k":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[0,0.511,0.89,0.283,0.5,0.334,0.873,0.583,1,0.156,0.857,0.882],"e":[0,0.726,0.283,0.89,0.5,0.441,0.356,0.886,1,0.156,0.429,0.882]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[0,0.726,0.283,0.89,0.5,0.441,0.356,0.886,1,0.156,0.429,0.882],"e":[0,0.89,0.283,0.283,0.5,0.886,0.553,0.219,1,0.882,0.823,0.156]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[0,0.89,0.283,0.283,0.5,0.886,0.553,0.219,1,0.882,0.823,0.156],"e":[0,0,0.312,0.737,0.5,0.078,0.597,0.754,1,0.156,0.882,0.771]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[0,0,0.312,0.737,0.5,0.078,0.597,0.754,1,0.156,0.882,0.771],"e":[0,0.51,0.89,0.282,0.5,0.333,0.873,0.582,1,0.157,0.855,0.882]},{"t":120}]}},"s":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[-430.769,-404.573],"e":[23.726,-364.48],"to":[75.7491683959961,6.68213844299316],"ti":[-123.915840148926,-8.51547145843506]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[23.726,-364.48],"e":[312.726,-353.48],"to":[123.915840148926,8.51547145843506],"ti":[-1.00208830833435,-1.83333337306976]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[312.726,-353.48],"e":[29.739,-353.48],"to":[1.00208830833435,1.83333337306976],"ti":[120.055290222168,0.60746711492538]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[29.739,-353.48],"e":[-407.606,-357.125],"to":[-120.055290222168,-0.60746711492538],"ti":[72.8907089233398,0.60746711492538]},{"t":120}]},"e":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[374.412,342.611],"e":[22.822,357.191],"to":[-58.5984153747559,2.42986845970154],"ti":[132.520950317383,-7.89707231521606]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[22.822,357.191],"e":[-420.714,389.994],"to":[-132.520950317383,7.89707231521606],"ti":[-4.68509674072266,-7.89707231521606]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[-420.714,389.994],"e":[50.932,404.573],"to":[4.68509674072266,7.89707231521606],"ti":[-132.918350219727,4.25226974487305]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[50.932,404.573],"e":[376.797,364.48],"to":[132.918350219727,-4.25226974487305],"ti":[-54.3107261657715,6.68213844299316]},{"t":120}]},"t":1,"nm":"Gradient Fill 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Graphic - G-Fill"},{"ty":"tr","p":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":2},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":1},"s":{"a":0,"k":[93.29,219.491],"ix":3},"r":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":6},"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":7},"sk":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":4},"sa":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":5},"nm":"Transform"}],"nm":"Rectangle 1","np":3,"cix":2,"ix":1,"mn":"ADBE Vector Group"}],"ip":0,"op":155,"st":0,"bm":0,"sr":1},{"ddd":0,"ind":2,"ty":1,"nm":"Deep Red Solid 1","ks":{"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"p":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"a":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100,100]}},"ao":0,"sw":1080,"sh":1920,"sc":"#be2a2a","ip":0,"op":155,"st":0,"bm":0,"sr":1}]}
What you are missing is the resizeMode, which is not specified on the documentation page, but if you look at the source you'll find it. Here's something that works if you don't care to lose a few pixels: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Dimensions } from 'react-native'; import LottieView from 'lottie-react-native'; import { anim } from './assets/animation.json'; const { height, width } = Dimensions.get('window') export default class App extends Component { componentDidMount() {; } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <LottieView ref={animation => { this.animation = animation; }} style={{ width: width + 10, height: height, marginLeft: - 5 }} resizeMode='cover' loop={true} source={anim} /> </View> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor: 'blue', flex: 1, }, }); Notice that I've exported the asset a bit differently since I tried this on and for some reason they don't like JSON files 😁, so now the assets look something /assets/animation.json.js export const anim = {"v":"4.6.10","fr":15,"ip":0,"op":155,"w":1080,"h":1920,"nm":"background","ddd":0,"assets":[],"layers":[{"ddd":0,"ind":1,"ty":4,"nm":"Shape Layer 1","ks":{"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"p":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0,0]},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100,100]}},"ao":0,"shapes":[{"ty":"gr","it":[{"ty":"rc","d":1,"s":{"a":0,"k":[1160,880]},"p":{"a":0,"k":[0,0]},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"nm":"Rectangle Path 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Shape - Rect"},{"ty":"st","c":{"a":0,"k":[0.9960784,0.7843137,0.145098,1]},"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"w":{"a":0,"k":6},"lc":1,"lj":1,"ml":4,"nm":"Stroke 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke"},{"ty":"gf","o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":1,"g":{"p":3,"k":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[0,0.511,0.89,0.283,0.5,0.334,0.873,0.583,1,0.156,0.857,0.882],"e":[0,0.726,0.283,0.89,0.5,0.441,0.356,0.886,1,0.156,0.429,0.882]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[0,0.726,0.283,0.89,0.5,0.441,0.356,0.886,1,0.156,0.429,0.882],"e":[0,0.89,0.283,0.283,0.5,0.886,0.553,0.219,1,0.882,0.823,0.156]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[0,0.89,0.283,0.283,0.5,0.886,0.553,0.219,1,0.882,0.823,0.156],"e":[0,0,0.312,0.737,0.5,0.078,0.597,0.754,1,0.156,0.882,0.771]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[0,0,0.312,0.737,0.5,0.078,0.597,0.754,1,0.156,0.882,0.771],"e":[0,0.51,0.89,0.282,0.5,0.333,0.873,0.582,1,0.157,0.855,0.882]},{"t":120}]}},"s":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[-430.769,-404.573],"e":[23.726,-364.48],"to":[75.7491683959961,6.68213844299316],"ti":[-123.915840148926,-8.51547145843506]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[23.726,-364.48],"e":[312.726,-353.48],"to":[123.915840148926,8.51547145843506],"ti":[-1.00208830833435,-1.83333337306976]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[312.726,-353.48],"e":[29.739,-353.48],"to":[1.00208830833435,1.83333337306976],"ti":[120.055290222168,0.60746711492538]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[29.739,-353.48],"e":[-407.606,-357.125],"to":[-120.055290222168,-0.60746711492538],"ti":[72.8907089233398,0.60746711492538]},{"t":120}]},"e":{"a":1,"k":[{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":0,"s":[374.412,342.611],"e":[22.822,357.191],"to":[-58.5984153747559,2.42986845970154],"ti":[132.520950317383,-7.89707231521606]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":31,"s":[22.822,357.191],"e":[-420.714,389.994],"to":[-132.520950317383,7.89707231521606],"ti":[-4.68509674072266,-7.89707231521606]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":61,"s":[-420.714,389.994],"e":[50.932,404.573],"to":[4.68509674072266,7.89707231521606],"ti":[-132.918350219727,4.25226974487305]},{"i":{"x":0.833,"y":0.833},"o":{"x":0.167,"y":0.167},"n":"0p833_0p833_0p167_0p167","t":91,"s":[50.932,404.573],"e":[376.797,364.48],"to":[132.918350219727,-4.25226974487305],"ti":[-54.3107261657715,6.68213844299316]},{"t":120}]},"t":1,"nm":"Gradient Fill 1","mn":"ADBE Vector Graphic - G-Fill"},{"ty":"tr","p":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":2},"a":{"a":0,"k":[0,0],"ix":1},"s":{"a":0,"k":[93.29,219.491],"ix":3},"r":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":6},"o":{"a":0,"k":100,"ix":7},"sk":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":4},"sa":{"a":0,"k":0,"ix":5},"nm":"Transform"}],"nm":"Rectangle 1","np":3,"cix":2,"ix":1,"mn":"ADBE Vector Group"}],"ip":0,"op":155,"st":0,"bm":0,"sr":1},{"ddd":0,"ind":2,"ty":1,"nm":"Deep Red Solid 1","ks":{"o":{"a":0,"k":100},"r":{"a":0,"k":0},"p":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"a":{"a":0,"k":[540,960,0]},"s":{"a":0,"k":[100,100,100]}},"ao":0,"sw":1080,"sh":1920,"sc":"#be2a2a","ip":0,"op":155,"st":0,"bm":0,"sr":1}]}
So the first answer raised an important point (adding resizeMode="cover"). But that's not enough, If you test across several screens sizes, you might still find unwanted margins and spaces. I had this issue too, Here's the simple solution: Get the dimensions of the lottie file (e.g 300 X 600) Set width only, then use aspectRatio to determine the height. (must) Set flexGrow = 1 (must) e.g <LottieView style={{ width: 300, aspectRatio: 300 / 600, flexGrow: 1, alignSelf: 'center', }} resizeMode="cover" ref={animation=> { this.animation = animation; }} source={require ('./assets/animation.json')} autoPlay={false} loop={false} /> I guess the problem arises because you cant use width and height at the same time in the styling of the Lottie view. So an easy workaround is to use the width and aspectRatio Good luck!
Horizontal FlatList React Native with different height of items
I have a little problem with the FlatList Component in react native. In the FlatList are items with different height. Here is a little example of what i have: example FlatL The first problem is that all items are positioned at the top. I want to position all items at the bottom. The second problem is that the height of the FlatList is always the height of the biggest item. So you can also scroll to another item in the white area of a small item... here my code: import React from "react"; import { Text, View, Dimensions, StyleSheet, ListView, TouchableOpacity, Animated, Image, FlatList } from "react-native"; import glamorous, { ThemeProvider } from "glamorous-native"; import theme from "../theme"; const { height, width } = Dimensions.get("window"); const cards = [ { id: 1, color: "red", height: 400 }, { id: 2, color: "blue", height: 300 }, { id: 3, color: "yellow", height: 200 } ]; class Test extends React.Component { render() { return ( <View style={{ bottom: 0 }}> <FlatList ref={elm => (this.flatList = elm)} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} data={cards} pagingEnabled={true} horizontal={true} keyExtractor={item =>} renderItem={({ item }) => ( <View style={{ height: item.height, width: width, backgroundColor: item.color }} /> )} /> </View> ); } } export default Test; Has anyone a solution?
You can change the position of each item by setting the contentContainerStyle property of the FlatList itself. But the height of the FlatList will always have to be the height of the largest component inside it.
I solved this with onViewableItemsChanged prop viewabilityConfig={{itemVisiblePercentThreshold: 50}} onViewableItemsChanged={this.onViewableItemsChanged} onViewableItemsChanged = ({ viewableItems }) => { let index = viewableItems[0].index; this.setState({ indexOfImages: index, heightOfImages: SCREEN_WIDTH * (viewableItems[0].item.height / viewableItems[0].item.width) }); } We have width and height of the items in its data so I'm taking width and height of the visible item on the screen and do some calculations and I'm using this.state.heightOfImages in flatlist height like this height: this.state.heightOfImages == undefined ? SCREEN_WIDTH * (images[0].height / images[0].width) : this.state.heightOfImages
You can just wrap the content of each card in another <View> element with styles={{ minHeight: 200, maxHeight: 300 }} and it will work fine!