Video capture in seaside smalltalk - video-capture

I'm developing a smalltalk application with the pharo seaside framework where I need to access the camera to capture images and video
How can i start a video capture in this framework?
I'll be waiting for an answer, thanks

Html5 input capture feature is not supported in most browsers:
Since Seaside is a server-side web application framework, you will need to look at client-side (Javascript) libraries to perform video capture in web applications.
If the html5 input capture feature is what you are looking for, something like this should work:
html fileUpload
attributeAt: 'accept' put:'video/*';
attributeAt: 'capture' put:true;
callback: [:file | ... ]


Netflix Client on VB.NET, How to make it run Silverlight and needed extensions?

I'm developing a netflix client on, and i need it to run silverlight and needed extensions that netflix requires to display the video stream.
how can i change webbrowser from default to another one that works with my needs, and what browser is that?
If you're looking for a different web rendering engine you should try the Gecko web engine. From my experience it is much faster than the traditional IE engine and more compatible with plugins and web content. The engine integrates well into VB.NET applications so using it in your program should work. The engine itself does stream videos from netflix if that's the intent. you can download this rendering engine just from searching it but for convinience I'll put a link to a site where you can find it here.

Better performane of the Web Audio API on iOS in a UIWebView?

Is there a way to get much better performane of the Web Audio API on iOS when using a UIWebView?
I've made an web app using the Web Audio API. It runs great on a desktop chrome browser but on iOS in a UIWebView it's quite slow. As we know javascripts is about 10 times more cpu consuming vs native code for similar results.
For example there is ways to get the HTML5 canvas Hardware-Accelerated on ios.. so is there anything similar for the web audio api i wonder.

Is Sencha UI and SenchaTouch only meant for web applications accessed from device or for native apps too?'

As I am new to PhoneGap and SenchaTouch I want to know the basic information . I understand that sencha Touch is only for web applications accessed from device. I am correct Please clarify my doubt that is 'Is Sencha UI and SenchaTouch only meant for web applications accessed from device or for native apps too?'
Thank you
Sencha touch is a web toolkit, provides API to create interface looks similar to Native UI. But, however it is still a web application with a native look. However, if you want to crate the native packaging (application build) and if you want to access the device hardware features like camera, sensor then you can go for PhoneGap. PhoneGap can warp the HTML and JavaScript code and helps you to generate native builds for each platforms.

How to develop apps using PhoneGap or AdobeAir?

I'm trying to understand how programs like PhoneGap and Adobe Air work, that allow you to 'write once and run anywhere' on mobile platforms. The way I understand it now is that you build your application as a web app using either HTML5, or flash, or I don't know what, and it takes in those files and converts them to the proper types for each mobile OS. Assuming this is correct, what I would like to know is, what the options for developing web apps that are able to be converted into apps are; and what the most popular platforms to use/learn flash, or html5, or JavaScript, or I have no idea what are.
I want to build a web app to deploy across multiple phone platforms, but I don't know where to start. Thanks for the help!
You use tools like PhoneGap to access native device API's through JavaScript. If you don't need access to these API's you can write a HTML5 app and install it using "Add to home screen" etc.
As HTML5 matures, more and more of the device API's are actually directly available through HTML5 (for instance GPS), so depending on what you want to do access it might be in/scheduled to be part of the Device API.
Write once and run anywhere
There are different frameworks that lets you deploy to multiple platforms through the device specific install process. These tools usually work in 2 ways. Run in an embedded browser, or compile to native code.
PhoneGap runs the HTML5 part of your app in an embedded browser. Other tools like MonoTouch actually cross-compiles to native code, so they run on the bare metal.
Cross platform using HTML5
There are plenty of frameworks you can use to make mobile apps with HTML5. These usually help make the app "feel native", and includes abstractions over device specific idioms that differ between the different devices.
Popular frameworks includes Sencha Touch, JQuery Mobile and a bunch of others.
If you want the users to install the app through the AppStore/Market etc. then a solution like PhoneGap is a good option. If you don't care about that you can write your app and add a meta tag like
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
and when you add it to the home screen it'll look just like any other app and run in an embedded browser without the browser window etc. You can add offline capabilities using HTML5 and synch when users go on-line etc. all just using HTML5.
Have a look at the Sencha touch app gallery to see what is possible with this technology.

Ooyala HTML5 Player

Maybe I'm missing something, but hopefully someone here knows better than I...
I'm trying to install Ooyala's video player using their HTML5 API. However, in their HTML5 demo, there's no HTML5 to be found, just a flash player (as in the rest of their examples). Do they not actually have an HTML5 API, or am I doing something wrong? I was expecting video to be dropped in via a <video> tag or object embed or anything other than Flash.
Ooyala has recently upgraded to V3, also they have deprecated AS3 API. V3 supports flash video with HTML5 fallback. Also you can set HTML5 option by default as shown in example below. It's shame they haven't done HTML5 with flash fallback.
You can specify HTML5 platform as shown below. If you don't specify anything, flash version will be used by default with HTML5 fallback.
<script src=''></script>
This demo uses HTML5 version:
More implementation information can be found here:
The Ooyala Player will use html5 only if it detects that the user is on an iOS device. To test on the Desktop, use Safari. Select Develop -> User Agent -> (Any iOS Device), then open the link.
I am not entirely sure about this. However, I think that Ooyala did not launch HTML5 API yet. As far as I know, Brightcove just launched a Limited Availability of the HTML5 API, and I was under the impression that this was a step ahead in the HTML5 video market.