node-amqp, limit the socket time for listening events - rabbitmq

Assuming that I like 100000 events on my rabbitmq queue, what is the best way to limit a system to handle them in series vs trying to consume all at once?
I'm trying several options, however, the machine freezes trying to handle them all at once.

You can do ( assuming you're using amqplib)
channel.get('queueName', (err, msgOrFalse) => {
if (err) {
// Handle err
} else if (msgOrFalse) {
// Handle message
This gets messages one by one, so it's not all at once. You need to call repeatedly of course.

I've found my answer, I just need to use prefetch to ensure that I can handle n number of values at once.


Masstransit RPC (RabbitMq) throughput limit

We are using Masstransit with RabbitMq for making RPCs from one component of our system to others.
Recently we faced the limit of throughput on client side, measured about 80 completed responses per second.
While trying to investigate where the problem was, I found that requests were processed fast by the RPC server, then responses were put to callback queue, and then, the queue processing speed was 80 M\s
This limit is only on client side. Starting another process of the same client app on the same machine doubles requests throughput on the server side, but then I see two callback queues, filled with messages, are being consumed each with the same 80 M\s
We are using single instance of IBus
builder.Register(c =>
var busSettings = c.Resolve<RabbitSettings>();
var busControl = MassTransitBus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri(busSettings.Host), h =>
cfg.Send<IProcessorContext>(x =>
x.UseCorrelationId(context => context.Scope.CommandContext.CommandId);
return busControl;
The send logic looks like this:
var busResponse = await _bus.Request<TRequest, TResult>(
destinationAddress: _settings.Host.GetServiceUrl<TCommand>(queueType),
message: commandContext,
cancellationToken: default(CancellationToken),
timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.Timeout),
callback: p => { p.WithPriority(priority); });
Has anyone faced the problem of that kind?
My guess that there is some program limit in the response dispatch logic. It might be the Max thread pool size, or the size of the buffer, also the prefetch count of response queue.
I tried to play with .Net thread pool size, but nothing helped.
I'm kind of new to Masstransit and will appreciate any help with my problem.
Hope it can be fixed in configuration way
There are a few things you can try to optimize the performance. I'd also suggest checking out the MassTransit-Benchmark and running it in your environment - this will give you an idea of the possible throughput of your broker. It allows you to adjust settings like prefetch count, concurrency, etc. to see how they affect your results.
Also, I would suggest using one of the request clients to reduce the setup for each request/response. For example, create the request client once, and then use that same client for each request.
var serviceUrl = yourMethodToGetIt<TRequest>(...);
var client = Bus.CreateRequestClient<TRequest>(serviceUrl);
Then, use that IRequestClient<TRequest> instance whenever you need to perform a request.
Response<Value> response = await client.GetResponse<TResponse>(new Request());
Since you are just using RPC, I'd highly recommend settings the receive endpoint queue to non-durable, to avoid writing RPC requests to disk. And adjust the bus prefetch count to a higher value (higher than the maximum number of concurrent requests you may have by 2x) to ensure that responses are always delivered directly to your awaiting response consumer (it's an internal thing to how RabbitMQ delivers messages).
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
cfg.PrefetchCount = 1000;

Best way to build a "task queue" with RxJava

Currently I'm working on a lot of network-related features. At the moment, I'm dealing with a network channel that allows me to send 1 single piece of information at a time, and I have to wait for it to be acknowledged before I can send the next piece of information. I'm representing the server with 1..n connected clients.
Some of these messages, I have to send in chunks, which is fairly easy to do with RxJava. Currently my "writing" method looks sort of like this:
fun write(bytes: ByteArray, ignoreMtu: Boolean) =
.flatMapObservable { devices ->
Single.fromCallable {
if (ignoreMtu) {
} else {
devices.minBy { device -> device.mtu }?.mtu ?: DEFAULT_MTU
.flatMapObservable { minMtu ->
.map { it.toByteArray() }
.doOnNext { server.currentData = bytes }
.map { devices }
// part i've left out: waiting for each device acknowledging the message, timeouts, etc.
What's missing in here is the part where I only allow one piece of information to be sent at the same time. Also, what I require is that if I'm adding a message into my queue, I have to be able to observe the status of only this message (completed, error).
I've thought about what's the most elegant way to achieve this. Solutions I've came up with include for example a PublishSubject<ByteArray> in which I push the messages (queue-like), add a subscriber and observe it - but this would throw for example onError if the previous message failed.
Another way that crossed my mind was to give each message a number upon creating / queueing it, and have a global "message-counter" Observable which I'd hook into the chain's beginning with a filter for the currently sent message == MY_MESSAGE_ID. But this feels kind of fragile. I could increment the counter whenever the subscription terminates, but I'm sure there must be a better way to achieve my goal.
Thanks for your help.
For future reference: The most straight-forward approach I've found is to add a scheduler that's working on a single thread, thus working each task sequential.

Servicestack.Redis Pub/Sub limitations with other nested Redis commands

I am having a great experience with ServiceStack & Redis, but I'm confused by ThreadPool and Pub/Sub within a thread, and an apparent limitation for accessing Redis within a message callback. The actual error I get states that I can only call "Subscribe" or "Publish" within the "current context". This happens when I try to do another Redis action from the message callback.
I have a process that must run continuously. In my case I can't just service a request one time, but must keep a thread alive all the time doing calculations (and controlling these threads from a REST API route is ideal). Data must come in to the process on a regular basis, and data must be published. The process must also store and retrieve data from Redis. I am using routes and services to take data in and store it in Redis, so this must take place async from the "calculation" process. I thought pub/sub would be the answer to glue the pieces together, but so far that does not seem possible.
Here is how my code is currently structured (the code with the above error). This is the callback for the route that starts the long term "calculation" thread:
public object Get(SystemCmd request)
object ctx = new object();
TradingSystemCmd SystemCmd = new TradingSystemCmd(request, ctx);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x =>
return (retVal); // retVal defined elsewhere
Here is the SystemCmd.signalEngine():
public void signalEngine(){
using (var subscription = Redis.CreateSubscription())
subscription.OnSubscribe = channel =>
subscription.OnUnSubscribe = channel =>
subscription.OnMessage = (channel, msg) =>
TC_CalcBar(channel, redisTrade);
subscription.SubscribeToChannels(dmx_key); //blocking
The "TC_CalcBar" call does processing on data as it becomes available. Within this call is a call to Redis for a regular database accesses (and the error). What I could do would be to remove the Subscription and use another method to block on data being available in Redis. But the current approach seemed quite nice until it failed to work. :-)
I also don't know if the ThreadPool has anything to do with the error, or not.
As per Redis documentation:
Once the client enters the subscribed state it is not supposed to
issue any other commands, except for additional SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE,
Source :

Make multiple attempts to call the ajax web service in case of error

I am calling a web service using jquery $.ajax() function. In case of error in the web service call i need to call the web service 2 more time.
How should be the best way to do it ?
In a past project I just used Settimeout to check for empty returned results fromthe Ajax call.... so for instance
var failcounter = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
this is really rough and just tossed together - not all all meant to work from cut/paste since I haven't seen your code - but hopefully you get the idea, use a 'counter' to keep track of an limit the number of times its re-tried... if NO RESULTS are found use settimeout to re-try it again. I've also used Ajax 'error:' (similar to 'success:') to hold specific functions to try upon fail - so that may be easier -- just depends on how you want to handle I guess. good luck

While handling an NServiceBus message, is it possible to peek at the input queue?

I have a Windows service using NServiceBus to handle incoming messages.
While processing a message, I would like to check to see if there are any other remaining messages on the queue to process.
What is the best way to approach this?
For this specific scenario I'd say that a saga could be appropriate where it is created by the first message received, opens a timeout (for let's say one minute), collects all messages during that period of time, then Bus.SendLocal's a message containing all rows, for which another handler creates the spreadsheet and uploads.
Since, NServiceBus is using MSMQ, you can use the methods from System.Messaging.
Included is a modified method, I'm currently working on, to do a kind of batch processing.
using System.Messaging;
public int PeekAtQueue()
const string QUEUE_NAME = "private$\\you_precious_queuname";
if (!MessageQueue.Exists(".\\" + QUEUE_NAME))
return 0;
var messageQueues = MessageQueue.GetPrivateQueuesByMachine(Environment.MachineName);
var queue = messageQueues.Single(x => x.QueueName == QUEUE_NAME);
return queue.GetAllMessages().Count();
Modified here itself in the editor. Hope it still compiles :)
Found a similar discussion here, by the way: