Capture HTTP request using Postman native app - api

I have been using the Postman Chrome app for my API developments.
I can simply turn on the request capture from chrome and the interceptor from the Postman Chrome app, and like magic, all the requests (headers, body, ..) would be captured by the app.
Off late I have been getting a notification that the Postman native app is available and the support for the Chrome app would be soon stopped.
I downloaded the native app and it looks great but couldn't figure a way to capture requests with it. I googled a lot but couldn't find a solution.
I read this from the Postman documentation and found it quite confusing and I don't think that's not what I want.
I would really appreciate a solution.

The same interceptor functionality isn’t available in the native app yet, looks like it’s still on the Postman roadmap but no time scale for when this will be completed yet. Some discussion were captured in this Github issue:
There is a workaround provided here but again, that’s probably not what you want. Does Postman's Chrome Interceptor still work with the standalone version of postman?
Alternatively, you could use Fiddler as a web proxy to capture the traffic, this would provide you with all the details for any of your requests. Worth checking out.


Storefront event webhooks in Shopware 6 app development

I developing an app and basicly if an user loaded a product in the storefront it should send a request to my server. So i thought thats possible with webhooks. But unfortunately there is no webhook for this case.
The closest thing i could find is the product.written webhook but that seems useless for my case.
Anyone has an idea how i could realize my request?
I use Shopware as development enviroment.
Although I have not found any appropriate webhook in the webhook events reference, this may be doable in a slightly different way, without using the Shopware App Webhook mechanic.
In the Shopware documentation there are shown ways to add Storefront scripts to an app. There is even an example for product-page-loaded. You would be able to execute some of your own code in there, but honestly I have not tried to ping external servers like this and I can't tell you that this will surely work.
You could also potentially add some custom JS code that pings your server with the appropriate info.
Unfortunately I don't think you can compel Shopware to send a request from its backend on a ProductPageLoadedEvent

Vue-social-auth not working on messenger and facebook browser

I am using nuxt for frontend which uses vue-social-auth for social login and laravel for backend which is socialite. It works perfectly well for normal browsers but doesn't work in messanger and Facebook browser. Have anyone come with similar problem.
Any lead is much appreciated.
This has been resolved. If anyone faces this problem then please remove vue-social-auth. The problem was that the Facebook and messenger browsers doesn't close the popup given by vue-social-auth and doesn't redirect to the callback.
So the solution would be removing the vue-social-auth package and do it manually on the frontend and in the backend use the socialite stateless method to return JSON response for API calls.

How to extract cookie from Instagram API

I have this task to save user's strories, so I'm diiging into Instagram API.
For now I know that it's unofficial to grab user's story, so we are using
That request needs a cookie with ds_user_id and sessionId inside. I'm trying to grab it from Postman, but all I've managed to do is to get the access token to official API.
What request should I perform to store that
ds_user_id and sessionId?
Managed to get it through browser, but not through postman. Any help would be appreciated.
Download the latest native Postman app or you can use the Chrome App
Install Postman Interceptor in chrome
You can start the interceptor and capture the cookies and store them in environment variables inside postman.
Use those variables in your requests.
You can refer this issue on how to use the interceptor:
How to use Postman Interceptor
Also refer are the docs on using variables in Postman:
And the great - Community Support
Happy Testing!

Quickblox sdk - Authentication token is required error (xamarin.forms)

I am trying to run quickblox sample chat application which I got from following link
Issue here is, when I run the app, it fails to load base session and gives error such as "{"errors":["Token is required"]}". I tried to debug it but could not find the root cause of it.
(Example code is using Quickblox sdk 1.2.2, which I tried to upgrade to 1.2.7 as well but in that case also still that issue remains)
The method inside sdk uses service call to api ( for getting session, which I tried to call by using Postman (google chrome extension), in which case I was able to get the session in response. Strange it is.
Does anybody know what is wrong with the example?
Update: I tried to manually write http call for getting session. Now in this case, I am no more able to access dialogs and other api calls are also failing(getting forbidden error in almost all sdk api calls after authenticating).
Could anybody tell me what is going wrong here?
After spending complete day found the fix. It was really small issue. Currently sample in github is using http://api.quickblox.comas a api end point, change it to https://api.quickblox.comand it will start working. Note the 's' in url.
The best way to do this is by using the account settings API.

Empty log for Safari Push Notifications webservice

I've implemented Safari Push Notifications both server-side and client-side. On the client, after asking for permissions, the callback function is called with permission "denied".
On the server-side, the logs show that a request for the push package has been made and returns a 200, but a few seconds later the /v1/log endpoint is called with no payload.
Does anyone have an idea how to debug this?
May help following guide and push package creator.
A helpful tip is to look in the System Log, from the Console app. Safari shows messages in there.
Another reason for my issue is realted to Django, which as 1.5 doesn't show non-form data in request.POST, but in request.body.