what is a default cache duration of EF plus? - entity-framework-plus

I am using FromCache() method whenever I need to retrieve data from cache.
I haven't set any default caching policy and am using whatever EF plus use by default.
What's the default cache duration? one minute? or infinite?

Disclaimer: I'm the owner of the project Entity Framework Plus
Entity Framework Plus use the MemoryCache by default. We don't override anything. See EF+ Memory Cache
So the question should be more What is the default .NET Memory Cache duration?
Looking on MSDN, it sounds that if nothing is provided, the default is InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration
If no eviction or expiration information is provided, the default is InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration, which means that items in the cache do not expire based on an absolute time. Instead, items expire only when there is memory pressure. As a best practice, you should always explicitly provide either an absolute or a siding expiration. In this walkthrough, you use an absolute expiration of 10 seconds.

See answer above but you can use this to set default policy:
var options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions() { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2)};
QueryCacheManager.DefaultMemoryCacheEntryOptions = options;
Source: https://entityframework-plus.net/ef-core-query-cache#expiration


is there any way to customize ignite built-in cleaning TTL functions

I see that Ignite currently supports the TTL feature to remove unusual keys. Is there any way to customize this TTL feature?
In my case, I have BinaryObjects in IgniteCache, key -> BinaryObject, and those BinaryObjects contain several values, one of them is a timestamp. Could I customize Ignite's built-in cleaning TTL functions somehow so that Ignite can check the timestamp value and decide to remove or keep a key?
Thank you
Yes and no. You can implement your own expiry policy if you like. You just need to create a class that implements ExpiryPolicy. And each row can have a different policy.
However, you'll note that the API does not give access to the record, so you can't have it automatically set the policy based on a column.

Specify metadata cache expiry for Simple.Odata.Client?

Is there a way with Simple.Odata.Client to specify the expiry of the metadata cache?
Within ConfigureServices I'm making an initial request to GetMetadataDocumentAsync to preload the metadata document. I would like to expire the cache after n hours/days to ensure that changes to the resource are reflected in my application.
My current thought is to just set a timer to run ODataClient.ClearMetadataCache(); however I just wanted to check that there isn't something I should be setting when instantiating the ODataClient or when retrieving the metadata document.
Many thanks

I have a static website hosted on S3 with Cloudfront and I can't get TTL to work

I've set the TTL max, min and default all to 0 (on the "Default Cache Behavior Settings" page), thinking this would mean that when I upload a new file called events.html to S3 it would replace the old events.html page, but I'm still seeing the cached version after a few hours.
I am just trying to update the content on some of my webpages.
If you want to invalidate your cache with new update in s3, you need to do it explicitly with putobject event. You can call the lambda to invalidate CF cache.
Here is example: https://blog.miguelangelnieto.net/posts/Automatic_Cloudfront_invalidation_with_Amazon_Lambda.html
Be aware that with above approach, if you refresh cache more than 1000 files in a month you have to pay extra invalidation fees. Refer CF pricing.
Also with TTL, you can do it but it will happen after the TTL value is elapsed and you have to clear the browser cache to view it.

Gemfire region with data expiration

Regarding this document, "entry-time-to-live-expiration" means How long the region's entries can remain in the cache without being accessed or updated. The default is no expiration of this type. However, when I use Spring Cache and client-region with following configuration, I find that setting dose not work well with being accessed. Going forward, regarding this document-> XMLTTL tab, it said "Configures a replica region to invalidate entries that have not been modified for 15 seconds.". So I am confused if TTL work for being accessed.
<gfe:client-region id="Customer2" name="Customer2" destroy="false" load-factor="0.5" statistics="true" cache-ref="client-cache">
<gfe:entry-ttl action="DESTROY" timeout="60"/>
<gfe:eviction threshold="5"/>
So, the documentation you might want refer to is here and here. Perhaps relevant to your situation is...
"Requests for entries that have expired on the consumers will be forwarded to the producer."
Based on your configuration, given you did not set either a ClientRegionShortcut or DataPolicy, your Client Region, "Customer2", defaults to ClientRegionShortcut.LOCAL, which sets a DataPolicy of "NORMAL". DataPolicy.NORMAL states...
"Allows the contents in this cache to differ from other caches. Data that this region is interested in is stored in local memory."
And for the shortcut of "LOCAL"...
"A LOCAL region only has local state and never sends operations to a server. ..."
However, it does not mean the client Region cannot receive data (of interests) from the Server. It simply implies operations are not distributed to the Server. It may be expiring the entry and then repopulating it from the Server (producer).
Of course, I am speculating and have not tested these ideas. You might try setting the Expiration Action to "LOCAL_DESTROY" and/or changing your distribution properties through different ClientRegionShortcuts.
Post back if you are still having problems. I too echo what #hubbardr is asking.

Best way to cache RESTful API results of GET calls

I'm thinking about the best way to create a cache layer in front or as first layer for GET requests to my RESTful API (written in Ruby).
Not every request can be cached, because even for some GET requests the API has to validate the requesting user / application. That means I need to configure which request is cacheable and how long each cached answer is valid. For a few cases I need a very short expiration time of e.g. 15s and below. And I should be able to let cache entries expire by the API application even if the expiration date is not reached yet.
I already thought about many possible solutions, my two best ideas:
first layer of the API (even before the routing), cache logic by myself (to have all configuration options in my hand), answers and expiration date stored to Memcached
a webserver proxy (high configurable), perhaps something like Squid but I never used a proxy for a case like this before and I'm absolutely not sure about it
I also thought about a cache solution like Varnish, I used Varnish for "usual" web applications and it's impressive but the configuration is kind of special. But I would use it if it's the fastest solution.
An other thought was to cache to the Solr Index, which I'm already using in the data layer to not query the database for most requests.
If someone has a hint or good sources to read about this topic, let me know.
Firstly, build your RESTful API to be RESTful. That means authenticated users can also get cached content as to keep all state in the URL it needs to contain the auth details. Of course the hit rate will be lower here, but it is cacheable.
With a good deal of logged in users it will be very beneficial to have some sort of model cache behind a full page cache as many models are still shared even if some aren't (in a good OOP structure).
Then for a full page cache you are best of to keep all the requests off the web server and especially away from the dynamic processing in the next step (in your case Ruby). The fastest way to cache full pages from a normal web server is always a caching proxy in front of the web servers.
Varnish is in my opinion as good and easy as it gets, but some prefer Squid indeed.
memcached is a great option, and I see you mentioned this already as a possible option. Also Redis seems to be praised a lot as another option at this level.
On an application level, in terms of a more granular approach to cache on a file by file and/or module basis, local storage is always an option for common objects a user may request over and over again, even as simple as just dropping response objects into session so that can be reused vs making another http rest call and coding appropriately.
Now people go back and forth debating about varnish vs squid, and both seem to have their pros and cons, so I can't comment on which one is better but many people say Varnish with a tuned apache server is great for dynamic websites.
Since REST is an HTTP thing, it could be that the best way of caching requests is to use HTTP caching.
Look into using ETags on your responses, checking the ETag in requests to reply with '304 Not Modified' and having Rack::Cache to serve cached data if the ETags are the same. This works great for cache-control 'public' content.
Rack::Cache is best configured to use memcache for its storage needs.
I wrote a blog post last week about the interesting way that Rack::Cache uses ETags to detect and return cached content to new clients: http://blog.craz8.com/articles/2012/12/19/rack-cache-and-etags-for-even-faster-rails
Even if you're not using Rails, the Rack middleware tools are quite good for this stuff.
Redis Cache is best option.
check here.
It is open source. Advanced key-value cache and store.
I’ve used redis successfully this way in my REST view:
from django.conf import settings
import hashlib
import json
from redis import StrictRedis
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
def get_redis():
#get redis connection from RQ config in settings
rc = settings.RQ_QUEUES['default']
cache = StrictRedis(host=rc['HOST'], port=rc['PORT'], db=rc['DB'])
return cache
class EventList(ListAPIView):
queryset = Event.objects.all()
serializer_class = EventSerializer
renderer_classes = (JSONRenderer, )
def get(self, request, format=None):
if IsAdminUser not in self.permission_classes: # dont cache requests from admins
# make a key that represents the request results you want to cache
# your requirements may vary
key = get_key_from_request()
# I find it useful to hash the key, when query parms are added
# I also preface event cache key with a string, so I can clear the cache
# when events are changed
key = "todaysevents" + hashlib.md5(force_bytes(key)).hexdigest()
# I dont want any cache issues (such as not being able to connect to redis)
# to affect my end users, so I protect this section
cache = get_redis()
data = cache.get(key)
if not data:
# not cached, so perform standard REST functions for this view
queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True)
data = serializer.data
# cache the data as a string
cache.set(key, json.dumps(data))
# manage the expiration of the cache
expire = 60 * 60 * 2
cache.expire(key, expire)
# this is the place where you save all the time
# just return the cached data
data = json.loads(data)
return Response(data)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Error accessing event cache\n %s" % (e))
# for Admins or exceptions, BAU
return super(EventList, self).get(request, format)
in my Event model updates, I clear any event caches.
This hardly ever is performed (only Admins create events, and not that often),
so I always clear all event caches
class Event(models.Model):
def clear_cache(self):
cache = get_redis()
eventkey = "todaysevents"
for key in cache.scan_iter("%s*" % eventkey):
except Exception as e:
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(Event, self).save(*args, **kwargs)