Yii2 - loadMultiple with form model - yii

I have a very simple scenario where I'm receiving a list of Variance Positions from the end user. To be able to validate the structure of the input, I created the following model for the single item that I should receive:
class VariancePositionsForm extends Model{
public $id;
public $position;
public function rules()
return [
[['id','position'], 'required'],
[['id', 'position'], 'integer'],
And in the controller, I have the following:
$variancePositions = [];
$variancePositions[] = new VariancePositionsForm();
VariancePositionsForm::loadMultiple($variancePositions, Yii::$app->request->post());
When I try to var_dump($variancePositions) however, I'm finding that its empty. In other words, loadMultiple() is not loading the models. What am I doing wrong?

Because you don't load the model from the form, only from json you have to add an empty string into the last parameter in this function:
VariancePositionsForm::loadMultiple($variancePositions, Yii::$app->request->post(), '');
look here:


How to get the default $id from another table using laravel model relationship?

I am facing the problem whereby I don't know the syntax of letting the id of my property model equals to property_id value in property_doc table.
In PropertyDoc model
public function property()
return $this->belongsTo(Properties::class, 'property_id');
In Properties model
public function property_id()
return $this->hasMany(PropertyDoc::class, 'property_id');
In PropertyController
public function StoreInfoProperty(Request $request)
$propertyInfo = new PropertyDoc;
$propertyInfo->property_id = $property_id;
I am stuck at retrieving the default id value in properties database to be equal to the property_id in property_docs database. Thank you.
You should change the naming of the relationship, see my example below:
In Properties model
public function propertyDocs()
return $this->hasMany(PropertyDoc::class, 'property_id', 'id');
In PropertyDoc model
public function property()
return $this->belongsTo(Properties::class, 'property_id', 'id');
In controller
public function StoreInfoProperty(Request $request)
$propertyDoc = PropertyDoc::with(['property'])->where('...logic here');
$property_id = $propertyDoc->property->id;
hope can help you and happy coding !

Laravel 8 factory class is not overriding the parameters while creating the factories

I am developing a web application using Laravel 8. I have noticed that quite a lot of things have changed in Laravel 8 including factories.
I have a factory class MenuCategoryFactory for my MenuCategory model class with the following definition.
namespace Database\Factories;
use App\Models\Menu;
use App\Models\MenuCategory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
class MenuCategoryFactory extends Factory
* The name of the factory's corresponding model.
* #var string
protected $model = MenuCategory::class;
* Define the model's default state.
* #return array
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->name,
'menu_id' => Menu::factory()->create(),
In my code (database seeder class), I am trying to override the menu_id as follow while I am creating the factories.
$restaurant = Restaurant::first();
'menu_id' => $restaurant->menu->id
But it is not using the value I passed, $restaurant->menu->id. Instead, it is creating a new menu. What is wrong missing in my code and how can I fix it?
In your factory definition, don't call ->create(), instead set it up like this:
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->name,
'menu_id' => Menu::factory(),
Then you you should be able to set up related models (assuming you the relationships setup in the model) like this:
$restaurant = Restaurant::first();
Change the definition to
public function definition()
return [
'name' => $this->faker->name,
'menu_id' => function() {
then you can replace the value

How to validate two dimensional array in Yii2

How to validate two dimensional array in Yii2.
passenger[0][name] = bell
passenger[0][email] = myemail#test.com
passenger[1][name] = carson123
passenger[1][email] = carson###test.com
how to validate the name and email in this array
Probably the most clean solution for validating 2-dimensional array is treating this as array of models. So each array with set of email and name data should be validated separately.
class Passenger extends ActiveRecord {
public function rules() {
return [
[['email', 'name'], 'required'],
[['email'], 'email'],
class PassengersForm extends Model {
* #var Passenger[]
private $passengersModels = [];
public function loadPassengersData($passengersData) {
$this->passengersModels = [];
foreach ($passengersData as $passengerData) {
$model = new Passenger();
$this->passengersModels[] = $model;
return !empty($this->passengers);
public function validatePassengers() {
foreach ($this->passengersModels as $passenger) {
if (!$passenger->validate()) {
return false;
return true;
And in controller:
$model = new PassengersForm();
$model->loadPassengersData(\Yii::$app->request->post('passenger', []));
$isValid = $model->validatePassengers();
You may also use DynamicModel instead of creating Passanger model if you're using it only for validation.
Alternatively you could just create your own validator and use it for each element of array:
public function rules() {
return [
[['passengers'], 'each', 'rule' => [PassengerDataValidator::class]],
You may also want to read Collecting tabular input section in guide (unfortunately it is still incomplete).

Yii2 - Unique validator two attributes different models

I have a model Printer, a model Category, and a model for the relation between the two models CategoryPrinterRel
In the CategoryPrinterRel model I need a unique validator between the $category_id, and the client of the printer $printer->client_id
Up till now I have tried
public function rules()
[['category_id', $this->printer->client_id], 'unique', 'targetAttribute' => ['category_id']]
Is there any other way to do this though?
The problem with the method I'm using is that when the printer object is empty, trying $this->printer->client_id gives an error
I was looking for something more elegant, or built in. For now I have opted for a custom validator however. In the model:
public function rules()
return [
[['category_id', 'printer_id'], 'integer'],
[['printer_id', 'category_id'], 'required'],
public function validateUniquenessOnClient($attribute, $params, $validator)
$isPrinterUniqueOnClient = DbPrinterRepository::IsPrinterCatRelUniqueOnClient($this->category_id, $this->printer_id);
$this->addError($attribute, "There is already a printer using that category ({$this->cat->name}).");

Sylius - Editable Product Code (SKU)

I need to implement an SKU code for products, I was just wondering has anybody any thought on the best way to do this. The SKU needs to be editable after creation.
I feel I have a couple of ways:
(Idealy) I would like to use Product.Code, but this is not an editable field after product creation. I would seem I need to override the ProductType#buildForm class/method to not use AddCodeFormSubscriber(). Although I can't seem to figure out how to get the system to use a different form.
Add SKU to the model of Product and figure out how to add it to the ProductType form and again try and figure out how to use a different form.
I am open to suggestions on how to do it the right way.
Would any of the Sylius developers care to elaborate why they decided to make the Code field un-editable?
If you want use product code as editable field in Sylius Beta.1, you can create ProductType extension to current product type and add your custom subscriber which will make code field editable. I did this in my bundle and it works:
create subscriber class wchich will change disabled state to false:
namespace App\Bundle\Form\EventListener;
/* add required namespaces */
* Custom code subscriber
class CustomCodeFormSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private $type;
private $label;
* #param string $type
* #param string $label
public function __construct($type = TextType::class, $label = 'sylius.ui.code')
$this->type = $type;
$this->label = $label;
* {#inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA => 'preSetData',
* #param FormEvent $event
public function preSetData(FormEvent $event)
$disabled = false;
$form = $event->getForm();
$form->add('code', $this->type, ['label' => $this->label, 'disabled' => $disabled]);
create form extension and use custom subscriber:
namespace App\Bundle\Form\Extension;
use App\Bundle\Form\EventListener\CustomCodeFormSubscriber;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductType;
/* use other required namespaces etc */
* Extended Product form type
class ProductTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
/* custom stuff for ur form */
$builder->addEventSubscriber(new CustomCodeFormSubscriber());
public function getExtendedType()
return ProductType::class;
register your form extension as a service:
class: App\Bundle\Form\Extension\ProductTypeExtension
- { name: form.type_extension, priority: -1, extended_type: Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductType }