Proper structure for Gradle multi-module builds with IntelliJ IDEA - intellij-idea

I have a Kotlin project which is comprised of three modules:
Core < Service < Web
The structure is:
The structure for the root build.gradle file is:
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.60'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = '1.8'
repositories {
The individual build files look like (for core):
dependencies {
// Kotlin
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version"
And for service (note the only difference is the project dependency):
dependencies {
compile project (':core')
// Kotlin
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:$kotlin_version"
There are a few optimizations I'd like to make, but I'm still learning Gradle, and can't find the right way to reorganize things. The problems I have are:
I can't build service or web individually, as they complain about not being able to find their dependent sub-projects. (Via a gradle build in the service/ directory, for example.)
How can I define the Kotlin stdlib-jre8 dependency at the root level, so it's not duplicated in my three build files?
How can my subproject/buildscript tasks of the root buildfile use the same repository definitions, so that I don't have to define mavenCentral()/jcenter() twice?
Basically this build structure that I have was cobbled together through some experimentation/web resources, and happens to mostly work, but I'd like some guidance on doing it the right way, such that (1) it follows good Gradle practices, and (2) still works well via auto-import into IDEA.

If you want to run a build on a module you can do by running: gradle :web:build
In the same way that you are adding repositories in the subprojects clause, you can add the dependencies block in there. Make sure that only the shared dependencies are in there. For instance, compile project(':core') should only be in the relevant project. It's ok to have multiple dependency blocks. That said, it's usually more of a headache to use the subproject clause. Because, if dependencies change for one of the modules you are forced to update that for all of them
Regarding the repository definitions, they are very different. The one in the buildscript block is used by Gradle itself in order to find plugins and other 'pre-build' requirements. The one on the submodules is used to find the dependencies of the source code in the given module. As mentioned on the previous point, it's easier to manage when placed on the respective module build scripts.
If you want to keep the same version for all modules, the variables defined on ext in the buildscript should be able to be accessed from the submodules too: ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.60' and if you have multiple ones you can add them like:
ext {
kotlin_version = '1.1.60'
junit_version = '4.12'
Also, if you want to share code between modules, you can always extract it to gradle file and load it where needed using: apply file: "$rootDir/path/to/script.gradle"
Regarding #3, I'll give you a practical example.
Google has its own maven repository that contains all the dependencies for an android module. If you have a project that contains both a server-side module and android module you may not need the server-side one to look up dependencies on the Gradle artefact repository (artefact is the name of the jar dependency).
As for the buildscript repositories, in your case you are only loading one classpath (pre-build) dependency which is located on mavenCentral() so you may be ok removing jcenter() here.


Multi-project Gradle+Kotlin: How to create Jar containing all sub-projects using Kotlin DSL?

I have a Gradle project with two subprojects. The parent does not contain any code; all the Kotlin code is in the two subprojects. All Gradle build files are defined in the Kotlin DSL.
Upon building, Gradle generates two JAR files, one in the build subfolder of each subproject. I believe this is the intended default behavior of Gradle. But this is not what I want.
I want to publish the JAR file of the parent project as a Maven artifact. Therefore, I need both subprojects to be included in one JAR file. How can I achieve this?
Note: On this web page, the author seems to achieve pretty much what I would need in this code snippet:
apply plugin: "java"
subprojects.each { subproject -> evaluationDependsOn(subproject.path)}
task allJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: subprojects.jar) {
baseName = 'multiproject-test'
subprojects.each { subproject ->
from subproject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.collect {
artifacts {
archives allJar
However, this is defined in Gradle's native Groovy DSL. And I find myself unable to translate it into the Kotlin DSL. I tried to put a Groovy build file (*.gradle) besides the Kotlin build file (*.gradle.kts), but this led to a strange build error. I'm not sure if mixed build file languages are supported. Besides, I would consider it bad practice too. Better only define all build files in just one language.
Also, the example above pertains to the Java programming language. But I do not expect this to be a big problem, as both Java and Kotlin produce JVM bytecode as compile output.
More clarification:
I am not talking about a "fat JAR". Dependencies and the Kotlin library are not supposed to be included in the JAR.
I do not care if the JAR files for the subprojects are still getting built or not. I'm only interested in the integrated JAR that contains both subprojects.
The main point is getting the combined JAR for the binaries. Combined JARs for the sources and JavaDoc would be a nice-to-have, but are not strictly required.
I would use the Gradle guide Creating "uber" or "fat" JARs from the Gradle documentation as a basis. What you want is essentially the same thing. It's also much better than the Groovy example you found, as it doesn't use the discouraged subprojects util, or 'simple sharing' that requires knowing how the other projects are configured.
Create a configuration for resolving other projects.
// build.gradle.kts
val mergedJar by configurations.creating<Configuration> {
// we're going to resolve this config here, in this project
isCanBeResolved = true
// this configuration will not be consumed by other projects
isCanBeConsumed = false
// don't make this visible to other projects
isVisible = false
Use the new configuration to add dependencies on the projects we want to add into our combined Jar
dependencies {
Now copy the guide from the docs, except instead of using configurations.runtimeClasspath we can use the mergedJar configuration, which will only create the subprojects we specified.
However we need to make some modifications.
I've adjusted the example to edit the existing Jar task rather than creating a new 'fatJar' task.
for some reason, setting isTransitive = false causes Gradle to fail resolution. Instead I've added a filter (it.path.contains(rootDir.path)) to make sure the Jars we're consuming are inside the project.
tasks.jar {
.filter {"jar") && it.path.contains(rootDir.path)
.map {
logger.lifecycle("depending on $it")

How come that an Android app can be built without repositories in buildscript?

I am trying to understand what repositories does in buildscript. I have read quite a few posts explaining it, but I still feel that I have not grasped the concept. Here is the project build.gradle:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
// repositories {
// jcenter()
// maven {
// url ''
// name 'Google'
// }
// }
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
You can see that I have commented out repositories in buildscript. The app is built perfectly, and published without any problems. Could anyone shed some light on this? Maybe an example showing repositories in buildscript is required will help me understand it finally.
After trial and error, Android Studio provides the plugins or at least sources of the plugins itself while compiling and building even if the repositories block was commented out. This is most probably due to the fact of it's high integration with Gradle. However when building from the command line using gradlew assembleDebug or something similar, the Gradle wrapper will throw the following error:
"Cannot resolve external dependency because no repositories are
As to further explain the concepts for clarity, the repositories under buildscript defines the sources of downloading the plugins used in compiling your Gradle project. For example the Android Gradle Plugin is downloaded by defining the repo that contains it (Google maven in this case) and adding the dependency for the buildscript. Hence by doing that, you'll be able to add the plugin with apply plugin: '' inside your app module build.gradle file. This is not yet related to your code libraries, this is just related to the build system in order to compile the project Projects by using plugins which have tools and extra tasks to compile them properly.
If you realize below the buildscript block, there is the allprojects block which states the repositories used in order to handle project dependencies. Meaning the libraries that your are using in your app (which are also inside the dependencies block in app build.gradle file) are retrieved from there and in this case they are from JCenter, and Google Maven.

There is a sample structure for kotlintest project

I'm currently playing with the Kotlin testing Framework
I want to know if there is an expected way to structure the project, I mean, like a base project where I can start base on.
There is no specific way to structure the project just for this testing framework. You should structure it as any other Kotlin project, so your test should go to your-project/src/test/kotlin/com/jimmy/
The important thing is just to extend one of available base classes from kotlintest eg. WordSpec
You can see how it all (both structure and tests) looks like in kotlintest itself -
There are some KotlinTest sample projects in the main repo here:
They use KotlinTest 3.0.x and for gradle users, the build file looks like:
apply plugin: 'org.junit.platform.gradle.plugin'
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.31'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath "org.junit.platform:junit-platform-gradle-plugin:1.1.0"
dependencies {
testCompile 'io.kotlintest:kotlintest-runner-junit5:3.0.3'
I won't include the Maven example as the pom.xml is verbose because it's XML, but you can find it in the above link.
You can test your code using spek, Here is the exaple, that might help to implement on your project.
Spek Test Example In Kotlin

Using autosuggest on dependency jars that are downloaded by Gradle

I'm pretty new to Gradle and IntelliJ and I'm trying to understand how it works [cos that's what my project uses]. I created a simple java project in Intellij IDEA with a HelloWorld class and manually added the file along with the necessary dependencies as follows:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'application'
mainClassName = ''
dependencies {
compile 'joda-time:joda-time:2.2'
repositories {
jar {
baseName = 'gradle-test'
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': ''
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.2'
While I specified the joda-time dependency, my IntelliJ project is unaware of this library and therefore I can't use of any of the autosuggest features of IntelliJ for the joda-time library.
Could someone give me information on how I can get IntelliJ to automatically start recognizing the downloaded jars and allow me to use the auto-suggest features?
In other words,
where are the dependency jars downloaded ?
How can I have these jars to automatically be included in the
class path of the project ? [Is it ok to do so ? If not, what
would be your recommendation ?]
Thanks !
I used Peter's suggestion to run gradle idea and imported the project into IntelliJ and I was able to start using the auto-suggestion features in IntelliJ.

IntelliJ, Android and Gradle

I am trying to get my existing Android Project working with gradle and IntelliJ 12.
Previously I had it working with maven but that didn't seem to be so flexible as gradle, and from what I think I got to know is that I need less subfolders.
My Android project is divided into a clean java library (:core) and the actual Application (:android). These two projects are both in my main project folder.
| L--build.gradle
| L--build.gradle
I think the ideal solution to get gradle work with this is to treat the (:core) and (:android) project as nested projects, meaning I can simply be with my cmd in MainProject source folder to start the gradle tasks.
However I came up with different problems:
Gradle dependencies are only included in the core project
that means neither in the instrumentatetionTest nor in the main project files are any
directories correctly set as source / test directories
IntelliJ doesn't resolve any classes that I added as dependencies in gradle (AndroidSDK, junit, mockito, those from the :core project)
tried to use the plugin 'idea' but either I used it wrong or it didn't solve the problem
I get duplicate dependency Error for building the APK
must have something to do with junit:4.11 and mockito-core:1.9.5 that I added
what I tried:
deleting the dependencys -> build fails cause some classes of course could'nt be resolved
changing to junit:4.5+ as suggesed in some other thread -> no change at all
Here are the *.gradle configuartions
-- settings.gradle
include ':core', ':android'
-- build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
subprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
-- build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5'
apply plugin: 'android'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile project(":core")
compile ''
instrumentTestCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
instrumentTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5'
instrumentTestCompile ''
instrumentTestCompile ''
instrumentTestCompile ''
/* ... androidSettings
I hope someone could help me with that
MFG Dornathal
Alright, so you've got the right idea, but there are a few changes you still need.
Your root build.gradle file should be as follows:
subprojects {
repositories {
You only need to include mavenLocal() if you are using a locally installed repo. Most people don't, and nothing in your project indicates that you need one.
mavenCentral() can be used to replace to maven URL you were using.
We only need to modify the buildscript for the android project, so we should localize that to the android project's build.gradle.
Your settings.gradle and your build.gradle for the core project are good.
Your build.gradle for the android project however, needs some changes:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android'
dependencies {
compile project(":core")
instrumentTestCompile ''
By including the android plugin, we link directly to the installed SDK. This means we no longer need to include the android dependency: compile ''.
We don't need to include junit. It's provided by the SDK, so we'll just use that. One thing to note is that the SDK only includes JUnit 3.
We don't need to include mockito and dexmaker unless we actually use it for the android tests. If it's only being used for the tests on the java library, we don't need it here.
To answer your questions:
I'm not sure what you're asking here. It might help if you should your project structure including the directories in which you have files and such.
Your hunch is correct. Hamcrest, which provides matchers for tests, made a breaking change to their API between versions 1.1 and 1.3. JUnit 4.11 has a dependency on Hamcrest 1.3. Mockito 1.9.5 however, depends on Hamcrest 1.1. So when both are included, the 1.3 overrides the 1.1 & Mockito no longer works. Reverting to JUnit 4.5 is also a problem. Junit 4.5 includes the Hamcrest 1.1 jar as a file rather than as a dependency in the POM. So this will cause issues when we have 2 versions of the same file. JUnit 4.10 is the way you want to go here. This has the dependency on Hamcrest 1.1 and includes it in the POM instead of as a file. Win win! I've had issues with this too, and the best way for me to figure it out was to just look at the POM files on Maven Central and see what they tell me.
One final note. Intellij 12 cannot handle Gradle Multi-project builds. You need to switch to Android Studio or Intellij 13 for that.