Solrj - SQL Query with SQL Editor - sql

I am working with Solr Cloud. The Solr version is 4.10.3. I use the following version of solrj: solr-solrj-6.0.0.jar. I have implemented the driver Software
to Squirrel or DBVisualizer.
I am able to connect to the cluster over zookeeper. After that I tried to query
my collection and get the following error:
Error: java.sql.SQLException: --> http://myserver:8983/solr/cloudera_tutorial_tweets_shard2_replica1/: An exception has occurred on the server, refer to server log for details.
SQLState: null
ErrorCode: 0
I am not able to find more log information on my servers in solr log.
So, maybe someone can give me some advice for further debugging.
Could it be possible that my version of solr is to old for using sql-queries?

Yes, your Solr version is (way) too old. The SQL interface (/sql, named ParallelSQL) was introduced with Solr 6.


Google App Script - MySql 8 - JDBC Connection Failed

I'm trying to connect to a self-hosted MySql 8 instance from a Google AdWords Script (effectively an App Script) using the Jdbc utility over SSL. My code follows the specifications in these answers here and here.
No matter what I do, I still get the following error:
ERROR: Failed to establish a database connection. Check connection string, username and password.
It turns out that the Jdbc utility only works with versions of MySql up to 5.7.
I thought I would post this here posthumously in case I can save someone else time.
The issue has been raised here and marked as fixed recently.
Other related issues can be searched here
it seems like Google has updated the jdbc connector. It is working for me now,

User account pool creation encountered failure while executing the registerRext.exe in SQL server 2016 R services

the cmd execution of registerRExt.exe
I am trying to install RRE(Revolution R Enterprise) v7.5 with RR0 3.2.2(Revolution R Open) on a SQL Server 2016 RC0 default instance. All the steps shown in the have been completed and the error occurs in the Post installation Server configuration scripts. The script has also been replaced by the updated script for RC0 shown on the msdn site but still I get the same error on running the registerRExt.exe file.
The site shows while installing the instance the account name for Server Database engine has to be MSSQLSERVER, however this had also resulted in an error stating wait on database recovery handle failed which was sorted by changing the account name of Database engine to NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM(I provided this info as it can also be the cause of the problem) . Now I need to sort the user pool failure. Any help would be appreciated..thanks in advance
SQL 2016 RC1 was just released
SQL RC1 has a newer version 8.0.1 version of RRE. I suggest your try to install it and reply to this thread again if you hit the same failure. has the details on where to find Microsoft R Open 8.0.1 and Revolution R Enterprise 8.0.1.
If the issue persists RevoScaleR\rxLibs\x64\registerrext.log would have more details on the exact failure - do share that.
I was able to sort out the issue..It was because I was installing the SQL server on domain controller and ignored the warning while install, but then changing some rules and demoting it from Server Manager worked and the install was successful.
However I do know there may be some better solution to that as all the other user accounts got reset in the process.

How I can fix the following error in replication RDF in virtuoso OpenSource?

I'm trying to do replication RDF triples in Virtuoso, but I have an error when connecting with the pulbicador server via repl_server. function () says:
Error 42S22: [OpenLink] [Virtuoso ODBC Driver] [Virtuoso Server]
SR242: No system status variable st_repl_server_enable
Please help with this error.
You're trying to use a feature of the Commercial Edition, but you're running the Open Source Edition.

ColdFusion SQL Server Error Too many open files error?

I have an API developed in ColdFusion 9 that continuously searches for items and inserts a record on the outcome of that search into a SQL Server 2008 table but I'm noticing a lot of errors in my Application log for the following error:
Error Executing Database Query.[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: X.X.X.X:X. Reason: Too many open files. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: foo.cfm, line: 203
I realise there's not much to go on here but that's all the info I have from the logs.
Anyone have the faintest idea what might be going on?!
I got a similar error from using and old version of Lucene. Because Lucene used an old version of apache commons io that would sometimes stop closing the file read by the Lucene Index. So every time someone woul do a search a file would be opened and never closed. Eventually we hit the file open limit which would cause various problem on the server. One Of which is you can't connect to a datasource.
We had to bounce the server a couple times to release the open files. And then we updated our Lucene software to the latest version.
I believe Lucene is what Solr runs on (the cf index).
This happened on a Linux machine and we were running java, not coldfusion (but cf runs on Java)

how to connect to a file based HSQLDB database with sqltool?

I have tried to follow the instructions in chapter 1 of the HSQLDB doc and started my server like:
java -cp hsqldb-2.2.5/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:#pathtodb# -dbname.0 xdb
and I have reason to believe that worked cause it said (among other things):
Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:#pathtodb#, alias=xdb] opened sucessfully in 2463 ms.
However at the next step I try to connect using SqlTool and based on chapter 8 of the documentation I came up with this command to connect:
java -jar hsqldb-2.2.5/hsqldb/lib/sqltool.jar localhost-sa
Which gives the following error:
Failed to get a connection to 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost' as user "SA".
Cause: General error: database alias does not exist
while the server says:
[Server#60072ffb]: [Thread[HSQLDB Connection #4ceafb71,5,HSQLDB Connections #60072ffb]]: database alias= does not exist
I am at a loss. Should I specify alias when connecting somehow? What alias would my database have then? The server did not say anything about that...
(also, yes I have copied the sqltool.rc file to my home folder.
Your server has -dbname.0 xdb as the database alias. Therefore the connection URL should include xdb. For example jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/xdb
The server can serve several databases with different aliases. The URL without alias corresponds to a server command line that does not include the alias setting.
java -jar /hsqldb-2.3.2/hsqldb/lib/sqltool.jar --inlineRc=url=jdbc:hsqldb:localhost:3333/runtime,user=sa
Enter password for sa: as2dbadmin
SqlTool v. 5337.
JDBC Connection established to a HSQL Database Engine v. 2.3.2 database
This error has been hunting me for the last 5 hours.
Together with this stupid error: HSQL Driver not working?
If you want to run your hsqldb on your servlet with Apache Tomcat it is necessary that you CLOSE the runManagerSwing.bat. I know it sounds trivial but even if you create the desired database and you run Eclipse J22 Servlet with Tomcat afterwards, you will get a bunch of errors. So runManagerSwing.bat must be closed.
See my sqltool answer over on the question "How to see all the tables in an HSQLDB database". The critical piece is setting up your sqltool.rc correctly and putting it in the right location.
You can also use the following statement for getting a connection from a files based store. this can be used if you are running the application from Windows.
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:///c:/hsqldb/mydb", "SA", "");