Titanium - How to use svg files for fontawesome? - titanium

I'm using this widget com.mattmcfarland.fontawesome for fontawesome, but I need to use my Svg files. It's possible by using this widget, or there is other way? and how ?

Solution 1:
There is Ti.SVGView (https://github.com/caffeinalab/Ti.SvgView) and an example at https://github.com/icecandy/TitaniumRenderSVGIconsExample on how to use it. But you need to fork and recompile it if you want to use it with Ti 7.
With the fontawesome Widget you can just use the font. The widget only translates the names to the utf codes, so you don't really need it when you type the codes (e.g. \uf104) into the label.text property.
Solution 2:
You can translate your SVG into a font with e.g. https://icomoon.io/app/ and use it as a normal font. The you just set the font-family to this font and use the codes you asign in icomoon to display your icons


style of asciidoc Admonition missing while using Hugo ? ( syntax not supported? )

I'm using Hugo to generate static pages in Gitlab, seems the syntax of asciidoc not supported well (such as Admonition)? or it's just about the theme I'm using?
for code [TIP]
Please enable font-based icons by adding
:icons: font
to your document. See Font Icon Mode in AsciiDoc docs for details.
Depending on the CSS you use, the tool tip might look different. See below for the "classic" CSS of Asciidoctor.
Once you add the :icons: font, it is a matter of updating the CSS to make it look like your screenshot above.

Vuetify - Customizations

Vuetify allows us to change the default themes and presets by using a variables.scss/sass file in our project.
But I am unable to figure out how to change the font-style/font-weight (or any other global properties except the color) for the entire app, dynamically on the fly.
For Example:
We have a vue application running and the global font is currently set to Roboto,
What I want to do is provide a list of available fonts in a v-select and dynamically feed the selected value(suppose Raleway) in the variables.scss file or somehow trigger Vuetify to pick up the updated font-family (even other customizations), and change the default font to Raleway for the entire application.
I don't want to add classes everywhere. It won't be maintainable.
Any ideas on how can this be achieved?
Thanks in advance!
Changing the font app-wide is possible through the variables file as you mention, but this is a build-time decision. If you're wanting the user to swap out the font in the running app, there isn't any mechanism for this as far as I know, because the app is already compiled and running.

Two different fonts in one inline object while creating PDF

Is it technically possible to use two different font in the same
DrawHTMLTextBox while using Debenu Quick PDF Library 10?
Is it possible with any other libraries which can be used in a PHP
project (Not preferred)?
Currently it is not possible to use two different fonts in the string that you pass to the DrawHTMLTextBox function in Debenu Quick PDF Library. If you want to use a different font for different parts of the string you'll need to use DrawHTMLText instead and change the font using SetHTMLNormalFont prior to each section of the string being drawn.
Using this method you'll need to keep track of the width and height of the text you're drawing yourself but you can do that using the GetHTMLTextHeight, GetHTMLTextWidth and GetHTMLTextLineCount.

<Error>: FT_Open_Face failed: error 85

I am trying to install a custom font into my iPhone application. When I add the 'Fonts provided by application’ key into my info.plist file I get the following error ': FT_Open_Face failed: error 85.’
I am not sure what the problem is as I have successfully been able to use custom fonts in the past.
Any help will be appreciated.
If you leave the first element in your font array in the plist (index 0) blank, you will get this error.
PostScript fonts cannot be used with UIFont directly. You can use them only with CoreText or CATextLayer.
This can occur if the font in question is a Font Suitcase format. Open your application package, and if the font .ttf file shows a size of "Zero bytes", it's probably a font suitcase.
Files of this type can be converted using Fondu.
When running Fondu, I had to specify not just the suitcase file, but the resource fork inside it:
fondu mysuitcasefont.ttf/..namedfork/rsrc
This will extract any fonts in the suitcase to the current directory. It is these extracted files you will want to include in your iOS project and reference from the .plist.
I received this error when using a .ttf font. I was able to correct it by removing the file extension from the filename in (a) the resource in xcode and (b) the "Fonts provided by application" array in the .plist file.
Hopefully this will help.
I was trying to use Google Signika font on my App, and got the exact issue.
I solve the issue by using the .otf version of the font
Accepted answer is totally wrong and unnecessary. Probably you made a mistake when writing your font name.
Thats rules for that.
First Step : Write font name before .ttf extension. Example: For FFFTusj.ttf => FFFTusj
Second Step : Write - and after font style. Example: Bold or Medium etc. Example: #"FFFTusj-Bold"
And also dont forget add your font file to your project.
Check this link:
If your font is REGULAR dont write -Regular at end of font name.

iPhone Development: how to use custom fonts?

I used a special font in my photoshop design,
is it possible to use these fonts natively in the iphone app? or
do I need to convert them into an image first?
If this is the only way to do it, what do you do with dynamic text?
Copy your font file into Resources
In your application .plist create (if it's exist just create a row) a row called "Fonts provided by application" and then in "item 0" copy your font name for example "Ciutadella-Bold.otf" (if there are some spaces in font name, rename it and for example replace all spaces to minus '-')
Then you can define this font in your application:
UIFont *CiutadellaBold = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Ciutadella-Bold" size:17.0f];
And use in for instance in uiLabel:
[uiLabel setFont:CiutadellaBold];
UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"MyFont" size:20];
[label setFont:font];
Where "MyFont" would be a TrueType or OpenType file in your project (sans the file extension), and label would be an instance of UILabel.
Yes it is possible with iOS 3.2 and later. You need to have the fonts file, I forget what formats exactly. Add the font file as a resource to your project then add the names of the fonts in the applications info.plist in an array under the raw key 'UIAppFonts' or under the friendly key 'Fonts provided by application'.
Here's a sample application that you can look at - https://files.me.com/tobiasoleary/ey08n1. It prints out the all the fonts accessible to the application. Two fonts have been added Flames and Firestarter.
This is by far the easiest way to add custom fonts to application. If you need to support custom fonts for iOS before 4.0 see http://github.com/zynga/FontLabel/tree/master
This question has been asked before here: Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?.
Note :
The parameter of “fontWithName” must be the real name of the font, not the name of the file. If you open your ttf file with the Mac Font Book, you will directly see its name on top of the window.