How to use Public variable to stop execution of VBA code - vba

This VBA code was written to break password of any VBA Project. It is explained here that Public variables retain their values even after execution of VBA module. Is it possible that following VBA code (stored at Module Level or Class Level) be modified in such a way to prevent execution of (aforesaid VBA code) breaking of Project password? :-
Public Dim HookBytes(0 To 5) As Byte
Dim OriginBytes(0 To 5) As Byte
Dim pFunc As LongPtr
Dim Flag As Boolean
ReDim HookBytes(0) As Byte
ReDim OriginBytes(0) As Byte
pFunc = 9223372036854775807 '
Flag = True

The 'Password breaker' you provided contains the same declarations as the ones you are wanting to store as public variables.
You are basically wanting to "Hi-Jack" these variables before the code has begun.
The only problem is that once the routine was to run, the publicly declared variables will now become procedural variables within the scope of the routine itself as soon as they are declared within Sub. The public variables will essentially be ignored as soon as the Dim statement within the procedure declares the same variable name.
Essentially, the method you are wanting to use to stop the password breaker will not work unfortunately.


How to handle object declaration in VBA (Error 91)

I'm stuck in VBA and I couldn't find a good answer in the other questions related to error 91. I want to create an object and store variables and arrays inside that object. I tried an approach like I would do in js:
Dim block As Object
Set block = Nothing
block.Name = "Unbekannter Prüfblock"
block.Awf = "Unbekannter Anwendungsfall"
block.Conditions = Array()
block.Checks = Array()
I use the "Set block = Nothing" because I will use it multiple times in a loop.
But all I get is error 91 - Object variable not set
How can I set the object?
Do I really have to declare everything in vba?
Isn't there a "stop annoying me with declaration notices" toggle? ;-)
Thank you all so much for the detailed answers!
As suggested I created a class for "block" and also a class for "condition" and "check". Block for example:
Option Explicit
Public name As String
Public awf As String
Public conditions As Collection
Public checks As Collection
Then I use it inside my code like this:
Dim bl As Block
Dim co As Condition
Dim ce As Check
Set bl = New Block = ws.Range("B" & i).value
bl.awf = ws.Range("B" & i).value
Set co = New Condition
co.attr = ws.Range("B" & i).value
co.value = ws.Range("C" & i).value
bl.conditions.Add co
VBA isn't Javascript; objects and their members cannot be created inline, they need a class definition.
When you make a member call against an object, you refer to it by name, and whenever that name refers to a null reference (Nothing) you'll get error 91.
To fix it, you need to ensure every member call is made against a valid object reference. Using the Set keyword you can assign such a reference, and to create a new instance of an object you can use the New keyword followed by the name of the class that defines the type you want a new instance of:
Dim Block As Object
Block.Something = 42 ' Error 91
Set Block = New SomeClass ' set reference
Block.Something = 42 ' OK
Note that because the object is declared As Object, every member call is late-bound (resolved at run-time); if the member doesn't exist (or if there's a typo), you'll get error 438 at run-time.
You can move this error to compile-time with early binding by using a more specific data type for the declaration:
Dim Block As SomeClass
Because the members of SomeClass are known at compile-time, the IDE will now provide you with a member completion list when you type up a member call, and typos will no longer be valid at compile-time: strive to remain in the early-bound realm whenever possible! Note: As Variant (explicit or not) is also similarly late-bound.
So we add a new class module and call it SomeClass and we add a couple of public fields:
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public Case As String
Public Condition As Variant
Public Check As Variant
And now you can create and consume a new instance of that class, and add instances of it to a collection to process later (note: you can't do that with a UDT/Type).
The VBIDE settings have an annoying option ("automatic syntax check", IIRC) that immediately pops a message box whenever there's a compilation error on the current line; uncheck it (invalid lines will appear in red, without a message box), but do have the "require variable declaration" setting checked: it will add Option Explicit to every module, and that will spare you from a number of easily avoidable run-time errors, moving them to compile-time.
In JS, you can add properties (together with values) on the fly to an object. That's not possible in VBA (and most other languages).
Your declaration Dim block As Object is defining a variable that is supposed to point to an Object. But it isn't pointing to anything yet, per default it is initialized with Nothing, which is, literally, nothing, and has neither properties nor methods, it's just a placeholder to signal "I don't point to anything yet". Furthermore, Object cannot be instantiated.
in VBA, you assign something to an object variable with Set (this is different to most other languages). If you want to create a new object, you use the keyword New.
However, before you do that, you need to know what kind of object (which class) you need. This can be an existing class, eg a Worksheet or a Range in Excel, or it can be an own defined class (by creating a new class module in your code). In any case, you need to define the properties and the methods of that class. Considering the most simple class module Class1 (of course you should think about a more usefull name):
Option Explicit
Public name as String
Public case as String
(I will not start to talk about private members and getter and setter).
You then write
Dim block As Class1
Set block = New Class1 = "Unbekannter Prüfblock"
(But = "Hello world" will not be possible as data is not a member of your class.)
Big advantage of this attempt is that the compiler can show you when you for example mistyped a property name before you even start your code (Debug->Compile). In JS, you will get either a runtime error or a new property on the fly - hard to find nasty bugs.
If you later need a new (empty) object, just create a new object using New. If the old object is not referenced anywhere else, the VBA runtime will take care that the memory is freed (so no need to write Set block = Nothing).
In case you really don't know the properties in advance (eg when you read XML or JSON files or a key-value list from an Excel sheet...), you can consider to use a Collection or a Dictionary. Plenty of examples on SO and elsewhere.
One remark to block.Condition = Array(). Arrays in VBA are not really dynamic, you cannot add or remove entries easily during runtime. In VBA, you have static and dynamic arrays:
Dim a(1 to 10) as String ' Static array with 10 members (at compile time)
Dim b() as String ' Dynamic array.
However, for dynamic members you need to define how many members you need before you write something into it, you use the ReDim statement for that. Useful if you can calculate the number of members in advance:
Redim b(1 to maxNames) ' Dynamic array, now with maxNames members (whatever maxNames is)
You can change the array size of a dynamic array with Redim Preserve, but that should be an exception (bad programming style, inperformant). Without Preserve, you will get a new array, but the former data is lost.
Redim Preserve b(1 to maxNames+10) ' Now with 10 more members.
If you really don't know the number of members and it can change often during runtime, again a Collection or a Dictionary can be the better alternative. Note that for example a Dictionary can itself a Dictionary as value, which allows to define Tree structures.
Regarding your issue adding to the collection:
You need to add this code to your class module "Block" - only then you can add objects to the collections
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set conditions = New Collection
set checks = new Collection
End Sub

Extractng Variable Names from VBA Scripts

I want to Get List of Variables used in the Script i.e. VariableName13, strDLink, strZone.
A single file contains about 150+ events and each project contains about 700-900 files.
In VBA environment, I want to parse through each file, loop through each event and extract the Variable names declared or referenced by the Events.
I did find some material like Roslyn or TypeLib but unable to understand how to use them?
Can someone please share a proper approach to extract the variables?
Environment: VBA 6, SCADA HMI
Private Sub Rect13_Click()
Dim lResult As Long
Dim strDLink As String
Dim strZone As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
lResult = OpenFuncUpdate
If lResult = SomeValue Then
ElseIf lResult = SomeOtherValue Then
strDLink = "FullPathLink"
FuncDisassemblePath strDLink, , , , , , , , , , , , strZone
If Len(strZone) > 0 And (InStr(VariableName13.CurrentValue, "%") = 0) Then
SubLoadIA strZone & "%" & VariableName13.CurrentValue, Me
SubLoadIA VariableName13.CurrentValue, Me
End If
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Depending on how you define what a "variable" is, you can try to parse VBA code with VBA code and regular expressions.
If all your declarations are consistently made, and consistently declare a single variable, and variables are consistently declared (Option Explicit is in every module), then capturing Dim|Private|Public|Friend|Global {identifier} should be good-enough... but that makes a lot of "ifs"
Real-life projects have Dim statements that can declare a list of local or private variables. Or there's a ReDim statement somewhere that's actually declaring an array on-the-spot. Or they don't always specify Option Explicit and variables aren't always even declared at all. Or there's a line continuation in the middle of the statement that breaks the regular expression. Or, or, or... so many things can go wrong, parsing VBA code is a rabbit hole.
For example suppose you need to pick up and list undeclared variables. A regular expression can't tell its usage from a procedure or function call, because they're syntactically identical. Regular expressions are missing the context of the grammar - and it's by tokenizing (aka "lexing") the source code and then parsing the tokens using parser rules that we can be 100% certain of what we're looking at.
Fortunately this is a solved problem, and there's free, open-source VBIDE tooling available for this, and get you 100% correct results every time without writing a single line of code or worrying about what legal declarations might be left unaccounted for.
Rubberduck (I manage this OSS project and own its website) will correctly parse any legal VB6/vBA code (and if it doesn't, we're extremely interested in a repro!), and then you can simply click a "copy" button to instantly have every single declaration in the clipboard:
Ctrl+V /paste onto a worksheet (or a Word document, or in Notepad!) and then you can easily turn it into a filter-enabled table; in your case you'd want to filter the [Declaration Type] for "Variable":
Above, the exported declarations for a VBA project that has a Sheet1 module with a test procedure that uses (but doesn't declare) a variable named undeclared:
Sub test()
undeclared = 42
Debug.Print undeclared
End Sub
Here's the same table for the code you've provided:
Note that SubHandleError and other Sub and Function calls would parse as and resolve to a procedure/function in your project. Here they're being picked up as undeclared variables because I didn't parse anything other than the code you supplied, so these identifiers are undefined.

Why is VBA saying that it has found an 'ambiguous name'?

When compiling some code (declarations shown below) I get the error message 'Compile Error: Ambiguous name detected. SixTables'. I have looked here and elsewhere but cannot find anything that matches my problem. What appear to be the most common causes of this error, declaring two variables with identical names or giving the same name to a function and the sub that it is called from, do not apply. And yes, I know I could just change the name to something the system was happy with, but (1) I wouldn't learn what I'm doing wrong, and (2) I chose that name for a reason - it fits its purpose exactly :-)
Option Explicit
Dim ArmOfService As Byte
Dim CharacterNumber As Long
Dim CurrentTerm As Byte
Dim DecorationRollMade As Byte
Dim DecorationRollNeeded As Byte
Dim DiceSize As Byte
Dim GenAssignment
Dim GenAssignmentSwitchInt As Byte
Dim GenAssignmentSwitchOff As Byte
Dim iLoopControl
Dim jLoopControl
Dim kLoopControl
Dim LineIncrement As Integer
Dim lLoopControl
Dim Merc(100)
Dim NoOfDice As Byte
Dim OfficerPromotion(63 To 78) As Byte
Dim PromotionRollMade As Byte
Dim PromotionRollNeeded As Byte
Dim Roll As Byte
Dim SkillColumn
Dim SixTables
Dim SpecAssignmentSwitchEnd As Byte
Dim SurvivalRollMade As Byte
Dim SurvivalRollNeeded As Byte
Dim TechLevel As Byte
Dim Temp As Integer
Dim Term As Byte
Dim TestCount
Dim UnitAssignment
Dim WhichTable
Dim Year As Byte
EDIT: I'm so embarrassed that I can hardly bring myself to explain what the problem was. I knew I hadn't duplicated a name, since I was only using it once - as a function! Thanks all for your help, I'm now going to go and hide my face in shame...
From MSDN :
More than one object in the same scope may have elements with the
same name.
Module-level identifiers and project-level identifiers (module names
and referenced project names) may be reused in a procedure, although
it makes programs harder to maintain and debug. However, if you want
to refer to both items in the same procedure, the item having wider
scope must be qualified. For example, if MyID is declared at the
module level of MyModule , and then a procedure-levelvariable is
declared with the same name in the module, references to the
module-level variable must be appropriately qualified:
Dim MyID As String
Sub MySub
MyModule.MyID = "This is module-level variable"
Dim MyID As String
MyID = "This is the procedure-level variable"
Debug.Print MyID
Debug.Print MyModule.MyID
End Sub
An identifier declared at module-level conflicts with a procedure name.
For example, this error occurs if the variable MyID is declared at
module level, and then a procedure is defined with the same name:
Public MyID
Sub MyID
. . .
End Sub
Having had this issue many times, and not fully understanding why, I think there is an important fact that I have tested, and someone can confirm. It may be obvious to professional programmers, but I place this here for those that seek these answers on discussions, who are usually not professional programmers.
A variable declared within a sub() is not "declared" (memory assigned) until that sub() is executed. And when the execution of that sub() is complete, the memory is released. Until now, I thought Public variables acted in similar way; available to any module that used it, --BUT only existing as long as the module where they were declared was still executing.
However, for any Public variable who's declaration line is in any module in the workbook, that variable is declared and available at the execution of any module within the workbook, even if the module where the Public declaration exists is never called or executed.
Therefore, if you have a Public variable declaration in one module, and then again in a separate module that you plan to run independent of the first, Excel still sees 2 declarations for the same variable, and thus it is ambiguous.
To prove it, you can create a blank module within a workbook project, and add absolutely nothing except two Public declaration lines,
Public VariableX as String
Public VariableY as Integer
and those variables will be declared and available throughout the project, for any sub() executed. This fact is also probably the reason for the tip about minimizing the use of public variables.
Again, this may have been kindergarten level information for professional programmers, but most on this are not pros, and have to learn these lessons the hard way, or through discussion boards like this. I hope this helps someone.

How to prevent VBA variables from being shared across Word documents?

I have a VBA template project that runs automatically when a Word document is opened. However, if I open multiple documents, they all share the variables values. How can declare these variables to be only associated with the active window or active document?
I tried declaring them in a Class Module, but that did not help. Switching between opened document I can see that these variables are shared.
Any input is appreciated...
This what I have in my Module:
Option Private Module
Dim CurrentCommand As String
Public Function SetCurrentCommand(command)
CurrentCommand = command
End Function
Public Function GetCurrentCommand()
GetCurrentCommand = CurrentCommand
End Function
More Info: The code/Macro start at AutoExec like this:
Public Sub Main()
Set oAppClass.oApp = Word.Application
If PollingRate <> "" Then Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue(PollingRate), "CaptureUserViewState"
End Sub
And the CaptureUserViewState is a Sub that resides in a different Module and does all teh checks (comparing new values to last recorded ones) and here how this Sub does the check:
If WL_GetterAndSetter.GetLastPageVerticalPercentage <> pageVerticalPercentScrolled Then
'Update the last value variable
WL_GetterAndSetter.SetLastPageVerticalPercentage (pageVerticalPercentScrolled)
'log change
End If
You don't give us much information, but I assume you declared public variables at module level like this:
Public myString As String
Public myDouble As Double
From VBA documentation:
Variables declared using the Public statement are available to all procedures in all modules in all applications unless Option Private Module is in effect; in which case, the variables are public only within the project in which they reside.
The answer is to use Option Private Module.
When used in host applications that allow references across multiple projects, Option Private Module prevents a module’s contents from being referenced outside its project.
[...] If used, the Option Private statement must appear at module level, before any procedures.
EDIT You have now clarified that you declare your variables using Dim at module level. In this case, Option Private Module is irrelevant.
Variables declared with Dim at the module level are available to all procedures within the module.
i.e. regardless of whether you're using Option Private Module or not.
If you're finding that the values are retained between runs, then that must be because you are running a procedure from the same module from the same workbook. You may think you're doing something else, but in reality this is what you're doing.
In your class module, instead of Dim CurrentCommand As String try Private CurrentCommand As String. Without more information it's hard to debug your program. I'm just taking random potshots here.
What you need to do is store multiple versions of the variables, one set per document.
So I would suggest that you create a simple class to hold the different values.
You then store them in a collection mapping the data-set with the document name or similar as the key.
In classmodule (MyData), marked as public:
Public data1 as String
Public data2 as Integer
In module with the event-handlers:
Dim c as new Collection 'module global declaration
Sub AddData()
Dim d as new MyData 'Your data set
d.data1 = "Some value"
d.data2 = 42
c.add Value:=d,
End Sub
Then when you enter the event-handler you retrieve the data and use the specific set for the currently active document.
Sub EventHandler()
Dim d as MyData
set d = c.item(
'use data
End Sub
Please not that this code is just on conceptual level. It is not working, You have to apply it to your problem but it should give you some idea on what you need to do. You will need to add alot of error handling, checking if the item is already in the collection and so on, but I hope you understand the concept to continue trying on your own.
The reason for this is because, as I understand the situation from your question, you only have one version of your script running, but multiple documents. Hence the script have to know about all the different documents.
On the other hand, If each document would have their own code/eventhandlers, hence having multiple versions of the script running, then you don't need the solution provided above. Instead you need to be careful what document instance you reference in your script. By always using "ThisDocument" instead of "ActiveDocument" you could achieve isolation if the code is placed in each open document.
However, as I understood it, you only have one version of the script running, separate from the open documents, hence the first solution applies.
Best of luck!
You might want to store the Document Specific details using
The Document.CustomDocumentProperties Property
This returns a
DocumentProperties Collection
Which you can add new Properties to Using
Document.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(PropertyName, LinkToContent, Value, Type)
And then Read From using
A downside, or bonus, here is that the properties will remain stored in the document unless you delete them.
This may be a good thing or a bad thing

Is it possible to declare a public variable in vba and assign a default value?

I want to do this but it won't compile:
Public MyVariable as Integer = 123
What's the best way of achieving this?
.NET has spoiled us :)
Your declaration is not valid for VBA.
Only constants can be given a value upon application load. You declare them like so:
Here's a sample declaration from one of my vba projects:
If you're looking for something where you declare a public variable and then want to initialize its value, you need to create a Workbook_Open sub and do your initialization there.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim iAnswer As Integer
If sheetSetupInfo.Range("D6").Value = "Enter Facility Name" Then
iAnswer = MsgBox("It appears you have not yet set up this workbook. Would you like to do so now?", vbYesNo)
If iAnswer = vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Load frmInfoSheet
End Sub
Make sure you declare the sub in the Workbook Object itself:
Just to offer you a different angle -
I find it's not a good idea to maintain public variables between function calls. Any variables you need to use should be stored in Subs and Functions and passed as parameters. Once the code is done running, you shouldn't expect the VBA Project to maintain the values of any variables.
The reason for this is that there is just a huge slew of things that can inadvertently reset the VBA Project while using the workbook. When this happens, any public variables get reset to 0.
If you need a value to be stored outside of your subs and functions, I highly recommend using a hidden worksheet with named ranges for any information that needs to persist.
Sure you know, but if its a constant then const MyVariable as Integer = 123 otherwise your out of luck; the variable must be assigned an initial value elsewhere.
You could:
public property get myIntegerThing() as integer
myIntegerThing= 123
end property
In a Class module then globally create it;
public cMyStuff as new MyStuffClass
So cMyStuff.myIntegerThing is available immediately.
Little-Known Fact: A named range can refer to a value instead of specific cells.
This could be leveraged to act like a "global variable", plus you can refer to the value from VBA and in a worksheet cell, and the assigned value will even persist after closing & re-opening the workbook!
To "declare" the name myVariable and assign it a value of 123:
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add "myVariable", 123
To retrieve the value (for example to display the value in a MsgBox):
MsgBox [myVariable]
Alternatively, you could refer to the name with a string: (identical result as square brackets)
MsgBox Evaluate("myVariable")
To use the value on a worksheet just use it's name in your formula as-is:
In fact, you could even store function expressions: (sort of like in JavaScript)
(Admittedly, I can't actually think of a situation where this would be beneficial - but I don't use them in JS either.)
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add "myDay", "=if(isodd(day(today())),""on day"",""off day"")"
Square brackets are just a shortcut for the Evaluate method. I've heard that using them is considered messy or "hacky", but I've had no issues and their use in Excel is supported by Microsoft.
There is probably also a way use the Range function to refer to these names, but I don't see any advantage so I didn't look very deeply into it.
More info:
Microsoft Office Dev Center: Names.Add method (Excel)
Microsoft Office Dev Center: Application.Evaluate method (Excel)
As told above, To declare global accessible variables you can do it outside functions preceded with the public keyword.
And, since the affectation is NOT PERMITTED outside the procedures, you can, for example, create a sub called InitGlobals that initializes your public variables, then you just call this subroutine at the beginning of your statements
Here is an example of it:
Public Coordinates(3) as Double
Public Heat as double
Public Weight as double
Sub InitGlobals()
End Sub
Sub MyWorkSGoesHere()
Call InitGlobals
'Now you can do your work using your global variables initialized as you wanted them to be.
End Sub
You can define the variable in General Declarations and then initialise it in the first event that fires in your environment.
Alternatively, you could create yourself a class with the relevant properties and initialise them in the Initialise method
This is what I do when I need Initialized Global Constants:
1. Add a module called Globals
2. Add Properties like this into the Globals module:
Property Get PSIStartRow() As Integer
PSIStartRow = Sheets("FOB Prices").Range("F1").Value
End Property
Property Get PSIStartCell() As String
PSIStartCell = "B" & PSIStartRow
End Property
there is one way to properly solve your question. i have the same concern with you for a long time. after searching and learning for a long time, finally i get a solution for this kind of question.
The solution is that no need to declare the variable and no need to set value to the variable, and even no need VBA code. Just need the "named range" in excel itself.
For example, the "A1" cell content is "hello, world". and we define the "A1" cell a name as "hello", that is, the "A1" cell have a name now, it's called "hello".
In VBA code, we just need use this method [hello], then we can get the "A1" value.
Sub test()
msgbox [hello]
end sub
the msgbox will show "Hello, word".
this way, we get a global variable without any declaration or assignment. it can be used in any Sub or Function.
we can define many named range in excel, and in VBA code we just use [] method to get the range value.
in fact, the [hello] is a abbreviation of the function Evaluate["Hell"], but it's more shorter.
It's been quite a while, but this may satisfy you :
Public MyVariable as Integer: MyVariable = 123
It's a bit ugly since you have to retype the variable name, but it's on one line.