I am working with Microsoft LUIS and things are going smoothly for well
defined interactions (i.e., closed lists).
I have the use case for a simple feedback bot.
The utterance would look simply like,
'my feedback is {whatever they say}'.
How would one define things in LUIS for a feedbackIntent such that the extracted entity value is that free form spoken text? Google's api.ai has #sys.any and AWS Lex addresses this fundamental case as well.
I was having issues highlighting multiple words in the GUI for some reason. I could have likely tagged things via the REST API. Anyway it looks like the following is working toward the right combination. I added a custom built in entity of Communication.Message and then had utterances like 'the feedback is foobar' where foobar was tagged as a Communication.Message entity. I have variations like 'I think foobar' etc.
I feel like this is a simple enough thing to do and can't believe how hard of a time I'm having finding the example I need so alas, human help please! You failed me Google :)
FYI I've written a bit of code in my life (Java, C, ASM, PHP), new to APIs.
As the title lays bare, I want to retrieve info (tickets out of our ticketing system meeting certain conditions) via a GET request, loop through each ticket, and update each one (PUT) based on certain conditions.
If there's a tutorial you know of that covers that, please point me to it! If not, if you could please fill in some of these holes?
I wound up in Postman, is this an appropriate environment to accomplish such? Of course you can make individual API calls here but I got lost trying to string the aforementioned sequence together. Is it possible via "Create API?" This makes it sound like I'm creating my own API server for other users to access data from. If it is possible via "Create API," where's the dang run code button?! If not Postman, what tool should I be using to write code in? And again, if you have any code samples/videos closely resembling said scenario for that tool.
Thank you for any assistance you can offer.
You want to interact with your ticketing system: read existing tickets, and update them. Correct?
To do this, your TICKETING SYSTEM must have an "api" (possibly - but not necessarily - a REST API).
If it does, you might be in luck. But you need to learn the API first, possibly from product documentation. If it doesn't, there's probably not much you can do except to interact with the system as a "normal user".
If it has an API, and if it's a relatively simple API (like REST), you can use the API manually (e.g. through POSTMAN), or you can use it programmatically (using Python, C#, Java or just about any programming language you feel comfortable with).
In summary, you need to:
Determine if your ticketing system provides any kind of web api
If so, get the API details
If at that point you want proceed, determine what programming language or framework you'd like to use.
Hopefully that gives you a bit of "direction".
I am looking to wrap a bot service in order to enable business areas to create and manage them at will with minimal technical knowledge, but meeting our strict security controls. With this in mind I need to be able to create and manage them 100% programatically.
I have been working on a prototype with Microsoft's Bot Framework, Luis and QnA Maker. Sadly though joining these technologies requires a number of manual steps, specifically:
Creating a bot in Azure (Bot Framework)
Creating a Luis Account
Joining Luis bot with Azure(the subscription management part
of the API was recently deprecated)
Creating a QnA Account
Microsoft really don't feel very joined up at all...
With this in mind I am now looking for alternatives and thus looking to see what Google are up to. I am just a bit weary of heading off in a new direction to find similar issues.
Looking briefly at the API documentation it seems I should be able to import an agent in to a project and then manage it. I imagine I could use a template to create my bots from.
Thanks for your time
Thanks for your feedback.
The way I see it, Bot Framework is more modular than other options out there. First of all, creating a LUIS and QnA account are optional and not time consuming. The average use case can be solved with less than 50 lines of code with no need to throw LUIS or QnAMaker into the mix. Why should Microsoft force you to use LUIS if you might not need it? Google uses a different approach. In my opinion, they give you most of the tools from start, like the NLP agent, so you need to understand NLP concepts even if you don't really need to use them. Most developers tend to overthink their bots and make them more complex that hey need to be.
With that said. We don't provide a way to create agents programmatically. But the process of registering your bot is very straight forward and fast. Let me know if you have any problems on this regard.
Please, take a look at our samples here:
They can give you a very deep knowledge on what architecture to use for different scenarios. Many times there is a simpler way to achieve the same goal and Microsoft does not try to force you to use the most advanced techniques. Most of the time you can achieve your goal with very simple and easy to maintain code.
A Quick Update, in the end we went with a solution based on this idea:
I can simply create a new bot by executing cloudformation.
I'm building an API and I have modeled the entities I need inside it. By example
I'm using Blueprint to specify the API itself and I need to create endpoints for CRUD operations in pretty much every entity. The task seems very redundant to me - besides some tuning that is needed in some specific entities, most of the basic skeleton looks like the same.
I wonder if there is any tool that allows me to write down my entities, its fields and types and generates this basic skeleton.
I was about to start creating one and then I stopped to look around if there already is one but I did not find anything yet...
API Blueprint contains a tool to write, use, reuse, compose, inherit your data structures, and it's MSON.
Basically it's a way to describe your data structures within an API Blueprint. We do also provide an html renderer for that, and it's the Attributes Kit. Try also to have a look to its Playground.
You can find an useful tutorial on official website, as well more information.
Hopefully it should be enough to get started.
Everyone. Recently Google Translate Is Integrated Into My Project, Which Plays The Role Of Translating Some Product Names, Product Descriptions, Product Related Category Names. But Cause There Are Plenty Of Products In My Database(And Increased Quickly), Google Translate Api Would Cost Considerable Money.
I Want To Translate By Google As Less As Possible. In The Translation, Many Words Are Same Among Many Products, For Example : 阿迪达斯 - Adidas, 苹果 - iphone, 篮球 - Basketball, Bla Bla..... I Wanna Do Some Tricks, But Find No Idea.
Did Anyone Encounter Such Questions?
Any Help Would Be Appreciated.
It sounds like what you need is actually the ability to reuse translation at the string or substring level (in other words, per database entry). You can't really do that with Google, that I know of. You've got a few options, as I see it:
You could switch over to Microsoft Translator and use their methods
that allow you to place translations yourself, such as their
Collaborative Translation feature that lets you override the MT with
a preferred translation and even to vote translations up/down. Quality here will be broadly comparable to Google (I often find it better), and you have methods at your disposal that allow this override. Also, unlike Google, the Microsoft API is free up to a certain volume. Take a look:
Microsoft also has a unique feature called the Microsoft Translator Hub, which can use your terminology, for example, for translations. However,depending on how you implemented any solution with Microsoft, you might still have the problem that you are making more calls out to Microsoft than you'd like, and, moreover, that "matching" only takes place at the level of a whole record or string, so it would not hit the case of shared linguistic elements being concatenated into one string.
There's a commercial offering called GeoFluent (full disclosure--I am the product manager for this product, so I'm clearly biased :)) that works with Microsoft Translator but provides pre and post translation processing that can deal with sub-segment and may reduce the volume you are therefore putting through translation each time. It could make sense if, as you mention, you are rapidly adding to your database. Of course, this is a commercial offering too, so you'd have to balance the costs.
Let me know if this helps, and happy to answer any other questions you have.
There is a PHP sample here : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/modules/tm/trunk/lib/googleTranslatePlugin.php
That allows you to send and array and return an array.
array(source=>target) getTranslations()
translates all of the user provided strings into the target language using the Google Translate API and returns an array of source=>target
I am part of a studentproject and we are to develop a product for a company using Java EE. As "lead architect" in the project I am responsible for composing a good design which should be flexible for further extensions.
Background info: We are to develop a website with a drag and drop GUI with possibilites to connect data sources with data manipulations to perform on that specific data. The GUI should be generic and possible to integrate with upcoming products. This means that we cannot code to an implementation in the presentation layer. Instead we will use an interface to define what kind of data manipulations that are possible for all kinds of products. However, each product might also sport product specific data manipulations (thus extending the interface with more methods).
The problem I have with the scenario above is that I dont see how we could pass on these "product specific data manipulations" to the GUI and say that, in addition to the generic interface, we also possess these data manipulation actions...
Now I had a discussion with some of the more experienced programmers from the company and they told me that there is a common solution to this problem - more specifically known as the "Observer pattern". They draw something like [1] on the whiteboard and explained that it would be possible to "register" to a third party (getApplicationContext) that in turn could convey our product specific interface. This is a common problem to get rid of those nasty circular dependencies, they explained.
I have now had a look on the observer pattern and how it works and I still dont really get how I am supposed to solve the design problem. Could someone possibly try to explain how it would turn out in my specific scenario? I have no real problem understanding how it works with "subjects" and "observers".
Here is an UML diagram of the design where we are using a reference of the specific product. This is what is undesirable and something we would like to get around.
(maybe I got this all wrong...)
I am sorry but I cant change the picture to the correct one as I am a new user... Here is a link to an updated UML diagram:
It seems what you are looking for is the Model View Controller design pattern. The Observer pattern is just a part of this design pattern. There is a short description for doing this with Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages from Java EE on the wikipedia article.