Actual behavior
in settings.json , when we use $dir in any settings , it takes backward slash as separator and becoz of that "path1\path2\path3\" , since it includes a backward slash at end of path , that end quotes " gets ignored and it throws me a file not found error .
Expected behavior
$dir should resolve to "path1\\path2\\path3\\" or "path1/path2/path3/" (with forward slashes)
Also using ${relativeFile} or ${fileDirname} doesn't resolve at all in settings.json and $relativeFile and $fileDirname also don't resolve (they just resolve into literal ${relativeFile} strings)
How to fix this ?
I'm getting this error when running Bazel via IntelliJ:
ERROR: Skipping '//src\main:all': Invalid package name 'src\main': package names may contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or any of ' !"#$%&'()*+,-./;<=>?[]^_`{|}~' (most 7-bit asc`ii` characters except 0-31, 127, ':', or '\')
My main target runs just fine in Powershell.
Here's my .bazelproject file:
You can probably guess the layout from that.
I suspect it's a Windows problem just because of the way the / has been switched round to \, but I have no idea how to solve it. Can anyone help?
This problem only happens with Laravel 5.8 on my shared hosting.
It is working fine in my shared hosting with Laravel 5.7.
It is working fine in my local environment with Laravel 5.8.
the problem is:
every time I run php artisan commands (on my shared hosting with Laravel 5.8 only) I got this error
The environment file is invalid! Failed to parse dotenv file due to an invalid name.
Failed at [APP_NAME].
my .env first line is : APP_NAME=rased
Also my site after updating to Laravel 5.8 is becoming a white blank page!
This is a general error related to parsing the .env file.
You'll see this is indicated in the error e.g.
The environment file is invalid!
Failed to parse dotenv file due to unexpected whitespace.
Failed at [This will fail].
In this example it was caused by having unescaped whitespace in the APP_NAME field i.e.
APP_NAME=This will fail
To fix, escape with quotes e.g.
APP_NAME="This is better"
This is general Error when we change our app name. To remove this error just do this.
APP_NAME=My Project Name
to this
APP_NAME="My Project Name"
You just need to add "" course around name.
I found the cause of this problem.
It was because of line separator in .env file !
It must be CRLF not LF
My .env file was LF
see the screenshot to understand the solution
I received a similar error while upgrading from Laravel 5.5 to Laravel 5.8.
The environment file is invalid! Failed to parse dotenv file due to an
invalid name. Failed at [//APP_ENV].
5.5 would accept C style comments on APP_ENV:
// env file setup for production environment
//APP_ENV = production
//APP_DEBUG = false
// env file setup for local environment
APP_ENV = local
APP_DEBUG = true
While 5.8 will not. # works for comments:
# env file setup for production environment
#APP_ENV = production
#APP_DEBUG = false
# env file setup for local environment
I had tried removing the spaces as a brand new 5.8 application installs without spaces in these definitions. That didn't fix it.
Curiously I still have C style comments other places in the file, so only for APP_ENV?
I changed the encoding of .env and it was solved.
UFT-8 without BOM
I recently ran into this same problem on my app for Laravel 6.12.0.
I was able to resolve this issue by adding a blank new line/space at the top of the .env file.
Example .env file:
[add a new line here]
I had exactly the same problem, but a different solution. CRLF made no difference.
This was driving me nuts, and I read somewhere that C style comments were no longer supported. My env file didn't contain any, but in desperation I added the following line to the top of the file:
# getting tiresome.
I don't think the wording is important, but the key thing was there was a comment.
After that, it worked. I don't know why, but it did.
Fast forward a few months, and the problem returned the next time I have to upgrade Laravel. This was kind of weird as the file was the same. This time I had to make sure I saved the file as UTF-8 without BOM.
I have added course "" around the DB_DATABASE path.
MAIL_FROM_NAME=Account confirmation
i was just making spaces between the two words
Just try to avoid it like : Account_confirmation
MAIL_FROM_NAME=Account_confirmation (correct)
In my case, I had an extra line that shouldn't be there.
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN Removed this and IT WORKED
I discover that if you declare the APP_NAME in quotes in the .env file, It will allow spaces in the app name but make sure you restart the server using the command (php artisan serve)
For e.g: APP_NAME='Laravel Login'
That works for me.
delete the .env file and recreate another with the same content
In case anybody else gets here and hasn't solved their problem. I came across this issue and found that it was due to using a hyphen to separate the environment variable name.
This was okay up to Laravel 5.7 but fell over for 5.8. To solve it change the hyphen to an underscore.
Don't forget to update all references to the variable!
I built VTK-8.0.0 (using msvc2017_64) and ITK-4.12.0 (using msvc2017_64). During the ITK-build as below:
1) building VTK (CMake3.9.0)
2) building ITK (CMake3.9.0): Module_ITKVtkGlue + VTK_DIR this path C:\VTK\8.0.0\build\msvc2017_64
3) Compiling VTK using msvc2017 (in Release mode)
4) Create a new environment variable VTK_DIR with the value C:\VTK\8.0.0\build\msvc2017_64
5) Add to the path: %VTK_DIR%\bin\Release
6) Compiling ITK using msvc2017 (in Release mode)
7) Creating a new environment variable ITK_DIR with the value C:\ITK\4.12.0\build\msvc2017_64
8) Add to the path: %ITK_DIR%\bin\Release
And now, I only want to build and compile a very simple project from the link below:
however, I can't configure the project getting the error below in CMake:
CMake Error at C:/ITK/4.12.0/build/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/ITK-4.12/Modules/ITKVtkGlue.cmake:14 (set):
Syntax error in cmake code at
when parsing string
Invalid escape sequence \V
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/ITK/4.12.0/src/CMake/ITKModuleAPI.cmake:54 (include)
C:/ITK/4.12.0/src/CMake/ITKModuleAPI.cmake:26 (itk_module_load)
C:/ITK/4.12.0/src/CMake/ITKModuleAPI.cmake:84 (_itk_module_config_recurse)
C:/ITK/4.12.0/build/msvc2017_64/ITKConfig.cmake:74 (itk_module_config)
CMakeLists.txt:6 (find_package)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/new_dev/tests/ImageToVTKImageFilter/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
To solve this problem, at first, I tried to add an Entry with ItkVtkGlue path but the same error was achieved. Then, I created ItkVtkGlue.lib individually and added added a new environment variable ItkVtkGlue_DIR with the value C:\ItkVtkGlue\build\Release and also added to the path and again creating an Entry for ItkVtkGlue, but I got the same error.
I would appreciate any help...
Deeply looking forward to your advice ...
The issue went back to the VTK_DIR which was defined by "\". First, I tried to replace all "\" in my environment variable VTK_DIR with "/" but it resulted in the same error. Then I defined VTK_DIR as an Entry in CMake and a path with "/" was dedicated, again the same error. In fact the problem was due to the ITKVtkGlue.cmake. The VTK_DIR was set by "\" and I manually replaced them by "/", and now ITK+VTK goes well...
Using IntelliJ/WebStorm if I run tsc from a FileWatcher, my compile errors are linked to the files in the editor, such that if I double-click on a compiler error, it opens that file and takes me to the offending line of code.
However if I run Grunt, either via the integrated Grunt console, or via a FileWatcher, the compile errors do not have links and I have to manually open the file and goto the offending line number.
Is there any way to get the compile errors comming from Grunt integrated as links, like the TypeScript FileWatcher's invocation of tsc does?
When running Grunt as a file watcher, you can set up filters to make links clickable. You can use existing filters as example: open your file watcher settings, press Output Filters..., open the filter settings and copy the regular expression specified there. See
In Webstorm 8, it is not possible to apply regular expression filters on Grunt console output.
The way to go, as mentioned by lena, is to call Grunt directly via an External tool entry, and set up appropriate regex filters, such as:
For grunt-ts:
For grunt-tslint:
Also see my comment above regarding a caveat for grunt-tslint in some environments.
I believe the '>>' added by grunt-typescript is throwing it off. Try grunt-ts (disclaimer : one of the authors) which is tested with webstorm
I noticed in Webstorm 9, the built-in Grunt console was filtering/linking on typescript compile errors with grunt-typescript. I am not sure if this is a recent change or not, but it was linking this for example,
So, I went into grunt-tslint/node_modules/tslint/build/formatters, and copied proseFormatter.js to ./myproseFormatter.js. Then I tweaked it so the tslint output format would match the compile error format, by replacing square brackets with parens, and removing the whitespace between line and column number. Finally, I referenced my custom formatter in my gruntfile tslint config by adding the formatter and formattersDirectory properties:
tslint: {
options: {
configuration: grunt.file.readJSON('tslint.json'),
formatter: 'myprose',
formattersDirectory: './'
all: {
src: [ 'app/**/*.ts' ]
and it worked!
I started a very simple project using Xored's F4 IDE for Fantom. The first few times I ran it there was no error, but I started adding dependencies (fanbatis) and at some point the error below starting showing up every time I run a test or a dummy Hello World app.
[23:44:18 22-Nov-13] [err] [pathenv] Cannot parse path: C:\dev\f4workspace\auth\bin\fan
sys::ArgErr: Invalid Uri scheme for local file: c:\dev\f4workspace\auth\bin\fan/
fan.sys.LocalFile.uriToFile (
fan.sys.File.make (
util::PathEnv.parsePath (
fan.sys.List.each (
util::PathEnv.parsePath (
util::PathEnv.make$ (
util::PathEnv.make (
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Unknown)
fan.sys.Method.invoke (
fan.sys.Method$MethodFunc.callList (
fan.sys.Type.make (
fan.sys.ClassType.make (
fan.sys.Type.make (
fan.sys.Sys.initEnv (
fan.sys.Sys. ( ( ( (
Hello, World!
It is more a nuisance at the moment because the tests and the dummy app still run. I created another project, copying all the source code adding class by class and testing after each change and the error never occurred. Any ideas please?
That's an interesting issue!
tl/dr: you have an empty project 'auth' in your workspace, either create some dummy class inside it or go to Run -> Run configurations, find your launch config and uncheck project without sources on 'Projects' tab.
In order to keep your Fantom installation clean from projects in a workspace, F4 puts built pods into project/bin/fan/lib/fan. When F4 launches projects from workspace, it uses PathEnv and builds FAN_ENV_PATH by joining paths to Fantom installation and bin/ folders in projects in workspace.
When Fantom runtime analyzes FAN_ENV_PATH, at first it interprets a path as native OS path, but if dir does not exist, it attempts to interpret it as file URI, here's relevant part of PathEnv source:
path.split(File.pathSep[0]).each |item|
if (item.isEmpty) return
dir := File.os(item).normalize
if (!dir.exists) dir = File(item.toUri.plusSlash, false).normalize
if (!dir.exists) { log.warn("Dir not found: $dir"); return }
The problem code is item.toUri – On Mac OS X and Linux this is parsed as an URI without scheme with path only, so if directory does not exist, this code just prints a warning in a console.
But on Windows, because of disk name in path, disk name is interpreted as scheme:
fansh> "C:\\Users".toUri { echo(path); echo(scheme) }
fansh> "/Users".toUri { echo(path); echo(scheme) }
And then File constructor fails, because expects either 'file' scheme, or null scheme:
public static uriToFile(Uri uri)
if (uri.scheme() != null && !uri.scheme().equals("file"))
throw ArgErr.make("Invalid Uri scheme for local file: " + uri);
return new;
I've created an issue here, so that F4 would automatically skip empty projects when building FAN_ENV_PATH –
I thought the problem had something to do with the forward slash at the end of path as shown in this line of the error message
Invalid Uri scheme for local file: c:\dev\f4workspace\auth\bin\fan/
However, I found that such path didn't exist. I manually created both the bin and the fan folders and the error disappeared. To be honest I don't really know why F4 needs and checks for that folder because so far it hasn't written any file in it.