Codenarc plugin rules are not running in guidewire studio - intellij-idea

I am currently working on Guidewire Studio built on top of IntelliJ. I have installed the codenarc plugin into the studio but it seems like the rules of codenarc is not running for my codes. After analyzing the codes it does not give me any violation which i know, is there. Can someone please tell me what am i missing here.

You probably can't, but there's a workaround.
Guidewire provides their customers with GosuCodeNarc which is basically CodeNarc extended with several gosu rules' implementations, possibly some glue code as well. If you are missing any rules they provide documentation on creating any new ones.
This isn't shipped as a plugin, but rather a set of jars with instruction how to run them as gradle task (intended to be run on CD/CI).
There is a way if you are on v9 or v10!
The inspection plugin to studio was intensively developed and is most likely meant to replace GosuCodeNarc entirely. Most importantly it provides all the inspections within the GW Studio.
The only requirement is to be on GW Studio v1.14 or higher and to turn inspections of choice within the inspections settings (use quick search to find this one).
Starting from v9.0.5 there's also a gradle task meant for command line use, so feel free to give it a try with
gwb inspect
More on it in
gwb help --task :inspect

gwb inspect will not work on Windows because of Intellij issue IDEA-152045


How I can use the JavaFX framework?

firstly, I want let you know how useful this community is for me, I was stuck on an error
`Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application`
and thanks to this answer I actually solved: link
However I've a couple of questions. I noticed that IntelliJ doesn't change the configurations (Like set the VM option and pick the right library for the javaFX project), so each time I've to create a new JavaFX11 or 12 project I've to being throw all the manually settings again.
There's a way for set a "default behaviour" for the IDE ? It's really cumbersome.
The second question is, how I can use all the beautiful framework that the developer community offer for JavaFX? I've seen on openjFX a couple of interesting framework like TilesFX or CalendarFX but there's no information on how implement them on my IDE neither on GitHub nor here.
I have seen that most of them uses Gradle files, but honestly I don't have the faintest idea of what this kind of file does and how implement it on IntelliJ. Thank's to everybody.
Run the project with a more recent JDK like JDK11, for example.
If it does'nt work, you probably forgot to change the JDK of your builder in IntelliJ!
Open the settings and follow the path as bellow:

What is the upgrade path for C# MSBuild Tools to be?

We are using Bamboo to compile our C# projects and recently enhanced our build AMIs to have the MsBuild 15 Build Tools so devs are able to use C#7. With the advent of C# 7.1, Microsoft state they are "increasing the cadence" of language releases and I've been trying to find out what the upgrade path for MS Build Tools and how to keep it updated with the latest version.
At the moment it appears that the Bamboo admins would have to always be one step ahead of the devs (who update their IDE to use the new language release) to enable clean compilations.
I can't find a decent way of automating this (other than though something like Chocolatey) - I'd be interested to see how other people get round this or ensure their Build Tools will always up to date.

SonarQube with custom Roslyn-based rules

I have a SonarQube 5.3.1 in place with the C# Plugin 4.5.0 installed.
Basic included rules are detected as expected.
Now, I want to use the Roslyn SDK project ( to add my tailor made analyzers into account.
I'm pretty sure they are okay because they are raised in both Visual Studio and when using msbuild in command line.
My problem now is to be able to upload those issues into Sonar, I must be missing something.
I obviously use the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild v2.0, have installed my generated jar and have activated the rules (the appear in "Code Smell"), try to build a project with which my rules should break (and they do, as I said earlier), but it does not seem to pick up my rules.
The doc ( says it should "produce an error report containing analysis errors and warnings for all of the analyzers" and then upload it to SonarQube, but I cannot find this report. At the very least, just a SonarLint output file with no related rule whatsoever.
I've also tried with the Wintellect Analyzer as the github page suggests ( with no success.
My guess is there's something wrong somewhere in the configuration but I don't know where, any idea ?
For each custom analyzer you want to use in SonarQube (example: Wintellect), you need to use the Roslyn SDK for SonarQube tool to create plug-ins that can be imported into SonarQube. Directions and info can be found here.

Eclipse 3.7 RCP Application with multiple plugins

What is the right way to make an RCP application that is “ready for plugins”? I have struggled to do this basic concept and am trying to accomplish this in Eclipse 3.7 (latest 3.x version).
Step 1
I would like to explore this by using 3 eclipse plugin projects:
• HelloWorldRCP
• HelloWorldPluginA
• HelloWorldPluginB
Would it make sense to make HelloWorldRCP with all the common things such as a menu-bar with an Edit menu including cut, copy and paste menu items? The HelloWorldPluginA could add an additional menu-item called “Alpha” and HelloWorldPluginB could add yet another menu-item called “Beta”? However, the cut, copy and paste functionality could still work within Plugin A and B?
Step 2
Next, how do I deploy this as a “product”? I have made a new product configuration and defined the dependencies from the default runtime configuration that was made. I do notice that there are a lot of dependency jars that are included, but I don’t think I use them. For example, I don’t use data-binding to my knowledge, but it keeps coming up as a required dependency.
I go to Export | Eclipse Product and an executable environment is created in my desired folder. However, when I copy this to another machine it seems to keep referencing the original machines Java installation location. How does one get around this?
I have tried to bundle a jre with the Product Export but nothing is created. I have also just tried copying my jre6 as a jre folder. This does seem to work.
Next problem here is the 32/64 bit Java execution environments. What is advised here? I have been aiming to build on 32 bit only and then hopefully that will run on 32 or 64bit platforms. Is this correct?
Step 3
I need to web-start this now. The old way of initiating an Eclipse 3.5 application, using a startup.jar has changed. I now use the equinox launcher and reference it in the jnlp instead of the startup.jar. However, I keep getting an exception which seems related to the 32/64 bit equinox win32_64 jar. I notice that the export writes a folder and not a jar. I read somewhere that this is a “clever trick” to allow compatibility for both 32 and 64bit runtime environments.
The problem here is that I need a jar and not a folder so that I can sign the jars required and deploy accordingly.
Does anyone have a Java Web-start example for and Eclipse 3.7 RCP application? Or any advice?
You are going to need a lot of time to learn everything you've asked about here.
Here is one of the best places to start...
That site covers a lot of basics. But you need a little more than basics.
The best example of a working RCP product with some of the features you require can be found at ...
This guy (Kai) makes all of the source code available via SVN, and he has some very advanced stuff going on in his application. He also has a good blog with some advanced RCP tips and tricks.
Another thing you'll want to investigate is Tycho. I realize that you didn't mention anything about building your application, but I've found that using Tycho for building has made my most recent foray into Eclipse RCP 100 times better than the other times I've done RCP work. So, my advice, get to know Tycho.
The learning curve of Eclipse RCP is somewhat steep, but I think it's worth the effort.
Good Luck!

What build tool do you use professionally?

At home, I use CTRL+SHIFT+B or F7 or whatever key sequence initiates the build for my build tool. At work, this doesn't quite cut it.
At my first job (an internship) we used a product called Visual Build, which I have come to like very much. It's the best build tool I've ever worked with. The down side here is that it's not free.
At my latest job, I came in knowing literally nothing about Ant. Now, unfortunately, I've become deeply involved in our build processes, and cannot extricate myself. It works, yes, but after coming from Visual build, it seems like it's fighting me every step of the way. Yes, it's free, but we're not trying to be a free-software-only development company or anything.
I've never looked in to make or any other build tools, so I don't really know what else is out there.
Has anybody ever seen or had experience with Visual Build? Mostly I'm fond of a few key things:
it has a GUI
it runs arbitrary VBScript without the need of a compiled class
you can step through the build process, or start from anywhere in the middle.
Are there any free build tools that have this? Is there any way to convince people that it's worth it to move on? It's 2008. We use IDEs to develop, why not (IBEs) to build?
Edit: I'm mostly looking for an answer to my last questions; Is there a solution with a built-in GUI that I can use for free?
Not very sophisticated, but we use a set of batch files. And that works great.
We use FinalBuilder - I think it's very similar to VisualBuild, though I've not used the latter.
It does run from the command line, and you can integrate it with CC.Net if you want.
For Java projects we use Teamcity, sort of cruise control like, but you can also do a remote run, i.e. you send your changes to the server, it builds and does unit tests, if everything works ok, THEN you checkin, very nice build tool and free for up to 20 build configurations.
For our Visual Studio 2005 projects including packaging the final exes and dlls with InstallShield and putting them up on a shared server we use Final Builder, it's not free, but it is very easy to use and get started with.
We also telnet out (from FinalBuilder) to a number of other platforms (Unix/Linux/OpenVMS) and start remote builds by running makefiles there.
We do not use continous build, but there is a FinalBuilder Server which handles that and comes free with the FinalBuilder Professional license.
We are very happy with FinalBuilder, it's quite easy to get up to speed with and powerful enough to solve most problems.
CMake. Generates build file for KDevelop, Eclipse, Makefiles and Visual Studio (and XCode), and it really works. You can easily extend it with macros, although the programming capabilities are rather limited. It's easy to learn, and porting an existing application from Visual Studio to it is pretty easy. However, you are limited to C++/C and IIRC Fortran code.
KDE is also using CMake now, so it seems to scale very well (i.e. generation time for the projects/dependency checking is not too bad).
I am not sure this is exactly what you are looking for, but I LOVE CruiseControl.NET. I have it build my projects using the MSBuild task. It doesn't have a GUI exactly, but there is a web interface to view the results of your builds and a System Tray resident program which will alert you of the build status.
UppercuT. It's free.
UppercuT uses NAnt to build and it is the insanely easy to use Build Framework.
Automated Builds as easy as (1) solution name, (2) source control path, (3) company name for most projects!!!
Some good explanations here: UppercuT
Going back to the keystrokes thing for a sec, I found Hoekey which the CTO loves. I don't use it myself, but as a way of assign keystrokes to things, it's pretty good.
I know nothing of Visual Build, but from your description it sounds like it is tied to Windows and doesn't run from the command line.
If you are building Java software (I assume you are since you are using Ant), it's preferable to have a cross-platform tool. If you can run the tool from the command-line, then it is scriptable which is extremely important for automation.
Ant is also extensible and a de facto standard. Many tools that you may use (Cobertura, TestNG, etc.) provide Ant tasks so that they can easily be intergrated with your build.
I use Ant for all Java projects. Some people prefer Maven, but I'm not one of them. Ant is far from perfect (the XML syntax is a bit clunky) but it is well documented, extremely stable and pretty straightforward.
If you use a standard tool, such as Ant or Maven, you will be able to take advantage of any number of Continuous Integration products. I doubt you will find many that work with Visual Build.
Most IDEs support Ant, so they give you a GUI of sorts and your CI server will give you a web interface for doing builds.
NAnt (.NET port of Ant). Works great and is easily extensible.
For small projects I do use post-build scripts and with the support of 7z, Nsis and similar CLI tools it's doing the job perfectly for me.
TeamCity and CuriseControl works well for any projects,but here is why you would like to choose TeamCity:-
Ease of setup: During setup we found TeamCity easier to setup and use especially compared to CruiseControl. We did not need to edit XML files or massively configure individual build machines like CruiseControl.
Ease of extensibility:TeamCity stands out in its ease of extensibility too. If we find that builds are waiting in the queue too long, we can add more computers as agents. The only additional work on our end is registering the new computers with the TeamCity server and installing msbuild and subversion.
Interaction with Subversion: One can check how many and what changes were committed to subversion since the last build, who started a build etc.
I've grown very fond of scons for building C++ files. It's very straightforward and the build scripts are written in Python (which is much better than some hacked together DSL IMO).
Ant or Maven are great little build tools.
And if you want to automate the build process there are some great tools like TeamCity and Bamboo.
Personally I use Makefiles for pretty much everything because they are simple as hell. But in my work, I'm forced to use ant.
The main problem I have against ant is that XML makes it hard to read and understand, even with the correct indentation. On the other hand, the verbosity of XML can help when reading someone else's ant file, but still makes it a PITA when the file is more than a few tens of lines.
As for having a GUI to build... I've always felt that's a minus rather than a plus.
Maven is the best for me because it handles the project dependencies