decodeAudioData example does not work on Safari - safari

I tried to use decodeAudioData on Safari but failed. Searching for a solution I found that even
does not work on safari (Version 11.0.2 (11604. on OSX 10.11.6)
For details see
Is there any workaround available?


IntelliJ Idea Ultimate cannot enter debugging mode

When I try to debug it shows this dialog:
Error dialog
And when I clock "fix" It shows this:
Web Browsers dialog
I can't solve this problem, any suggestion? Also I am developing a react native app. But i don't think that's the problem...
I am running Intellij Idea in Elementary OS.
This is expected - debugging is only supported in Chrome and browsers of the Chrome family, as it's clearly stated in Help. So, when you start the debugger, the IDE will try to open Chrome regardless of the browser chosen in run configuration. You need to make sure that Chrome is installed and the correct path to it is specified in Settings | Tools | Web Browsers.
We used to support Firefox Remote Debugging (but without source maps) through the FireFox Remote run configuration, but our solution doesn't work in the latest Firefox versions due to changes in the protocol, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it. We've made some progress recently, but there are still some blocking issues
related ticket: WEB-45986

inVerse (from Converse.js) plugin to OpenFire doesn't work on IE11

We have an internal Windows server with OpenFire 4.5.1 with inVerse 6.0.1 Release 1 installed. The plugin works great from Chrome browser and Edge browser, but I really need it to also work from IE11, if possible. When initial page loads, there are 2 errors:
IE11 console image
If you can't see the image: 1. Syntax error converse.min.js (55,35487) 2. 'converse' is undefined inverse (43,17).
Looks like a show-stopper. Not sure how or if a fix is available.
From the Converse Github issue, we can see that there have many threads about Converse plugin not support IE browser. Such as: Support for IE 11 and iOS Safari 9.3
According to these issues, we can know that Converse uses quite a few features not supported by IE11, not just arrow functions. So, perhaps this plugin doesn't support IE browser or it needs to install some Polyfill. You could contact Converse developer team and ask them whether there have a workaround, or feedback this issue to Converse Issue forum.

Is there any progress, update, workaround on this reported Safari 13 issue with Selenium?

Anyone knows of any update from Safari team on this issue or has found a workaround?
Selenium tests broken by recent update of safari to version 13?
The GitHub issue is still "Open", and last comment from Safari driver dev was "It is being investigated", so we can assume the issue has not been resolved:
The related WebKit bug is also still open:

Selenium tests broken by recent update of safari to version 13?

does anybody have a problem of selenium tests failing on new safari version 13.
Ran the same tests on chrome and firefox and it works fine. Also tested it on older version of safari and it works fine.
I didn't manage to pin point exactly where it fails. One case I did notice is that on safari 13 selenium click on <div role='button' aria-haspopup='true'>....</div> invokes no action(in my case opens a popup menu). And test proceeds to the next line of code. note however at this point I am not claiming that this kind of click always fails, it's just where I noticed it in my tests.
If anyone came across this kind of issue on safari 13 please provide your input.
Safaridriver maintainer here.
This is a known issue that we believe has already been fixed in Safari Technology Preview Release 91. Please verify whether the issue reproduces using latest STP's safaridriver, and reach out to me on Twitter, #brrian.
There is an issue with SafarDriver or Safari 13. Please vote the bug in WebKit
I am also facing the same issue with Safari 13.0 and Safari 13.0.1. Till Safari 12.1.2 everything was working as expected but since my browser updated to v13.0 selenium script is broken.
I observed that Selenium clicks on other locator instead of the target (identified) locator. For ex. if you want to click on a button (//button) it clicks on the //div which is the sibling node of that //button in the DOM.
My workaround solution:
As I didn't update MacOS Catalina yet and only Safari 13 was updated; I was able to download the "MacOS Mojave installer". Then, I installed it as an update; resulting it rolled back my Safari version from 13.0 to Safari 12.1.2. Now my script started working again!!

Debugging JavaScript using Dragonfly Opera

I have used this link and installed Opera Dragonfly locally as mentioned. But now I am unable to load the JavaScript for debugging. Attached the screenshot of error. Any idea on resolving this?
I am using Opera 12.
My dragonfly environment is :
Protocol Version: 1
Core Version: 2.10.289
Operating System: Win32
Platform: Win32
User Agent: Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.10.289 Version/12.00
Opera Dragonfly Version: $dfversion$
Revision Number: $revdate$
I never tried out Dragonfly locally.
I see one potential problem with the post containing the link to the dragonfly zip-file.
This line here: 5. May 2011, 10:52:51
Are you sure that your version of Opera is still compatible to this version of Dragonfly?
This Repository contains the freshest version of Dragonfly available. Check out the integrated hints on how to build dragonfly. (I think building isn't even necessary if you are okay with some performance losses)
The following helps on general questions:
Did you select the right debugging context?
Either start Dragonfly from the Window you want to debug by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or select the right context using the rightmost button below your zoom-slider in your screenshot.