Pdf Text wrong character extraction - pdf

I have a pdf page with a formula as:
When text is extracted, few characters are wrong. Text looks like this:
/ToUnicode Object 33 0 R unfiltered stream looks like this:
Encoding looks like this:
Rendering instructions are below:
Unicode Vulgar Fraction One Quarter (1/4) or 00bc seems to be rendered as Equals Sign (003d).
Is this information searchable in the pdf so that I can extract the proper character? Where is it located?
I've changed the question so it's not too broad.


Full Text Search for extracting a snippet of the text (returning intended text and it's surrounding)

I'm using SQL file table and for instance I have a saved text file named "SOS.txt" which contains following text
For god's sake, save us right now please. We can't survive.
Now or never!
Now I want to find all files that contain the word save, so I execute following query
SELECT * FROM FileTableExample
WHERE CONTAINS(file_stream, 'save')
and here's the result:
stream file => 0x616C692053617665207573207269676874206E6F772E0D0A4E6F77206F72206E6576657221
As you can see I got the true result, the third column of the result indicates the file under name SOS.txt, I have the stream_id and stream_file but what I'm about to find is the way to show the the intended text in company with it's surrounding in human readable format.
Somethings like this:
Name | Excerpt
SOS.txt |..sake, save us..
Is there any way?
After searching on the net I found this article which is useful but it didn't mention about full text search in filetable structure.
Based on this article, I converted file stream to string:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(MAX), file_stream) AS Excerpt, *
from FileTableExample
where contains(file_stream, 'save')
It works if the file is a plain text like SOS.txt but if it's .docx or .pptx file, you are not going to gain a useful convention.
Use this, CAST(file_Stream as varchar(max))

PDF extracted text seems to be unreadable

Situation: I've a PDF using version 1.6. In that PDF, there are several streams. There were compressed text (Flate) in that streams, so I decompressed these streams. After that, I extracted the Tj-parts of the corresponding, decompressed streams. I assumed that there would be readable text between the brackets before the Tj command, but the result was the following:
Actual Question: As I have no idea, what I've got thre, I would like to know what type of content it is. Furthermore: Is it possible to get a plain text out of these string or do I need further information to extract plain texts?
Further research: The PDFs, which I try to analyze where generated by iTextSharp (seems to be an C# Library for generating PDFs). Don't know whether it is a relevant information, but it might be that that Library uses a special way of encrypt it's text data or something...
I assumed that there would be readable text between the brackets before the Tj command
This assumption only holds for simple PDFs.
To quote from the PDF specification (ISO 32000-1):
A string operand of a text-showing operator shall be interpreted as a sequence of character codes identifying the glyphs to be painted.
With a simple font, each byte of the string shall be treated as a separate character code. The character code shall then be looked up in the font’s encoding to select the glyph, as described in 9.6.6, "Character Encoding".
With a composite font (PDF 1.2), multiple-byte codes may be used to select glyphs. In this instance, one or more consecutive bytes of the string shall be treated as a single character code. The code lengths and the mappings from codes to glyphs are defined in a data structure called a CMap, described in 9.7, "Composite Fonts".
(Section 9.4.3 - Text-Showing Operators - ISO 32000-1)
I would like to know what type of content it is.
As quoted above, these "strings" consist of single-byte or multi-byte character codes. These codes depend on the current font's encoding. Each font object in a PDF can have a different encoding.
Those encodings may be some standard encoding (MacRomanEncoding, MacExpertEncoding, or WinAnsiEncoding) or some custom encoding. In particular in case of embedded font subsets you often find encodings where 1 is the code of the first glyph drawn on a page, 2 is the code for the second, different glyph, 3 for the third, different one, etc.
Furthermore: Is it possible to get a plain text out of these string or do I need further information to extract plain texts?
As the encoding of the string arguments of text showing instructions depends on the current font, you at least need to keep track of the current font name (Tf instruction) and look up encoding information (Encoding or ToUnicode map) from the current font object.
Section 9.10 - Extraction of Text Content - of ISO 32000-1 explains this in some more detail.
Furthermore, the order of the text showing instructions need not be the order of reading. The word "Hello" can e.g. be shown by first drawing the 'o', then going left, then the 'el', then again left, then the 'H', then going right, and finally the remaining 'l'. And two words need not be separated by a space glyph, there simply might be a text positioning instruction going right a bit.
Thus, in general you also have to keep track of the position of the separate strings drawn.

What does an /ActualText of FEFF0009 mean in a PDF?

I've been looking into a PDF file to understand how it is built.
I noticed that InDesign has created PDFs with text as below (after decompression using pdftk).
0 Tc /Span<</ActualText<FEFF0009>>> BDC
4.018 -0.2 Td
( )Tj
I understand the role of ActualText (for copy/paste/searching) but I'm wondering exactly how I should be interpreting the FEFF0009. It looks like a UTF-16 string with BOM chars to represent a tab character. This seems incorrect as it's really a space. I'm wondering if there is a special meaning here?
.. This seems incorrect as it's really a space.
No, it's really a tab.
14.9.4 Replacement Text
NOTE 1: Just as alternate descriptions can be provided for images and other items that do not translate naturally into text (as described in the preceding sub-clause), replacement text can be specified for content that does translate into text but that is represented in a nonstandard way.
(PDF 32000-1:2008)
The PDF text engine does not support the concept of 'tabs'. In this case, InDesign mimicked the function of a tab character by inserting a space in the text stream, and it could set the space width to match the distance spanned by the original tab or use a large relative positioning for the rest of the text (which it did here: the horizontal displacement of 4.018 in your code snippet).
The general idea is that a space is rendered on the position of the tab, but when you copy this text and paste somewhere else you get a tab character. I suppose the 'space' is only inserted to have something to copy.

Convert symbols using ToUnicode CMaps

I'm parsing PDF file. I decoded all streams, got text from text objects and ToUnicode CMaps. But I don't know, when do I need replace symbols from text to symbols(strings) from ToUnicode CMaps.
When I see some like <01239099> I use this convert table and all is OK. But some files need, that I use convert table, while parsing simple text like
[(.&)-2(.K)-5(.D)-8(.S)], then all is OK too.
Does somebody know rule, which symbols need replace using convert table?

UTF 16 code for a degree symbol

I need to put a degree symbol on my html page. It will be read from a property file. So I need to figure out the UTF-16 encoding for a degree symbol as superscript.
What is the UTF-16 for something like N* where N is a random number and * is supposed to be the symbol
You will find all the data you need here. In particular you can use ° to embed degree sign in your html page.