How can my WCF service recover from unavailable message queue? - wcf

I have a WCF service that receives messages from the Microsoft Message Queue (netMsmqBinding).
I want my service to recover if the message queue is unavailable. My code should fail to open the service, but then try again after a delay.
I have code to recognize the error when the queue is unavailable:
static bool ExceptionIsBecauseMsmqNotStarted(TypeInitializationException ex)
MsmqException msmqException = ex.InnerException as MsmqException;
return ((msmqException != null) && msmqException.HResult == (unchecked((int)(0xc00e000b))));
So this should be straightforward: I call ServiceHost.Open(), catch this exception, wait for a second or two, then repeat until my Open call is successful.
The problem is, if this exception gets thrown once, it continues to be thrown. The message queue might have become available, but my running process is in a bad state and I continue to get the TypeInitializationException until I shut down my process and restart it.
Is there a way around this problem? Can I make WCF forgive the queue and genuinely try to listen to it again?
Here is my service opening code:
public async void Start()
_log.Debug("Starting the data warehouse service");
_serviceHost = new ServiceHost(_dataWarehouseWriter);
catch (TypeInitializationException ex)
await Task.Delay(1000, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error("Failed to start the service host", ex);
And here is the stack information. The first time it is thrown the stack trace of the inner exception is:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqQueue.GetMsmqInformation(Version& version, Boolean& activeDirectoryEnabled)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.Msmq..cctor()
And the top entries of the outer exception stack:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.MsmqChannelListenerBase`1.get_TransportManagerTable()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.TransportManagerContainer..ctor(TransportChannelListener listener)

Microsoft have made the source code to WCF visible, so now we can work out exactly what's going on.
The bad news: WCF is implemented in such a way that if the initial call to ServiceModel.Start() triggers a queueing error there is no way to recover.
The WCF framework includes an internal class called MsmqQueue. This class has a static constructor. The static constructor invokes GetMsmqInformation, which can throw an exception.
Reading the C# Programming Guide on static constructors:
If a static constructor throws an exception, the runtime will not invoke it a second time, and the type will remain uninitialized for the lifetime of the application domain in which your program is running.
There is a programming lesson here: Don't put exception throwing code in a static constructor!
The obvious solution lies outside of the code. When I create my hosting service, I could add a service dependency on the message queue service. However, I would rather fix this problem with code then configuration.
Another solution is to manually check that the queue is available using non-WCF code.
The method System.Messaging.MessageQueue.Exists returns false if the message queue service is unavailable. Knowing this, the following works:
private const string KNOWN_QUEUE_PATH = #".\Private$\datawarehouse";
private static string GetMessageQueuePath()
// We can improve this by extracting the queue path from the configuration file
public async void Start()
_log.Debug("Starting the data warehouse service");
string queuePath = GetMessageQueuePath();
if (!(System.Messaging.MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath)))
_log.Warn($"Unable to find the queue {queuePath}. Will try again shortly");
await Task.Delay(60000, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);
_serviceHost = new ServiceHost(_dataWarehouseWriter);
_log.Debug("The service start operation was cancelled");
catch (Exception ex)
_log.Error("Failed to start the service host", ex);


got 'CancellationException: Request execution cancelled' always when throwing an exception in httpasyncclient callback

I use HttpAysnClient to do http requests, and I found when I throw an exception in the failed callback, the next request always be failed, how to fix it?
I use maven dependency: 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpasyncclient:4.1.5'.
my java test code:
CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpclient = HttpAsyncClients.createDefault();
try {
AtomicBoolean fireException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
while (true) {
try {
String url;
if (fireException.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
url = "http://localhost:8080"; // throw Connection refused
} else {
url = "";
final HttpGet request2 = new HttpGet(url);
httpclient.execute(request2, new FutureCallback<HttpResponse>() {
public void completed(final HttpResponse response2) {
System.out.println("completed, " + request2.getRequestLine() + "->" + response2.getStatusLine());
public void failed(final Exception ex) {
System.out.println("failed, " + request2.getRequestLine() + "->" + ex);
throw new RuntimeException();
public void cancelled() {
System.out.println(request2.getRequestLine() + " cancelled");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
exception in the next requests: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Request execution cancelled
I can confirm same behavior with version 4.1.5.
I must confess it is quite surprising to see an application uncontrolled exception shutting down the whole client unexpectedly. In the context of an application reusing same client instance in multiple places, means the application client gets completely unsuable, with catastrophic consequences for the service.
You can use the "isRunning" method to evaluate if the client is under this situation, and potentially try to recreate the client again. But it is definately incovenient to see the client being shutdown like this.
After exercising the client with different conditions (error responses, slow responses...), the only way to reproduce this is to point to an invalid endpoint where no server is running. This is the condition presented in the original example.
I think I found the issue here
You can see onException doesn't have a try/catch block to properly handle exceptions from the application.
I have confirmed this issue is fixed in Httpclient5 5.1.3. So other than fixing your application code to avoid uncontrolled exceptions, the solution is to migrate into the new Httpclient5 lib version.
you can see doc in
and if you want to use CloseableHttpClient you must start it client.start();

How to catch error when message have been sent from JMS

I am sending an message through my standalone application that uses EJB MDB to communicate to my other application server that is running on JBOSS server.My application server is connected to a MSSQL server. In certain scenario, connection to the database is lost on application server side and we get following error -
Connection is reset.
Later , when i try to send message i don't get any error at my standalone EJB MDB logs and the process just stops executing.I get error log on application server side logs but same logs don't get propagated to my EJB MDB error logs.
As per my understanding, when db connection is lost all the ejb bean present in jboss container get nullified too.(I could be wrong here, i am new to EJB).
I tried implementing below code in my code that use to send message -
QueueConnection qcon = null;
public void initialize() {
System.out.println("In PostConstruct");
try {
qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void releaseResources() {
System.out.println("In PreDestroy");
try {
if(qcon != null)
if(qcon== null){
throw new Exception(" new exception occured.");
} catch (Exception e) {
I was in a impression that Queueconnection object will be nullified, when our db connection have been lost(as we are creating bean and making connection for message). But it doesn't seem to work.
I did found a way to call back my application after sending message. I used a separate temporary queue and used setJMSReplyTo method to set the reply destination. More info could be obtained from this
link. Hope this helps others.

NServiceBus 6: want some errors to ignore eror queue

As per Customizing Error Handling "Throwing the exception in the catch block will forward the message to the error queue. If that's not desired, remove the throw from the catch block to indicate that the message has been successfully processed." That's not true for me even if I simply swallow any kind of exception in a behavior:
public override async Task Invoke(IInvokeHandlerContext context, Func<Task> next)
await next().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
I put a breakpoint there and made sure execution hit the catch block. Nevertheless after intimidate and delayed retries messages inevitably ends up in error queue. And I have no more Behaviours in the pipeline besides this one.
Only if I run context.DoNotContinueDispatchingCurrentMessageToHandlers(); inside the catch block it prevents sending error to the error queue, but it also prevents any further immediate and delayed retries.
Any idea on why it works in contravention of Particular NserviceBus documentation is very appreciated
NserviceBus ver. used: 6.4.3
I want only certain type of exceptions not being sent to an error queue in NServiceBus 6, however to make test case more clear and narrow down the root cause of an issue I use just type Exception. After throwing exception, execution certainly hits the empty catch block. Here is more code to that:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint
public void Customize(EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration)
.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.IsMatched("Command"))
.DefiningEventsAs(t => t.IsMatched("Event"))
.DefiningMessagesAs(t => t.IsMatched("Message"));
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<MsmqTransport>();
var routing = transport.Routing();
var rountingConfigurator = container.GetInstance<IRountingConfiguration>();
var instanceMappingFile = routing.InstanceMappingFile();
new CustomFaultMechanismBehavior(),
"Behavior to add custom handling logic for certain type of exceptions");
endpointConfiguration.UseContainer<StructureMapBuilder>(c => c.ExistingContainer(container));
var recoverability = endpointConfiguration.Recoverability();
recoverability.Immediate(immediate =>
recoverability.Delayed(delayed =>
public class CustomFaultMechanismBehavior : Behavior<IInvokeHandlerContext>
public override async Task Invoke(IInvokeHandlerContext context, Func<Task> next)
await next().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
I think I know what's going on: message is handled by first handler that throws an exception which is caught by the Behavior catch block, but then NServiceBus runtime tries to instantiate second handler class which is also supposed to handle the message (it handles class the message is derived from). That's where another exception is thrown in a constructor of one of dependent class. StructureMap tries to instantiate the handler and all its dependent services declared in the constructor and in the process runs into the exception. And this exception is not caught by CustomFaultMechanismBehavior.
So my I rephrase my question now: Is there any way to suppress errors (ignore error queue) occurring inside constructor or simply during StructureMap classes initialization? Seems like the described way does not cover this kind of situations
Your behavior is activated on Handler invocation. This means you are catching exceptions happening inside the Handle method so any other exception, e.g. in the Constructor of the handler would not be caught.
To change the way you 'capture' the exceptions, you can change the way the behavior is activated, e.g. change it from Behavior<IInvokeHandlerContext> to Behavior<ITransportReceiveContext> which is activated when the transport receives a message. You can investigate on different stages and behaviors to see which one suits your purpose best.

WCF FaultException - crashes App Pool when "re-throwing" from internal WCF call

I have a WCF service that's hosted in IIS, and uses a WS HTTP binding (the external service). This service ends up calling a second WCF service that's hosted in a Windows service, over Net TCP (the internal service). When the internal service throws a FaultException, the external service crashes rather than throwing it to the client. All the client sees is the connection being forcibly closed.
The internal service uses the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to validate the incoming messages. When validation errors occur, the service throws a FaultException<ValidationFault>.
Both the internal and external service have a [FaultContract(typeof(ValidationFault)] attribute in the service contract. If I change the external service to just immediately throw a new FaultException<ValidaitonFault>, this gets back to the client fine. I can catch the exception from the internal service in the external service, but if I try to re-throw it, or even wrap it in a new exception and throw that, the whole Application Pool in IIS crashses. I can't see anything useful in the event log, so I'm not sure exactly what the problem is.
The client object the external service uses to communicate with the internal service is definitely being closed and disposed of correctly. How can I get the internal service's faults to propagate out to the client?
Below is a simplified version of the external service code. I can catch the validation fault from the internal service call. If I throw a brand new FaultException<ValidationFault>, everything is fine. If I use the caught exception, the connection to the external client is broken. The only difference I can see is when debugging the service - trying to use the caught exception results in a message box appearing when exiting the method, which says
An unhandled exception of type
occurred in mscorlib.dll
This doesn't appear if I throw a brand new exception. Maybe the answer is to manually copy the details of the validation fault into a new object, but this seems crazy.
public class ExternalService : IExternalService
public ExternalResponse DoSomething(ExternalRequest)
var response = new ExternalResponse();
using (var internalClient = new InternalClient())
response.Data = internalClient.DoSomething().Data;
return response;
catch (FaultException<ValidationFault> fEx)
// throw fEx; <- crashes
// throw new FaultException<ValidationFault>(
// fEx.Detail as ValidationFault); <- crashses
throw new FaultException<ValidationFault>(
new ValidationFault(new List<ValidationDetail> {
new ValidationDetail("message", "key", "tag") }),
"fault message", new FaultCode("faultCode"))); // works fine!
I have almost the exact design as you and hit a similar issue (not sure about a crash, though!).
If I remember correctly, even though the ValidationFault is a common class when the Fault travels over the wire the type is specific to the WCF interface. I think this is because of the namespace qualifiers on the web services (but this was a while back so I could be mistaken).
It's not terribly elegant, but what I did was to manually re-throw the exceptions:
catch (FaultException<ValidationFault> fe)
private void HandleFault(FaultException<ValidationFault> fe)
throw new FaultException<ValidationFault>(fe.Detail as ValidationFault);
Well, it works if I do this, but there must be a better way...
This only seems to be a problem for FaultException<ValidationFault>. I can re-throw FaultException and FaultException<SomethingElse> objects with no problems.
catch (FaultException<ValidationFault> fe)
throw this.HandleFault(fe);
private FaultException<ValidationFault> HandleFault(
FaultException<ValidationFault> fex)
var validationDetails = new List<ValidationDetail>();
foreach (ValidationDetail detail in fex.Detail.Details)
return new FaultException<ValidationFault>(
new ValidationFault(validationDetails));

Throwing FaultException<T> from worker thread crashes WCF

What I found out was if you throw a FaultException from a new worker thread, it doesnt percolate up to the client but just crashes WCF.
Any solutions???
var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(
new Killbot().KillAllHumans(); // Throws a FaultException
The simplest way would be to wrap the call in a try-catch block and log the exception:
var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(
new Killbot().KillAllHumans(); // Throws a FaultException
catch (Exception ex)
If you want to handle the exception in your main thread you would have to use BeginInvoke and EndInvoke in combination with an AsyncCallback.
Personally I would not bother with background threads in a WCF service. A service is effectively a "background worker" anyway. All you need to do is ensure that any blocking calls you make inside the service don't affect other clients. You can do this by changing the concurrency mode:
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
class MyServiceClass : IMyServiceContract {
public void KillAll() {
new Killbot().KillAllHumans(); // Throws a FaultException
When that is set, WCF will call your service methods on multiple threads with no attempt to synchronise them. As long as you write your code with this in mind, you can do all the blocking calls you want.