I am trying to use the TensorFlow C-API to run a implementation of LeNet that has been saved from a Keras/TF model, but I am having consistent problems with setting the input. Relevant piece of code is:
// Load the image with openCV
CvMat * img = cvLoadImageM(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
// Create an Tensor from the image
int64_t dims4[]={1,1,28,28};
TF_Tensor * imgTensor = TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT,dims4,4,img,28*28*sizeof(float),NULL,NULL);
TF_Operation* init_op2 = TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "conv2d_1_input");
TF_Operation* targets[] = {init_op2};
// Build up the inputs
TF_Output inp = {
TF_Output * inputs[] = {&inp};
TF_Tensor * input_values[] = {imgTensor};
TF_SessionRun(session, NULL,
&inp, inputvalues, 1, // inputs
NULL, NULL, 0, // outputs
&init_op2, 1, // targets
printf("Status %d %s\n", TF_GetCode(status), TF_Message(status));
However, anyway I try to build up the input tensor, I get the error status and message:
Status 3 You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'conv2d_1_input' with dtype float and shape [?,1,28,28]
[[Node: conv2d_1_input = Placeholder[_output_shapes=[[?,1,28,28]], dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[?,1,28,28], _device=...]()]]
Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?
In your call to TF_SessionRun, you're also providing the conv2d_1_input operation as a "target". The error message can be improved, but it's basically complaining that you're asking the session to execute a placeholder operation, which it can't - which isn't possible (see the note in the documentation for tf.placeholder)
Shouldn't you be asking for a different target or output tensor from the call to TF_SessionRun with something like:
TF_Output out = { TF_GraphOperationByName(graph, "<name_of_output_tensor>"), 0 };
TF_Tensor* outputvalues = NULL;
TF_SessionRun(session, NULL,
&inp, inputvalues, 1, // inputs
&out, &outputvalues, 1, // outputs
NULL, 0, // targets
NULL, status);
Hope that helps.
I'm currently working on a Tensorflow Lite image classifier app that can recognice UNO cards. But when I'm running the float model in the class ImageClassifier, something is wrong.
The error is the next one:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy from a TensorFlowLite tensor (Identity) with shape [1, 10647, 4] to a Java object with shape [1, 15].
Here's the code that throw that error:
tflite.run(imgData, labelProbArray);
And this is how I have created imgData and labelProbArray:
private static final int DIM_BATCH_SIZE = 1;
private static final int DIM_PIXEL_SIZE = 3; //r+g+b = 1+1+1
static final int DIM_IMG_SIZE_X = 416;
static final int DIM_IMG_SIZE_Y = 416;
imgData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(DIM_BATCH_SIZE * DIM_IMG_SIZE_X * DIM_IMG_SIZE_Y * DIM_PIXEL_SIZE * 4); //The last value because size of float is 4
labelProbArray = new float[1][labelList.size()]; // {1, 15}
You can chech the inputs and ouputs of the .tflite file. Source.
I know you should create a buffer for the output values, but I tried to import this and didn't work:
import org.tensorflow.lite.support.tensorbuffer.TensorBuffer;
Any ideas? Thank you so much for read me^^
Edit v2:
Thanks to yyoon I realise that I didn't populate my model with metadata, so I run this line in my cmd:
python ./metadata_writer_for_image_classifier_uno.py \ --model_file=./model_without_metadata/custom.tflite \ --label_file=./model_without_metadata/labels.txt \ --export_directory=model_with_metadata
Before that, I modified this file with my data:
name="UNO image classifier",
And another error appeared:
ValueError: The number of output tensors (2) should match the number of output tensor metadata (1)
Idk why my model have 2 tensors outputs...
For the pre-trained model in python we can reset input/output shapes:
from tensorflow import keras
# Load the model
model = keras.models.load_model('models/generator.h5')
# Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
inputs = keras.Input((None, None, 3))
# Trace out the graph using the input:
outputs = model(inputs)
# Override the model:
model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs)
The source code
I'm trying to do the same in TFJS:
// Load the model
this.model = await tf.loadLayersModel('/assets/fast_srgan/model.json');
// Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
// Trace out the graph using the input.
const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;
// Override the model.
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
TFJS does not support one of the layers in the model:
u = keras.layers.Conv2D(filters, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same')(layer_input)
u = tf.nn.depth_to_space(u, 2) # <- TFJS does not support this layer
u = keras.layers.PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2])(u)
I wrote my own:
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
// I think the issue is here
// because the error occurs during initialization of the model
return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];
call(input): tf.Tensor {
const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
Using the model:
tf.tidy(() => {
let img = tf.browser.fromPixels(this.imgLr.nativeElement, 3);
img = tf.div(img, 255);
img = tf.expandDims(img, 0);
let sr = this.model.predict(img) as tf.Tensor;
sr = tf.mul(tf.div(tf.add(sr, 1), 2), 255).arraySync()[0];
tf.browser.toPixels(sr as tf.Tensor3D, this.imgSrCanvas.nativeElement);
but I get the error:
Error: Input 0 is incompatible with layer p_re_lu: expected axis 1 of input shape to have value 96 but got shape 1,128,128,32.
The pre-trained model was trained with 96x96 pixels images. If I use the 96x96 image, it works. But if I try to use other sizes (for example 128x128), It doesn't work. In python, we can easily reset input/output shapes. Why it doesn't work in JS?
To define a new model from the layers of the previous model, you need to use tf.model
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
I tried to debug this class:
import * as tf from '#tensorflow/tfjs';
export class DepthToSpace extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor() {
computeOutputShape(shape: Array<number>) {
return [null, ...shape.slice(1, 3).map(x => x * 2), 32];
call(input): tf.Tensor {
const result = tf.depthToSpace(input[0], 2);
return result;
static get className() {
return 'TensorFlowOpLayer';
and saw: when I do not try to rewrite the size, the computeOutputShape, method works only twice, and it works 4 times when I try to reset inputs/outputs. Well, then I opened the model's JSON file and changed inputs from [null, 96, 96, 32] to [null, 128, 128, 32] and removed these lines:
// Define arbitrary spatial dims, and 3 channels.
const inputs = tf.layers.input({shape: [null, null, 3]});
// Trace out the graph using the input.
const outputs = this.model.apply(inputs) as tf.SymbolicTensor;
// Override the model.
this.model = tf.model({inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs});
And now it works with 128x128 images. It looks like the piece of code above, adds the layers instead of rewriting them.
I am using p5 to return the vector path of a drawn line. All the vectors in the line are pushed into an array that holds all the vectors. I'm trying to use this as a tensor but I keep getting an error saying
Error when checking model input: the Array of Tensors that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected. Expected to see 1 Tensor(s), but instead got the following list of Tensor(s):
When I opened the array on the dev tool, each vector was printed like this:
0: Vector {p5: p5, x: 0.5150300601202404, y: -0.25450901803607207, z: 0}
could it be the p5 text in the vector array that's giving me the error? Here's my model and fit code:
let vectorpath = []; //vector path array
// model, setting layers till next '-----'
const model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 4, inputShape: [2, 2], activation: 'sigmoid'}));
model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 2, activation: 'sigmoid'}));
model.weights.forEach(w => {
console.log(w.name, w.shape);
// -----
//this is under the draw function so it is continually updated
const labels = tf.randomUniform([0, 1]);
function onBatchEnd(batch, logs) {
console.log('Accuracy', logs.acc);
model.fit(vectorpath, labels, {
epochs: 5,
batchSize: 32,
callbacks: {onBatchEnd}
}).then(info => {
console.log('Final accuracy', info.history.acc);
What could be causing the error? and how can I fix it?
The question's pretty vague but I'm really just not sure.
I am trying to convert my custom Keras model, with two bidirectional GRU layers, to tf-lite for use on mobile devices. I converted my model to the protobuff format and tried to convert it with the given code by TensorFlow:
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_frozen_graph('gru.pb', input_arrays=['input_array'], output_arrays=['output_array'])
tflite_model = converter.convert()
When I execute this it runs for a bit and then I get the following error:
F tensorflow/lite/toco/tooling_util.cc:1455] Should not get here: 5
So I looked up that file and it states the following:
void MakeArrayDims(int num_dims, int batch, int height, int width, int depth,
std::vector<int>* out_dims) {
if (num_dims == 0) {
} else if (num_dims == 1) {
CHECK_EQ(batch, 1);
*out_dims = {depth};
} else if (num_dims == 2) {
*out_dims = {batch, depth};
} else if (num_dims == 3) {
CHECK_EQ(batch, 1);
*out_dims = {height, width, depth};
} else if (num_dims == 4) {
*out_dims = {batch, height, width, depth};
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Should not get here: " << num_dims;
Which seems to be correct since I am using 5 dimensions: [Batch, Sequence, Height, Width, Channels]
Google didn't help me much with this issue, but maybe I am using the wrong search terms.
So is there any way to avoid this error, or does tf-lite simply not support sequences?
I am using TensorFlow 1.14 with python3 in the given docker container.
I'm trying below but not work.
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
using namespace tensorflow;
.Input("predicts: T1")
.Input("labels: T2")
.Output("z: double")
.Attr("T1: {float, double}")
.Attr("T2: {int32, int64}")
Given preidicts and labels output it's auc
class AucOp : public OpKernel {
explicit AucOp(OpKernelConstruction* context) : OpKernel(context) {}
void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
// Grab the input tensor
const Tensor& predicts_tensor = context->input(0);
const Tensor& labels_tensor = context->input(1);
auto predicts = predicts_tensor.flat<double>();
auto labels = labels_tensor.flat<int32>();
// Create an output tensor
Tensor* output_tensor = NULL;
TensorShape output_shape;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(0, output_shape, &output_tensor));
output_tensor->flat<double>().setConstant(predicts(0) * labels(0));
predicts = tf.constant([0.8, 0.5, 0.12])
labels = tf.constant([-1, 1, 1])
output = tf.user_ops.auc(predicts, labels)
with tf.Session() as sess:
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
print output.eval()
I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/local_device.cc:40] Local device intra op parallelism threads: 8
I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/direct_session.cc:60] Direct session inter op parallelism threads: 8
F ./tensorflow/core/public/tensor.h:453] Check failed: dtype() == DataTypeToEnum::v() (1 vs. 2)
The issue is that the predicts tensor in your Python program has type float, and your op registration accepts this as a valid type for the predicts input (since T1 can be float or double), but AucOp::Compute() assumes that the predicts input always has type double (in the call to predicts_tensor.flat<double>()). The tensorflow::Tensor class does not convert the type of elements in the tensor when you ask for values of a different type, and instead it raises a fatal error.
There are several possible solutions:
To get things working quickly, you could change the type of predicts in your Python program to tf.float64 (which is a synonym for double in the Python front-end):
predicts = tf.constant([0.8, 0.5, 0.12], dtype=tf.float64)
You could start by defining a simpler op that accepts inputs of a single type only:
.Input("predicts: double")
.Input("labels: int32")
You could add code in the AucOp::Compute() method to test the input type and access the input values as appropriate. (Use this->input_type(i) to find the type of the ith input.
You could define a templated class AucOp<TPredict, TLabel>, then use TypeConstraint<> in the REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER call to define specializations for each of the four valid combinations of prediction and label types. This would look something like:
AucOp<float, int32>);
// etc. for AucOp<double, int32>, AucOp<float, int64>, and AucOp<double, int64>.