Angular 2 - display one component as drop down in another and grabbing the selected value in parent component - angular2-template

This is my very first Angular 2 project. I created a component (category) that would pull a list of categories from a service stack API and show as a dropdown like this:
<select (change)="onSelect($" [(ngModel)]="selectedCategory.Id">
<option *ngFor="let category of categoriesToDisplay"
Selected Category is: {{selectedCategory.Id}} and Name is {{selectedCategory.Name}}
I have another component (AddExpense) which is a form, where the user can add in the amount, category and hit submit that would POST to another endpoint. For AddExpense component, this is how the .html looks
<form [formGroup]="expense" (ngSubmit)="fileExpense($event)">
Spent <input type="number" formControlName="amt" />
for <input type="text" formControlName="name" />
on <input type="date" formControlName="transdate" />
and file it under category <show-category></show-category>
<button type="submit">Add Expense</button>
My question is how do I figure out which category from the drop down was selected in the add expense form, when the drop down itself is rendered via the show-category component and pass it on as a form control item for add-expense component's .ts to use?
I might be needing to use the Input and output decorator, but not sure how to nab that particular item thats selected in the dropdown and pass it on as input to the add expense component.

Sounds like you're displaying your first component (ShowCategory) in the second (AddExpense).
Now there is a couple way to do this,
The most obvious is to use Output, ShowCategory will then emit (See EventEmitter and Output example) whenever the selected value is changed.
In the template of AddExpense, you'd simply have to write something like this,
<show-category (change)="category = $event.category"></show-category>
But that's ugly, and frankly it would've been cool if we can do this and let Angular handle the two-way binding,
<show-category [(ngModel)]="category"></show-category>
Turns out it's doable, you can check out documentation for NgModel here, but what's actually useful is an example implementation for a real control like a checkbox
You might've noticed in the example that NgModel is not mentioned anywhere, and that's because we only have to create the mechanism for NgModel to write/read value from your component.
If you search on Google for NgModel ValueAccessor, there's a bunch of blog posts to help you out.
Lastly, I personally doesn't suggest doing what you're doing now if the ShowCategory component is that simple, that increases complexity a little bit, and ShowCategory isn't doing much for now. But what you provided might very well be a minimum working example, so what do I know.
Happy coding!


Vuejs #click event works wrong from time to time

Recenty, I noticed that the checkboxes that I wrote a click event worked incorrectly from time to time. Not everytime but sometimes their #click event works in reverse. Here is what I am trying to tell;
<label class="form-switch">
<input type="checkbox" #click="showElement = !showElement"/>
I have a simple form switch and there are some css on it which I didn't put here, it looks like a toggle switch. It toggles a data which is showElement. The default state of the data is false and when you click on the toggle it becomes true and false respectively.
<div v-show="showElement>
some content here
When the showElement is true I want to display the above div, and when it becomes false, I want it to be hidden. There is no problem with that. But here is my question;
If my observation is corret, usually when the project is started for the first time, in other words, when I type npm run serve and start the project, I immadiately go and check if it is working fine or not so I click on the checkbox very quickly over and over andsometimes the click event breaks down and starts working backwards. I mean, when the switch is off, the content is visible, when it is false, the div is showing, but it should be reversed. This happens sometimes when I browse the other pages of the project and return to this component. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? In the first version of the code it was like below;
<label class="form-switch" #click="showElement = !showElement>
<input type="checkbox"/>
I accidentally typed the click event to the label element instead of input. I thought that might be the problem. I am still thinking that is the problem but the bug that I explained above still happens sometimes. Do you know why? Can anyone explain?
Usually i find that with checkboxes in VueJS #Click is not the way to go. Try to use #Change event instead. This should make it more consistent.
The reason behind this is that the click event triggers before the value has been updated. Therefore creating the risk of it overwriting the old value instead of the newly updated one
I actually think in this case you might even be able to get around this by simply adding a v-model to the checkbox like so:
v-model="showElement" instead of having either #click or #change.
Verison 1:
<label class="form-switch">
<input type="checkbox" #change="showElement = !showElement"/>
Version 2:
<label class="form-switch">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="showElement"/>
Check this fiddle:
Hope this makes sense

Vue: communicating parameters from app to component and back, using computed properties

Sorry for the beginner question (I'm fairly sure this will be a duplicate, but I actually can't figure out what terms to use in order to find it). I just started with Vue.
I am just getting started with Vue, and following this course ( In this problem, there is (and here I don't know the term, so I'm going to go with...) app-level data parameter called cart. cart is an array which holds the id of each item a user has added to cart.
The problem tells us to add a button to remove items from the cart.
I ran into problems trying to create a computed property, which would allow me to hide the "remove" button in the event the selected item is not in the cart (eg. `
Communicating data from the app-level (the cart array), to the component-level (to a computed property in the product component), so that I could use something like :hidden="!inCart" on the "Remove from Cart" button, which is itself defined in the component. inCart would be a computed value here.
Communicating the selected product from the component to the app-level, computing inCart at the app level, then using the computed value at the component-level.
Either way, I can't seem to figure out how to do this in the way I would want to, which would look something like how v-bind operates. Namely, I think I may be able to hack together a solution using methods (which I believe have to be triggered by certain events), but I don't understand how I might go about this using built-in functionality such that the value of inCart is dynamically auto-computed.
Maybe there would be an answer to this in the next few courses, but I don't see us covering that in the intro material. Sorry for the neophyte question. Thank you in advance.
In Vue the way you communicate "state" from higher-level objects to lower-level objects is through props.
So, assuming your app looks something like...
You need to pass the cart object down as a prop.
So in your MyShoppingPageWithItems template, you'll have something like...
<MyItem v-for="item in items" :item=item :cart="cart"?
And in your item template...
<div v-if="cart.includes(">
Remove button or whatever
Not that the .includes() method is a native JavaScript method, which you can read more about here.
To reference a prop in a computed property (or anywhere else in a Vue component), just refer to this.propName, as demonstrated here in the Vue docs.
So, if you want to create a computed property, you can do the following:
<div v-if="isInCart">
Remove button or whatever
export default {
props: ['cart', 'item'],
computed: {
isInCart() {
return this.cart.includes(
Note that the formula is the exact same as above, but just includes this. for cart and item. In templates, the this. is implied when referring to props, data, and computed properties.

How to make a Input field in AEM/CRX required?

since our AEM guy is out of office at the moment, i need to fix something in our CRX. I have a form with a checkbox in my website, where authors can set a text next to it. Now i am trying to add the functionality to set this checkbox to be required from the authoring dialog.
I was able to find a textfield which has this property in authoring, but in the html in CRX i only see the code required=${required}, where other fields like label are shown like ${properties.label} and have a corresponding node in CRX. I don't understand how the required is implemented and need help here.
I already tried to add required=${required} to my checkbox input markup, but this did not work, since in the authoring dialog there still was no checkbox/switch to make the field required (which was kinda expected).
this is the line in the markup which should be required if the author sets it to required in the authoring dialog:
<input required="${required}" type="checkbox" name="campaignform-termsofservice"/>
this is the whole html of the checkbox i want to be able to make required:
<div data-sly-test="${!empty}" class="form__text">
<label class="maut-checkbox--container">
<input required="${required}" type="checkbox" name="campaignform-termsofservice"/>
<span class="maut-checkbox--checkmark"></span>
<span>${properties.checkboxtext #context='html'}</span>
<div style="color:white;" class="authoring-error" data-sly-test="${wcmmode.edit && !tncDate.tncLinkActivationDate}">${'b2x.maut.campaignform.dialog.tos.activationmessage' # i18n, source='user'}</div>
<input type="hidden" name="maut.field.tnc" value="${tncDate.tncLinkActivationDate}" />
Now i only need to figure out how i can show the option to set it to required in the authoring dialog.
Thanks in advance
If you want to know how the required=${required} is implemented then first of all in html of the component look for something like data-sly-use.required. This will have a expression like =com.project.yourProject.className or some js file.
Lets discuss about the java case which is the most common way. What data-sly-use does is that it creates an object of the class that you gave in the expression. In your case your object is required. Then you need to check the java class that the expression evaluates to. Commonly all the backend logic code will be their and if some manipulations or validations are required to be done with the data that the author enters in the dialog will be their. This class will also contain annotations that maps the class variables with the property value of the dialog.
Hope this explains from where this ${required} came from. It will be more clear to you if you look into the java class that is referred to by the data-sly-use expression.

How do I use html labels with dijit/form widgets?

Ok, so I'm building an app using Dojo 1.8, and I have a custom widget with a template similar to this...
<label for="tag">Select something: </label>
<select id="tag"
<option value="0">option 0</option>
<option value="1">option 1</option>
However, when the template gets rendered, the widget defines a new id, which makes the tag useless. I've tried googling this, but all my searches just direct to the Dojo documentation since they have attributes called labels but have nothing to do with the HTML label tag.
What is the proper why to do this?
In the situation you describe, you can simply place the label around your <select> and dispose with the for/id attributes. see Stackoverflow question:
How do I align two dojo widgets next to each other?, also see: w3 tutorial on label use
Also, if you want to actually use Ids in a widget template, see:
How do I create unique IDs in a Dojo widget template?
Using ids directly (ie. hard-coding them, not assigning them on-the-fly as in the above link) is not encouraged. The reason for this is that a template is meant to used over and over again in the creation of widgets.
In theory, it could be used to create multiple widgets on one page. Hence, in that situation you would have an id conflict. Each HTML id, on any one page, needs to be unique.

(dojo) dojox.form.Manager not firing observers

I have a customer dialog widget that I am attempting to use dojox.form.Manager on.
I have just stumbled across this control and it looks to do most of what I was implementing (unified onchange events) but much more. There is just one problem, the observer events will not fire.
I have a form element containing multiple digits, form, and custom widgets. Each is set up something like
<form id="resd_tab_details"dojoType="dojox.form.Manager">
<input type="checkbox" dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" name="w01" value="w01"
I can attach to the form set values and everything else I have tried, except the events.
What might I be doing wrong?
IIRC an observer is a method name on a form manager, not a standalone function. While you didn't give the complete example to test, your naming suggest that you use a standalone function.
You can define a method on the form manager either inline (see an example in its "tests" subdirectory), or in the code by subclassing a manager.
like this...
js portion
dojo.mixin(dijit.byId('frmMngr1'), {
console.log("clicked a check box");
html portion:
<form dojoType='dojox.form.Manager' id='frmMngr1'><input dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox' observer='prvUpdate' checked name='title' />