Validate React Native Component with Asynchronous Work - react-native

I have a basic component that calls a webservice during the componentDidMount phase and overwrites the contents value in my state:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Text} from "react-native";
class Widget extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
contents: 'Loading...'
async componentDidMount() {
this.setState(...this.state, {
contents: await this.getSomeContent()
render() {
return (
async getSomeContent() {
try {
return await (await fetch("")).text()
} catch (error) {
return "There was an error";
export default Widget;
I would like to use Jest snapshots to capture the state of my component in each one of the following scenarios:
The problem is that I have to introduce flaky pausing to validate the state of the component.
For example, to see the success state, you must place a small pause after rendering the component to give the setState method a chance to catch up:
test('loading state', async () => {
fetchMock.get('*', 'Some Content');
let widget = renderer.create(<Widget />);
// --- Pause Here ---
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
I'm looking for the best way to overcome the asynchronicity in my test cases so that I can properly validate the snapshot of each state.

If you move the asynchronous call out of setState, you can delay setState until the network call has resolved. Then you can use setState's optional callback (which fires after the state change) to capture the state.
So, something like this:
async componentDidMount() {
var result = await this.getSomeContent()
this.setState(...this.state, {
contents: result
// setState callback- fires when state changes are complete.
If you want to specify the validation outside of the component, you could create a prop, say, stateValidation to pass in a the validation function:
jest('loading state', async () => {
fetchMock.get('*', 'Some Content');
jestValidation = () => expect(widget.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot();
let widget = renderer.create(<Widget stateValidaton={jestValidation}/>);
then use the prop in the component:
async componentDidMount() {
var result = await this.getSomeContent()
this.setState(...this.state, {
contents: result
// setState callback- fires when state changes are complete.


React Native useEffect() re-renders too much

i have a useEffect function where a redux action is called and data is written to prop. My Problem is that useEffect loop many times and flooded the server with requests.
const { loescherData, navigation } = props;
useEffect(() => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('userdata').then((userdata) => {
if (userdata) {
console.log(new Date());
var user = JSON.parse(userdata);
}, [loescherData]);
if i leave it blank the rendering is finished before receiving data and the content would not updated.
is there another way to work with this function?
loescherData won't be available right after calling your redux-action fetchLoescherDetails ... and changing component by setData will cause an infinite rendering cause your current useEffect has a dependency on loescherData
So I'd suggest you exec your redux-action onComponentDidMount by passing an empty-deps [] to your effect ... and then consume the output of you action in a different effect
useEffect(() => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('userdata').then((userdata) => {
if (userdata) {
console.log(new Date());
var user = JSON.parse(userdata);
// setData(props.loescherData);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (loescherData) {
// do some with loescherData like setState
}, [loescherData]);

How to stored a variable in asyncstorage?

I currently learning react-native.
I am trying to stored a variable into asyncstrorage in scriptone.js and calling it in scripttwo.js
But i failed to stored the variable in scriptone.js
What i have import in scriptone.js:
import React, { Component, BackAndroid } from "react";
import { AsyncStorage } from 'AsyncStorage';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet, Button, Image, TouchableOpacity, TextInput, Alert} from "react-native";
This is part of my code in scriptone.js
class SettingScreen extends Component {
state = {
a: '70',
b: '',
c: '',
onPressButton = () => {
if (this.state.a == this.state.aa) {
this.setState({ b: this.state.a });
else {
Alert("Try Again");
const {a} = this.state;
let mynum : a;
The error display :
"undefined is not an object(evaluating '_AsyncStorage.AsyncStorage.setItem')
May I know what the problem?
Thank you.
Usually to use AsyncStorage you first import it at the top of you file, the documentation says that you should import it as follows:
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
Which you can see here
Obviously you should remove the previous import statement
import { AsyncStorage } from 'AsyncStorage';
as leaving it in will cause name conflicts.
Saving to AsyncStorage
Saving to AsyncStorage is an asynchronous task so you should use an async/await function that means you should update your storeData() function. You can see the documentation for how you should do this.
storeData = async () => {
const {a} = this.state;
let mynum = a;
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('array', mynum)
} catch (err) {
Setting state
Next it looks like you could be getting yourself into a race condition when you're setting the state. It takes time for setState to set the item to state. So when you call
this.setState({ b: this.state.a });
the state may not have actually been set by the time you call
leading to the wrong value being stored in AsyncStorage.
To over come this there is a couple of ways you could handle this
Use setState with a callback
Pass the variable to store as a parameter to this.storeData()
Use setState with a callback
This article goes into quite some detail about using setState with a callback however you could refactor your onPressButton to something like this
onPressButton = () => {
if (this.state.a == this.state.aa) {
this.setState({ b: this.state.a }, async () => { await this.storeData(); });
} else {
Alert("Try Again");
This will guarantee that this.storeData() won't be run until the state has been updated.
Pass the variable to store as a parameter
This requires refactoring the storeData() function to take a parameter
storeData = async (mynum) => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('array',mynum)
} catch (err) {
Now to use this function we have to update your onPressButton, Notice that we pass the value that we want to store to storeData that means we no longer have to access it from state inside storeData
onPressButton = async () => {
if (this.state.a == this.state.aa) {
this.setState({ b: this.state.a });
await this.storeData(this.state.a);
} else {
Alert("Try Again");
Retrieving from AsyncStorage
This is also an asynchronous task and requires an async/await. To get the string that you stored all you have to do is pass the correct key to the retrieveData function
retrieveData = async (key) => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);
if (value !== null) {
// We have data!!
// do something with the value
} catch (error) {
// Error retrieving data

React redux async data sync then re-render view

I have a number of actions and reducers setup for different content types, e.g. pages, events and venues. These actions and reducers get data which has been saved to AsyncStorage, by another action called sync, and puts it into the store.
Sync performs an async call to Contentful and retrieves any new/updated/deleted entries, which I then save to AsyncStorage.
What is the best way to ensure the view correctly is re-rendered after the async call is finished?
Should syncReducer merge data into the store that would normally be pulled out by pagesReducer, venuesReducer etc or should there be some kind of event emitted after syncReducer is done?
Data is pulled in asynchronously for offline viewing and keeping things fast, so I really don't want to wait for the sync before rendering.
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
import database from './database';
const cache = {
getByType: async (query) => {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
// Get results from AsyncStorage
sync: async () => {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
.then(async results => {
// Save results to AsyncStorage
export default cache;
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
import cache from '../data/cache';
export function sync() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
function syncRequestedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncRequested
function syncRejectedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncRejected
function syncFulfilledAction(data) {
return {
type: actionTypes.SyncFulfilled,
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
import cache from '../data/cache';
export function getPages() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(results => {
.catch(error => {
function getPagesRequestedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesRequested
function getPagesRejectedAction() {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesRejected
function getPagesFulfilledAction(settings) {
return {
type: actionTypes.GetPagesFulfilled,
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import actionTypes from '../constants/actionTypes';
const pagesReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.GetPagesRequested: {
return merge({}, state, { loading: true });
case actionTypes.GetPagesRejected: {
return merge({}, state, { error: 'Error getting pages', loading: false });
case actionTypes.GetPagesFulfilled: {
const merged = merge({}, state, { error: false, loading: false });
return { ...merged, data: action.pages };
return state;
export default pagesReducer;
In the end I was able to solve this by importing the other actions into my sync action, and dispatching depending on which data needs to be updated.
import { getEvents } from './getEvents';
import { getPages } from './getPages';
import { getVenues } from './getVenues';
export function sync() {
return dispatch => {
return cache
.then(results => {
if (results.includes('event')) {
if (results.includes('page')) {
if (results.includes('venue')) {
.catch(error => {
Your sync action should be a thunk function (redux middleware) that makes the call to Contentful, resolves the promise, and contains the data, or error. Then you can dispatch another action, or actions to reduce the data into the store.
On each component that you want to re-render (based on the data being updated in the store via the actions we just dispatched and reduced), if you have connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) and have included those parts of the store in MSTP, those props will be updated which will re-render the components.
You can even be more explicit about the resolution of data if necessary by creating another action where you can dispatch and reduce to some part of your store the current state of the fetch.
So when you make the call, you could dispatch 'FETCH_IN_PROGRESS', then either 'FETCH_ERROR' or 'FETCH_SUCCESS' and if that was mapStateToProps into your component, you could choose to evaluate it in shouldComponentUpdate() and based on where in the process it is, you could either return true or false based on if you wanted to rerender. You could also force render in componentWillReceiveProps. I'd start with just relying on props changing and adding this if necessary.
You should use Redux Persist for this kind of thing, it supports AsyncStorage and a range of other options.
Actions and Reducers should be just designed to update the Redux store. Any other action is known as a side effect, and should be managed in a Middleware or Store Enhancer.
I would strongly advise against using Redux-Thunk it is way too powerful for the few things that it is useful for and very easy to create unmaintainable anti-patten code as it blurs the boundaries between actions and middleware code.
If you think you need to use Redux-Thunk first look to see if their is already a middleware that does what you need and if not learn about Redux-Sagas.

How to get state updated after dispatch

I'm new with react-native and redux and I want to know how can I get the state updated after the dispatch...
Follow my code:
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { user: state.userReducer }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
login: (username, password) => {
dispatch(login(username, password)); // update state loggedIn
const LoginForm = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Login);
export default LoginForm;
---Here I've a button which calls this method loginOnPress()
loginOnPress() {
const { username, password } = this.state;
this.props.login(username, password);
According my code above, I call first the method 'this.props.login(username, password);' that calls the dispatch and change the state 'loggedIn'.
And after that I try to get the state updated but without success:
Note: When I click the second time on this button the state comes updated
Calling dispatch will update the state immediately but your components will be updated a little bit later so you can use componentWillReceiveProps to react to changes in the props, you can have a look here for a better explanation of how state change works in React
The function this.props.login(username, password) dispatches a login action on the redux-state.
Launching store.getState() will indeed immediately get you the redux-state after the update, but usually, you don't really need to do it because of the redux connect function that wraps your component.
The redux connect function updates your component with new props, so what you would usually do is "catch" these changes in one of the following functions of the react lifecycle:
class Greeting extends React.Component {
loginOnPress () {
const { username, password } = this.state;
this.props.login(username, password);
// before the new props are applied
componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
// just before the update
componentWillUpdate (nextProps, nextState) {
// immediately after the update
componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) {
render() {

Promise isn't working in react component when testing component using jest

Good day. I have the following problem:
I have an item editor.
How it works: I push 'Add' button, fill some information, click 'Save' button.
_onSaveClicked function in my react component handles click event and call function from service, which sends params from edit form to server and return promise.
_onSaveClicked implements
.then(response => {
console.log('I\'m in then() block.');
function and waits for promise result. It works in real situation.
I created fake service and placed it instead of real service.
Service's function contains:
return Promise.resolve({data: 'test response'});
As you can see fake service return resolved promise and .then() block should work immediatly. But .then() block never works.
Jest test:
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const TestUtils = require('react-addons-test-utils');
const expect = require('expect');
const TestService = require('./service/TestService ').default;
let testService = new TestService ();
describe('TestComponent', () => {
it('correct test component', () => {
//... some initial code here
let saveButton = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(editForm, 'btn-primary');;
// here I should see response in my console, but I don't
React component save function:
_onSaveClicked = (data) => {
.then(response => {
console.log('I\'m in then() block.');
export default class TestService {
saveData = (data) => {
console.log('I\'m in services saveData function');
return Promise.resolve({data: data});
I see only "I'm in services saveData function" in my console.
How to make it works? I need to immitate server response.
Thank you for your time.
You can wrap your testing component in another one like:
class ContextInitContainer extends React.Component {
static childContextTypes = {
testService: React.PropTypes.object
getChildContext = () => {
return {
testService: {
saveData: (data) => {
return {
then: function(callback) {
return callback({
// here should be your response body object
render() {
return this.props.children;
<YourTestingComponent />
So your promise will be executed immediately.