Add two different Materialize chips auto complete in same page with two different set of values - materialize

I am designing once application where user can select customers and location. To implement this i am using materialize auto-complete feature. This working fine when i am implementing either of them. I am not able to find out any way where two chips auto-complete can have two different set of values for suggestion.
My target is:
1st Chips auto-complete will suggest the list of customers.
2nd chips auto-complete will suggest the list of locations.
I am stuck as materialize chips autocomplete API is working only when i am using $('.chips-autocomplete').material_chip

You will need to call the process twice, once for each input. If you add a class or id to each then that should be easy enough to distinguish them:
You'll need to load the various autocomplete data separately for each as normal.


How can I automatically display specific header images depending on the current month?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions :)
I am using the latest version of WP with the Colormag theme. I have 12 different banner images - a specific one that is themed for each month of the year and want to automatically display the correct one depending on the current month.
The Colormag theme lets me upload multiple banner images and allows me to manually select the one I want to use but I can't see any way to automate this selection programmatically.
I have looked through multiple plugins but the only seem to allow different headers on different pages etc., nobody seems to have released one that allows any form of basic selection criteria to be used to determine which image to show.
I assume it can be done with php (maybe css?) but I'm only an amateur, doing unpaid volunteer work for this organisation (an purely funded by donations animal shelter). I have a grasp of the basics - I have done some simplistic css customisation on the site and am using various plugins but but no more :(.

Shopify variable price for a single product

I am about to display a rack builder in my shopify.
The users can set various customization like the number of rows and columns and the size of each cell and its door option for each cell.
The problem is that I would like to know how to enable variable price for that product. I think I cant use variant product as it will be limited in number.
This will require quite a lot of customisation.
First you will need to split your rack elements into separate products:
You will need to enter variants for each of the different elements.
Once you are done with that you will need to create a page that allows you to customise the product showing the options from the product elements you created above.
You will need to collect the product customisation with JS and add the appropriate amount of each element to the cart.
In case the customer have the option of manual input and the price is changed based on that ( for example the size of the wood ) then the functionality will become even more complex.
Long story short it will be hard to code, the administration will be complex and the user experience won't be nice.
Another way will be to look into some APP that can help you with this, but I'm not sure if there is one that has this kind of functionality.

better way to automate a multiple searchbox using selenium

i have to automate search option in below url :
currently,I am selecting single dropdown one by one and searching properties and automating it,just wondering if there is more better/effective way to automate it.
can someone help me on this design pattern.
i know its mostly a theoretical issue,but i need a better way to design it.
You have to understand core of your application, how it populates data in drop down, how it searches the query. That'd help you to prepare test properly.
For an instance if you select property type as plot then it disables the bedrooms drop-down without knowing about city you have selected.So you do not need to automate this scenario for all available cities you can just randomly select any city and verify whether bedrooms drop-down gets disabled or not for plot property.
Keep this in mind that that you do not need to automate all possible cases which do not make any sense. Follow Test Pyramid.
Try to prepare test cases with less test data combination but with better coverage in terms of front-end possibilities.
In terms of automation framework I'd recommend to use Page Object Model as you will always see search results in same way with different text. Don't verify the data which get returned after search as I do not see any relation between your search query and the data which get displayed after search. You should just verify whether all the text,symbols,buttons get displayed or not. You should check whether buttons are functional or not.
Search result should be verified by some other automated test like API automated test or unit tests. Which will confirm that date which gets displayed there are relevant to search query.
You can also try with hybrid framework + dataprovider.Please see

Structured data in Joomla

I'm currently developing a back-end for chefs at various restaurants to report their daily menues in a structured format. Of pragmatic reasons have I chosen to use a web CMS and use many of the features already include including a flexible rights-management module
I want to utilise the existing functions in Joomla for access control, editing and navigation, but I need to replace the textfield with five field (each representing one day of the working week) and save this in a structured way into the database. I was planning to create a editor plugin which displays the field for the chef-users and parse the in-data into a structured data-format e.g. XML. For each week I will need to create empty templates for all the restaurants displaying the week number and dates.
I was also hoping for third-party developers to access this data through RESTful methods in the URL where the structure could be something like: for a text-menu for json etc.
I guess my question is how I can start developing such features. Has there been developed anything similar and are there modules developed for Joomla which I can utilise? Does my approach sounds sensible or are there any other good way of solving my problem?
For a custom content management i would use Zoo component from Yootheme (not free!). You can define your fields,
But for developers access, i have no idea, sorry!

SharePoint 2010: Advanced filtering on Managed Metadata field

I'm implementing a document management site on SharePoint 2010. Each document that is stored on the site, is tagged with one or more geographical locations indicating what the content of the document is about. I have implemented this using a Managed Metadata field that is bound to a term set in the term store containing all possible locations. The locations are organized hierarchically, so let’s say first by country, then by region, city etc.
I want to be able to quickly locate documents in a document library for a given location. SharePoint 2010 offers 3 out-of-the-box ways to accomplish this: (1) filtering on the column header, (2) using metadata navigation, and (3) using key filters.
So far, so good. Now this is where things are getting tricky. Each location in the term store is identified by a number of different labels. So each location has a default label and an average of 3 or 4 additional labels (synonyms). For example: a location could be referred to as “Amsterdam”, “S-123” and “W-456”.
I want to be able to:
Filter the document library by using any of the labels including the
Include all locations that are below the location that he/she
specifies, in short: to recursively set the filter
Going back to the 3 out-of-the-box options:
Filtering on the column header; does NOT support use of synonyms and
does NOT support recursive filtering
Using metadata navigation; does NOT support use of synonyms but does
support recursive filtering
Using key filters; does support use of synonyms but does NOT support
recursive filtering
Can you think of a creative solution that meets my requirements using the out-of-the-box controls? And if not, what options do I have for full customization (custom filter web part, extending out-of-the-box web parts etc.)?
Hope to hear from you!
I think I might have an answer. This works in our System - SharePoint 2010.
In you SharePoint instance, create your View of the list, but don't define any Filters. Save the View.
Open SharePoint Designer 2010 and navigate to the list and view.
In Design view, you then need to select the "WebPartPages:XsltListViewWebPart" (you may need to click one on the column headings to get the grey page elements to appear).
At the top of the screen, select the Options Ribbon tab, a green List View Tools upper-tab appears.
On this ribbon, far left, select Filter.
Define you filters.
It is tricky and not a smooth UI. Note the Group button allowing you to create groups of AND and OR elements. (I'd post an image here of the UI, but I no not have the experience points yet.)
Good Luck.