What does 'Off' mean in the output of nvidia-smi? - tensorflow

I run a tensorflow code in the GPU.
The image bellow shows the nvidia-smi info::
I want ask what does 'Off' mean in the output of nvidia-smi?
Also what does the ""C"" type means here??
My code run in the GPU or CPU in this situation????

"C" stands for compute. "G" stands for graphics. Both run on the graphics card. "Off" is in reference to "Persistence-M", which stands for Persistence Mode which keeps the driver always loaded.


How to change the gem5 ARM SVE vector length?

I'm doing an experiment to see which ARM SVE vector length would be the best for my chip design, or to help select which chip has the optimal vector length for my application.
How to change the vector length in a gem5 simulation to see how it affects workload performance?
For SE:
se.py --param 'system.cpu[:].isa[:].sve_vl_se = 2'
For FS:
fs.py --param 'system.sve_vl = 2'
where the values are given in multiples of 128 bits, so 2 means length 256.
You can test this easily with the ADDVL instruction as shown in this example.
The name of those parameters can be easily determined by looking at a m5out/config.ini generated from a previous run.
Note however that this value is architecturally visible, and so it might not be possible to checkpoint after Linux boot, and restore with a different vector length than the boot, to speed up experiments. This is likely true in general even though the kernel itself does not run vector instructions, because there is software control of the effective vector length. Maybe it is possible to set a big vector length on the simulator to start with and then tell Linux to reduce it somehow in software, but I'm not sure what's the API.
Tested in gem5 3126e84db773f64e46b1d02a9a27892bf6612d30.
To change the vector length, one can use command line option:
--arm-sve-vl=<vl in quadwords: one of {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}>
where vl is a multiple of 128. So for a simulation of 512-bit SVE machine, one should use:
This works both for Syscall-Emulation mode and Full System mode.
If one wants to quickly explore the space of different vector lengths, one can also change it during the simulation (only in Full system mode). For example, to change the SVE length to 256, put the following line in your bootscript, before running the benchmark:
echo 256 >/proc/sys/abi/sve_default_vector_length
You can get more information on https://www.rico.cat/files/ICS18-gem5-sve-tutorial.pdf.

GPU cannot be indentified to run module

I have 2 GPU machine available to use with ID 2 and 3, and would like to use them all to fit model. Here is my code,
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '2, 3'
with tf,device('/gpu:2'):
critic_model.fit(x,y,epochs =10)
with tf.device('/gpu:3'):
history = model.fit(x,y,epochs=19)
However, when I check nvidia-smi, I found only machine 2 is utilized, I wonder why ?
Any idea could be helpful !
Multiple problems here:
For one, Tensorflow has "its own" GPU numbering independent from the IDs on your machine. So when you pass CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3, Tensorflow will see those two GPUs, but they will be '/gpu:0' and '/gpu:1' in the program. Since neither '/gpu:2' nor '/gpu:3' exist, I suspect that all ops are simply put on '/gpu:0' or the CPU.
However, the main problem is that this is not how you use with tf.device at all. You need to wrap the model creation into the context manager. I.e. all the op calls such as tf.nn.conv2d, tf.matmul etc. need to be wrapped. At the point you call model.fit, the ops have already been created (and put on '/gpu:0' by default) and your with tf.device statement does nothing.

keras with tensorflow : a CUDA runtime call was likely performed without using a StreamExecutor context

I am using kears with tensorflow backend, and following is the problem. Is there any can solve this problem, thanks!
The error is caused by a illegal value of CNMEM. According to theano doc, CNMEM can only be assigned as a float.
0: not enabled.
0 < N <= 1: use this fraction of the total GPU memory (clipped to .95 for driver memory).
1: use this number in megabytes (MB) of memory.
You can also refer to here.
The warning is due to a change in Theano (Kera's backend). It will change from CUDA to GpuArray. You can refer to here for a solution.
Actually if you fix the warning, the error will disappear as well according to:
This value allocates GPU memory ONLY when using (CUDA backend) and has no effect when the GPU backend is (GpuArray Backend). For the new backend, please see config.gpuarray.preallocate

TensorBoard doesn't show all data points

I was running a very long training (reinforcement learning with 20M steps) and writing summary every 10k steps. In between step 4M and 6M, I saw 2 peaks in my TensorBoard scalar chart for game score, then I let it run and went to sleep. In the morning, it was running at about step 12M, but the peaks between step 4M and 6M that I saw earlier disappeared from the chart. I tried to zoom in and found out that TensorBoard (randomly?) skipped some of the data points. I also tried to export the data but some data point including the peaks are also missing in the exported .csv.
I looked for answers and found this in TensorFlow github page:
TensorBoard uses reservoir sampling to downsample your data so that it can be loaded into RAM. You can modify the number of elements it will keep per tag in tensorboard/backend/server.py.
Has anyone ever modified this server.py file? Where can I find the file and if I installed TensorFlow from source, do I have to recompile it after I modified the file?
You don't have to change the source code for this, there is a flag called --samples_per_plugin.
Quoting from the help command
--samples_per_plugin: An optional comma separated list of plugin_name=num_samples pairs to explicitly
specify how many samples to keep per tag for that plugin. For unspecified plugins, TensorBoard
randomly downsamples logged summaries to reasonable values to prevent out-of-memory errors for long
running jobs. This flag allows fine control over that downsampling. Note that 0 means keep all
samples of that type. For instance, "scalars=500,images=0" keeps 500 scalars and all images. Most
users should not need to set this flag.
(default: '')
So if you want to have a slider of 100 images, use:
tensorboard --samples_per_plugin images=100
The comment is out of date - it can actually be modified in tensorboard/backend/application.py, in the "Default Size Guidance". By default, it stores 1000 scalars. You can increase that limit arbitrarily, or set it to 0 to store every scalar.
You don't need to recompile TensorBoard, or even download it from source. You could just modify this file in your TensorBoard yourself.
If you install TensorFlow using pip in virtualenv (ubuntu, mac), then within your virtualenv directory the path to application.py should be something like lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/tensorboard/backend. If you modify that file, you should get the new setting in your tensorboard (when you run tensorboard in that virtualenv). If you're like me, you'll put a print statement too so you can be sure that you're running modified code :)

Tensorflow: dynamically call GPUs with enough free memory

My desktop has two gpus which can run Tensorflow with specification /gpu:0 or /gpu:1. However, if I don't specify which gpu to run the code, Tensorflow will by default to call /gpu:0, as we all know.
Now I would like to setup the system such that it can assign gpu dynamically according to the free memory of each gpu. For example, if a script doesn't specify which gpu to run the code, the system first assigns /gpu:0 for it; then if another script runs now, it will check whether /gpu:0 has enough free memory. If yes, it will continue assign /gpu:0 to it, otherwise it will assign /gpu:1 to it. How can I achieve it?
I believe the question above may be related to the virtualization problem of GPU. That is to say, if I can virtualize multi-gpu in a desktop into one GPU, I can get what I want. So beside any setup methods for Tensorflow, any ideas about virtualization is also welcome.
TensorFlow generally assumes it's not sharing GPU with anyone, so I don't see a way of doing it from inside TensorFlow. However, you could do it from outside as follows -- shell script that calls nvidia-smi, parses out GPU k with more memory, then sets "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=k" and calls TensorFlow script
Inspired by:
How to set specific gpu in tensorflow?
def leave_gpu_with_most_free_ram():
command = "nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.free --format=csv"
memory_free_info = _output_to_list(sp.check_output(command.split()))[1:]
memory_free_values = [int(x.split()[0]) for i, x in enumerate(memory_free_info)]
least_busy_idx = memory_free_values.index(max(memory_free_values))
# update CUDA variable
gpus =[least_busy_idx]
setting = ','.join(map(str, gpus))
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = setting
print('Left next %d GPU(s) unmasked: [%s] (from %s available)'
% (leave_unmasked, setting, str(available_gpus)))
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print('"nvidia-smi" is probably not installed. GPUs are not masked')
except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
print("Error on GPU masking:\n", e.output)
Add a call to this function before importing tensorflow