sql how to add inner join and multiple conditions to filter - sql

I have this query
FROM cmp.NPTable NP
AND (IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR (IP.IsCompliant = 0 AND IPC.CheckId = 1)
This is not working correcty
THe IPTable either has IsCompliant = null, 0 or 1 -- this is basically to indicate true or false
IPC.CheckId is either 1 or 2 -- this is the primary ID in this table
The only match integer match is the value 1 between the two tables.
I only want to bring back rows if IsCompliant = 1 and CheckId = 1
else if IsCompliant is null or 0, then CheckId = 2.
The clause I added to my where which is
AND (IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR (IP.IsCompliant = 0 AND IPC.CheckId = 1)
This does not work. Help. Will be very appreciated.

(IP.IsCompliant = 1 AND IPC.CheckId = 1) OR
((IP.IsCompliant is null or IP.IsCompliant = 0) AND IPC.CheckId = 2)


Delete Records from table on the basis of inner join

I have two tables in oracle DB called collection and collection_h. I have to delete all the records from collection_h which has the same below fields in the collection table.
I have to delete all the records from collection_h table that comes out as a result of the below query:
select * from collection inner join collection_h on
collection.pos_protocol_id = collection_h.pos_protocol_id and
collection.terminal_pos_number = collection_h.terminal_pos_number and
collection.cb_file_number = collection_h.cb_file_number and
collection.cb_block_number = collection_h.cb_block_number and
collection.is_stan_batch = collection_h.is_stan_batch and
collection.is_transaction_date = collection_h.is_transaction_date and
collection.is_stan_trans = collection_h.is_stan_trans;
Delete where exists
from collection as c
where exists (
select 1
from collection_h as h
where h.pos_protocol_id = c.pos_protocol_id
and h.terminal_pos_number = c.terminal_pos_number
and h.cb_file_number = c.cb_file_number
and h.cb_block_number = c.cb_block_number
and h.is_stan_batch = c.is_stan_batch
and h.is_transaction_date = c.is_transaction_date
and h.is_stan_trans = c.is_stan_trans
Simplified test on db<>fiddle here
But if the columns can have NULL's in the matching rows
from collection as c
where exists (
select 1
from collection_h as h
where decode(h.pos_protocol_id, c.pos_protocol_id, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.terminal_pos_number, c.terminal_pos_number, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.cb_file_number, c.cb_file_number, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.cb_block_number, c.cb_block_number, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.is_stan_batch, c.is_stan_batch, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.is_transaction_date, c.is_transaction_date, 0, 1) = 0
and decode(h.is_stan_trans, c.is_stan_trans, 0, 1) = 0
Delete x from collection X inner join collection_h Y on
X.pos_protocol_id = Y.pos_protocol_id and
X.terminal_pos_number = Y.terminal_pos_number and
X.cb_file_number = Y.cb_file_number and
X.cb_block_number = Y.cb_block_number and
X.is_stan_batch = Y.is_stan_batch and
X.is_transaction_date = Y.is_transaction_date and
X.is_stan_trans = Y.is_stan_trans;

Filter only get one condition

I have a validation in WHERE clause like:
AND (#BDOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked)
AND (#CDOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked)
AND (#PPOOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsPPOChecked)
AND (#FBOMOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsFBOMChecked)
AND (#APOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsAPChecked)
AND (#COOnly = 0
OR [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCOChecked)
So each AND clause check if boolean is bit value is 0 or 1, if it's 0 just do any but if it's 1 it do a filter. My problem is
if I'm sending two with value 1, I mean
#BDOnly = 1 and #CDOnly = 1 it only filter one of them instead get two filters I mean:
[DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked
[DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked
What am I doing wrong? Regards
I'm going to take a guess here because there's not enough data. If you want to return a row where Abbreviation matched #IsBDChecked only when #BDOnly is set, and also another row where Abbreviation matches #IsCDChecked when #CDOnly is set, try this:
(#BDOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsBDChecked)
OR (#CDOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCDChecked)
OR (#PPOOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsPPOChecked)
OR (#FBOMOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsFBOMChecked)
OR (#APOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsAPChecked)
OR (#COOnly = 1
AND [DT].[Abbreviation] = #IsCOChecked)
Small representative case:
, #BDOnly BIT = 1
, #CDOnly BIT = 1
, #IsADChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'A'
, #IsCDChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'C'
, #IsBDChecked NVARCHAR(100) = 'B'
;WITH myTable AS
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('A'), ('B'), ('C')) X(Abbreviation)
FROM myTable
WHERE (#ADOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsADChecked)
OR (#BDOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsBDChecked)
OR (#CDOnly = 1 AND Abbreviation = #IsCDChecked)

Understanding case expression in the "Where" clause

I've got this code here and you can see from my Pseudocode what I'm trying to accomplish
select *
from dbo.BenefitsForms
inner join Dependents on BenefitsForms.UserId = Dependents.BenefitsForm_UserId
inner join CoverageLevels on BenefitsForms.MedicalId = CoverageLevels.Id
where (BenefitsForms.MedicalId > 0 AND BenefitsForms.MedicalId < 13)
AND Dependents.IsSpouse = CASE when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2 then 1
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3 then 0 end
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4 then [any, it doesnt matter] <--- my desire but it doesn't work.
What can I do to get the effect I desire in the brackets? If Coverage Level = 4 then I don't care what Dependents.IsSpouse is, I don't even need to sort by it anymore.
Assuming that isSpouse can only be 0 or 1... if CoverageLevels.Level is 4, then compare isSpouse to itself, which will always result in true:
AND Dependents.IsSpouse = CASE
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2 then 1
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3 then 0
when CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4 then Dependents.IsSpouse
Alternately, this can also be expressed without the CASE:
BenefitsForms.MedicalId > 0
AND BenefitsForms.MedicalId < 13
(Dependents.IsSpouse = 1 AND CoverageLevels.[Level] = 2)
OR (Dependents.IsSpouse = 0 AND CoverageLevels.[Level] = 3)
OR CoverageLevels.[Level] = 4

SELECT FROM depending on a parameter in SQL

I want to obtain from a parameter, #Display the value 0, 1 or 2. When #Display = 0, I want to display all the items for which ec.IsEquipmentRelated is true. When #Display = 0, I want to display all the items for which ec.IsEquipmentRelated is false and when #Display = 2, I want to display all the items for which ec.IsEquipmentRelated is true OR false. How can I implement this in the FROM section?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Downtime_GetNewCause_EquimentLocation]
#DisplayInactive bit = 0,
#SortOrder INT = 0,
#Diplay INT = 0
-- Main Data source
SELECT ic.IncidentCauseID
, 'EquimentRelated' = COALESCE(ec.IsEquipmentRelated, 0)
, ic.NewIncidentCauseID
, ic.DisplayName
, ic.IsLegacy
, el.EquipmentLocationID
, el.ShopID
, ec.EquipmentClassID
, ec.EquipmentAbbr
, el.ClassSequenceNumber
, el.EquipmentComponent
, el.CompSequenceNumber
, ic.IsActive
FROM Downtime_IncidentCauses ic
LEFT JOIN Downtime_EquipmentLocations el ON ic.EquipmentLocationID = el.EquipmentLocationID
LEFT JOIN Downtime_EquipmentClasses ec ON el.EquipmentClassID = ec.EquipmentClassID AND
CASE WHEN #Diplay = 0 THEN ...
CASE WHEN #Diplay = 1 THEN ...
CASE WHEN #Diplay = 2 THEN ...
This should work:
INNER JOIN Downtime_EquipmentClasses ec
ON (el.EquipmentClassID = ec.EquipmentClassID)
AND ( (#Display = 0 AND ec.IsEquipmentRelated = 1)
OR (#Display = 1 AND ec.IsEquipmentRelated = 0)
OR (#Display = 2) )
Do it in a WHERE clause:
WHERE (#Display = 0 AND ec.IsEquipmentRelated = 'True')
OR (#Display = 1 AND ec.IsEquipmentRelated = 'False')
OR #Display = 2

SQL Counting Records with Count and Having

I'm having problems with what I thought was a simple query to count records:
SELECT req_ownerid, count(req_status_lender) AS total6
FROM bor_requests
WHERE (req_status_lender = 0 AND req_status_borrower = 0) OR
(req_status_lender = 1 AND req_status_borrower = 1)
GROUP BY req_ownerid
HAVING req_ownerid = 70
I thought this would count all the records where (req_status_lender = 0 AND req_status_borrower = 0) and (req_status_lender = 1 AND req_status_borrower = 1) and then give me the total but it only gives me the total for either (req_status_lender = 0 AND req_status_borrower = 0) or (req_status_lender = 1 AND req_status_borrower = 1).
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
You should use the HAVING clause only to limit on something that's been aggregated in your query above - e.g. if you want to select all those rows where a SUM(....) or COUNT(...) is larger than say 5, then you'd use HAVING SUM(...) > 5
What you're doing here is a standard WHERE clause - add it there!
SELECT req_ownerid, count(req_status_lender) AS total6
FROM bor_requests
WHERE req_ownerid = 70
AND ((req_status_lender = 0 AND req_status_borrower = 0) OR
(req_status_lender = 1 AND req_status_borrower = 1))
GROUP BY req_ownerid