How to see from what source data comes from in ms access - vba

I have to figure out from what source the value of the field is coming from.
I have tried to search by name txtRun and by Control source name Run in vb classes, but there are nothing matched values.
Are there any ways to do that?

Quite simple:
If the control source is run, the value comes from the column run of the form's record source. The record source can either be a table or a query.


SSRS SQL report builder deleting column

I have a problem with SSRS report builder. Basically what I want to do is to delete a column. I have a report that someone else made and there is 1 column (xxx) that no longer exists in data source tables so I need to delete it.
When I go to query designer and delete this column from the code and run it there, it works. I close query designer window and see that list of columns (fields) is updated now and xxx column is not there. Then, I delete this column manually in designer (default screen) and when I try to run the report, It doesn't work:
"The Value expression for the text box ‘XXXDataField’ refers to the field ‘xxx’. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current dataset scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified dataset scope. Letters in the names of fields must use the correct case."
But that field should be already deleted. So I don't know what else I can do, or what it can be linked to. I just want to delete it. Any Idea?
Thank you
If your dataset does not contain xxx but your DataTable has this error is normal
You either delete that column from your table or at lease delete DataSet Binding from table so that SSRS does not try to retrieve that column from DataSet
It will be a reference to the field in another field. For example, if you deleted a column that showed an OrderShipped status, then you might have another text box highlighted based on this.
The error is telling you which textbox is in error. So, click somewhere on the designer, then in the properties window, right at the top, click the dropdown which allows you to choose specific report items, choose XXXDataField (the one named in the error message) and then check the value expression. In there you will find the reference to the column you deleted.

MS Access Binding Textfield to tables

I am currently building a MS Access database as a project #Work.
The Database is fed with a huge, not sorted Table DataQueryExport, and the objective is to create a GUI that makes that huge table workable.
Now to the question:
I have a textfield Comment that is supposed to show a comment to a specific data entry WorkID. The WorkID Is stored in a seperate table called WorkID_Comments which is filled via SQL query. The Table WorkID_Commentshas 2 columns, WorkIDand Comment.
The GUI has a ComboBox WorkID_Combo, where you can select a specific WorkID from the main Table DataQueryExport. This exact value is what is supposed to be used as a reference to show the comment for that WorkID.
TL:DR; I need the Comment Box to show and store the Text I wrote for that Value selected in the ComboBox. How do I get the Textfield to show the Value from the Table WorkID_Comments.Comments where the Value in WorkID_Combo(View ComboBox) is the same as WorkID_Comments.WorkID
I apologize beforehand for any weird capitalizations, I am used to it, German is my main language.
Thank you for reading, I am thankful for any response.
Build a query in the query designer with your needed columns (If I understood it correctly: ID and the Comment).
Then go to your combobox and chose under properties recordsource table/query and your designed query.
Now you can specify which colums should be shown and use the ID as the value in the background.
Then bind another query to your form (here is the text you wrote as column) which is linked to the ID from the combox. Put a textbox in the form and use the column as source.

Microsoft Access Table Shows Up Blank, But Query Correctly Pulls Data From Table

I am having an issue with my Microsoft Access database. One of my tables looks completely blank, but it has 11632 records listed in the bottom. Take a look at this screenshot. Though the table shows up blank, when I run the query it pulls the correct data from this table, so I know the data is there, it is just not appearing for some reason. I have tried on Access 2013 and 2016 on a different computer, and both have the same effect. I have also tried compacting and repairing, and also exporting the table but the file it exports to also appears blank, aside from the field names. Any ideas on what I could try?
Turn your import into a 2 step process (or more...). Write it raw into a scratch pad table. Then fire an append query, that has the appropriate criteria to result in only valid records going into the final table.
This isn't unusual at all given that some outside data sources may not have the controls to prevent bad records. Sometimes one must "wash" the data with several different query criteria/steps in order to filter out the bad guys.

In SQL how do I update a table with a similar table?

In my current Database I have a table whose data is manually entered or comes in an excel sheet every week. Before we had the "manual entry option", the table would be dropped and replaced by the excel version.
Now because there is data that only exists in the original table this can not be done.
I'm trying to find a way to update the original table with changes and additions from the (excel) table while preserving all rows not in the new sheet.
I've been attempting to simply use an insert query and an update query /but/ I can't find a way to detect changes in a record.
Any suggestions? I can provide the current sql if you'd find that helpful.
Based on what I have read so far, I think I can offer some suggestions:
It appears you have control of the MS Access. I would suggest adding a field to your data table called "source". Modify your form in the access database to store something like "m" for manual entry in the source field. When you import the excel, store an "e" for excel in the field.
You would need to do a one time scrub of the data to mark existing records as manual entries or excel entries. There are a couple of ways you can do it through automation/queries that I can explain in detail if you want.
Once past these steps, your excel process is fairly simple. You can delete all records with source = "e" and then do a full excel import. Manual records would remain unchanged.
This concept will allow you to add new sources and codes and allow you to handle each differently if needed. You just need to spend some time cleaning up your old data. I think you will find it worth it in the end.
Good Luck.

Get list of columns of source flat file in SSIS

We get weekly data files (flat files) from our vendor to import into SQL, and at times the column names change or new columns are added.
What we have currently is an SSIS package to import columns that have been defined. Since we've assigned the mapping, SSIS only throws up an error when a column is absent. However when a new column is added (apart from the existing ones), it doesn't get imported at all, as it is not named. This is a concern for us.
What we'd like is to get the list of all the columns present in the flat file so that we can check whether any new columns are present before we import the file.
I am relatively new to SSIS, so a detailed help would be much appreciated.
Exactly how to code this will depend on the rules for the flat file layout, but I would approach this by writing a script task that reads the flat file using the file system object and a StreamReader object, and looks at the columns, which are hopefully named in the first line of the file.
However, about all you can do if the columns have changed is send an alert. I know of no way to dynamically change your data transformation task to accomodate new columns. It will have to be edited to handle them. And frankly, if all you're going to do is send an alert, you might as well just use the error handler to do it, and save yourself the trouble of pre-reading the column list.
I agree with the answer provided by #TabAlleman. SSIS can't natively handle dynamic columns (and niether can your SQL destination).
May I propose an alternative? You can detect a change in headers without using a C# Script Tasks. One way to do this would be to create a flafile connection that reads the entire row as a single column. Use a Conditional Split to discard anything other than the header row. Save that row to a RecordSet object. Any change? Send Email.
The "Get Header Row" DataFlow would look like this. Row Number if needed.
The Control Flow level would look like this. Use a ForEach ADO RecordSet object to assign the header row value to an SSIS variable CurrentHeader..
Above, the precedent constraints (fx icons ) of
[#ExpectedHeader] == [#CurrentHeader]
[#ExpectedHeader] != [#CurrentHeader]
determine whether you load data or send email.
Hope this helps!
i have worked for banking clients. And for banks to randomly add columns to a db is not possible due to fed requirements and rules. That said I get your not fed regulated bizz. So here are some steps
This is not a code issue but more of soft skills and working with other teams(yours and your vendors).
Steps you can take are:
(1) reach a solid columns structure that you always require. Because for newer columns older data rows will carry NULL.
(2) if a new column is going to be sent by the vendor. You or your team needs to make the DDL/DML changes to the table were data will be inserted. Ofcouse of correct data type.
(3) document this change in data dictanary as over time you or another member will do analysis on this data and would like to know what is the use of each attribute or column.
(4) long-term you do not wish to keep changing table structure monthly because one of your many vendors decided to change the style the send you data. Some clients push back very aggresively other not so much.
If a third-party tool is an option for you, check out CozyRoc's Data Flow Task Plus. It handles variable columns in sources.
SSIS cannot make the columns dynamic,
one thing, i always do, is use a script task to read the first and last lines of a file.
if it is not an expected list of csv columns i mark file as errored and continue/fail as required.
Headers are obviously important, but so are footers. Files can through any unknown issue be partially built. Requesting the header be placed at the rear of the file it is a double check.
I also do not know if SSIS can do this dynamically, but it never ceases to amaze me how people add/change order of columns and assume things will still work.
1-SSIS Does not provide dynamic source and destination mapping.But some third party component such as Data flow task plus , supporting this feature
2-We can achieve this using ssis script task.
3-If the Header is correct process further for migration else fail the package before DFT execute.
4-Read the line from the header using script task and store in array or list object
5-Then compare those array values to user defined variables declare earlier contained default value as column name.
6-If values are matching exactly then progress further else fail it.