Raising UserControl's default Click event - vb.net

I've created a usercontrol.
I've placed a Button into it.
Now when I click the button, I would like to raise the default Click event.
For that, I added the following code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent Click(sender, e)
End Sub
What am I doing wrong here?
This is the entire code of the usercontrol:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class ucColorButton
Public Overrides Property BackColor() As Color
Return Me.Button1.BackColor
End Get
Set(value As Color)
Me.Button1.BackColor = value
End Set
End Property
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent Click(sender, e)
End Sub
End Class
The compiler tells me:
There's no RaiseEvent definition for the event "Click"

You don't use RaiseEvent to raise an inherited event. This is why all events should have an associated method. To raise the Click event you call the OnClick method and that is the only place that RaiseEvent is used. If you want to change the behaviour on a Click event then you override that method, otherwise you just accept the default behaviour from the base class. To see how events are properly implemented - and are implemented in the base classes you're inheriting - check this out.
Also, while it technically doesn't matter in this case, you shouldn't really be passing the e parameter from your internal event handler to your external event. You should be creating your own EventArgs object as required by your event.
Finally, if you were to be able to use RaiseEvent, it would be wrong to pass on the sender parameter too. The sender is ALWAYS supposed to be the object that raised the event. In your case, that is the user control, NOT the internal Button. Fortunately, calling OnClick will fix that. If you needed to pass on information about which child control was clicked then you should be defining your own event and passing that information via the e parameter.


Windows form actions like close through custom user control code?

I have made a title bar (custom user control) that contains five controls. They are all labels but each one do different "job".
For example, one of them is an exit form button. If I put a click event into my custom user control's code, for example...
Private Sub ExitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitButton.Click
End Sub
I get this error...
BC30451 'Close' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
On the other hand I can't put it into my project's code cause it can't find ExitButton as "isolated" control and do close().
Any suggestions? I also want to do the same thing with minimize, maximize etc.
Let me guess; your button is in the user control. You try to call Close() on the UserControl class, which obviously is not a window and does not have it.
There are three solutions:
Use the ParentForm property and call Close() on it (e.g. ParentForm.Close()). Easy but not too flexible; if you want to do other things than those which are implemented in the Form base class (like Close()), e.g. specific to the main form, you would have to cast it first and check if it's really the form you thought of. Also, all those things would need to be exposed with Public or Internal, don't expose what you don't have to expose.
You pass the Form to the UserControl. Horrible because passing stuff around just ends up in spaghetti code.
Better, raise an event by the UserControl which you handle in the form the UserControl is on. That's probably the most flexible approach.
Here's a small code example solving this with an event:
Open the code of the UserControl and add an event signature and raise that event when you click the button:
Public Class MyUserControl
Public Event ButtonClicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Private Sub MyButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyButton.Click
RaiseEvent ButtonClicked(sender, e)
End Sub
End Class
Then, in your Form, attach to the ButtonClicked event of the UserControl:
Public Class MyForm
Private Sub MyUserControl1_ButtonClicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyUserControl1.ButtonClicked
End Sub
End Class
If you re-use the event for multiple buttons, you can check which button it is through the sender passed to the event. (Of course this can be optimized by just passing a casted Button instance as the event parameter, this is just a simple example).
Where did you get "close" from? You exit an application with application.exit()
If you want to close Application you can use:
If you want to close Form:
To close the form you use me.

User Control Event against Form Control Event

Here is my situation, I have a user control that have the Leave event:
Private Sub MyControl_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Leave
If Me.Enabled Then
End If
End Sub
I have this to prevent Leave Event from triggering when the control is Disabled.
Then on my form, the control also has its own Leave event because I need to set some Properties that the Leave Event on the User Control needs.
Private Sub myControlOnForm_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyControlOnForm.Leave
MyControlOnForm.Property1 = "value1"
End Sub
What happens is the first event that triggers is the one on the User Control and then the one on the form.
Now my problem is, as the code states above, I need the Form Event to trigger first before the User Control Event.
Is there any work around for this?
The form needs to call a procedure in the user control after it's finished handling the event. Just remove the Handles Me.leave statement, and the private statement. use the sub from your form to call the controls sub which was intended to handle the event.
Note that I've changed sender As object to sender As Mycontrol.
Sub MyControl_Leave(sender As Mycontrol, e As EventArgs)
If Me.Enabled Then
End If
End Sub
Code on form
Private Sub myControlOnForm_Leave(sender As Mycontrol, e As EventArgs) Handles MyControlOnForm.Leave
MyControlOnForm.Property1 = "value1"
sender.MyControl_Leave(sender, e)
End Sub
What happens is the first event that triggers is the one on the User Control and then the one on the form.
Now my problem is, as the code states above, I need the Form Event to
trigger first before the User Control Event.
First off, you are using the incorrect term in that problem statement. It is not an event triggering order issue, but rather an issue in order in which the event handlers registered for the UserControl's Leave event execute.
.Net events are a form of syntactic sugar for the invocation of a multicast delegate. When an event is raised a delegate is invoked and the order in which the handlers are executed is the order in which they were added to the delegate. You can gain an understanding of this by working through the various "Walkthrough" tutorials located under Events (Visual Basic).
The Leave event is Raised by calling the Overridable OnLeave method inherited from the Control Class that is in the inheritance tree of the UserControl Class. It is considered bad form for a class to handle its own generated event; the preferred method is Override the method that raise the event.
In your case, you want the form that subscribes to the event to be notified first so that it can modify a property on the UserControl before some it performs some action in response to Leaving the UserControl.
Public Class UserControl1
Protected Overrides Sub OnLeave(e As EventArgs)
MyBase.OnLeave(e) ' this calls the base method that Raises the event
' all event handlers will run before the subsequent code
' executes
If Me.Enabled Then
'do something
End If
End Sub
End Class

VB.net Access class property from another class

I need some help getting my head wrapped about instances and classes. In the code below I have a main_form, and I am also loading a user_control into the main_form. I have a property that resides inside main_form that I will be setting data called obj. My question is when I am doing work inside of the user_control, how can I reach in and set the obj property of main_form. I tried main_form.obj but I keep getting the error "object reference not set to an instance of an object". So, I'm not sure how to do it. Here's the dumbed down code
Public Class FormControlClass
Private _obj As New objCollection
Public Property obj As objCollection
Return _obj
End Get
Set(ByVal value As objCollection)
_obj = value
End Set
End Property
'Load User Control Into Form from here.
End Class
Public Class UserControlClass
'Access the obj property in the form control class from here.
FormControlClass.obj = 1
End Class
Even if you could do what you are trying to do, it would be a bad idea, because you would be coupling your user control to this particular form, making it useless outside of this form.
Instead you need to have your user control generate an event that the form can subscribe to and handle itself. In other words, you want to make the user control create a message that can be delivered to the form, like this:
Public Class UserControlClass
' Define event that will be raised by user control to anyone interested in handling the event
Public Event UC_Button1Click()
' Mechanism to allow event to be raised by user control
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent UC_Button1Click()
End Sub
End Class
Now in your form class, you need to add a handler for the event raised by the user control, like this:
AddHandler userControl1.UC_Button1Click, AddressOf Button1_Click
Finally, you would create the method that is referenced in the AddressOf syntax, like this:
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
' Do something here
End Sub

event detection between different controls vb

I have a class A which contains 2 user controls declared as
Friend WithEvents CustInfo1 As WindowsApplication1.CustInfo
Friend WithEvents ServiceLocation1 As WindowsApplication1.ServiceLocation
Both have textBoxes. If value of textBoxA in custInfo1 changes then how can I make value of textBoxB in SeviceLocation1 also change
I will be most thankful if anyone can help me.
You need to do the following:
Inside the CustInfo user control, you need to write code inside the textBoxA Changed event that raises an event from the CustInfo user control (e.g. TextBoxChanged event). RaiseEvent statement
Inside the ServiceLocation user control, create a public property getter and setter for whatever your textBoxB.Text is
On the form that contains both user controls, create code in the new CustInfo TextBoxChanged event and set the new property on the ServiceLocation1 user control.
All controls (also custom controls) have the property Controls, through which you can access the (sub) controls of that control. Now you can retrieve your textbox by calling the .Item(key) method on it. Then you can assign a event handler to it in your form or class.
Dim key As String = "textBoxA" 'Or simply the name of that TextBox in your CustInfo
Dim textboxA As TextBox = CustInfo1.Controls.Item(key)
AddHandler textBoxA.TextChanged, AddressOf mytextchangedhandler
Where that mytextchangedhandler handles the TextChanged event for that TextBox.
Personally I don't like this method too much, as you are relying on knowing either the name of the TextBox or the index in the Controls list of your usercontrol.
I would definitely go for the option to create your own event on your usercontrol. It is quite easy to do even! Below how to do it. In the code behind of your usercontrol, you'll have to add an event declaration:
Event MyTextBoxChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Now we'll have to raise it, we do this by implementing the TextChanged event of the TextBoxA in your usercontrol (as you explained you wanted to do):
Private Sub TextBoxA_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxA.TextChanged
RaiseEvent MyTextBoxChanged(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub
Now we can simply implement this event (MyTextBoxChanged) in your Form as follows:
Private Sub CustInfo1_MyTextBoxChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CustInfo1.MyTextBoxChanged
' Do something
End Sub
Obviously we still need to get the updated text, now we can create our own EventArgs that will give us the new (and/or old value) as you will want to have. We simply can inherit the System.EventArgs class and add some properties (for example a property OldText that holds the old text value and a property NewText that holds the new text value):
Public Class MyEventArgs
Inherits System.EventArgs
Private _OldText As String
Public ReadOnly Property OldText() As String
Return _OldText
End Get
End Property
Private _NewText As String
Public ReadOnly Property NewText() As String
Return _NewText
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(oldText As String, newText As String)
_OldText = oldText
_NewText = newText
End Sub
End Class
Now we have to change the event definition and raising to use the MyEventArgs:
Event MyTextBoxChanged(sender As Object, e As MyEventArgs)
Private Sub TextBoxA_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxA.TextChanged
RaiseEvent MyTextBoxChanged(Me, New MyEventArgs(TextBoxA.Text))
End Sub
And also change the implementation in your Form:
Private Sub CustInfo1_MyTextBoxChanged(sender As System.Object, e As MyEventArgs) Handles CustInfo1.MyTextBoxChanged
End Sub
More information about events can be found on our favorite spot MSDN.

How to add event handler to local variable in VB.NET

I have a form in VB.NET that is used as a dialog in a mainform. Its instances are always locally defined, there's no field for it. When the user clicks the OK button in the dialog, it will fire an event with exactly one argument, an instance of one of my classes.
Since it is always a local variable, how can I add an event handler for that event? I've searched for myself and found something but I can't really figure it out...
Code for the event, a field in MyDialog:
public Event ObjectCreated(ByRef newMyObject as MyObject)
Code for the main form to call dialog : (never mind the syntax)
Dim dialog As New MyDialog()
AddHandler ObjectCreated, (what do I put here?) //Or how do I add a handler?
As you can see I'm stuck on how to add a handler for my event. Can anyone help me? Preferrably with the best way to do it...
It's recommended, for consistency, that you use the same source and event args model as all system event handlers.
Create your own class inheriting from EventArgs, as:
Public Class MyObjectEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Public Property EventObject As MyObject
End Class
Then declare your event, and a handler method, like:
Public Event ObjectCreated As EventHandler(Of MyObjectEventArgs)
Private Sub Container_ObjectCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MyObjectEventArgs)
' Handler code here
End Sub
Then attach the handler to your event using:
AddHandler ObjectCreated, AddressOf Container_ObjectCreated
Additionally, you can use the Handles to attach to the event raised from your main form (assuming the name MainForm), as below:
Private Sub MainForm_ObjectCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MyObjectEventArgs) Handles MainForm.ObjectCreated
' Handler code here
End Sub
You need to write the subroutine that actually executes when the event is generated:
public Sub OnObjectCreated(ByRef newMyObject as MyObject)
End Sub
Then the handler is added:
AddHandler ObjectCreated, AddressOf OnObjectCreated
As a side note, ByRef does nothing here. All objects in VB are passed by reference. Only primitave variables (string, int, etc) by default use ByVal and can be set to ByRef