ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request -

I am using aspx vb .net to connect with instagram api
I am using the following link as references:
ERROR: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
It is weird becuase i followed all steps and imported json as showed in above link. any idea? below is my code:
Dim json As String = ""
Dim parameters As New NameValueCollection
parameters.Add("client_id", Client_ID)
parameters.Add("client_secret", ClientSecret)
parameters.Add("grant_type", "authorization_code")
parameters.Add("redirect_uri", Redirect_URI)
parameters.Add("code", Code)
Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()
Dim result = client.UploadValues("", "POST", parameters)
Catch ex As Exception
labelTest.Text += "---" & ex.Message
End Try
Thanks. yeah I been working on this for couple months now and trying to debug but I just have no idea whats going on. I mean I looked at insta api webbsite sill no luck. I tested my values also and they seem to be correct:
curl -F 'client_id=CLIENT_ID' \
-F 'client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET' \
-F 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
-F 'code=CODE' \
client_secret = f208d9fc9cec4b69bdd5f8f1386a
client_secret = d836619eede4490fd12983b95961
grant_type = authorization_code
redirect_uri = http://localhost:1861/UI/Home.aspx
code = 6185508825da0c28a33ac5dcc77
note, 'code' i am getting when when user logs into insta. I used the following url to get the code:
I know authorize is correct becuase it gives me code in url

just changed response_type from code to token... it will give you access_token


Get SQL results from DB2 on cloud to Power Query via API

I try to connect to db2 on cloud via Excel Power Query.
Based on documentation this is format of curl request:
curl -X POST -H 'authorization: Bearer MyToken' -H 'content-type: text/csv' -d '{"command":"select * from mytable"}'
I tried to go via GUI but this gives me error
I am pretty sure I am not doing it right, but I could not even google how to pass my parameters.
Could someone please navigate how to assembly M code for this?
I tried this according to #nfgl answer
body = [#"command"="select * from mytable"]
,json = Json.FromValue(body)
,wc = Web.Contents("", [Headers=[#"content-type"="text/csv", authorization="Bearer XXX"]])
,Source = Csv.Document(wc,[Delimiter=",", Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.Csv])
However cannot go around credentials ui anonymously:
When I try Web API with token:
BTW, everything works with python:
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = "{\"command\":\"select * from mytable\"}"
headers = {
'content-type': "text/csv",
'authorization': "Bearer XXX"
conn.request("POST", "/dbapi/v4/sql_query_export", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
You can't do it via GUI, command JSON must be in request content, and content-type is the one you send, ie JSON, open advanced editor and do something like this
url = "",
body = [#"UnixTimeStamp"= 1589772280, #"Timezone"=""],
json = Json.FromValue(body),
wc = Web.Contents(url, [Headers=[#"Content-Type"="application/json"], Content=json]),
Source = Csv.Document(wc,[Delimiter=",", Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.Csv])

Updating stock on magento 2.1 using REST API - Error {"message": "Request does not match any route."}

I am trying to get a stock item quantity updated on a magento 2.1 site using REST API.
I am coding in but I get the error JSON response {"message": "Request does not match any route."}
Dim Access_Token = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Dim VATWebClient = New WebClient()
VATWebClient.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.Accept) = "application/json"
VATWebClient.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType) = "application/json"
VATWebClient.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization) = "Authorization Bearer " & Access_Token
Dim Response As String
Response = VATWebClient.UploadString("", "{""stockItem"":{""qty"":100}}")
Catch webEx As WebException
Dim errorMessage As String = webEx.Message
Dim errorStack As String = webEx.StackTrace
End Try
I have also tried to setup SoapUI just to test to make sure that I am calling it right and I get the same error.
I read somewhere that the webapi.xml must be updated with the API which is required I am really hoping that's not the case as the host/web developer is not very accessible!
UploadString will create a POST Request, as you can see form the API Docs, this API endpooint is PUT method only.!/catalogInventoryStockRegistryV1/catalogInventoryStockRegistryV1UpdateStockItemBySkuPut
I'm not too sure how to change the method in visual basic, but I'm sure it's not too difficult.

The 'Accept' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method - TwitchAPI

My problem, as you can see in the title, is I get an exception when adding the header. What I'm trying to do is send an authorization request to the public TwitchAPI. Here's the request that I'm trying to translate:
curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json'
-H 'Authorization: OAuth <access_token>' \
It's when I add the Accept header where this exception pops up in my face (title). I'm not sure if I've translated this correctly but this is the code I have right now:
Dim wr = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
wr.Method = "GET"
wr.Headers.Add("Authorization: OAuth <oauth_token>")
wr.Headers.Add("Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json")
Return CType(wr.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
where oauth_token is my access token, anyone who could solve this for me? Really worked my ass off trying to figure out such a simple thing, thanks!
Oh and also, when I remove the header (which I actually think is unnecessary) it says im unauthorized, using the correct access token.
The HttpWebRequest class has a specific Accept property for setting the 'Accept' header
Dim wr = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
wr.Method = "GET"
wr.Headers.Add("Authorization: OAuth <oauth_token>")
wr.Accept = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json"
Return CType(wr.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

How can i update a jenkins job using the api

I have to create/update a jenkins job using its api because all of my jobs are using parameters which are also used by other scripts and I am trying to centralize the scripts so when i change it in one place, the change reflects in all.
currently, if someone changes the script, they they also have to manually edit the parameters of the jenkins job as well.
I saw the example of the Remote API for creating jobs and was able to successfully create test jobs but how can i edit an existing job besides deleting it and creating it again(which isnt an option as i have to maintain the build history).
You could use python like this:
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
jenkinsSource = ''
server = Jenkins(jenkinsSource, username = 'XXXXX', password = 'YYYYY')
print myConfig
new = myConfig.replace('<string>clean</string>', '<string>string bean</string>')
in case anyone else is also looking for the same answer,
It appears the solution is far easier, all you have to do is update the config.xml and post the updated config.xml back to jenkins and your job will be updated.
You can also POST an updated config.xml to the URL which can fetch config.xml, to programmatically update the configuration of a job.
The fetch url pattern: $JENKINS_SERVER/job/$JOB_NAME/config.xml
detailed doc pattern: $JENKINS_SERVER/job/$JOB_NAME/api
That little bit of scripting looks to be what you are looking for. Uses the REST API to get and set the config with some regex S&R in the middle.
Edit: Code below based on comment. It is copied directly from the blog so I take no credit for it.
# First, get the looking like you want
read -s token
# type token from$userName/configure
# Download the configuration XML for the template job (which will be our model template)
curl -v -u "bvanevery:$token" > generic-config.xml
# My modules
declare modules=('module1' 'module2' 'module3')
# POST the updated configuration XML to Jenkins
for m in ${modules[#]}; do
echo "module $m";
sed "s/MODULE/$m/g" generic-config.xml > $m-config.xml;
curl -v -X POST --data-binary #$m-config.xml -u "bvanevery:$token" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
"$m/config.xml" ;
For those using RestSharp, I found that I needed to make sure that:
The user ID performing the update had permission to do so under Manage > Global Security > Authorization Matrix
I had a current Jenkins Crumb token, required once CSRF (also under Manage > Security) is enabled.
Send the updated XML using a parameter of the Request object with the value of [ParameterType.RequestBody] (link)1 for the type argument.
private XmlDocument JobConfigGet()
Uri JobConfigURI = GetJenkinsURI("job/" + _args.JobName + "/config.xml", null);
RestClient restClient = new RestClient(JobConfigURI);
RestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
byte[] ua = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Properties.Settings.Default.UserID + ":" + Properties.Settings.Default.UserPassword);
restRequest.AddHeader("authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ua));
IRestResponse restResponse = restClient.Execute(restRequest);
if (restResponse.ResponseStatus != ResponseStatus.Completed || restResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to retrieve job config: {0}. Wrong ResponseStatus ({1}) or StatusCode ({2}) returned.\nURL: {3}", _args.JobName, restResponse.ResponseStatus.ToString(), restResponse.StatusCode.ToString(), restClient.BaseUrl.AbsoluteUri));
if (restResponse.ContentType != "application/xml")
throw new Exception("Unexpected data type returned for job config: " + _args.JobName + ". Expected 'application/xml'. Got: " + restResponse.ContentType + ".\nURL: " + restClient.BaseUrl.AbsoluteUri);
XmlDocument jobConfig = new XmlDocument();
return jobConfig;
private void JobConfigUpdate(XmlDocument JobConfig, string JenkinCrumb)
// Update JobConfig XML as needed here.
Uri JobConfigURI = GetJenkinsURI("job/" + _args.JobName + "/config.xml", null);
RestClient restClient = new RestClient(JobConfigURI);
RestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
byte[] ua = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Properties.Settings.Default.UserID + ":" + Properties.Settings.Default.UserPassword);
restRequest.AddHeader("authorization", "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ua));
string[] crumbSplit = JenkinCrumb.Split(':');
restRequest.AddHeader(crumbSplit[0], crumbSplit[1]);
restRequest.AddParameter("text/xml", JobConfig.InnerXml, ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse restResponse = restClient.Execute(restRequest);
string resp = restResponse.Content;
curl -v -X POST --data-binary "#config.xml" -u "jenkinsusername:yourjenkinstoken" -H "Content-Type: application/xml"

No response after authentication success in pentaho?

I try to use Basic Authentication to make a login into Pentaho by using .NET code
My code is:
Dim request = WebRequest.Create("http://x.x.x.x:8080/pentaho/Home")
Dim authInfo As String = Convert.ToString(userName) & ":" & Convert.ToString(userPassword)
authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.[Default].GetBytes(authInfo))
request.Headers("Authorization") = "Basic " & authInfo
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
You can see that I pass the authorization header with Basic username:password with Base64 encode.
for the last line of above code
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse()
you can see that I get the response from pentaho server then assign to variable response
In running, I found that Pentaho can return response and put the value to variable response.It seem okay that the authentication is passed and I login successfully
but when I input a link http://x.x.x.x:8080/pentaho/Home the login page still prompt and I need to login again....
Do you know what code I missing so that the Pentaho cannot login auto after above code?
Thanks you much!!!!!
Have you tried putting it as parameters in the url i.e :
However, looking at it again it seems if you're successfully getting a logged in response, then the next request you are not logged in then you have not preserved the session/cookie between those two requests. Easily done in java with httpclient, not so sure about .net