To change the background color and slider color of a trackbar and make the background transparent -

I want to change the color of the slider (cursor) and the color of the line on which the slider lies. I also want to make the background transparent.
I used this code in the control's constructor but it still gives me a white background.
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
Me.BackColor = Color.Transparent
Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks!


Jetpack Compose OutlinedTextField with the label on the inside and golden glow around the outline when selected

I'm trying to make a TextField like in the image using Jetpack Compose.
So far no luck in finding a easy way.
The label must stay inside the outline, if I use OutlinedTextField there is no way to customise that. If I use the TextField which has the label on the inside there is no outline when selected, just the line below the textfield.
Also I need to add a shadow/glow effect with a custom color, here seen in gold.
I'm stumped..
Any thoughts?
You can do this by creating a Row with a Modifier.drawBehind that uses native paint to draw blur with color as in this image, the one with pink background has blur with same background color for shadow for instance, you can check the code for drawing colored blur here.
val myColor = color
.copy(alpha = shadow.alpha)
val transparent = color
.copy(alpha = 0f)
frameworkPaint.color = transparent
paint = paint
It draws a shape behind you can draw a shape with stroke.
For the label and input create a Column with Modifier.weight() to use space inside row other than space reserved for Icon with close image.
Instead of TextField you can use a BasicTextfield which doesn't have default padding, however you can achieve the same thing with TextField too, but you will need to set colors to transparent to remove indicator line, it has some default padding you might not want to have.
colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
focusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent,
unfocusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent,
disabledIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent

How to make button background transparent?

I have created one button and applied image (.png with transparent background) on it.
My button background is set on transparent but as you can see the background color is still there.
How can I make this work as it should?
Give this a shot.
'Making Existing Button Transparent
btnKasa.FlatStyle = Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat
btnKasa.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0
btnKasa.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.Transparent
btnKasa.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.Transparent
btnKasa.BackColor = Color.Transparent
Another option that I came up with is to call:
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
when the form is created (e.g. in the constructor after InitializeComponent()). The button's BackColor is set to Transparent, as well (this can be done in code behind or in the properties).

Opacity of Panel over Awesomium WebControl

I've got a normal Winforms Panel, but under it, I've sent a (Awesomium) WebControl form to the back, and was wondering if it's possible to make the panel transparent to reveal the colors of the webpage basically, but simple solutions such as
Panel1.BackColor = FromARGB(0,0,0,0) (Or any other color)
make the backcolor the same as the Form's backcolor (Goes right through the WebControl). Is there any workaround? My original intent was to see if the panel could display the color under of the webpage, rather than the Form's backcolor.
Look, you have not explained your problem properly, so I can't tell exactly what problem you are getting.
Panel's color is by default transparent but for your convenience you can set the background as transparent.
Here is the code:
Panel1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
Or, if your form's backcolor is a plain color, you can try the following:
Panel1.BackColor = Form1.BackColor
Hope it works perfectly!

Not able to set the Backcolor of label as Transparent

Using properties of "label" not able to set the backcolor as transparent ... when i select the color transparent from the option which is showing some color as backcolor, if transparent works properly must show background instead of some colors. please help
If you add a control at design time when setting the background to transparent it 'displays' the background of the form not the control on which it was placed unless that control is a container such as a panel.
2 options:
1 place the label on a panel and the label then displays the panel background (which can be a picture if that is what you are trying to do)
2 place the label programatically i.e.
dim Label1 As New Label
Label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent

How to set background color of an image using draw2d?

I have drawn one rectangle by using RectangleFigure in draw2d. And I am able to
color the rectangle figure by calling rectangleFigure.setBackgroundColor.
Now the same way I want to color the Image also. For that I used ImageFigure in
draw2d and I gave the background color by calling ImageFigure.setBackgroundColor().
But it does not give any color for me. So How can I give the background color
to the image figure in draw2d?
RectangleFigure extends Shape which draws it's own background by default. ImageFigure directly extends Figure which will only draw the background if you set it as Opaque: