How do you store a non mobx-state-tree type (Class instance) in models? - mobx

I get:
Error: [mobx-state-tree] expected a mobx-state-tree type as first
argument, got class HubConnection {
constructor(urlOrConnection, options = {}) {
options = options || {};
When trying to do this:
import { HubConnection } from '#aspnet/signalr-client';
.model('MyStore', {
connection: types.optional(HubConnection, new HubConnection('http://localhost:5000/myhub')),
I could declare it in the constructor of my React component instead as I used to
this.connection = new HubConnection('http://localhost:5000/myhub');
but then all attached eventhandlers also needs to be defined in the component
this.connection.on('Someaction', async(res: any) => {});
and starting / closing of the connection
handleBtnClicked = () => {
this.connection.start().then(() => self.connection.invoke('Someotheraction'));
and ideally I think this belongs in the model and model actions, so the react component is only triggering actions on the model and nothing more.
Is there a way to store other than mobx-state-tree types in mobx-state-tree models, can you somehow wrap it in a mobx type or is this actually not something that belongs in mobx and therefore intentionally.

It is intentional that mobx-state-tree models can only define properties of MST based types. This is because those types are snapshottable, serializable, patchable etc. While something like a HubConnection is not a thing that could be snapshotted, rehydrated etc.
It is possible to store arbitrarily things in a MST tree, but just not as props. Instead, you could use volatile state


Vuex 4 + Vue 3 using shared state actions in modules

I have a Vue 3 app (without TypeScript), and I'm using a Vuex 4 store.
I have my store separated into modules that represent some common themes, for example I have a user module that contains the store, getters, actions etc that are appropriate for dealing with a user. But, I also have some common functionalities that is present in all of my modules, and it's an obvious place where I could simplify my modules and thin them out a bit.
Let's say for example that I have a generic set() mutator, like below:
const mutations = {
set(state, payload) {
state[payload.key] =;
This will simply take in a payload and populate whatever store object the payload 'key' field belongs to, and it works well when I want to simply set a single field in my store. Now, the issue is that this set() function is being duplicated in every single store module that I have since it's just a generic store mutation, and once the number of modules I reach increases a bit, you can imagine that it's quite wasteful and pointless to include this mutation every single time.
I'm not sure how to implement this, however.
My current main store file looks like this (simplified for the sake of the question):
// store/index.js
import { createStore } from "vuex";
import module1 from "./modules/module1";
import module2 from "./modules/module2";
export const store = createStore({
modules: { module1, module2 },
All of my modules are implemented in the same exact way:
// store/modules/module1.js
const state = { };
const mutations = { set(state, payload) };
const actions = { };
const getters = { };
export default {
namespaced: true,
And then somewhere in a component or wherever I'd call the specific module action/mutation/store I need with the below:
...mapMutations: ({ set: "module1/set" })
What would be the best way for me to bring that shared functionality out into a singular place, and how would I properly use it if I, for example, wanted to set and mutate the store in module1 and module2 at the same time properly? The part that I'm not sure about is how exactly I could call a generic mutation and have it target the desired module's state
Thanks to this answer linked by #Beyers, I've implemented the store in a similar fashion to this:
// store/sharedModuleMethods.js
export default class {
constructor() {
this.mutations = {
set(state, payload) {}
And then in the modules, I just instantiate the class and spread the methods where they need to be
// store/modules/module1.js
import SharedModuleMethods from "../sharedModuleMethods";
const methods = new SharedModuleMethods()
const mutations = {
// Module specific mutations go here
And then in whatever component I need to set() something, I can just call the mutation like I would before
...mapMutations: ({ setModule1: "module1/set", setModule2: "module2/set" })
It's not quite as automated and streamlined as I'd personally prefer (define it once, have the modules magically have all the methods available to them via a flag or something), but alas life isn't perfect either.

vuex-persistedstate not saving class methods

I'd like to preference this by saying my backgrounds in in C# so I like declaring methods within my classes. I've created a user class that contains properties and methods and I've added this to my vuex-persistedstate. One of the methods is a logout() method which clears out the properties. When I tried to invoke this method I got the following error:
TypeError: this.$data.user.logout is not a function
I then reviewed local storage and noted the user did not have reference to the class method. So I went ahead and copied the logic from the method into my vue component and it worked so I'm assuming the issue is vuex-persistedstate does not save references to methods which is why the method call did not work.
I'd like to declare the logout method in one location rather than spreading it out across vue components, what is the best practice for accomplishing this? Is it possible to do this in the class declaration or do I need a user helper file?
Sure Berco! My code is also up on GitHub so you can review it there too, but basically it seems to me that vuex does not store methods. The first file you should review is my user.js file:
In this file I have a method called shallow clone which takes the info received from the API and assigns it to the user:
shallowClone(data) {
if (data !== undefined) { =;
this.userName = data.userName;
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
this.nickName = data.nickName;
this.fullName = data.fullName; =;
this.isActive = data.isActive;
this.isAdmin = data.isAdmin
this.isSuperUser = data.isSuperUser;
this.dateCreated = data.dateCreated;
this.dateUpdated = data.dateUpdated;
this.isLoggedIn = data.isLoggedIn;
You of course don't need to abstract this away but I've found it makes the code easier to maintain.
Then in the mounted() lifecycle hook I assign the user received from the API to the component user via the shallowClone method. Please bear in mind I've done additional work on this project and the login form is now it's own component which receives the user as a prop from the app:
mounted() {
let self = this;
window.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
this.$data.user = new User();
The full code can be reviewed here:
I found a solution... I'm working on improving it. Basically I use the values pulled from localstorage into vuex to create a new user object in the vue component that has reference to the methods located in my user class declaration. I recalled recommendations that we should create clones of objects pulled from vuex for use within the vue component. I'm still refining the code but that's basic idea.

set array of data into mobx array show proxy objects

I'm using react js with mobx and I get data from api.
the data I get is array of objects.
when I set the data into mobx variable then I see array of proxy objects(not sure what the proxy says). I'm trying just to set the array of objects I get from api into mobx variable.
my store
class UserStore {
#persist #observable token = null
#observable tasks = []
#observable done = false
#persist #observable email = ''
constructor() {
getTasks = async () => {
try {
let response = await Api.getTasks()
this.tasks = response.tasks
console.log('my new tasks',this.tasks)
} catch (e) {
as you can see here in the first block('black') the data i get from api, then i set the respnse.tasks into this.tasks.
this.tasks = response.tasks
console.log('my new tasks',this.tasks)
You can convert proxy to JS:
import { toJS } from 'mobx'
// example
It depends on how you want to observe the data.
"I'm trying just to set the array of objects I get from api into mobx variable"
is not really your end-goal.
If you want your observers to:
option a: react when the array reference change
= No care for values in the array.
Use #observable.ref tasks.
option b: react when the references of each value in the array change
= No care for the individual objects properties.
Use #observable.shallow tasks.
option c: react on the individual objects properties too
= Make everything observable, references and object properties
Use #observable tasks like you do.
Like indicated in the comments, mobx5 is using Proxy and some behaviour might differ compared to previous version.
More info: Mobx arrays, Mobx decorators, shallow observability
Note: you would need to give more details if this does not help you, like your react component code.
In my case, toJS was not working because I had a class with a variable with the type of another class. So, I needed to create new objects from the JSON:
(a) =>
new MyObj1({
myObj2: new MyObj2({
label: a.label,
title: a.title,
If you run debugger, stop the debugger. It messes the mobx's flow.

Pass global Object/Model to custom element in Aurelia

referring to the following post StackOverflow Question I have a quite different scenario where I want to know if Aurelia has a solution for.
I have a user model:
export class User{
#bindable name: string;
#bindable address: Address
As you can see, "Address" is a sub-model.
I have a main view-model "registration". In this view model I have a model "user":
export class RegistrationView{
#bindable user: User
public attached(){
this.user = userService.fetchUserFromApi();
In addition to that I have a custom-element "user-address" where I have a "user-address"-model (because I want to have dedicated encapsulated custom-elements).
export class userAddress{
#bindable userAddress: Address
Now I want to request the user model only once from the API and send the user address it to the custom-element:
<require from="user-address"></require>
<user-address user.address.bind="${dj.address}"></user-address>
Finally I would (to have dedicated encapsulated custom-elements that I can use everywhere) check in attached method if the user is already load and if not then the custom-element would load all needed data:
export class userAddress{
#bindable userId: string
#bindable address: Address
public attached(){
if(!(typeof this.address === "undefined")){
this.address = this.addressAPIService.getAddressByUserId(id)
Problem 1: I know, that the mentioned template dj.address.bind doesn't work. But now my question is, how can I handle that situation?
Problem 2: How do I assure, that the user object is only requested once?
Does my concept makes sense and does it is the idea of Aurelia?
If I understand your problem correctly, you simply need some form of client-side persistence.
If you need this persistence even after the user closed the browser, you'll want to use either localStorage or some encapsulation thereof. There are many good plugins available such as localForage, LokiJS and a recently developed (still in beta) aurelia plugin aurelia-store
You probably want to encapsulate the retrieval of your user in a UserService of some sort. This is nothing specific to Aurelia, just generally how you want to do this in most types of applications.
So in your viewmodel you might have something like this (skipping some of the implementation details such as checking the params, configuring the router etc for brevity):
export class UserViewModel {
public user: User;
constructor(private userService: UserService){}
// happens before bind or attached, so your child views will always have the user in time
public async activate(params: any): Promise<void> {
this.user = await this.userService.getUserById(;
And in your userservice:
// singleton will ensure this service lives as long as the app lives
export class UserService {
// create a simple cache object to store users
private cache: any = Object.create(null);
constructor(private client: HttpClient) {}
public async getUserById(id: number): Promise<User> {
let user = this.cache[id];
if (user === undefined) {
// immediately store the user in cache
user = this.cache[id] = await this.client.fetch(...);
return user;
Let your view model just be dumb and call the UserService whenever it needs to load a user, and let your service be clever and only fetch it from the API when it's not already cached.
I'd also like to point out that attached() is not when you want to be grabbing data. attached() is when you do DOM stuff (add/remove elements, style, other cosmetic things). bind() is best restricted to grabbing/manipulating data you already have on the client.
So when to fetch data?
In your routed view models during the routing lifecycle. That'll be configureRouter, canActivate, activate, canDeactivate and deactivate. These will resolve recursively before any of the DOM gets involved.
Not in your custom elements. Or you'll soon find yourself in maintenance hell with notification mechanisms and extra bindings just so components can let eachother know "it's safe to render now because I have my data".
If your custom elements can assume tehy have their data once bind() occured, everything becomes a lot simpler to manage.
And what about API calls invoked by users?
More often than you think, you can let an action be a route instead of a direct method. You can infinitely nest router-views and they really don't need to be pages, they can be as granular as you like.
It adds a lot of accessibility when little sub-views can be directly accessed via specific routes. It gives you extra hooks to deal with authorization, warnings for unsaved changes and the sorts, it gives the user back/forward navigation, etc.
For all other cases:
Call a service from an event-triggered method like you normally would during activate(), except whereas normally the router defers page loading until the data is there, now you have to do it yourself for that element.
The easiest way is by using if.bind="someEntityThatCanBeUndefined". The element will only render when that object has a value. And it doesnt need to deal with the infrastructure of fetching data.

Accessing getters within Vuex mutations

Within a Vuex store mutation, is it possible to access a getter? Consider the below example.
new Vuex.Store({
state: {
question: 'Is it possible to access getters within a Vuex mutation?'
mutations: {
askQuestion(state) {
// TODO: Get question from getter here
let question = '';
if (question) {
// ...
getters: {
getQuestion: (state) => {
return state.question;
Of course the example doesn't make much sense, because I could just access the question property directly on the state object within the mutation, but I hope you see what I am trying to do. That is, conditionally manipulating state.
Within the mutation, this is undefined and the state parameter gives access to the state object, and not the rest of the store.
The documentation on mutations doesn't mention anything about doing this.
My guess would be that it's not possible, unless I missed something? I guess the alternative would be to either perform this logic outside of the store (resulting in code duplication) or implementing an action that does this, because actions have access to the entire store context. I'm pretty sure that it's a better approach, that is to keep the mutation focused on what it's actually supposed to do; mutate the state. That's probably what I'll end up doing, but I'm just curious if accessing a getter within a mutation is even possible?
Vuex store mutation methods do not provide direct access to getters.
This is probably bad practice*, but you could pass a reference to getters when committing a mutation like so:
actions: {
fooAction({commit, getters}, data) {
commit('FOO_MUTATION', {data, getters})
mutations: {
FOO_MUTATION(state, {data, getters}) {
* It is best practice to keep mutations a simple as possible, only directly affecting the Vuex state. This makes it easier to reason about state changes without having to think about any side effects. Now, if you follow best practices for vuex getters, they should not have any side effects in the first place. But, any logic that needs to reference getters can run in an action, which has read access to getters and state. Then the output of that logic can be passed to the mutation. So, you can pass the reference to the getters object to the mutation, but there's no need to and it muddies the waters.
If you put your getters and mutations in separate modules you can import the getters in the mutations and then do this:
import getters from './getters'
askQuestion(state) {
const question = getters.getQuestion(state)
// etc
If anyone is looking for a simple solution, #bbugh wrote out a way to work around this here by just having both the mutations and getters use the same function:
function is_product_in_cart (state, product) {
return state.cart.products.indexOf(product) > -1
export default {
mutations: {
add_product_to_cart: function (state, product) {
if (is_product_in_cart(state, product)) {
getters: {
is_product_in_cart: (state) => (product) => is_product_in_cart(state, product)
You also can reference the Store object within a mutation, if you declare the store as an expression, like this:
const Store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {...},
getters: {...},
mutations: {
myMutation(state, payload) {
//use the getter
Vuex 4
const state = () => ({
some_state: 1
const getters = {
some_getter: state => state.some_state + 1
const mutations = {
return getters.some_getter(state)
Somewhere in you component
store.commit('GET_GETTER') // output: 2
Another solution is to import the existing store. Assuming you're using modules and your module is called foo, your mutator file would look like this store/foo/mutations.js:
import index from '../index'
export const askQuestion = (state, obj) => {
let store = index()
let getQuestion = store.getters['foo/getQuestion']
I'm not saying this is best practise but it seems to work.
At least in Vuex 3/4, I've reached for this pattern numerous times: simply use this.getters.
Inside a mutation, regardless if you are inside a Vuex module or not, this is always reference to your root store.
mutations: {
doSomething(state, payload) {
if (this.getters.someGetter) // `this.getters` will access you root store getters
Just to be extra clear, this will work if the getter you're trying to access belongs to your root store OR to any other non-namespaced module, since they are all added (flattened) to this.getters.
If you need access to a getter that belongs to any namespaced Vuex module, just remember they are all added to the root store getters as well, you just have to use the correct key to get to them:
The great thing about this is that it also allows you to invoke mutations that belong either to the root store or any other store. this.commit will work exactly as expected as well Source