How to use Onsen UI tabbar with Vue single file components - vue.js

I'm using Vue Onsen UI and trying to render a Vue single file component for each tab.
In the documentation here, they make use of template in a single page. Which is not very reusable. I want to be able to import custom component and render that.
Here is something that I'm trying to do which doesn't seem to work.
<template lang="html">
<!-- top tab bar -->
<v-ons-tabbar position="top" :index="0">
<v-ons-tab label="Browse" page="TaskList">
<v-ons-tab label="Second">
import TaskList from './TaskList';
export default {
template: '#main',
components: {
'task-list': TaskList,
<style lang="scss">
Can you suggest anything that I should try?

Instead of using tab objects that reference the components directly, use the :tabs property of the tabbar to set up the pages:
<template lang="html">
<v-ons-tabbar position="top" :index="0" :tabs="tabs">
import TaskList from './TaskList';
import SecondPage from './SecondPage';
export default {
template: '#main',
data: function () {
return {
tabs: [
{label: 'Browse', page: TaskList},
{label: 'Second', page: SecondPage}
Also, make sure the root element of the components you reference in the page property are <v-ons-page> elements.

I was having the same difficulty with the following syptoms:
Tabs were not appearing at all
No errors in CLI or in console
Note that I was also using the "Hello World" app that is generated from the CLI (vue init OnsenUI/vue-pwa-webpack hello-world)
It was pretty simple in the end: there is a file in the root of the folder called vue-onsen-components.js which has all of the components and some of them are commented out. I had to uncomment the following lines and then the tabs appeared:
export { default as VOnsTab } from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components/VOnsTab'
export { default as VOnsTabbar } from 'vue-onsenui/esm/components/VOnsTabbar'


Simple Nuxt 3 Page Transition not working

I'm discovering Nuxt 3 and and simply want to make an animation between pages. The idea is to use javascript hooks to make page transitions using js library such as gsap or animeJs.
So in my app.vue file, I simply put <NuxtPage/> into <Transition> element like this :
My vue pages ('./pages/index.vue' and './pages/project/myproject.vue') look like this :
<h1>My Project</h1>
<script setup>
function onEnter(el, done) {
function onLeave(el, done) {
I have followed both Nuxt 3 and Vue 3 documentations :
I also read this thread on github, but I can't find answer :
When i was using Nuxt 2 I only need to put transition object into my page like this and it's working fine :
export default {
// ... (datas, methods)
transition: {
mode: "in-out",
css: false,
enter(el, done) {
leave(el, done) {
<h1 class="text-center text-5xl">Hello World</h1>
Do you have any idea how to achieve it ?
Nuxt 3 doesn't need a <Transition> wrapper around pages/layouts, by default it does that for you.
Take a look at this starter template: in assets/sass/app.scss, the last part of the style is page and layout transition.
You can tweak the default named animations (page- and layout-).
More infos here
Just follow the official documentation for Nuxt 3. You need to add the following code to your nuxt.config.ts file:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
pageTransition: { name: 'page', mode: 'out-in' }
And then apply the classes inside your app.vue file, like this:
<NuxtPage />
.page-leave-active {
transition: all 0.4s;
.page-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
filter: blur(1rem);
Nuxt 3 uses the Vue's <Transition> component under the hood, so you don't need to add it in the template.
Be careful with the css prefix.

What's the most idomatic Vue way of handling this higher-order component?

I have a VueJS organization and architecture question. I have a bunch of pages that serve as CRUD pages for individual objects in my system. They share a lot of code . I've abstracted this away in a shared component but I don't love what I did and I'm looking for advice on the idiomatic Vue way to do this.
I'm trying to create a higher order component that accepts two arguments:
An edit component that is the editable view of each object. So you can think of it as a stand in for a text input with a v-model accept that it has tons of different inputs.
A list component which displays a list of all the objects for that type in the system. It controls navigation to edit that object.
Normally this would be simply something where I use slots and invoke this component in the view page for each CRUD object. So basically I'd have something like this:
<!-- this file is src/views/DogsCRUDPage.vue -->
<template slot="list">
<dogs-list-component />
<template slot="edit">
<dogs-edit-field v-model="... oops .." />
export default {
name: "DogCRUDPage",
components: {
This is nice because it matches the general syntax of all of my other VueJS pages and how I pass props and things to shared code. However, the problem is that GeneralCRUDComponent handles all of the mechanisms for checking if an object is edited, and therefor hiding or unhiding the save button, etc. Therefor it has the editable object in its data which will become the v-model for DogsEditField or any other that's passed to it. So it needs to pass this component a prop. So what I've done this:
// This file is src/utils/crud.js
import Vue from "vue"
const crudView = (listComponent, editComponent) => {
return Vue.component('CrudView', {
template: `
<list-component />
<edit-component v-model="obj" />
components: {
ListComponent: listComponent,
EditComponent: editComponent,
data() {
return {
obj: {},
export default crudView
This file has a ton of shared code not shown that is doing the nuts and bolts of editing, undo, saving, etc.
And then in my src/router/index.js
//import DogCRUDPage from "#/views/libs/DogCRUDPage"
import crudView from "#/utils/crud"
import DogListComponent from "#/components/DogListComponent"
import DogEditField from "#/components/design/DogEditField"
const DogCRUDPage = crudView(DesignBasisList, DesignBasis)
export default new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: "/dog",
name: "dog",
component: DogCRUDPage,
This is working, but there are issues I don't love about it. For one, I needed to enable runtimecompiler for my project which increases the size of the payload to the browser. I need to import the list and edit components to my router instead of just the page for every single object I have a page for. The syntax for this new shared component is totally different from the template syntax all the other pages use. It puts all of my page creation into the router/index.js file instead of just layed out as files in src/views which I am used to in Vue.
What is the idiomatic way to accomplish this? Am I on the right track here? I'm happy to do this, it's working, if this really is how we do this in Vue. But I would love to explore alternatives if the Vue community does something differently. I guess I'm mostly looking for the idiomatic Vue way to accomplish this. Thanks a bunch.
How about this:
import DogsEdit from '#/components/DogsEdit.vue'
import DogsList from '#/components/DogsList.vue'
import CrudView from '#/components/CrudView.vue'
export default {
components: { CrudView },
data() {
return { DogsEdit, DogsList }
<component :is="listComponent"></component>
<component :is="editComponent" v-model="obj"></component>
export default {
props: {
editComponent: Object,
listComponent: Object
data() {
return {
obj: {}

Creating a vue.js component [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Creating a simple VUE.JS application
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have created a vue.js application by
vue init webpack myproject
I am then following a link, to create simple copper component, I have put that under src/components directory as follow:
<div id="app">
<polygon-crop :imageSource = "'src/assets/logo.png'"
ref="canvas"> </polygon-crop>
<button #click.prevent="crop"> Crop </button>
<button #click.prevent="undo"> Undo </button>
<button #click.prevent="redo"> Redo </button>
<button #click.prevent="reset"> Reset </button>
import Vue from 'vue';
import VuePolygonCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper';
name: 'App',
methods: {
crop: function() {
undo: function()
redo: function()
reset: function()
But actually, it doesn't render properly and my component doesn't show up properly. I am new to vue.js and any help would be appreciated!
You won't be able to get this component running with just this code snippet, there's a couple of things that you would need to do to fix this up.
Before we go any deeper, I would like you to make sure if you have installed this vue-polygon-cropper component. If you navigated to the package.json that is located in the same level as your "src" folder, you would see a mention of vue-polygon-cropper there, if not please install it by npm install vue-polygon-croper .
Let's take a look at your <template> section first:
1- In the template, you call a component <polygon-crop> but, there is no component registered by that name in your script (What you are attempting to register is 'VuePolygonCropper' so you should try using <VuePolygonCropper> component instead.
2-I see there you copied and pasted the logo image in assets, that's a great way to test it! However, Digging through the creator's example that they put up on github, It seems like this component requires a full path to your image file instead of the relative path. so instead of /src/assets/logo.png try doing :imageSource="require('../assets/logo.png')"
I'm assuming the assets logo is on a folder that is one level above your current component.
So your template should look like this:
<div id="app">
<VuePolygonCropper :imageSource = "require('../assets/logo.png')"
ref="canvas"> </VuePolygonCropper>
<button #click.prevent="crop"> Crop </button>
<button #click.prevent="undo"> Undo </button>
<button #click.prevent="redo"> Redo </button>
<button #click.prevent="reset"> Reset </button>
Now on to your script!
just import the VuePolygonCropper and mention it as a component in the components section.
You don't need to import vue and do Vue.component(VuePolygonCropper). The correct way to register this component would be like this
import VuePolygonCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper';
name: 'App',
methods: {
crop: function() {
undo: function()
redo: function()
reset: function()
For the heck of it, I have created a codesandbox that you can play around with . You can try to play around with the App.vue file and see how it was created.
Happy coding!

Need help implementing v-tooltip npm package in my Vue application

I'm trying to implement v-tooltip in my Vue app in its own component but it's currently not doing anything when I hover the element and I don't get any console errors, I don't know if I'm implementing it correctly and would appreciate any help I can get.
In the same application, I have created a component called TooltipBoot.vue where I'm using the bootstrap tooltip, and this one is working just fine, so I tried to do a similar setup with v-tooltip, but v-tooltip is not working at all.
Here is my TooltipBoot.vue component that works:
<span v-b-tooltip ="{ title: content, placement: position, trigger: action, variant: theme}">
import { VBTooltip } from 'bootstrap-vue'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css'
export default {
name: 'TooltipBoot',
directives: {
'b-tooltip': VBTooltip,
props: {
position: String,
content: String,
action: String,
theme: String
Then I import and use my component in other places:
<tooltip-boot content="Hello" position="top" theme="danger">Hover me</tooltip-boot>
So I tried to do something similar using v-tooltip, this is my VTooltip.vue component:
<span v-tooltip ="{ content: content}">
import { VTooltip } from 'v-tooltip'
export default {
name: 'VTooltip',
directives: {
'tooltip': VTooltip,
props: {
content: String,
And then I try to use the component:
<v-tooltip content="Hello Tooltip">Hover me </v-tooltip>
but nothing happens when I hover the text, am I missing anything? Or is this not the way to implement this package? Thank you!
I got this tooltip working and forgot to update my question here, the solution was a lot easier than I thought, I just had to add the Sass styles to my component, which can be found at the bottom in the documentation

How to create a Vue Tooltip component using BootstrapVue tooltip

I'm new to Vue and I don't use Bootstrap often so please pardon my newbie question, I'm trying to create a Vue tooltip component, I've created one to behave the way I wanted using css, however, I'm running into some accessibility issues, so I decided to use the BootstrapVue tooltip instead, but I don't know how I would create this component with Bootstrap.
This is basically my Tooltip.vue component using css:
<div :class="`tooltip ${position}`">
<span class="tooltip-text">{{content}}</span>
export default {
name: 'Tooltip',
props: {
position: String,
content: String,
<style lang="scss">
.tooltip {
Then I import and use my component in other places like this:
<tooltip position="right" content="Right tooltip">Hover me</tooltip>
And I have created a TooltipBootstrap.vue component wanting to have the same structure but using Bootstrap, but I don't know how that would go, here is what I started:
I npm installed bootstrap-vue
<button v-b-tooltip.hover.${position}="'${content}'"></button>
import VBTooltip from 'bootstrap-vue';
export default {
name: 'TooltipBootstrat',
components: {
props: {
position: String,
content: String,
I'm reading the bootstrap documentation:, but I don't know if I'm using this the way it's supposed to be used, so I'm a little lost and would appreciate any help/advice, thanks!
BootstrapVue provide <b-tooltip> component and v-b-tooltip directive (preferred method from document). You can play around in the document.
In simple words, you can use v-b-tooltip directive on any element which is very convenient. but for <b-tooltip> component you have to set target to identify the target to active the tooltip.
So in your case you can do something like:
<div v-b-tooltip="{ title: content, placement: position }">
import { VBTooltip } from 'bootstrap-vue'
export default {
name: 'Tooltip',
directives: {
'b-tooltip': VBTooltip,
props: {
position: String,
content: String,