Proving (x : t) -> (x == x) = True in Idris - idris

Given this definition:
data LType : Type where
TNat : LType
TFun : LType -> LType -> LType
Eq LType where
(==) TNat TNat = True
(==) (TFun l0 l1) (TFun r0 r1) = (l0 == r0) && (l1 == r1)
(==) _ _ = False
I am trying to prove the following:
ltype_eq : (t : LType) -> (t == t) = True
However I am getting stuck in an infinite number of proofs:
ltype_eq : (t : LType) -> (t == t) = True
ltype_eq TNat = Refl
ltype_eq (TFun x y) = ?ltype_eq_rhs_2
with the type of ?ltype_eq_rhs_2 being:
x : LType
y : LType
ltype_eq_rhs_2 : Main.LType implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == x
x &&
Delay (Main.LType implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == y
y) =
So it is basically a recursive proof. Any ideas on how to prove it?

I realised how to prove it right after posting. Here is the proof:
ltype_eq : (t : LType) -> (t == t) = True
ltype_eq TNat = Refl
ltype_eq (TFun x y) =
rewrite ltype_eq x in
rewrite ltype_eq y in


Prove a property of a function with a decEq in it

It's easy to prove
f : Nat -> Nat
proveMe : (x : Nat) -> Maybe Nat
proveMe x = if (f x) == 0 then Just 42 else Nothing
theProof : (x : Nat) -> (f x = Z) -> (Just 42 = proveMe x)
theProof x prf = rewrite prf in Refl
But what if the calculation of Just 42 requires the proof that f x = 0?
proveMe2 : (x : Nat) -> Maybe Nat
proveMe2 x with (decEq (f x) Z)
| Yes prf = Just 42
| No _ = Nothing
theProof2 : (x : Nat) -> (f x = Z) -> (Just 42 = proveMe2 x)
theProof2 x prf = ?howToFillThis
How can I prove it now?
I tried to "follow the structure of the with clause", but when doing so I would have to convince idris that the contra-case is impossible:
theProof3 : (x : Nat) -> (f x = Z) -> (Just 42 = proveMe2 x)
theProof3 x prf with (decEq (f x) Z)
| Yes prf2 = Refl
| No contra impossible -- " a valid case"
I had completely forgotten about void : Void -> a. Using Ex falso quodlibet the proof is simply
theProof3 : (x : Nat) -> (f x = Z) -> (Just 42 = proveMe2 x)
theProof3 x prf with (decEq (f x) Z)
| Yes prf2 = Refl
| No contra = void $ contra prf

is there a way to rewrite and simplify `decEq x x`?

In the following code (which is an attempt to solve an exercise from 'Software Foundations' [chapter on Lists]), Idris reports a very complex type for countSingleton_rhs. The type includes a complex expression having the following at its core: case decEq x x of ....
module CountSingleton
data NatList : Type where
Nil : NatList
(::) : Nat -> NatList -> NatList
-- count occurrences of a value in a list
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count Z (Z :: ns) = S (count Z ns)
count Z (_ :: ns) = count Z ns
count j#(S _) (Z :: ns) = count j ns
count (S j) ((S k) :: ns) =
case decEq j k of
Yes Refl => S (count (S j) ns)
No _ => count (S j) ns
-- to prove
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton Z = Refl
countSingleton (S k) = ?countSingleton_rhs
Why isn't Idris simplifying decEq x x to Yes Refl?
Is there a better way to implement count which avoids this behaviour?
What can I do to simplify/rewrite the types in order to make progress?
Your count function is more splitted than it needs to. If you check for decEq x y anyway, you can unify all cases except count _ [] = Z:
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count x (y :: ns) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => S (count x ns)
No _ => count x ns
The straight-forward way to prove countSingleton is to follow the flow. Your countSingleton_rhs has a complex type, because the type is a case switch, depending on the result of decEq v v. Using with Idris can apply the result of the branch to the resulting type.
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton v with (decEq v v)
| Yes prf = Refl
| No contra = absurd $ contra Refl
As you have noted, this seems a bit redundant, as decEq x x is clearly Yes Refl. Luckily it is already proven in the library: decEqSelfIsYes : DecEq a => decEq x x = Yes Refl, which we can use to rewrite the resulting type:
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton v = rewrite decEqSelfIsYes {x=v} in Refl
Unfortunately because of an open issue, rewriting case types doesn't always work. But you can just rewrite count with with to circumvent this issue:
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count x (y :: ns) with (decEq x y)
| Yes _ = S (count x ns)
| No _ = count x ns

Hole with Delay in type. How to prove?

I was trying to prove that replicate1 works correctly by showing that all elements of replicate1 n x are x:
all1 : (p : a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool
all1 p [] = True
all1 p (x :: xs) = p x && all1 p xs
replicate1 : (n: Nat) -> a -> List a
replicate1 Z x = [x]
replicate1 (S k) x = x :: replicate1 k x
all_replicate_is_x : Eq a => {x: a} -> all1 (== x) (replicate1 n x) = True
all_replicate_is_x {n = Z} = ?hole
all_replicate_is_x {n = (S k)} = ?all_replicate_is_x_rhs_2
The base case hole is
Test.hole [P]
`-- a : Type
constraint : Eq a
x : a
Test.hole : x == x && Delay True = True
How to prove this?

How can I use a proof I've made in Idris to inform the compiler that my type signature is correct?

I have a function count in idris, defined as :
count : Eq a => a -> Vect n a -> Nat
count x [] = Z
count x (y::ys) = with (x == y)
| True = S (count x ys)
| False = count x ys
And a proof of the maximum value count can return:
countLTELen : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> LTE (count x l) n
countLTELen x [] = lteRefl
countLteLen x (y::ys) with (x == y)
| True = LTESucc (countLTELen x ys)
| False = lteSuccRight (countLTELen x ys)
which is all well and good. I now want to write a function which removes all of an element from a list, removeAll :
removeAll : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> Vect (n - (count x l)) a
removeAll x [] = []
removeAll x (y::ys) with (x == y)
| True = removeAll x ys
| False = x :: removeAll x ys
But this definition gives an error:
56 | removeAll : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> Vect (n - (count x l)) a
| ^
When checking type of Proof.removeAll:
When checking argument smaller to function Prelude.Nat.-:
Can't find a value of type
LTE (count a n constraint x l) n
How can I use my proof to inform Idris that this type signature is correct?
Right now, Idris can't find the proof {auto smaller : LTE n m} for (-).
So either you need to be explicit:
removeAll : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) ->
Vect ((-) {smaller=countLTELen x l} n (count x l) ) a
Or, because smaller is an auto-argument, you can hint the compiler to your proof function. Then this function will be tried when auto-finding a value for LTE (count x l) n.
countLTELen : Eq a => (x : a) -> (l : Vect n a) -> LTE (count x l) n

How to prove that the boolean inequality of a type with itself is uninhabited in Idris?

I was wondering how to prove that (So (not (y == y))) is an instance of Uninhabited, and I'm not sure how to go about it. Is it provable in Idris, or is not provable due to the possibility of a weird Eq implementation for y?
The Eq interface does not require an implementation to follow the normal laws of equality. But, we can define an extended LawfulEq interface which does:
%default total
is_reflexive : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
is_reflexive {t} rel = (x : t) -> rel x x = True
is_symmetric : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
is_symmetric {t} rel = (x : t) -> (y : t) -> rel x y = rel y x
is_transitive : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
is_transitive {t} rel = (x : t) -> (y : t) -> (z : t) -> rel x y = True -> rel x z = rel y z
interface Eq t => LawfulEq t where
eq_is_reflexive : is_reflexive {t} (==)
eq_is_symmetric : is_symmetric {t} (==)
eq_is_transitive : is_transitive {t} (==)
The result asked for in the question can be proved for type Bool:
so_false_is_void : So False -> Void
so_false_is_void Oh impossible
so_not_y_eq_y_is_void : (y : Bool) -> So (not (y == y)) -> Void
so_not_y_eq_y_is_void False = so_false_is_void
so_not_y_eq_y_is_void True = so_false_is_void
The result can be proved not true for the following Weird type:
data Weird = W
Eq Weird where
W == W = False
weird_so_not_y_eq_y : (y : Weird) -> So (not (y == y))
weird_so_not_y_eq_y W = Oh
The Weird (==) can be shown to be not reflexive, so an implementation of LawfulEq Weird is not possible:
weird_eq_not_reflexive : is_reflexive {t=Weird} (==) -> Void
weird_eq_not_reflexive is_reflexive_eq =
let w_eq_w_is_true = is_reflexive_eq W in
trueNotFalse $ trans (sym w_eq_w_is_true) (the (W == W = False) Refl)
Shersh is right: you can't. Implementations of (==) aren't guaranteed to be reflexive, so it might not be true.
You could restrict the type of y so that you are proving a property of a specific implementation of (==), but I suspect you want to use decEq and (=) instead of So and (==). It's easy to show Not (y = y) is uninhabited.