How to add layers to a selection in Visio 2007 VBA? - vba

I want to export certain layers to svg through VBA in Visio 2007.
I am getting stuck on adding the layers to the selection. How do I do this?
Sub tester()
Dim Layer As Visio.Layer
Dim Layers As Visio.Layers
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim filename As String
Dim lyrName As String
Dim iLays As Integer
Set Layers = Application.ActivePage.Layers
Set sel = EmptySelection 'Or whatever empty initialization neeeds to happen...
For iLays = 1 To Layers.Count
Set Layer = Layers(iLays)
lyrName = Layer.Name
If lyrName = "Walls" Or lyrName = "Zones" Then
sel.AddLayer (lyrName) 'or some such nonsense - This is broked.
End If
filename = Application.ActiveDocument.Path & "PootyStuff.svg"
'Export the page as svg file
sel.Export filename
Next iLays
Set Layer = Nothing
Set Layers = Nothing
End Sub

Try this code
Sub tester()
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim filename As String
' create selection by layers
Set sel = ActivePage.CreateSelection(visSelTypeByLayer, visSelModeSkipSuper, "Walls;Zones")
filename = Application.ActiveDocument.Path & "PootyStuff.svg"
'Export the page as svg file
sel.Export filename
End Sub


vbCFBitmap Variable Not defined

I am using MS-Access 2007 VBA.
I am attempting to convert a pdf to an image. I found this chunk of code online, but they failed to provide all the references. My compile is failing on vbCFBitmap. Does anyone know where this reference comes from?
Dim MyAcro As New AcroApp
Dim MyPDF As New AcroPDDoc
Dim MyPage As AcroPDPage
Dim MyPt As acrobat.AcroPoint
Dim MyRect As AcroRect
Dim MyData As DataObject
Dim strPathString As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim SaveToPath As String
Dim mysavepath As String
MyPath = "\\spfs1\stone\Long Term Share\gentex_ppaps\gentex_ppaps_raw\Supplier Request Number 3034910, Gentex Part Number 345-2120-000 Revision (003).pdf"
mysavepath = "C:\out"
' open the PDF
MyPDF.Open (MyPath)
Set MyPage = MyPDF.AcquirePage(0)
' Convert Point to Twips for document
Set MyPt = New AcroPoint
'Define the rectangle that contains the PDF form
Set MyRect = New acrobat.AcroRect
MyRect.Top = 0
MyRect.Left = 0
MyRect.Right = MyPt.x
MyRect.bottom = MyPt.y
' Copy the PDF image to the clip board
Call MyPage.CopyToClipboard(MyRect, MyRect.Left, MyRect.Top, 100)
' Capture image from clip board to data object
Set MyData = Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap)
'Save the data object
SavePicture MyData, mysavepath
' Clean up
Set MyAcro = Nothing
Set MyPDF = Nothing
Set MyPage = Nothing
Set MyPt = Nothing
Set MyRect = Nothing
Set MyData = Nothing
That's likely VB6 code, not VBA.
vbCFBitmap is a system global, and thus not imported using any references.
However, that's just a copy of the Windows Standard Clipboard Formats, thus vbCFBitmap is equal to 2. You can use 2 instead.

How to copy powerpoint sections to a new presentation using VBA

We typically use powerpoint to facilitate our experiments. We use "sections" in powerpoint to keep groups of slides together for each experimental task. Moving the sections to counterbalance the task order of the experiment has been a lot of work!
I thought we might be able to predefine a counterbalance order (using a string of numbers representing the order) in a CSV or array (haven't built that out yet in VBA). Then using VBA to move the sections and save the file for each order. I am pretty rusty using VBA but I think I have a pretty good start. The problem is on line 24. I have no idea how to copy the section to the new presentation. Is anyone familiar enough to steer me down the right path.
Sub Latin_Square()
Dim amountOfSubjects As Integer
'Declare the amount of subjects you have in your study
amountOfSubjects = 14
Dim filePath As String
filePath = "C:/1.pptx"
Dim amountofsections As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim desktopPath As String
'find out where user's desktop is
desktopPath = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\"
Dim oldPresentation As Presentation
Dim newPresentation As Presentation
'open the target presentation
Set oldPresentation = Presentations.Open("C:\1.pptx")
For i = 1 To oldPresentation.Slides.Count
Next i
With newPresentation
.SaveCopyAs _
FileName:=fso.BuildPath(desktopPath, "Test" & 1 & ".pptx"), _
End With
End Sub
If you want to copy slides with their sections, then you can not paste the slide by newPresentation.Slides.Paste only, as that moves the section of the last slide to the newly pasted slide.
Here's an example how to copy slide-by-slide, check if a slide is the beginning of a section, and how to add a new section then:
Public Sub CopySlidesWithSections()
Dim oldPresentation As Presentation, newPresentation As Presentation
Dim oldSlide As Slide, newSlide As Slide
Dim oldSectionProperties As SectionProperties, newSectionProperties As SectionProperties
Dim i As Integer
Set oldPresentation = ActivePresentation
Set oldSectionProperties = oldPresentation.SectionProperties
Set newPresentation = Application.Presentations.Add
Set newSectionProperties = newPresentation.SectionProperties
For Each oldSlide In oldPresentation.Slides
' Would lead to wrong sectioning: Set newSlide = newPresentation.Slides.Paste.Item(1)
Set newSlide = newPresentation.Slides.Paste(newPresentation.Slides.Count + 1).Item(1)
For i = 1 To oldSectionProperties.Count
If oldSectionProperties.FirstSlide(i) = oldSlide.SlideIndex Then
newSectionProperties.AddBeforeSlide _
newSlide.SlideIndex, _
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next oldSlide
End Sub

Catia: 2D Points to 3D Points

I have a Catia part where I have a few sketches on different planes. I need to be able to convert these sketches into 3D points which I copy to a new part document.
I have tried to use the Search and Selection commands in VB script in order to use a macro to pick up all the 2D points in my sketch and convert them to 3D points but to no avail.
Sub CATMain()
Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Msgbox “Please select parts to join.”
sStatus = oSel.SelectElement3(strArray, “Select parts”, False, CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, false)
iCount = oSel.Count
For i= 1 to iCount
Set myObject2 = oSel.Item(i).value
oSel.Search “Name=Point,sel”
ReDim copies(iCount)
For k=1 to iCount
Set copies(k)=oSel.Item(k).Value
oSel.Add copies(k)
Next ‘k
Next ‘i
Set part2 = CATIA.Documents.Add(“CATPart”)
part2.Product.PartNumber = “My New Part”
Dim GSet1 As HybridBody
Set GSet1 = part2.Part.HybridBodies.Item(1)
GSet1.Name = “My Geometry”
Set partDocument2= CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim ActSel As Selection
Set ActSel=partDocument2.Selection
ActSel.Add GSet1
ActSel.PasteSpecial(“CATPrtResultWithOutLink” )
End Sub
You have to disassemble the sketch to get at the points as something you can copy
The disassemble command is exposed in VB via the HybridShapeFactory.AddNewDatums method.
Option Explicit
Sub CATMain()
Dim oPart As part
Set oPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.part
Dim oHSF As HybridShapeFactory
Set oHSF = oPart.HybridShapeFactory
Dim sx As Sketch
Set sx = oPart.HybridBodies.item("Geometrical Set.1").HybridSketches.item("Sketch.1")
'make a temporary body
Dim targetGS As HybridBody
Set targetGS = oPart.HybridBodies.add = "TMP_BODY___DELETE_ME"
'create a datum curve from the sketch
Dim sxRef As Reference
Set sxRef = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(sx)
'make a zero-translate from the sketch
'This is required because AddNewDatums functions needs a HybridShape feature
Dim oZero As HybridShapeTranslate
Set oZero = oHSF.AddNewTranslate(sxRef, oHSF.AddNewDirectionByCoord(0#, 0#, 1#), 0#)
Call targetGS.AppendHybridShape(oZero)
Call oPart.UpdateObject(oZero)
'now do the disassembly
Dim oZeroRef As Reference
Set oZeroRef = oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(oZero)
'un-datum the curve by making a zero translate
Dim domains() As Variant
domains = oHSF.AddNewDatums(oZeroRef)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(domains)
Call targetGS.AppendHybridShape(domains(i))
Call oPart.Update
'now we can copy the resulting points...
Dim oSel As Selection
Set oSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Call oSel.add(targetGS)
Call oSel.Search("'Generative Shape Design'.Point,sel")
'copy paste into the new part
MsgBox ("There are " & oSel.count & " points ready to copy")
'delete the temporary geo set
Call oHSF.DeleteObjectForDatum(oPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(targetGS))
End Sub

OnSlideShowPageChange not running in presentation

I have been tasked with building an automated powerpoint to show new employees during onboarding. I decided to use the text-to-speech function of PPT to narrate the show. I came to the realization that this would require code, so I searched and found some code to use. When I start it within VBA, it runs. However, when in presentation mode, it doesn't fire the code. After hours of searching, I can't seem to find what I've done wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Function SpeakThis(myPhrase As String)
Dim oSpeaker As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
'Set speech properties
oSpeaker.Volume = 100 ' percent
oSpeaker.Rate = 0.1 ' multiplier
oSpeaker.SynchronousSpeakTimeout = 1
oSpeaker.AlertBoundary = SVEWordBoundary
If Not myPhrase = "" Then oSpeaker.Speak myPhrase, SVSFDefault
End Function
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()
Dim text As String
Dim intSlide As Integer
intSlide = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
text = ActivePresentation.Slides(intSlide).NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2).TextFrame.TextRange.text
SpeakThis text
End Sub
To get the current slide index, you can use the following:
In Slide View mode: ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
In Slide Show mode: ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
For this to work in presentation mode, change
intSlide = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
intSlide = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
Note that this throws an error if not in presentation mode.
EDIT: In simplified form, you could also do this:
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal Wn As SlideShowWindow)
SpeakThis Wn.View.Slide.NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2).TextFrame.TextRange.text
End Sub
Here I introduce MY work-around which can meet what you want.
Actually, you can save above TTS sound into an .wav file
which can be inserted and played on entering each slide.
Since you want to play some narration sound on each slide,
I suggest you to convert all the notes into .wav files and insert them as normal audio effects.
To automate the process, I wrote some code.
First, to save each note in an .wav file (given the slide index)
'save the slide's note in a .wav file
'You need to add reference to 'Microsoft Speech Object Library' (*required*)
Function SaveTTSWav(idx As Long)
Const SAFT48kHz16BitStereo = 39
Const SSFMCreateForWrite = 3
Dim oSpeaker As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim oStream As New SpeechLib.SpFileStream
oStream.Format.Type = SAFT48kHz16BitStereo
'filename to save: ex) note1.wav
oStream.Open ActivePresentation.Path & "\note" & idx & ".wav", SSFMCreateForWrite, False
oSpeaker.Volume = 100 '%
oSpeaker.Rate = 1 '1x speed
oSpeaker.SynchronousSpeakTimeout = 1
oSpeaker.AlertBoundary = SVEWordBoundary
Set oSpeaker.AudioOutputStream = oStream
oSpeaker.Speak ActivePresentation.Slides(idx).NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2).TextFrame.TextRange.text, SVSFNLPSpeakPunc
End Function
Then, Insert the 'note(X).wav' files in each slide and add animation effects to them:
'insert the .wav and make it play automatically
Function AddTTSMedia(idx As Long)
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim eft As Effect
Dim wavfile As String
wavfile = ActivePresentation.Path & "\note" & idx & ".wav"
If Len(Dir(wavfile)) = 0 Then Exit Function
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(idx)
Set shp = sld.Shapes.AddMediaObject2(wavfile, False, True, 0, 0, 20, 20)
'shp.Name = Mid(wavfile, InStrRev(wavfile, "\") + 1) '.wav filename
Set eft = sld.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(shp, msoAnimEffectMediaPlay, , msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious)
eft.MoveTo 1 'make it the first effect
With eft.EffectInformation.PlaySettings 'shp.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
.HideWhileNotPlaying = True
.PauseAnimation = False
.PlayOnEntry = True
.StopAfterSlides = 1
End With
'Kill wavfile
End Function
Finally, make it happen on every slide:
Sub Add_TTS_Notes()
Dim sld As Slide
'Remove previously inserted note sounds
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
'save the note to an .wav file
SaveTTSWav sld.SlideIndex
'add the .wav file onto the slide
AddTTSMedia sld.SlideIndex
Next sld
End Sub
In addition, if you want to cancel and remove all note sounds from your presentation,
you can run the following code manually:
'remove all .wav media(s) in each slide
Sub RemoveNoteWav()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim i As Long
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For i = sld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
If sld.Shapes(i).Name Like "note*.wav" Then sld.Shapes(i).Delete
Next i
Next sld
End Sub
All you have to do is to copy all codes above onto your PPT's VBE editor and to run the main macro named "Add_TTS_Notes". It'll take some time to save some TTS sound files.
It will save the notes on all slides in .wav files, insert them on their slides and make them play automatically on each slide. After the job, you can remove VBA codes and save your ppt file as a .pptx or .ppsx which is more handy than a .pptm file since it doesn't require any security agreement.
I'm using PowerPoint 2016, and in my case, I've needed to modify Konahn's codes as below in SaveTTSWav function.
'Dim oSpeaker As New SpeechLib.SpVoice
Dim oSpeaker As Object Set
oSpeaker = CreateObject("SAPI.Spvoice")
'Dim oStream As New SpeechLib.SpFileStream
Dim oStream As Object Set
oStream = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream")

Export single CATIA body from CATPart as stl using VBA macro

Is it possible to export a single CATIA body as STL without creating a separate part with it?
For the time being, I have coded a script which loops through the CATParts present in a folder, fetches the contained bodies and create a single CATPart with each of them and export into stl format.
Dim output_stl_path_HD As String
Dim output_stl_path_MD As String
Dim output_stl_path_SD As String
Dim output_stl_path_via_points As String
Dim output_transformations_path As String
Dim input_path As String
Sub CATMain()
'Path for output file
input_path = CATIA.ActiveDocument.path + "\"
Dim it As Integer
Dim prod As Product
Dim t_p_ref(11)
'List of part names to export
Dim list As Collection
Set list = New Collection
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim i As Integer
'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get the folder object
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(input_path)
i = 1
'loops through each file in the directory and prints their names and path
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
'print file name
If (InStr(objFile.path, ".CATPart")) Then
list.Add (
' Set objDocument = CATIA.Documents.Open(objFile.path)
Dim srcDoc As PartDocument
Set srcDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(objFile.path)
Dim srcPart As Part
Set srcPart = srcDoc.Part
Dim oSel As Selection
Dim bodies1 As Bodies
Dim body1 As body
Set bodies1 = srcPart.Bodies
For Each single_body In srcPart.Bodies
A = exportStl(single_body)
Set body1 = srcPart.Bodies.Item(i)
'Dim BoxProduct
'BoxProduct = MsgBox("Quantity of the bodies found:" & srcDoc.Part.Bodies.Count & "", 64)
End If
End Sub
Public Function exportStl(ByVal myBody As body)
Dim oSrc As Part
Dim oTgt As Part
Dim oSrcDoc As PartDocument
Dim oTgtDoc As PartDocument
Dim oBod As body
Dim oSel As Selection
'Sets documents for Source and Target files
Set oSrcDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set oTgtDoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("Part")
oTgtDoc.Product.PartNumber =
'Gets Body to copy
Set oSrc = oSrcDoc.Part
Set oTgt = oTgtDoc.Part
Set oBod = myBody
Set oSel = oSrcDoc.Selection
'Copies Body
oSel.Add oBod
Set oSel = oTgtDoc.Selection
'Sets and Pastes in Target file as result with link
oSel.Add oTgt.Bodies.Item(1)
CATIA.ActiveDocument.ExportData input_path +, "stl"
End Function
Catia V5 is capable of creating STL files from parts (CatiaPART files), but not from assemblies (CatiaPRODUCT files) or geometrical representations (car files). Therefore, source files, including those saved in a neutral format (STEP or IGES, for example), must be saved as parts. If the source design was saved as an assembly, it is imported to Catia as a product. -
Source :
I tried exporting CATBody but was unsuccessful. We must have a CATPart to generate STL