How to close popup window in Oracle-apex? - oracle-apex-5

I have a page with a PLSQL region that contains an image which is linked to a popup window meaning that when the user clicks on the image the popup window is opened. The popup window has a submit button and I want to close the popup window after the user clicks the submit button. How do I implement that?

One way is to use a branch of type 'Branch to PL/SQL Procedure' with branch action:
Condition when button pressed set to the name of your button. The above code also refreshes the calling page.


Nuxtlj when user refresh,back,close show popup if click refresh or close fire method

I want to my Nuxtjs application when user click refresh or back or close window to show pop up 'Changes made you may not save' and if click refresh or close to the pop up run a method.
If click cancel i want nothing happens!
My point of view is this function to add an event Listener in mounted method and if user click some of this to run a method only if user Refresh or close tab or close window or back button!
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.reset)
I want to know how can i realize that user click refresh or close in the pop up to run a method

How to add a onclick pop up form on a page?

When someone clicks on a button then a pop up form will appear.
I am trying to do but don't know how to fix it.
You can open new popup window form by javascript as you have to
call following with onclick event of your button, 'new tab', 'width=700,height=500');
You can also close this popup window after success of form submission by following
In url you have to add your url.
If this is not work please share more information. thank you

cocoa login window navigation using button click

I am doing code in cocoa with objective c. I have made login window with username and password. I want to show another window using button click on login form. So user first input username and password and then click on submit button it will close this window and open new window with passing this username and password to that new window.
Kindly suggest how to do code ?

How to click on "Stay on this page" button on confirm Navigation pop-up when i moved one form to other form without save entered value in selenium

In my application,when i enter some values in available fields and without click on save button if clicked on other available form tab than comes a confirm Navigation pop-up which have buttons "Stay on this page" or "Leave this page".
I have to click on "Stay on this page" button and than click on submit button.
I tried with Alert class alert.dismiss(); which closed pop-up but i want to click on "stay on this page" button.
Can anyone please help me to do this thing in selenium .
When I move from one page to other without clicking on save button i got this confirm Navigation pop-up:
I Hope this will work, First you need to switch on that alert
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
and then change focus to Stay on this page tab
alert.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.TAB));; //By pressing TAB key in this way
and then click the button
This approach is working at my end

How to hide graph in qlikview

I want to hide a graph in qlikview, display it when I want, but not delete it.
Your help is very appreciated
Thank you
Solution on website is not showing, so have included this response.
To show/hide an item in Qlikview, there needs to be a variable in place that can be altered. To create a variable, open the Settings Menu and then select variable overview. I would suggest a name of vShowGraph, create this and then click ok.
To set the variable on screen this can be done by either an input box or by way of button/trigger set on an item. For ease of user, I would suggest using a button.
To create a button, right click on your qlikview sheet anywhere blank, select "new sheet object" and then button.
To link the button to your variable, open the actions tab on the button, click "Add", choose Action Type of "External" and Action of "Set Variable". Enter the variable name (vShowGraph in this example). In the value box enter this script
Your variable and button are now linked, you can now click it and it will change the variable from the values Show and Hide.
To hide your graph using this variable, right click on the graph and open the Layout tab. There is a box called "Show", change the radio button from Always to Conditional and enter the below formula.
Click ok and your graph will disappear if you haven't clicked the button. click the button and it will show.
If you have made any mistakes, you can still select the graph by opening the sheet properties and opening the Objects tab.