Webalizer database error - webalizer

Webalizer stops to generate statistics.
When I try to check database i see:
# webalizer --db-info
Stone Steps Webalizer v3.10.2.5 (Linux 4.6.4-grsec-zfs+)
Using database /home/www/1/statystyka/webalizer.db
Reading history file... /home/www/1/statystyka/webalizer.hist
Cannot find the last URL (ID: 752154) of an active visit (ID: 3)
Saving history information...
When I do it on other site I see:
# webalizer --db-info
Stone Steps Webalizer v3.10.2.5 (Linux 4.6.4-grsec-zfs+)
Using database /home/www/2/statystyka/webalizer.db
Reading history file... /home/www/2/statystyka/webalizer.hist
Creating output in /home/www/2/statystyka
Database : /home/www/2/statystyka/webalizer.db
Created by :
Last updated by :
First day : 2017/12/01
Log time : 2017/12/27 01:18:15
Active visits : 2
Active downloads: 0
Incremental : yes
Batch : no
Maintenance time is 0.00 seconds
Total run time is 0.00 seconds
Saving history information...
I tried to run webalizer --end-month but it failed.
How to fix that problem?

My fix:
Get webalizer database from backup before damage and rebuild database using log:
/usr/local/sbin/webalizer -c /etc/webalizer/webalizer-1.conf -q -T /var/log/apache/1.access.log


KIBANA - WAZUH pattern index

I have a project to install wazuh as FIM on linux, AIX and windows.
I managed to install Manager and all agents on all systems and I can see all three connected on the Kibana web as agents.
I created test file on the linux agent and I can find it also on web interface, so servers are connected.
Here is test file found in wazuh inventory tab
But, I am not recieving any logs if I modify this test file.
This is my settings in ossec.conf under syscheck on agent server>
<directories report_changes="yes" check_all="yes" realtime="yes">/var/ossec/etc/test</directories>
And now I ma also strugling to understand meanings of index patterns, index templates and fields.
I dont understand what they are and why we need to set it.
My settings on manager server - /usr/share/kibana/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml
alerts.sample.prefix: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
pattern: 'wazuh-alerts-*'
On the kibana web I also have this error when I am trying to check ,,events,, -the are no logs in the events.
Error: The field "timestamp" associated with this object no longer exists in the index pattern. Please use another field.
at FieldParamType.config.write.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:627309)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455052
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at writeParams (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:455018)
at AggConfig.write (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355081)
at AggConfig.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:355960)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:190748
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at agg_configs_AggConfigs.toDsl (http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/data/kibana/data.plugin.js:1:189329)
at http://MYIP:5601/42959/bundles/plugin/wazuh/4.2.5-4206-1/wazuh.chunk.6.js:55:1397640
Thank you.
About FIM:
here you can find the FIM documentation in case you don't have it:
The first requirement for this to work would be to ensure a FIM alert is triggered, could you check the alerts.json file on your manager? It is usually located under /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json In order to test this fully I would run "tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json" and make a change in yout directory , if no alerts is generated, then we will need to check the agent configuration.
About indexing:
Here you can find some documentation:
Regarding your error, The best way to solve this is to delete the index. To do this:
got to Kibana -> Stack management -> index patterns and there delete wazuh-alerts-*.
Then if you enter to Wazuh App the health check will create it again or you can follow this to create your index:
Go to kibana -> stack management -> index pattern and select Create index pattern.
Hope this information helps you.
thank you for your answer.
I managed to step over this issue, but I hit another error.
When I check tail -f /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json I got never ending updating, thousands lines with errors like.
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:40:08.458+0100","rule":{"level":5,"description":"Systemd: Service has entered a failed state, and likely has not started.","id":"40703","firedtimes":7420,"mail":false,"groups":["local","systemd"],"gpg13":["4.3"],"gdpr":["IV_35.7.d"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"X.X.X.X"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629208.66501653","full_log":"Jan 31 12:40:07 MYAGENTSERVERNAME systemd: Unit rbro-cbs-adapter-int.service entered failed state.","predecoder":{"program_name":"systemd","timestamp":"Jan 31 12:40:07","hostname":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME"},"decoder":{"name":"systemd"},"location":"/var/log/messages"}
But, I can also find alert if I change monitored file. (file> wazuhtest)
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:45:59.874+0100","rule":{"level":7,"description":"Integrity checksum changed.","id":"550","mitre":{"id":["T1492"],"tactic":["Impact"],"technique":["Stored Data Manipulation"]},"firedtimes":1,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec","syscheck","syscheck_entry_modified","syscheck_file"],"pci_dss":["11.5"],"gpg13":["4.11"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f"],"hipaa":["164.312.c.1","164.312.c.2"],"nist_800_53":["SI.7"],"tsc":["PI1.4","PI1.5","CC6.1","CC6.8","CC7.2","CC7.3"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629559.67086751","full_log":"File '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest' modified\nMode: realtime\nChanged attributes: size,mtime,inode,md5,sha1,sha256\nSize changed from '61' to '66'\nOld modification time was: '1643618571', now it is '1643629559'\nOld inode was: '786558', now it is '786559'\nOld md5sum was: '2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57'\nNew md5sum is : 'd8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8'\nOld sha1sum was: 'ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3'\nNew sha1sum is : 'bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31'\nOld sha256sum was: '589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320'\nNew sha256sum is : '7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7'\n","syscheck":{"path":"/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest","mode":"realtime","size_before":"61","size_after":"66","perm_after":"rw-r-----","uid_after":"0","gid_after":"0","md5_before":"2dd5fe4d08e7c58dfdba76e55430ba57","md5_after":"d8b218e9ea8e2da8e8ade8498d06cba8","sha1_before":"ca9bac5a2d8e6df4aa9772b8485945a9f004a2e3","sha1_after":"bd8b8b5c20abfe08841aa4f5aaa1e72f54a46d31","sha256_before":"589e6f3d691a563e5111e0362de0ae454aea52b7f63014cafbe07825a1681320","sha256_after":"7f26a582157830b1a725a059743e6d4d9253e5f98c52d33863bc7c00cca827c7","uname_after":"root","gname_after":"root","mtime_before":"2022-01-31T09:42:51","mtime_after":"2022-01-31T12:45:59","inode_before":786558,"inode_after":786559,"diff":"1c1\n< dadadadadad\n---\n> dfsdfdadadadadad\n","changed_attributes":["size","mtime","inode","md5","sha1","sha256"],"event":"modified"},"decoder":{"name":"syscheck_integrity_changed"},"location":"syscheck"}
{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"MYAGENTSERVERNAME","ip":"x.x.xx.x"},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}
Also I can see this alert in messages logs on the manager server>
Jan 31 12:46:10 MYMANAGERSERVERNAME filebeat[186670]: 2022-01-31T12:46:10.379+0100#011WARN#011[elasticsearch]#011elasticsearch/client.go:405#011Cannot index event publisher.Event{Content:beat.Event{Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc07610e0563729bf, ext:10888984451164, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, Meta:{"pipeline":"filebeat-7.14.0-wazuh-alerts-pipeline"}, Fields:{"agent":{"ephemeral_id":"dd9ff0c5-d5a9-4a0e-b1b3-0e9d7e8997ad","hostname":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","id":"03fb57ca-9940-4886-9e6e-a3b3e635cd35","name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME","type":"filebeat","version":"7.14.0"},"ecs":{"version":"1.10.0"},"event":{"dataset":"wazuh.alerts","module":"wazuh"},"fields":{"index_prefix":"wazuh-alerts-4.x-"},"fileset":{"name":"alerts"},"host":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"input":{"type":"log"},"log":{"file":{"path":"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json"},"offset":127261462},"message":"{"timestamp":"2022-01-31T12:46:08.452+0100","rule":{"level":3,"description":"Log file rotated.","id":"591","firedtimes":5,"mail":false,"groups":["ossec"],"pci_dss":["10.5.2","10.5.5"],"gpg13":["10.1"],"gdpr":["II_5.1.f","IV_35.7.d"],"hipaa":["164.312.b"],"nist_800_53":["AU.9"],"tsc":["CC6.1","CC7.2","CC7.3","PI1.4","PI1.5","CC7.1","CC8.1"]},"agent":{"id":"003","name":"xlcppt36","ip":""},"manager":{"name":"MYMANAGERSERVERNAME"},"id":"1643629568.67099280","full_log":"ossec: File rotated (inode changed): '/var/ossec/etc/wazuhtest'.","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"location":"wazuh-logcollector"}","service":{"type":"wazuh"}}, Private:file.State{Id:"native::706-64776", PrevId:"", Finished:false, Fileinfo:(*os.fileStat)(0xc00095ea90), Source:"/var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json", Offset:127262058, Timestamp:time.Time{wall:0xc076063e1f1b1286, ext:133605185, loc:(*time.Location)(0x55958e3622a0)}, TTL:-1, Type:"log", Meta:map[string]string(nil), FileStateOS:file.StateOS{Inode:0x2c2, Device:0xfd08}, IdentifierName:"native"}, TimeSeries:false}, Flags:0x1, Cache:publisher.EventCache{m:common.MapStr(nil)}} (status=400): {"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"data_stream [<wazuh-alerts-4.x-{2022.01.31||/d{yyyy.MM.dd|UTC}}>] must not contain the following characters [ , ", *, \, <, |, ,, >, /, ?]"}
Here is output form apps check.
curl "http://localhost:9200"
"version" : {
"number" : "7.14.2",
"build_flavor" : "default",
"build_type" : "rpm",
"build_hash" : "6bc13727ce758c0e943c3c21653b3da82f627f75",
"build_date" : "2021-09-15T10:18:09.722761972Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "8.9.0",
"minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
"minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
filebeat test output
parse url... OK
parse host... OK
dns lookup... OK
dial up... OK
TLS... WARN secure connection disabled
talk to server... OK
version: 7.14.2
So .. I can see alerts coming from Agent, but Its not reaching Kibana yet. On the kibana web I can see agent active and connected.

Is there a way to get a nice error report summary when running many jobs on DRMAA cluster?

I need to run a snakemake pipeline on a DRMAA cluster with a total number of >2000 jobs. When some of the jobs have failed, I would like to receive in the end an easy readable summary report, where only the failed jobs are listed instead of the whole job summary as given in the log.
Is there a way to achieve this without parsing the log file by myself?
These are the (incomplete) cluster options:
jobs: 200
latency-wait: 5
keep-going: True
rerun-incomplete: True
restart-times: 2
I am not sure if there is another way than parsing the log file yourself, but I've done it several times with grep and I am happy with the results:
cat .snakemake/log/[TIME].snakemake.log | grep -B 3 -A 3 error
Of course you should change the TIME placeholder for whichever run you want to check.

How to restore Virtualbox ? lost last two months of work

Hello im desesperate and need help because i have lost about two months of work in my Windows 10 guest system.
Everything worked smoothly till i need to have more free space ( although i have a dynamic hd). So i have follow some tutorials and made some changes:
1 - I have the original almost full disk in: /Maquinas VirtualBox/Clientes Windows/Windows 10/Windows10-disk1.vmdk
2 - I made a copy in an external usb device.
3 - Convert to vdi: VBoxManage clonehd /media/eduardo/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Windows10-disk1.vmdk /media/eduardo/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Windows10-disk.vdi --format vdi
4 - Tried to resize the disk ( from 80gb to 100gb): VBoxManage modifyhd /media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk1.vmdk --resize 100000 and VBoxManage modifymedium disk /media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk1.vmdk --resize 100000 ( think this could be an error as i had to chage size to vdi file).
5 - Then i had to change the uuid ( because an error of uuid in use arised):VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "/media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk1.vmdk"
6 - Then comeback to: VBoxManage clonehd "/media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk1.vmdk" " " --format vdi
and resize VBoxManage modifymedium disk "/media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk.vdi" --resize 120000
I tried to change my virutal machine with the new vdi file to test if everything was fine ( change my /Maquinas VirtualBox/Clientes Windows/Windows 10/Windows10-disk1.vmdk disk connection to the new/media/eduardo/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/Windows10-disk.vdi) . But i detected somewhat that the system has turned back two months ago !!!!
I was not worried and decided to go back to my "untouch" vmdk, but the most strange thing is that the original "untouch" file: /Maquinas VirtualBox/Clientes Windows/Windows 10/Windows10-disk1.vmdk also boots with things and files and state about two months ago. So im quite nervous.
Selección_058.png (65.19 KiB) Viewed 9 times
As watching files the 6c***** has to be the "good status" as was modified yesterday at night. Here is my file manager:
Selección_059.png (54.06 KiB) Viewed 9 times
Here is my VM ( made an snapshot about two months ago i dont remember when exactly)
My log:
Hope anybody can help...
i think that the key is to return somewhat to 6c**** state of my vmdk file, i dont understand how this vmdk got changed as it was not touched
Thanks in advance
The problem was solved. It was nothing to do with resizing disks. I select the { 6cc3c***-*****} hard disk ( although it was "only" 47 gb), for surprise for me it load its "snapshot" part of 47 gb with the whole disk windows10-disk1.vmdk....
Sorry for my bad english, but its difficult to explain, in the settings of the virtual machine in storage section, select as main disk the 6cc***** and start/boot the VM
Once was loaded and working fine, i deleted the snapshot ( to bring all together to the present state) and then made another snapshot for backup.

How to get information on latest successful pod deployment in OpenShift 3.6

I am currently working on making a CICD script to deploy a complex environment into another environment. We have multiple technology involved and I currently want to optimize this script because it's taking too much time to fetch information on each environment.
In the OpenShift 3.6 section, I need to get the last successful deployment for each application for a specific project. I try to find a quick way to do so, but right now I only found this solution :
oc rollout history dc -n <Project_name>
This will give me the following output
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name>"
1 Complete config change
2 Complete config change
3 Failed manual change
4 Running config change
deploymentconfigs "<Application_name2>"
18 Complete config change
19 Complete config change
20 Complete manual change
21 Failed config change
I then take this output and parse each line to know which is the latest revision that have the status "Complete".
In the above example, I would get this list :
<Application_name> : 2
<Application_name2> : 20
Then for each application and each revision I do :
oc rollout history dc/<Application_name> -n <Project_name> --revision=<Latest_Revision>
In the above example the Latest_Revision for Application_name is 2 which is the latest complete revision not building and not failed.
This will give me the output with the information I need which is the version of the ear and the version of the configuration that was used in the creation of the image use for this successful deployment.
But since I have multiple application, this process can take up to 2 minutes per environment.
Would anybody have a better way of fetching the information I required?
Unless I am mistaken, it looks like there are no "one liner" with the possibility to get the information on the currently running and accessible application.
Assuming that the currently active deployment is the latest successful one, you may try the following:
oc get dc -a --no-headers | awk '{print "oc rollout history dc "$1" --revision="$2}' | . /dev/stdin
It gets a list of deployments, feeds it to awk to extract the name $1 and revision $2, then compiles your command to extract the details, finally sends it to standard input to execute. It may be frowned upon for not using xargs or the like, but I found it easier for debugging (just drop the last part and see the commands printed out).
On second thoughts, you might actually like this one better:
oc get dc -a -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env}{"\n\t"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}{"\n-------\n"}{end}'
The example output:
[map[name:SQL_QUERIES_DIR value:daily-checks/]]
You get the idea, with expressions like .spec.template.spec.containers[0].env you can reach for specific variables, labels, etc. Unfortunately the jsonpath output is not available with oc rollout history.
You could also use post-deployment hooks to collect the data, if you can set up a listener for the hooks. Hopefully the information you need is inherited by the PODs. More info here: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.10/dev_guide/deployments/deployment_strategies.html#lifecycle-hooks

Generating TPC-DS database for sql server

How do I populate the Transaction Processing Performance Council's TPC-DS database for SQL Server? I have downloaded the TPC-DS tool but there are few tutorials about how to use it.
In case you are using windows, you gotta have visual studio 2005 or later. Unzip dsgen in the folder tools there is dsgen2.sln file, open it using visual studio and build the project, will generate tables for you, I've tried that and I loaded tables manually into sql server
I've just succeeded in generating these queries.
There are some tips may not the best but useful.
cp ${...}/query_templates/* ${...}/tools/
add define _END = ""; to each query.tpl
${...}/tools/dsqgen -INPUT templates.lst -OUTPUT_DIR /home/query99/
Let's describe the base steps:
Before go to the next steps double-check that the required TPC-DS Kit has not been already prepared for your DB
Download TPC-DS Tools
Build Tools as described in 'v2.11.0rc2\tools\How_To_Guide-DS-V2.0.0.docx' (I used VS2015)
Create DB
Take the DB schema described in tpcds.sql and tpcds_ri.sql (they located in 'v2.11.0rc2\tools\'-folder), suit it to your DB if required.
Generate data that be stored to database
# Windows
dsdgen.exe /scale 1 /dir .\tmp /suffix _001.dat
# Linux
dsdgen -scale 1 -dir /tmp -suffix _001.dat
Upload data to DB
# example for ClickHouse
for file_fullpath in /tmp/tpc-ds/*.dat; do
filename=$(echo ${file_fullpath##*/})
tablename=$(echo ${filename%_*})
echo " - $(date +"%T"): start processing $file_fullpath (table: $tablename)"
query="INSERT INTO $database_name.$tablename FORMAT CSV"
cat $file_fullpath | clickhouse-client --format_csv_delimiter="|" --query="$query" --password $ch_password
Generate queries
# Windows
set tmpl_lst_path="..\query_templates\templates.lst"
set tmpl_dir="..\query_templates"
set dialect_path="..\..\clickhouse-dialect"
set result_dir="..\queries"
set tmpl_name="query1.tpl"
dsqgen /input %tmpl_lst_path% /directory %tmpl_dir% /dialect %dialect_path% /output_dir %result_dir% /scale 1 /verbose y /template %tmpl_name%
# Linux
# see for example https://github.com/pingcap/tidb-bench/blob/master/tpcds/genquery.sh
To fix the error 'Substitution .. is used before being initialized' follow this fix.