Vue.js app deployment - npm

I have Vue app, created with vue-cli. This is semi-developed application. I want show to customer what we have now. So, I want to deploy what we have.
If I run script npm run build can I continue project development after building? What best practices for deploying not finished app?
P. S. I'm new in vue. I know, that my question can be stupid. Anyway, do not place minuses, please.

You need to buy a vps hosting and install node.js. That's all, you can deploy your app. Also you can make a simple back-end on node+express and put there your 'dist' folder after npm run build and this will be your demo app.

Yes. npm run build will build and package your app into the dist folder. Everything under your src folder will remain as it is. You can continue working on your app normally and build it as often as you want. There aren't really best practices for this. I would just make sure it doesn't touch production data until it's actually ready.


Error build shows NextJS instead of NuxtJS

I've create a project using
yarn create nuxt-app <project-name>
Then chose to add tailwind to the app. When i run the app i get this though...
I've i run the app on my laptop it works, but if i run it on the desktop it does not work. The gitignore are the same. I'm not sure what is wrong? I've placed a copy of my project here if someone could help me please.
I'd expect to see the nuxtjs logo...
It's just the default boiler plate stuff for a vue, nuxt with tailwind project.
I am very sure you just started the wrong project. Did you run the start command from the wrong folder maybe? The files you provided are the nuxt ones, there is nothing with next in them. Please double check you did the "npm run dev" or the yarn command or whatever you're using from the correct project folder.

What's the proper way to publish an electron app into Nexus

I have an electron app that needs to run on multiple architectures.
I use electron-packager to make a distribution folder.
I originally tried to npm publish this folder to a nexus repo.
npm publish strips the node_modules out of the built app which would make it break. As far as I can tell, there is no way to stop it from doing so.
Does anyone know the path I should be taking?
I am new to electron AND nexus so take my analysis with a grain of salt

Vue js Cli app running in another computer

I would like to share my Vue js application project which is in my repository with a friend. So I used vue-cli, npm/yarn and webpack to develope.
I would like to know if he needs to install also cli to run the app on his computer, or just npm install and npm run? thanks
No, the vue-cli is not strictly necessary. However, if you're used to using vue build to build & run your app, your friend might want that too. He/she could just use some other way to run the webpack build operation if installing vue-cli isn't an option.

React Native Dev Setup in Team

I am currently working in a team developing a react native IOS application, we are all doing this for the first time. I am unable to find any information on development setup with many people working on the same code and we are running into many issues requiring each member to have their own project, and one person with the master project is having to copy and paste code over, any pointers much appreciated!!
Initial project build is successful, the problem occurs when someone else clones the repository and attempts a build. Too many errors to go over and different with each machine. Is there some setup in X-Code or something I am missing with regards to working in a team environment with react native?
Because React native use many libraries like module to help build app fastly and reuse.So, I suggest this workflow to build mobile application with RN.
- Use GIT as system version control
- Use IDE (Android Studio, Xcode) to help auto build and fix a lot build error when your team install new libraries and use `react-native link` (ex: react-native-router-flux,...)
- Just push js file to repository and other member can pull it and reload js file.
- Do it and take a look some repository on github with tutorials
Using Yarn rather than Node package manager resolved a majority of the issues.

Automating npm and webpack with Phonegap build

I'm building a PhoneGap app with PhoneGap build. I'd like to sync the app with my Git repository at BitBucket. The problem is that I ignore the files that are in my node_modules folder and the dist files that are generated by WebPack. So I want to automatically run an npm install and webpack before PhoneGap builds the app.
I have looked into hooks, and they seem like exactly what I need. However, I can't seem to get them to work. For example, I made a folder hooks/before_build and placed a test script in there that just echos back the word "test". But I don't see the output of that anywhere in the build log. I also added it specifically to my config.xml without any output.
It seems unusual that I haven't been able to find anywhere that explains this, but I can't seem to find anywhere.
Could anyone share how they have their build system set up, or provide relevant links?