Auth0 database and social connections, unique email addresses - auth0

Maybe I am missing something here, or this is a flaw in Auth0? I'll give an example of my issue:
Let's say I have my Default App (client), hooked up to that I have Username-Password-Authentication (database connection) and google-oauth2 (social connection).
A user comes to my site, signs up via google-oauth2 (social connection) using Once complete, he gets added to my users in Auth0, all great.
A few months later, Joe comes back to my site, and being a busy guy, he forgets he signed up to my site before. This time, he decides to sign up using my custom Email and Password form, that will add the user to the Username-Password-Authentication (database connection). so he signs up there using again, and everything goes well, he is now listed in my user's section in my Auth0 dashboard.
This is the problem, I now have two accounts, one with google-outh2 and one with Username-Password-Authentication. I really can't have this, I need a unique email address, regardless of the ID Auth0 supplies.
Does anyone know how I can make email address in my user section 100% unique? I'd think a rule would do this, but it appears rules only apply AFTER a user has been registered, so I can't run a rule before adding?
the only way I can see doing this right now is make my own checks and delete via the management API, but that is a really long and messy way to do it I feel.
Any help will be appreciated here!

Auth0's default behavior is to create a new account in the database for every unique entry. Since the user created using Google has a unique id (based on google-oauth2), and the user created using the sign-up form has a unique id - they will technically be considered two separate accounts. In order to resolve this disparity, you can establish a means with which the account data can be merged. In the documentation linked provided above, there are examples of three possible ways of doing this:
Automatic Linking - which involves creating a specific rule to merge users based on matching emails
User-Initiated Linking - which involves providing a UI for users to opt into merging users with matching emails
Suggested Account Linking - which involves setting up a rule that is linked into the UI
One important thing to consider is that the data returned from different social identity providers may not be normalized the way that data is normalized onto the Username-Password-Database. For example, while auth0's default for emails is to lowercase the information, google-oauth2 may return emails as Uppercased - creating the potential for non-matching emails when checks are made using strict equality

The option you are looking for is called account linking.
You can find more info at


Using an IP address to identify users

Let's say I have a table of food items to bring to a lunch on a very simple web page. I don't want there to be login, but I would like there to be some smartness to my app.
Let's say a user puts in a food item. Other than a login, couldn't I use the IP address to do things like: only the user that created the record at same IP address can edit this record. Something like that.
I was thinking one more step toward a login, have a single text box where a user can put initials.
This way first person to suggest bring an item can be happy to know their todo for the lunch is done and can't be "overwritten"
That's it!
Pros and cons, welcomed!
This is more of a helper app than a formal thing, like to help around the office of local users.
Authentication and Authorization are separate functions, and I'm drawing the distinction here for a reason.
Authentication is the process of positively identifying a user, so you know who they are.
Authorization is the process of allowing or preventing that user from accessing parts of the application.
IP addresses can be used to partially identify users, but as #Dai pointed out in his comment, it has problems. Even using a Mac address is problematic since some people know how to spoof Mac addresses. If you can use someone else's authentication service, you can authorize them yourself.
Once you have positively identified a user, you can track them using a randomly generated ID that is good for a session. It is possible to use a cookie to track that ID. If that ID is associated with a Role you can authorize based on that role.

What is a good practice when setting up a users table? Looking at some newbie tutorials, but not sure how to "really" do it right

I'm tinkering around with building a rest API that connects to a database. I'm following tutorials, but the table set ups are all really basic and one of my issues has been that in the "real world" the way its done is a lot more complex and different :(
However, I'm wondering for my actual application (really small) how can I properly set up the User table?
For example, I have set the primary key to userid because that should never be changing. Is it fine to use long for the userid?
Also, is it fine to lump a bunch of things together that are related to the user.. in the User table? I know its a stupid question.. For example, I want to know if the user has signed up for the service, so isMember. Or, is the user signed up for fast service, so hasFastService. Or, should these things be put into a UserAttributes table by the userid?
Finally, I looked up UUIDs and I'm wondering where those fit in, in which scenarios, etc.
I'll try to answer this based on my own experience of creating users table in a project recently. The things you have to take care are basically these:
Authentication: Determine your login process and things like credential fields, user types (admin/guest/normal), whether OAuth is required or not, etc. before creating the users table. For example, whether you need a username/password to authenticate or email/password or either "username or email" with a password. The modern practice is to do away with a "username" since its redundant - an email is unique and acts as a username for all intents.
OAuth: If you are giving facebook/google/twitter logins, make provisions for that in your users table. How will you determine whether the user was a normal signup or a social login signup? A field such as "login_method" or something is useful in this regard. A second field called "user_type" maybe created for identifying the type of user account: admin/guest/employee/etc.
Profile fields: Its upto you to determine profile variables. In my last project, I used a few fields like FirstName, LastName, Theme, Timezone, etc. for the profile, but your mileage may vary.
For user-ids, it is usually best to have an auto generated integer primary key which is available in all modern databases.
Needless to say, never store the actual password in the password field. Just has your password and store the has instead. When the user logs in, you can hash the user-input and compare with the user table value.
Finally, DON'T confuse the user table by including related data like clients, employees, etc. All clients are users, but all users are not clients! Keep your design flexible, so as to include all kinds of users like admins, employees, etc.

How to implement a one time authentication mechanism?

I'm trying to create a website to authenticate users through the use of a throwaway password where the assumption is that the user might not use the website again (basically a one time access).
I have done my research on OTP and various solutions to authentication but these don't seem to fit my requirements, most of them seem to rely on users having login credentials to the website whereas my system would allow them access without the need for registering.
The implementation of passwordless authentication by Auth0 seems to fit what you're describing. Even if you were not considering a third-party provider it may be useful to go through the documentation.
Basically, a user can login to a site without any need for a sign-up process. They can do so just by requesting that a one time code is delivered to them, for example, either by email or SMS.
This way, they can get quick access without having to setup a user and in the event that they do come back your application can recognize this because they will most likely be using the same mechanism, that is, you can use the email or mobile phone as the unique identifier.
Disclosure: I'm an Auth0 engineer.
If you do not require your users to register, why do you need authentication at all?
Why not just set a cookie with an unique identifier on the first visit? You can store data at the server side associated with that identifier. Keep track of when you last saw the user, and if they do not return within a certain period, you can delete any data you stored for that user.

Users management strategies with LightOpenID

I've discovered recently LightOpenID wich i'm going to use as a login system for all my next websites.
As i'm fetching some infos when users register/login with LighOpenID, I'd like to know if it's technically ok to use user's email as unique id in my USERS table or if it's a bad idea ?
Thanks guys ,
Thinks to consider:
It isn't mandatory to have an e-mail account linked to your OpenID account.
If there is an e-mail address, you are not guaranteed to get it back from the server, even if you ask.
Even if you get the address, you'd still need to validate it (e.g., by sending an e-mail message with a random token).
Users will probably own more than one OpenID identifiers (you are in such situation as soon as you open accounts at some major services like Google or Yahoo). Some of them will share the same e-mail address, some will not, and some will not even have an e-mail address set.
When the user changes his e-mail address behind the scenes, he'll lose his account at your site.
Using the e-mail as key does not really offer any advantage I can think of.
My advice is that, if you want to use OpenID, you should do it right. Read the OpenID URL from $openid->identity() after successful validation and use that to identify the user.
Keep in mind that URLs can be long; don't try to stuff it into a VARCHAR(100) column.
You might want to implement linked identities as Stack Overflow does.
It depends on your service. Normally, every email-adress is only assigned to one person. If multiple accounts per user are not wanted, it's ok.
Some families have a family-email-adress. But I guess they would also use the same account.
Why don't you take the OpenID as the unique ID? OpenIDs are unique and you get the OpenID before you get the Email-Adress, if you use only OpenID for logging in.

How does stackoverflow maintain a database of Open-id signed-in users?

I will like to know how does Stackoverflow maintain the additional details of users logging in using open-ids? In my knowledge, the details of these users are stored in the server of google,facebook etc. (The ones whose open id is being used). How then this site is also storing info about user's points, badges, privileges etc.?
Open id Selector, the one being used by Stackoverflow, is a client side javascript library so how is this possible?
Is a separate database created? If yes, how? There is no registration even!
Please provide the details of how this is being done.
When you login, the server checks if you already have an account. If there is no entry (it is the very first login), the server will automatically create a new user and save the openid identifier.
So the next time you login, the row is already there, and Stack Overflow will recognize you. By the way, you can learn the id of your database entry by looking at your profile url.
The JavaScript openid-selector is not involved in any of this. It just is a convenience feature which allows easy selection of an openid provider. All its magic is done before the openid magic takes place.