Python: checking which bins two time points belong to - pandas

I have a list of lists with two values that represent a start time-point and an end time-point. I would like to count how much of the time range between the two points fall into bins.
The bins are between 0-300,300-500 and 500-1200.
I would also like to bin them between 0-50, 50-100, 100-150 and so on.
The question is similar to Python: Checking to which bin a value belongs, but different since it involves a two-points time-range which can fall into separate bins at the same time.
I have created the a for loop in the code below, which works. But I'm wondering if there is a faster more pythonic way to calculate this, perhaps using pandas or numpy.
import numpy
x = numpy.array([[100, 150],[100, 125],[290, 310],[277, 330],
[300, 400],[480, 510],[500, 600]])
d = {'0-300': [0], '300-500': [0], '500-1200':[0]}
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
for i in x:
start,end = i[0],i[1]
if start <= 300 and end <= 300: # checks if time ranges falls into only 1st bin
df['0-300'][0] += end - start
elif start <= 300 and end > 300: # checks if time ranges falls into 1st and 2ed bin
df['0-300'][0] += (300 - start)
df['300-500'][0] += (end - 300)
elif start >= 300 and end >= 300 and end <= 500: # checks if time ranges falls into only 2ed bin
df['300-500'][0] += end - start
elif start <= 500 and end > 500: # checks if time ranges falls into 2ed and 3ed bin
df['300-500'][0] += (500 - start)
df['500-1200'][0] += (end - 500)
elif start > 500: # checks if time ranges falls into only 3ed bin
df['500-1200'][0] += end - start
0-300 300-500 500-1200
108 160 110
thanks for reading

For a generic number of bins, here's a vectorized way leveraging to get the counts and then np.add.reduceat for getting binned summations -
bins = [0, 300, 500, 1200] # Declare bins
id_arr = np.zeros(bins[-1], dtype=int), x[:,0], 1), x[:,1], -1)
c = id_arr.cumsum()
out = np.add.reduceat(c, bins[:-1])
# Present in a dataframe format
col_names = [str(i)+'-' + str(j) for i,j in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])]
df_out = pd.DataFrame([out], columns=col_names)
Sample output -
In [524]: df_out
0-300 300-500 500-1200
0 108 160 110

Here is one way of doing it
In [1]: counts = np.zeros(1200, dtype=int)
In [2]: for x_lower, x_upper in x: counts[x_lower:x_upper] += 1
In [3]: d['0-300'] = counts[0:300].sum()
In [4]: d['300-500'] = counts[300:500].sum()
In [5]: d['500-1200'] = counts[500:1200].sum()
In [6]: d
Out[6]: {'0-300': 108, '300-500': 160, '500-1200': 110}
However, in order to sum up the results for all bins, it will be better to wrap those 3 steps into a for loop.


Numpy: fuzzy 'greater_than' operator, working on list of values (requesting advices on existing code)

I have implemented a numpy function that:
takes as inputs:
a n (rows) x m (columns) array of floats.
a threshold (float)
for each row:
if the max value of the row is larger than or equal to threshold,
if this max value is not preceded in the same row by a min value lower than or equal to -threshold,
then this row is flagged True (larger than),
else this row is flagged False (not larger than)
returns then this n (rows) x 1 (column) array of booleans
What I have implemented works (at least on provided example), but I am far from being an expert in numpy, and I wonder if there is no more efficient way of handling this (possibly avoid the miscellaneous transpose & tile for instance?)
I would gladly accept any advice on how making this function more efficient and/or readable.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Test data
threshold=0.02 #2%
df = pd.DataFrame({'variation_1': [0.01, 0.02, 0.005, -0.02, -0.01, -0.01],
'variation_2': [-0.01, 0.08, 0.08, 0.01, -0.02, 0.01],
'variation_3': [0.005, -0.03, -0.03, 0.002, 0.025, -0.03],
data = df.values
Checking expected results:
In [75]: df
variation_1 variation_2 variation_3 # Expecting
0 0.010 -0.01 0.005 # False (no value larger than threshold)
1 0.020 0.08 -0.030 # True (1st value equal to threshold)
2 0.005 0.08 -0.030 # True (2nd value larger than threshold)
3 -0.020 0.01 0.002 # False (no value larger than threshold)
4 -0.010 -0.02 0.025 # False (2nd value lower than -threshold)
5 -0.010 0.01 -0.030 # False (no value larger than threshold)
Current function.
def greater_than(data: np.ndarray, threshold: float) -> np.ndarray:
# Step 1.
# Filtering out from 'low_max' mask the rows which 'max' is not greater than or equal
# to 'threshold'. 'low_max' is reshaped like input array for use in next step.
data_max = np.amax(data, axis=1)
low_max = np.transpose([data_max >= threshold] * data.shape[1])
# Step 2.
# Filtering values preceding max of each row
max_idx = np.argmax(data, axis=1) # Get idx of max.
max_idx = np.transpose([max_idx] * data.shape[1]) # Reshape like input array.
# Create an array of index.
idx_array = np.tile(np.arange(data.shape[1]), (data.shape[0],1))
# Keep indices lower than index of max for each row, and filter out rows with
# a max too low vs 'threshold' (from step 1).
mask_max = (idx_array <= max_idx) & (low_max)
# Step 3.
# On a masked array re-using mask from step 2 to filter out unqualifying values,
# filter out rows with a 'min' preceding the 'max' and that are lower than or
# equal to '-threshold'.
data =, mask=~mask_max)
data_min = np.amin(data, axis=1)
mask_min = data_min > -threshold
# Return 'mask_min', filling masked values with 'False'.
return, False)
res = greater_than(data, threshold)
In [78]:res
Out[78]: array([False, True, True, False, False, False])
Thanks in advance for any advice!
lesser = data <= -threshold
greater = data >= threshold
idx_lesser = np.argmax(lesser, axis=1)
idx_greater = np.argmax(greater, axis=1)
has_lesser = np.any(lesser, axis=1)
has_greater = np.any(greater, axis=1)
outptut = has_greater * (has_lesser * (idx_lesser > idx_greater) + np.logical_not(has_lesser))
yields your expected output on your data and should be quite fast. Also, I'm not entirely sure I understand your explanation so if this doesn't work on your actual data let me know.

Pandas accumulate data for linear regression

I try to adjust my data so total_gross per day is accumulated. E.g.
`Created` `total_gross` `total_gross_accumulated`
Day 1 100 100
Day 2 100 200
Day 3 100 300
Day 4 100 400
Any idea, how I have to change my code to have total_gross_accumulated available?
Here is my data.
my code:
from sklearn import linear_model
def load_event_data():
df = pd.read_csv('sample-data.csv', usecols=['created', 'total_gross'])
df['created'] = pd.to_datetime(df.created)
return df.set_index('created').resample('D').sum().fillna(0)
event_data = load_event_data()
X = event_data.index
y = event_data.total_gross
plt.plot(X, y)
List comprehension is the most pythonic way to do this.
SHORT answer:
This should give you the new column that you want:
n = event_data.shape[0]
# skip line 0 and start by accumulating from 1 until the end
total_gross_accumulated =[event_data['total_gross'][:i].sum() for i in range(1,n+1)]
# add the new variable in the initial pandas dataframe
event_data['total_gross_accumulated'] = total_gross_accumulated
OR faster
event_data['total_gross_accumulated'] = event_data['total_gross'].cumsum()
LONG answer:
Full code using your data:
import pandas as pd
def load_event_data():
df = pd.read_csv('sample-data.csv', usecols=['created', 'total_gross'])
df['created'] = pd.to_datetime(df.created)
return df.set_index('created').resample('D').sum().fillna(0)
event_data = load_event_data()
n = event_data.shape[0]
# skip line 0 and start by accumulating from 1 until the end
total_gross_accumulated =[event_data['total_gross'][:i].sum() for i in range(1,n+1)]
# add the new variable in the initial pandas dataframe
event_data['total_gross_accumulated'] = total_gross_accumulated
# total_gross total_gross_accumulated
#2019-03-01 3481810 3481810
#2019-03-02 4690 3486500
#2019-03-03 0 3486500
#2019-03-04 0 3486500
#2019-03-05 0 3486500
#2019-03-06 0 3486500
X = event_data.index
y = event_data.total_gross_accumulated
plt.plot(X, y)

Time Difference between Time Period and Instant

I have some time periods (df_A) and some time instants (df_B):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
# Data
df_A = pd.DataFrame({'A1': [dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,8), dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,9), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,19), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,19)],
'A2': [dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,9), dt.datetime(2017,1,5,9,12), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,26), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,20), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,9,21), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,23), dt.datetime(2017,2,7,9,25)]})
df_B = pd.DataFrame({ 'B': [dt.datetime(2017,1,6,14,45), dt.datetime(2017,1,4,3,31), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,3,31), dt.datetime(2017,1,7,14,57), dt.datetime(2017,1,9,14,57)]})
I can match these together:
# Define an Extra Margin
M = dt.timedelta(days = 10)
df_A["A1X"] = df_A["A1"] + M
df_A["A2X"] = df_A["A2"] - M
# Match
Bv = df_B .B .values
A1 = df_A .A1X.values
A2 = df_A .A2X.values
i, j = np.where((Bv[:, None] >= A1) & (Bv[:, None] <= A2))
df_C = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([df_B .values[i], df_A .values[j]]),
columns = df_B .columns .append (df_A.columns))
I would like to find the time difference between each time period and the time instant matched to it. I mean that
if B is between A1 and A2
then dT = 0
I've tried doing it like this:
# Calculate dt
def time(A1,A2,B):
if df_C["B"] < df_C["A1"]:
return df_C["A1"].subtract(df_C["B"])
elif df_C["B"] > df_C["A2"]:
return df_C["B"].subtract(df_C["A2"])
return 0
df_C['dt'] = df_C.apply(time)
I'm getting "ValueError: Cannot set a frame with no defined index and a value that cannot be converted to a Series"
So, I found two fixes:
You are adding M to the lower value and subtracting from the higher one. Change it to:
df_A['A1X'] = df_A['A1'] - M
df_A['A2X'] = df_A['A2'] + M
You are only passing one row of your dataframe at a time to your time function, so it should be something like:
def time(row):
if row['B'] < row['A1']:
return row['A1'] - row['B']
elif row['B'] > row['A2']:
return row['B'] - row['A2']
return 0
And then you can call it like this:
df_C['dt'] = df_C.apply(time, axis=1) :)

Calculating np.mean predict with percent filter

I need to find np.mean of clf.predict only for rows where one of predicted values percent more then 80%
My current code:
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=1), Y)
dropIndexes = []
for i in range(len(X)):
proba = clf.predict_proba ([X.values[i]])
if (proba[0][0] < 80 and proba[0][1] < 80):
#delete all rows where predicted values less then 80
X.drop(dropIndexes, inplace=True)
Y.drop(dropIndexes, inplace=True)
#Returns the average of the array elements
print ("ERR:", np.mean(Y != clf.predict(X)))
Is it possible to make this code more quickly?
Your loop is unnecessary, as predict_proba works on matrices. You can replace it with
prd = clf.predict_proba(X)
dropIndexes = (prd[:, 0] < 0.8) & (prd[:, 1] < 0.8)

matplotlib x-axis ticks dates formatting and locations

I've tried to duplicate plotted graphs originally created with flotr2 for pdf output with matplotlib. I must say that flotr is way easyer to use... but that aside - im currently stuck at trying to format the dates /times on x-axis to desired format, which is hours:minutes with interval of every 2 hours, if period on x-axis is less than one day and year-month-day format if period is longer than 1 day with interval of one day.
I've read through numerous examples and tried to copy them, but outcome remains the same which is hours:minutes:seconds with 1 to 3 hour interval based on how long is the period.
My code:
colorMap = {
'speed': '#3388ff',
'fuel': '#ffaa33',
'din1': '#3bb200',
'din2': '#ff3333',
'satellites': '#bfbfff'
otherColors = ['#00A8F0','#C0D800','#CB4B4B','#4DA74D','#9440ED','#800080','#737CA1','#E4317F','#7D0541','#4EE2EC','#6698FF','#437C17','#7FE817','#FBB117']
plotMap = {}
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 5), dpi = 300, edgecolor='k')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
realdata = data['data']
keys = realdata.keys()
if 'speed' in keys:
speed_index = keys.index('speed')
keys.insert(0, 'speed')
i = 0
for key in keys:
if key not in colorMap.keys():
color = otherColors[i]
colorMap[key] = color
i += 1
label = u'%s' % realdata[keys[0]]['name']
plotMap[keys[0]] = {}
plotMap[keys[0]]['label'] = label
first_dates = [ r[0] for r in realdata[keys[0]]['data']]
date_range = first_dates[-1] - first_dates[0]
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday = 1, interval=1))
ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(24), interval=2))
plotMap[keys[0]]['plot'] = ax1.plot_date(
[r[1] for r in realdata[keys[0]]['data']], colorMap[keys[0]], xdate=True)
if len(keys) > 1:
first = True
for key in keys[1:]:
if first:
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel(u'%s' % realdata[key]['name'])
first = False
plotMap[key] = {}
plotMap[key]['label'] = u'%s' % realdata[key]['name']
plotMap[key]['plot'] = ax2.plot_date(
dates.date2num([ r[0] for r in realdata[key]['data']]),
[r[1] for r in realdata[key]['data']], colorMap[key], xdate=True)
plt.legend([value['plot'] for key, value in plotMap.iteritems()], [value['label'] for key, value in plotMap.iteritems()], loc = 2)
plt.savefig(path +"node.png", dpi = 300, bbox_inches='tight')
could someone point out why im not getting desired results, please?
I moved the formatting block after the plotting and seem to be getting better results now. They are still now desired results though. If period is less than day then i get ticks after every 2 hours (interval=2), but i wish i could get those ticks at even hours not uneven hours. Is that possible?
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))
xax.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(24), interval=2))
This seemed to give me what i wanted:
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))
You are making this way harder on your self than you need to. matplotlib can directly plot against datetime objects. I suspect your problem is you are setting up the locators, then plotting, and the plotting is replacing your locators/formatters with the default auto versions. Try moving that block of logic about the locators to below the plotting loop.
I think that this could replace a fair chunk of your code:
d = datetime.timedelta(minutes=2)
now =
times = [now + d * j for j in range(500)]
ax = plt.gca() # get the current axes
ax.plot(times, range(500))
xax = ax.get_xaxis() # get the x-axis
adf = xax.get_major_formatter() # the the auto-formatter
adf.scaled[1./24] = '%H:%M' # set the < 1d scale to H:M
adf.scaled[1.0] = '%Y-%m-%d' # set the > 1d < 1m scale to Y-m-d
adf.scaled[30.] = '%Y-%m' # set the > 1m < 1Y scale to Y-m
adf.scaled[365.] = '%Y' # set the > 1y scale to Y
doc for AutoDateFormatter
I achieved what i wanted by doing this:
if date_range > datetime.timedelta(days = 1):
xax.set_major_locator(dates.DayLocator(bymonthday=range(1,32), interval=1))